Can we get a more intellectual thread than usual? As I ponder, that paleoconservatism (and even worse its disgusting brother civic nationalism) can never save America, I think it's time for an American system heavily based on national socialism… and I feel that should be called national capitalism.

What would national capitalism be? If national socialism is opposed to international socialism (remove jews, the eternal cosmopolitan, and have the entire nation-state operate in function to the volk), couldn't the same concept be applied to international capitalism… by removing the jew and his influence to the system and have capitalism serve the volk (or citizens to use a word that's common in the US). I've seen the idea used online, usually by ignorant libertarians or edgy "le helicopter rides" neoliberals that don't understand what natsoc stood for. The reason I ask is that Hitler didn't just copy and paste Italian fascism for Germany, he created a system based on those ideals that would be best for Germany.

I feel like at minimum we'd have to apply the 25 points of the NSDAP and apply those ideas to the current USA:

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1. We demand the union of all Germany in a Greater Germany on the basis of the right of national self-determination.
2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealings with other nations, and the revocation of the peace treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain.
3. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population.
4. Only members of the nation may be citizens of the State. Only those of German blood, whatever be their creed, may be members of the nation. Accordingly, no Jew may be a member of the nation.
5. Non-citizens may live in Germany only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens.
6. The right to vote on the State's government and legislation shall be enjoyed by the citizens of the State alone. We demand therefore that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, in the states or in the smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens.
We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of filling posts merely in accordance with party considerations, and without reference to character or abilities.
7. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) must be deported from the Reich.
8. All non-German immigration must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who entered Germany after 2 August 1914 shall be required to leave the Reich forthwith.
9. All citizens shall have equal rights and duties.

10. It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash with the general interest, but must proceed within the framework of the community and be for the general good.
We demand therefore:
11. The abolition of incomes unearned by work.
The breaking of the slavery of interest
12. In view of the enormous sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
13. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts).
14. We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.
15. We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age.
16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municiple orders.
17. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation; the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

18. We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Common criminals, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race.
19. We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law.
20. The State must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education (with the aim of opening up to every able and hard-working German the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement). The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the nation of the State (through the study of civic affairs). We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the State.
21. The State must ensure that the nation's health standards are raised by protecting mothers and infants, by prohibiting child labor, by promoting physical strength through legislation providing for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and by the extensive support of clubs engaged in the physical training of youth.
22. We demand the abolition of the mercenary army and the foundation of a people's army.
23. We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press. To facilitate the creation of a German national press we demand:

(a) that all editors of, and contributors to newspapers appearing in the German language must be members of the nation; 
(b) that no non-German newspapers may appear without the express permission of the State. They must not be printed in the German language; 
(c) that non-Germans shall be prohibited by law from participating financially in or influencing German newspapers, and that the penalty for contravening such a law shall be the suppression of any such newspaper, and the immediate deportation of the non-Germans involved.

The publishing of papers which are not conducive to the national welfare must be forbidden. We demand the legal prosecution of all those tendencies in art and literature which corrupt our national life, and the suppression of cultural events which violate this demand.
24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence not offend the moral feelings of the German race.
The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest.
25. To put the whole of this programme into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central state power for the Reich; the unconditional authority of the political central Parliament over the entire Reich and its organizations; and the formation of Corporations based on estate and occupation for the purpose of carrying out the general legislation passed by the Reich in the various German states.
The leaders of the Party promise to work ruthlessly – if need be to sacrifice their very lives – to translate this programme into action.

* On April 13, 1928, Adolf Hitler clarified section seventeen in the programme in order to stop political mischaracterizations: "Because of the mendacious interpretations on the part of our opponents of Point 17 of the programme of the NSDAP, the following explanation is necessary.: Since the NSDAP is fundamentally based on the principle of private property, it is obvious that the expression "confiscation without compensation" refers merely to the creation of possible legal means of confiscating when necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare. It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land.

Why are you trying to kike up National Socialism.
National Socialism stood against marxist socialism and capitalism, nice try shlomo.

The idea is that Americans are apprehensive of the term socialism, period. Drexler and the Stassers redefined socialism in the way that "fundamentally changed the meaning of the word". The same could be done with capitalism, it isn't "kiked" because the idea is to create capitalism that is completely non-jewish in nature.

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National Socialism already has a working method of organization, its called corporatism. Doesn't need to be changed.

Alright faggots, I'll do it on my own.

Also one more thing user. National capitalism already exists, just hadn't been put to practice.


Nobody here is going to mistake your pedantry for intellect, brainlet.

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Nice trips, I think you skimmed over my post and emotionally jumped to conclusions. The term natcap and national capitalism is irrelevant, my idea is to try to apply natsoc to the US. If you people that shit on everything would've been around during the 1920s Weimar Republic would've been around, you would've shit on natsoc because "HELLO, FASCISM ALREADY EXISTS!".

America can only be saved by a return to natural law, that's how the people that sculpted and fought for this country from it's inception hardened themselves to become what was admirable. As long as there are police in America it cannot be saved. When the citizenry awakens and realizes this country was built on self enforcement rather than deferring the dealing with and judgement of the criminal to sheriff schlomo then the tide shall turn

I know reading anything deeper than charlottes web, but try reading some of the foundational literature for this topic.

Nationalism and Socialism go hand in hand because Nationalism is love for your country and Socialism is at its core about sharing.
If you combine both you have the the principle of sharing with your Volk.

Nationalism and Capitalism are opposing forces. Capitalism comes down to acquiring wealth, meaning greed.
So how can you both serve your Volk and your own materialistic interests without them conflicting?
You cannot serve two masters.

This thread will be almost impossible to follow or have a decent conversation, but bear with me OP, we might get something out of it. What you are feeling, or dreaming on is somewhat 1 year or 1 year and a half old. As time passes, we all evolve, specially around here because of the biweekly good thread that push us intellectually, and give us material to read./Pol book list in themselves are an amazing resource.
You picked up the change in Gestalt. NatSoc wouldn't work long term, that is why deep down the more inclined towards real change keep searching for something else, something new. What we need is pick up the natural, as in Nature, aspects of NatSoc and classical fascism and push it forward and for this we need deep thinkers, philosophers and warriors. We also need to revamp capitalism, because I'd anyone ever read it's manifesto, he would known shit as subverted and we live under the combination of both system it was designed to destroy. Yes, Jewish influence is one of the main culprits.

The best would be doing this with Settler culture, which is purely and mainly American and is on everybody gestalt, it is the mimetic drive even for non Americans. The founding fathers knew their shit.

Removing the Jew is not compatible with the idea of capitalism. It goes against the profit principle. Of course, you can have many elements of capitalism (free trade and property) but ONLY under the overlaying system of national-socialism.

Pretty much this. Capitalism and nationalism are mutually exclusive.

There will be a second civil war in our lifetime and it will be based on race. The result will be a divided country. The type of government that the White area forms… it will be a long process. So don't be putting the cart before the horse. That's larpy bullshit.

I know reading anything deeper than Charlotte's web,…what?!" fucking finish your sentences man.

Socialism at its core is a childish desire to be pampered and cared for, a desire to have all ones needs met, without lifting a finger. This is why socialism always gives rise to totalitarianism, because the same immature people who long for an easy life without work, long for a paternal and maternal government that gives them everything and takes from them all responsibilities.

The Nazis had absolutely no inclinations to cater to these primitive urges. Instead of creating an culture of dependence they fostered a mature culture of discipline, self-reliance and responsibility. They turned boys into men and girls into women and (for the most part) did the exact opposite of what marxist socialists would've done.

Attached: natsoc_not_fascism.jpg (480x489, 71.63K)

Finally, someone who comprehends the thread. National socialism dejewed the economic system of (((Marx))), my idea is to do the same with Capitalism.

If you really think about it, Canada and the US were natcap countries until jews and leftists took over. They had pretty much free enterprise, but cared about race and had restrictive immigration policies. Though, they still had tariffs. I personally wouldn’t mind it, as long as it’s not kiked and race is considered more important that materialism. Wouldn’t Rockwell be considered natcap?

Exactly. National and Marixst Socialism and have completely different goals and employ vastly different methods, which it pains me to mention them in the same sentence. One seeks to uplift, the other seeks to subjugate. I understand why people don't want to yield the word socialism to marxists, but threads like this make it painfully obvious that the word causes a huge amount of confusion. Leftists have attached to much garbage to the word socialism that marxist doctrine almost inevitably inserts itself into the discussion, even when you discuss national socialism, which has very little in common with left-wing socialism.

*Marixst Socialism have completely different goals and employ vastly different methods, which is why it pains me to mention them in the same sentence

It's too early in the morning.

GLR was basically a natcap, I never thought of it that way. He called himself a "nazi" but said he was an old school conservative on everything but the racial unity. I guess the issue with North America is that those ideals were applied but never explicitly written down. A natcap government would be explicitly European blood only and remove all jews from the nation and remove their influence as well.

I called national capitalism a long while ago, it is basically mercantilism i.e. capitalism before muh free trade.

And no socialism is not good, never good, Hitler objected to the socialism renaming of the Nazi party.

Why are you people pedantic on socialism?

Socialism was what Hitler fought against, and no, it is not about sharing, but centralizing.

So would you be okay if capitalists imported Mexicans to cut costs and make more Walmart products?
Are you okay with Walmart destroying small businesses and replacing local cultures with a globalist monoculture?
Are you okay with corporations polluting waterways to cut costs?

Except the nazi only adopted socialism to attract left wingers, it is not an actual commitment.

Are you okay with the government taxing you to shit AND doing all the above?

Funny you think only corporations do that, which is a false and left wing thinking.

I wouldn't go so far as to say socialism has no upside but Hitler himself shifted right every year since 1933 until WW2. In fact he had reservations with a lot of the social programs because it went against his personal philosophy that life is struggle. I'd say Strasserism is a much more pure national socialism. I can only imagine if Judea never declared war on Germany he would've continued to shift in that direction, regardless.


So in other words National Socialism with a yellow flag and no eugenics or enviromentalism - just greed. Great idea "intellectual".

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Of course not. Though I am not opposed to taxation.

Walmart isn't a government. If you love capitalism so much, then surely you have no problem with walmart destroying local businesses.
I think that's destructive and when done to White people, that's anti-White.

Also, I'm not anti-government. In fact we will need a strong government to rid our society of jews and non-Whites.

Strasser is an actual leftist faggot and he and his ilk are rightly purged by Hitler.

Who says so, jew? You.

Never mind the bestest most unpolluted environmentally society comes from Japan, a natcap society.

good luck with that , you probably be called a jew, cause this is a board to trap right wing idiots. Like twitter is a board to trap left wing idiots.

You really believe that. Do you believe the wars Hitler started were "best for Germany"

What a retarded thread

I do not love Walmart so much as much as I do not love government so much.

Again, if you love government so much, why don't you open your ass to the US & UK government?

This dude thinks he can point out Walmart yet he ignores bad government.

Okay so you don't love Walmart and I don't love government (I revile any government controlled by jews)
But I'm confused, how would you prevent Walmart from destroying local businesses?

Regulation from government and strong national business to prevent global corp and govt to take over?

Like what Hitler did with his own private industries?

National capitalism isn't international capitalism, like national socialism isn't like international socialism.
No, everything revolves around what is best for the citizen. Only the White man can be a citizen, so no foreigners can be brought in. Even if Europeans they couldn't be brought in if they would harm the wages of the citizen.
Globalism is explicitly banned in a natcap nation. Small businesses would be given the space to thrive, and foreign companies can go suck a dick.
The natural resources of a nation are owned by the citizens of the US. That includes water… they wouldn't be allowed to do that.

Jumping to conclusions… the greatest inventors, workers, businessmen would be genetically clean. The cripples, crazies and infirm drain our society, either through welfare or leaching their families. It's in the natcap's best interest to prevent this through both negative and positive eugenics.
Natural resources, again, are a resource of the citizens. Not only should the government intervene, but the citizens should get a cut of oil, coal, etc. company's profits.
Again, natcap isn't capitalism. In fact it's very similar to natsoc at its core.

In fact, like what Japan is doing.

With strong internal industry (anime, video games, food, car, weapons), jewish subversion is harder.

Loads of conservatives would call that socialism. And Hitler presided over what most would term a command economy.
Government choosing which businesses can and can't operate in an area seems to violate the lazes faire attitude of most capitalists. Yet this doesn't bother you.

>national (((capitalism)))
nice try kike

Load of conservatives would call Singapore and Hong Kong and Japan capitalist yet that is precisely what they are doing.

Government nips the bids and destroys bad business while giving freedom to the good ones.

This has always been the case of every capitalist countries, only anarchist want the total dissolution of state (moronic).


Something Hitler was against.

>national (((capitalism)))
>national (((socialism)))

See, we both can play the same game.

Lots of conservatives are jews or at very least shabbos goyim. You think Hitler cared what the commies thought of natsoc?!

So you're not interested in deregulating the economy, you're just interested in not having "socialism"

It really comes down to understanding the reason the left crave socialism as they do. They believe people are products of their environments more than of their actions. The old nature vs nurture argument - they side on nurture over nature.
Half of Americans believe this.
So how do we work within the confines of what we've got?
Offer them exactly what they want! An environment that is conducive to maximum nurture!
Is it not better to be brought up with blacks if you are a black? How can you justify a white person or asian teaching a black?
Is it not better to learn the culture of your own people? Why should you have to learn about white culture, mr spic?

Remember, they are dumb as shit. I think we have a hard time understanding them because our half-working morning brain that has to piss like a race horse is still 6 gorrillian times more inquisitive than they are at noon with 2 cups of coffee working through their veins.

Fuck do you mean? Socialism means big nanny state control everything, of course I am against that.

I am not against reasonable regulations, just not related to freedom of speech and gun rights.

I can't speak for that user, but I don't give a shit about deregulating the economy. So much as just adopt natsoc to the US… really it would basically just be a more economic right-wing natsoc. Also, from my studies of their economy, regulation was borderline crippling (although it got better towards 1939) and taxes on some items, like gasoline was really high. I'd say natcap is third positionism, but not like fascism/corporatism… in its heart is very much like natsoc.

People think in black & white, there are good regulations, mostly in the US it is bad due to lobby and monopoly.

An income cap would solve every issue we have.
Extinguish unearned income and have an income cap of, say, 1.2 million per year with a total asset cap of $50 million.
Every single monetary issue would be solved.
nature doesn't provide a contributing populace on it's own. Someone must cull the herd.
Every kid above the age of 6 who grew up on a farm knows that you can't breed your weakest or you'll end up with a dead herd. The weakest carries genetic diseases and has to be killed immediately.
This is basic stuff that we aren't taught anymore.

Pfffffffff degenerate Ayn Rand Jewish outlook on reality. Ben Franklin wasn't clean, he was a total degenerate. He sailed a fucking plank down the river and ran away from home at 14. If not for his brother's hard work as a printing-press later on you would of never heard about the guy and still sucking the Queen's tit.

Also judging people on employment instead of genetics is more Jewish than anything you could of said you degenerate fuck. Get the fuck back to cuckchan.

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You view socialism as a monstrous government controlling your life from birth to death. Others view capitalism as a soulless system where globalist corporations control our lives through wage slavery while trampling over the cultures of native Europeans.

I find it interesting how many people will support allegedly anti-capitalist things so long as it's called capitalism. Likewise, many socialists will support unregulated markets and lack of worker control of businesses so long as it's called socialism.
At this point I don't even know what capitalism or socialism are anymore. Like religion, every person has a different definition.

They say that NatSoc is third positionism as well.

I feel like we should talk with lolbert on this issue.

I just know most shit woukd be solved by strengthening the domestic industry and relying less on import.

Another cuckchan refugee who doesn't know what Fascism means.

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Yo, there is a definition on socialism and capitalism, you can check on that.

Only moron would say the Reich is socialist when they rely so much on private industries.

Japan practices eugenics and enviromentalism. They are only natcap to fucking retard normies like you to keep the Jews off their back.

So can you explain what they are, instead of calling people idiot?

They are a capitalist country though, proving eugenics and environmentalism has nothing to do with socialism.

You can observe socialism in their neighbor, China.

The 'socialism' in NatSoc held a different meaning than we see it under marxist influence, it served two purposes.
1. Attract leftists, act as a popular term with the time period
2. Signify the parties intention to enact social programmes and to increase the health of the community
As notes well, Hitler shifted right as time went on. Today we can observe the original good intentions NSDAP socialism as only having served as good propaganda fodder for voter turn out and public support (emotions for the masses, reason for the few). By the latest months of the war, Hitler made it clear his intentions for post-war, victorious Germany, to reach never before seen economic freedoms(capitalism). ~Speech at the Platterhof. July 4, 1944 (to 200 senior managers of German industry)

From what I've heard of his speeches, where his party would serve as the '3rd position' against communism and capitalism, the center for his actions against these systems were on 'Judendom', the worlds communists were overwhelmingly jewish and toxic, and the capitalist(socialist democratic) nations were clearly subverted by jews. His aims were likely directed against jewish advantage over the Whites with their verminous deeds. Democratic nations have been victim to jewish usury (usury in the modern sense, not the biblical sense) All this, not to say communism is ever good for Whites, even sans jew influence. He usually mentions democracies/capitalism, communism/bolsheviks and the judendom all together.
TLDR: Nazism was anti capitalist systems, as they were by 1933, and remain so today, jew run.

NEET idea, don't expect it to catch, though I'm interested in a clear definition of what kiked capitalism looks like next to healthy or pure capitalism.

Fascism's economic system is called corporatism, asswipe. Oh and I haven't been on 4chan since 2011.

Capitalism is inherently globalist and a failing system. Read Linkola.

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At this point I don't even know what capitalism or socialism are anymore. Like religion, every person has a different definition.

THIS. I’m so glad you brought this up. I was having an argument with a friend who claimed that tariffs/protectionism is a capitalist policy just because it protects our workers. I explained to him that it’s anti-capitalist because actual capitalists support free trade and are against trade barriers. He then said “FREE TRADE IS ECONOMIC LIBERALISM.” I, then explained to him that economic liberalism IS capitalism. He, then said “that’s the left wing side of capitalism.” I was so fucking confused because he’s clearly politically illiterate and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Moral of the story:
If you want to make natsoc palatable to mindless lemmings, just call it natcap or any other normie-friendly label. They’ll eat it up
in an instant

how much of a newfag are you

"healthy"/"Pure" capitalism is by its very nature liable to get Kiked with ease. Every time you put profit first (As capitalism demands) you'll always get slimy cockroach Jews that will simply buy their way into your board of investors.
This will have to happen anyway, but even then you'll get Jewish souls wearing gentile bodies like ticks and botflies.
Watch vid related.

I've seen vid related.

God damn these anacaps are such fucking NPCs —- USURY —– LEARN IT!

No it's not.

No. Lurk 2yrs before posting

There is no capitalism in the (((International Financial System))). Lurk 2yrs before posting

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Yes, natsoc is third position. So is natcap.

I cannot peer into the mind of a long dead Austrian man but I'd argue that the fuhrer actually favored a more economical right-wing position from the getgo, Hitler's philosophical heroes were Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, and a more capitalist approach fits Hitler's dog-eat-dog world viewpoint. That's really what my view of what natcap would be… a more right-wing natsoc, with a name to appease the American masses much like he did in 1933.

Honestly, I'm trying to debate the idea of natcap because the US needs a fucking massive change.

And international (((socialism))) is not?

And (((socialism))) created by (((Marx))) would have to be corrupted as well? I put much more importance on the nationalist part than the capitalist part… if it doesn't benefit the volk it is worthless.

A natcap isn't an ancap. Usury shall be banned in a natcap society.

Exchange Stabilization Fund
Look it up if you must, but it's not what you'll see presented.
It is the worlds biggest slush fund and most of us have no idea it exists and it's controlled by 1 man, the director of the treasury.
It has funded every black operation since 1932. It has no oversight, no regulation and can shift the worlds economies in a single trade. It's responsible for every gold run, sucking currency out of a nation, driving gold prices down, purchasing or stealing all that gold then flooding the currency back in to inflate the price of gold and buying up everything it can possibly buy.
There's some youtube videos up about it. I'll try and post otherwise just search it for yourself.

I think it is you who need to lurk moar, ledditor.

nice try (((1)))kike

>And international (((socialism))) is not?
who said anything about internationalism?
read Linkola ffs.

Attached: doubt it.PNG (990x641, 222.96K)

Checked btw.
A nation can decide it's economic systems limitations, that's why I'm highly interested in an upcoming definition if kike free capitalism from this thread. A nation can also dictate such matters of what labour movement means(white only immigration, free movement of citizens and trade agreement foreign citizens(Whites from allied zones)).
I wish for us to see 'profit' for what it is, more than just the sense that is typically an evil desire. Recognize profit is economically necessary motivation, citizens will typically act both in accordance to what they sense as good and seek profits at the same time, they don't have to contradict.
Its been empirically proven that in developing nations(modern: non-Whites, Past: Europe and its colonies), families who employ their own children are better off, the total productivity increases, hastening the developement of societies where a single man, or both parents might afford their family on their own and in relative comfort. Conditions might be harsh and unforgiving, but chancing the harsh work is often justified against living in destitute poverty.
Vargalf is wise to see the wrongs of these times, I respect the man, however I will debate his views when need be, when I feel he has not completely captured the total truth of reality.

What is usury then? I bet you dont know (((capitalist))).

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The current form of capitalism is international capitalism.

Let me repeat: national capitalism =/= international capitalism.

By suggesting national capitalism is like the current socialism is like saying Hitler and Marx had the same viewpoints. I don't see how Pentti Linkola's ideas would clash with natcap in any way.

You're just making shit up and dont understand definitions

Usury is unearned income, and how dare you put kike echoes on national capitalism.


There is the Christian Bible meaning of usury (interest on loans) and there is the modern meaning of actively hostile financial actions meant to result in an imbalanced advantage to the usurer.


beta Capitalism =

Attached: transhuman eugenics chad beta.jpg (960x401, 100.36K)

False. This is an idea that I am trying to found that is a third positionist theory similar to national socialism. I'm seeking to dekike (((capitalism))) as Drexler, Strassers and Hitler did with (((socialism))). National capitalism.

WRONG – lurk 2yrs

VERY WRONG – lurk 2yrs


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Alright, howabout you fucking enlighten us with your wisdom, instead of being an intellectual coward. Describe it, yourself.

You dont know what 3rd position means. Stop using words you dont understand.

>I'm seeking to dekike (((capitalism))) as Drexler, Strassers and Hitler did with (((socialism))). National capitalism.
WRONG – lurk 2 more years

Hegel was socialism. You dont know what words mean, you half-commie college Sophmore. I bet you dont even German Idealism yet.

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Bro you're just being an asshole. You're king smarty pants, fuck off. You're just doing drive by attacks at this point. I can smell you're a kike and natcap is an idea with legs and it's beginning to scare you. You're now filtered and since I know you're JIDF and get paid per post, you'll reply to this.

Usury is banned in natcap.

No I'm giving you a hard lesson. This isn't cuckchan where you post, "Hurrr durrr I dont get this whole Hegel guy" (an actual post there today). You earn your place here. You dont demand it.

I gave you all you need to know in my posts. Learn what words mean. This is gladiator school, not your college dorm.

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I actually posed this thread because I want input. I'm reading those books you posted, and would read anything else that's relevant I will. However what you say doesn't seem to contradict anything I'm suggesting. It just sounds like you want to feel important and smart.

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The fuck? Explaon your position. German idealism is not (((socialism))).

Das Kapital is a socialism book you moron.

You are a pseud.

That is basically the goal of every human, all the time, for perpetuity.

I haven't been on 4chan since the 2011 exodus to 4chon. You're assuming a lot of fucking things.

What you want does not mean what you are.

Then you got your imput. Insert imput. Lurk 2yrs before making another "I can change the world Zig Forums?" thread.
I even made a fucking usury thread a few months back and it was up 30days. Where were you, kid?

wrong date poser

>The fuck? Explaon your position. German idealism is not (((socialism))).

Attached: idealism modernism.jpg (798x645, 35.21K)

Thus the eternal desire to achieve such a thing.

He doesn't even know about the multi-layered wills to power. He still thinks he's his job.



Yes, it was 2011, faggot. 4chon's /new/ with STI (it started in 2010 but we went there after Moot nuked /new/ and /r9k/)… I even donated $20 in bitcoin to "Michael Horowitz", I was there before Phantasm even decided to become a libertarian. And I still have .pdfs on my Kindle posted by Chemfag (I even lived in Brevard county at one point of my life). If you were there back then, I'll tell you my trip.