They are eating themselves.
Read the replies for more fun.
They are eating themselves.
Read the replies for more fun.
Nice, more division.
Holy Fuck! That lineup of jews as "white feminist women!" Amy fucking Joomer! Lol
Just read through the replies. No one is taking the left seriously anymore. But we're still in the middle, or just the start, of a radical shift.
It can't be a cohencidence that every woman she mentions as a "White woman" is a jew.
White women have served their purpose to the left and are getting dumped
Buzzfeed did this exact thing awhile ago. Called it intersectional feminism. What a joke.
That site is questionable. Some entries are strange with things like:
And some articles are just nonsense like pic related about Pinky and the Brain, who still get a "jew score" of 6 for some reason.
The whole site reads like a false flag to make people who are jew wise look like paranoid idiots
Because it is.
Ramz Paul has a phrase for this it's called The church of no redemption.
Like for white normies. The only why for them to appease the shitskins is to give them everything they have and to then literally kill themselves.
You can see how a normal person would go yeah you can just call me racist,nigger.
Fuck off back to half, faggot.
Not only does she look "average" to rural white beauties you see daily, some of whom wear minimal if any makeup, but it is clear she has a pound of makeup and looks worse underneath. She is also approaching expiry date for female humans.
I think you guys are confused. Jew or not jew is a site MADE by jews, for jews.
What amazes me most is that they seem to be requiring a complete uniformity of opinion on all matters, even those outside of the apparent scope of what might traditionally be regarded as (((feminism))). I.e. - not only MUST they have the right ideas about feminism, they must not also have any wrongthink at all about them.
Really its good old fashioned racism; you're opinion is invalid unless you are sufficiently minority enough.
As ever, they eat themselves. We should look for more fracture points within thier sick degenerate subcultures so that we can fragment them into ever smaller pieces whilst we make progress.
Checks out.
After reading their FAQ, it appears you're right. But a small correction, it's not a false flag, as they admit they make up articles as they go and the site owners are in fact jewish themselves.
Then why trust anything they say.
The kikes have ways of discovering who is one of them in person. And as you're on Zig Forums, I'm sure you know that nothing pisses off a kike more than being called a kike.
That's what basically said, and what I confirmed.
When I am a feminist I don't do anything extreme, I just hash out all the usual talking points. White women should lead the way in helping curb racism in the feminist community. White men should be respectful of all types of women, etc.
They forget these harsh dogmas when organizing, and they already existed since the 70s, they just aren't talked about when they get donations from people that aren't extremists.
No, I meant that it's an entertainment site that is openly made by a jew. The site never pretends to be anti-jew. It's not a false flag site, it's a joke. Pic related is from the FAQ
WTF does that have to do with qeen jew being a kike or the OP?
Push this hard!
Is "kike" worse than "jew" for them?
Kike translates to Circle
Kikel I think is their world for circle
When we lowered the IQ requirements for entry into the US, the dipshit jews came over in hordes and could not read or write so they just put their names as a circle on the documents for citizenship. Hence "kikel" or kike for short.
They hat jew more than anything as it sums up who they are. Swindler parasites. Huckster degenerate baby fuckers.
Close, US authorities required the illiterate to put an "X" over the papers, but to them it looked too much like The Holy Cross so they wrote Circle instead.
the comment section is fucking cancer. Dog-whistling, ball rubbing, "I'm a bigger victim than you because _", … JEEBUZZ FUCKING H! Just nuke the planet already
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking faggot
now i want to see the werewolf image
>(((Pinky))) and the Brain
It all makes sense now. Pinky was a jew always asking Brain "what now"?
At last I truly see.
I'm so glad Mel Gibson turned out the way he did. He was one of my favorites growing up. Probably my favorite actor. And he turned out to have a hidden hatred for the same people as me.
"Suffragettes where racists!"
Tranny or not?
what kind of mystery meat is this "scottish" lass?
This is going to be a fun few months if this takes off.
This is old news, feminists started giving white women the boot back in the 90s when they insisted that they accept trannies as women.
What kind of accent does she have?
That's hands off worst accent I've ever heard.
That's actually a great idea. Usually the majority of those feminists are white straight women, who are keeping those minorities oppressed. A great start on giving the oppressed greater voice and fight against those white women, making this feminist movement a lot whole and successful
He went and meme'd jew hatred to 100's of millions of Christians. For that, I love the man!
If only the dumb fuck Christians would have listened!
in time…
We need to apply pressure to key fulcrums. I think some woke WOC feminist accounts on twatter would do wonders in redpilling white women.
I think she is from Qatar and she is being called an antisemite now. Kek
this is great let them isolate white women based on whiteness and it will make more sense to them to inevitably divide on racial lines. this doesnt help them at all
(((white))) women
one of the replies to this stood out to me
It's not enough they list the continent before the nation, they won't even capitalize it?
Someone with a twatter sock needs to go on her profile and """let her know""" what the (((whites))) really are. That'd get those kikes even more pissed lul.
It's funny, they used kikes for the videos, and there's a kike in the comment section claiming they're not white, and that they're an oppressed ethnic minority, while being talked down to as benefiting from white privilege and privilege other darker people don't have. I guess the kikes expected to be among the oppressed few, but in reality the "oppressed," as designated by them, reject them, and lump them in with us, their scapegoat. They played white face for too long.
Shit they are figuring out that all along feminism was just a white supremacist plot to get the white women to congregate
I only hope the protocols of the big sisters will not leak out. That would be disastrous for the future of white women worldwide.
Lets hope not
This Jew or not a Jew website is really good for fine tuning one's J-Dar.
This can never be overstated; the one single little strand that ties the left together is their collective hatred of the White race. Beyond that, you have spics killing niggers, TERFs pulling wigs off of trannys, ashkenazi kikes and the other kind jewing one another, and so forth.
Our enemy is not a unified, well-organized machine–that is the facade the kikes have struggled to maintain through media control, and that illusion is destroyed when the golems fight amongst themselves.
Hell yeah, the niggers, kikes, and shitskins are going to redpill the feminists for us.
Hopefully this pushback will diminish white degeneracy among leftists and they'll actually somewhat resemble meaningful members of society.
Very true. Also the other kind is Hasidic
kikel is the hebrew word for 'Circle'
Nice, I can't wait till next time when they say that White women can't call themselves feminists anymore because they appropriated it from niggers like Suzzanah B Antonio
OY VEY the woman you mentioned's grandparents are HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS HOW DARE U
every single jew has a relative who survived Auschwitz
after actually watching this video there is something extremely disconcerting about seeing this sand-nigress speaking with this heavy scottish accent.
It really makes you wonder if any of them actually died at all.
The number one determinant for birth rates is the inverse of (((women's right))) (wymyn freedom/liberation).
If you want to have a bunch of white kids, you have to go to another country for that. This ISN'T negotiable. Anyone here that says "I want to have more than 1 or 2 children" CANNOT also say "In the USA or Europe". Those two are mutually exclusive when it comes to COMMUNITY.
Either you and your bros (strength in numbers) go elsewhere to have children OR you don't get to whine about about having low birth rates. It's no different from the retard a month ago saying "he wants to live in a (((city)))" AND "have a lot of cheap land". Those two things are mutually exclusive in the reality we live on today. I'm only in the US to get money, but I plan to have a dozen children once I go to Latin America.
Haha, I get it. They are literal vermin, that's why they get a jew score.
Exactly what I knew these (bowel) movements would lead to, endless infighting and ideological purity tests.
Constant fracturing as their rule set continues to shift on quicksand, ultimately weaker.
A perfect example of the result of identity politics for all to see.
It makes you toxic waste toward voters, too, normalfags hate this shit.
Unlike the right distancing themselves from evangelicals, which was essentially their SJW, the left is still doubling down and circling the wagons around these nutjobs.
Good riddance.
Alex Jones plus what?
Salt mining
More salt. You get the idea.
Have a newfie pajeet to cleanse your palate.
It was only a matter of time. Remember OWS? First they came for the white men, then the white women, and after that it was all over. There's a reason every single time women get more rights civilisations always start collapsing.
In that case the bird dogs were actively encouraged by the establishment. Witness how crazy trannies are cutting off their cocks only to insert their CoCs into FOSS, driving the sane away in the process. Bill Gates is laughing.
The Left eating its own is nothing new. This doesn't mean White feminists are suddenly any better than nigger feminists or what have you. Please don't make the mistake of thinking women can be on our side.
Oi dese cunts be havin a giggle m8?
niggers all look the same that fat goof looks as bad as the other inbred fattie nog from CorrectTheRecord.
Don't interfere. Let them alienate these people. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
It use to be called Planet of the Apes
((THE NOSE)))!
>works on (((VICE))), (((AP))) and (((AFP)))
Will this "journalism" cancerous pattern ever stop? It's bad enough now that leftcucks and their non-White counterparts are now pinning the blame of kikes and their creations to Whites. Also:
It's a tiny psyop owned by an even bigger psyop (Al Jazeera). They get their opinions from (((MSM))) while pretending to be against them, hence why they have a "Mueller Probe" section on the official Al Jazeera website. Gotta expose those damn dirty Rush-In's and all that, goy.
It's now maintained by HuffPost-tier "free press" cucked faggots who are not even remotely independent workers. I've seen opinions from Al Jazeera myself and it's not even the "anti-Zionist" Marxist type of views most of the time, more like your typical DACA-tier liberal type of views.
RT tends to have more genuine (((Marxist))) opinions, and yet at the same time they will also have liberal, cuckservative, and even neoconservative views. I remember a comment from their website with literally over 36,000+ likes saying "I side with Israel this time. I'm against the US attacking Syria but Iran is becoming more and more hostile.". I'm not fucking around here. It really confused me.
It stands for Al Jazeera, actually.
Linus was a piece of shit as a human being not just online but all those around him and everyone in Finland knew what a cunt he was and that's why he fled here.
True and nearly all of them have the same haircut, if you can even call it one. Disgusting.
This user is right.
Well folks, I think it's about time to answer this question. How far is the left going to spiral downwards into the abyss of decadence and infighting over petty bullshit?
This is the clear example of what leftism really wants, it just wants to jack off to the death of Whites, anything else its useful idiots believe is all just for show. The bigger question here is, where and when did anti-White hatred even start? I don't remember Karl Marx talking about it.
How new are you faggot?
Just how cucked and pozzed this that place despite being majority Muslim? This will never happen in ANY other Arab nation. Arab media is very critical against (((homosexuality))) and (((feminism))), and even (((communism))).
pic related
Good, (((they)))'re dividing themselves for us. Also lesbo faggots are angry at traps because they're not REAL women. So we could have a temporary ally then redpill them.
Day 0, when a hooknose viper got whites kicked out of paradise with (((promises)))
will this redpill white femenists on white genocide? … are there any actual white women femenists? or are they all (((white women femenists)))?
the loud outspoken ones that go to protests are either (((white))) or hispanic and other forms of brown
It's Southern with dyed hair.
this is what should be pushed, feminism took a major blow in the 80's when the second wave was exposed to the first version of Intersectionality. most of the second wave broke apart from the stress (a very interesting documentary, on YouTube called "Radical Feminism 'BBC documentary' goes over some of this history). when white women feel they are under constant attack from all the other groups they get burned out and disillusioned even the lesbian separatists gave up and realized how dumb it all was. when white women aren't aren't the driving force behind feminism, it loses most of its motivation and power. we even see feminism breaking apart today with anti-trans feminism and a return to anti-porn feminism. (check out some of these dank memes )
whyd they have to make the radfem in the 3rd pic kinda hot
You're attracted to boys.
Literally the only things I will ever agree with mudslimes on.