Trump Border Wall Going Up in Texas
>>>Zig Forums674119
Trump is a fucking kike.
shoo shoo dumb jew
we did it reddit!
replace the existing fencing
is a wall
You did it shareblue!
This is the line they're going with? Who fucking cares about snakes and birds in Texas? There's 100 fucking billion of them
Oy vey those birds cant fly over a wall! It will cause a mass extinction!
Have anything of substance to counter my claim? Because I have nearly two years of Trump's presidency to counter yours.
The wall wouldn't even impact them as designated crawl spaces for said species can be easily implemented, along with armed guards and an obscene amount of cameras to keep the spics out.
Remember, the left never gives a damn about the planet unless they can use environmentalism as a political cudgel.
t_d niggers have infested this board, the civnat cancer on Zig Forums is terminal now
Reminder that Trump legalizes 800,000 nonwhites per year and that the wall is meaningless without deportations, which he is not doing.
And reported. Thanks for admitting it.
Be honest next time.
screeching like a cat harpy dyke isnt a counterargument you raging lunatic retard
Wow it's absolutely nothing
I posted statistics from ICE. Stop acting like it's my report. Gonna post it again just to anger you:
This is the upteenth time the wall has "started construction".
Fuck off with your slide threads.
Its been terminal for years.
And here I thought shills had to go through a qualification process first; soros really is using anyone he can get at this point.
Trump was always for legal immigration.
Hey faggot, Trump was always for legal immigration. He didn't lie. He said multiple times on the campaign trail that he was for immigration legally and was going to empower ICE to deport the illegal criminals. That's exactly what is referencing
Oh wow look at that it's almost like other people can read and listen. Too bad for you
We know.
Reminder that you are not on reddit.
Reminder that there are no net deportations.
Reminder that Trump publicly disavows white nationalism.
Reminder that we do not support jews or their shabbos goyim here.
Thanks for asserting something that no one questioned. Your reply has NOTHING to do with the quoted post.
He did lie. He said the illegals would be deported. They are not being deported.
He lied. There are no net deportations.
it's not "meaningless."
every action helps
Never said that.
Never implied that.
No we shouldn't wait for the next Hitler. What we should do is change it from the inside or start the civil war that's been brewing for nearly a century.
inb4: hi CIAanon
Posting it again to anger you:
None of what (((you))) kvetched about is relevant to the facts stated in the post which was replied to.
Hang yourself
Damn son, winning feels good
Its obvious these fags are from some /ptg/ or the_donald discord.
They don't even try to fit in and know jack shit about board history.
Piss them off enough and they'll start screaming how we're dumb stormfags just like JIDF.
Trump was always for legal immigration. Yes, that is against white interests.
The point is he didn't lie.
There are over 40million illegal beaners in the US. There are over 100 million illegal non-whites Europeans in the country.
ICE and Trump are doing a fucking shit job.
What reality is that?
You forgot to tell us we should have voted for hillary.
You've broken him already, but by all means keep going.
it will take generations before anything that comes out of their mouths is believable again.
You really, really don't want people to see these statistics. It's funny in a pathetic kind of way:
literal nothingburger
he's a (((politician))), no different from any other
believe me, I fell for the Blumpf meme, and I'm ashamed of that. but it became clear within ~6 months of his inauguration that there will be no white nationalist military coup, there will be no Israel did 9/11 exposure, there will be no swamp draining or mass-deportation, no NFA repeal or Middle Eastern withdrawal. Blumpf is either unwilling or incapable of changing anything and serves only to pacify disgruntled Aryan-Americans
>(((legal immigration)))
Why are you bringing that up? I never did and it has no relevance to the conversation? Why are the 4+ other JIDF posters bringing up (((legal immigration)))?
The ONLY LEGAL IMMIGRATION into the US is that of white Europeans.
That is funny, in a pathetic way. Why don't you read it again user. Arrests do not equal deportations.
German Scot, like myself
Lots of ID hopping and kvetching going on in this thread.
Fucking mexicans BTFO!!
Watch this video too:
That fag brought it up and then you both pretend like he didnt. What a cohencidence!
You people are literal niggers.
the only acceptable immigration would be white South Africans because it evacuates them from danger. other whites immigrating is a bad thing because it takes them away from their own countries. why would you want whites leaving European countries, for instance, and moving to the half-white USA? that's almost like whites immigrating to South Africa
Redditor confirmed.
Reported for mass spam and jewish paid shilling. You were proven wrong before you even posted. There are no net deportations.
Reminder that there are no net deportations under Trump.
That's right shariablue, that's exactly what I meant.
Our people are not clear in their heads enough for civil war. 80 years of tv and Hollywood, not to mention cult Marx schooling, have done a number
I don't care Moishe. You copy pasta, I copy pasta. I have all day and I don't mind if we both get banned for spam.
You really, really don't want people to see these statistics. It's funny in a pathetic kind of way:
You do know that, if the criminals are on the inside of the wall, it's no different from a prison, right? That is to say, suppose you have a prison. What differentiates the inside from the outside? Well, the inside has all the criminals and the outside doesn't.
In this video, camouflage-wearing paramilitary Mexicans carrying AK-47s and AR-15s are streaming across the border by the thousand. It's too late for a wall.
This is exactly why Trump was elected. He was a sedative for the white race in America. You will be content with him being in office because he removes a few more Mexicans every year. In reality, whites will become a minority before 2050 regardless if there's a wall or more deportations.
Not even gonna read the rest of your post past the green text
Reported for mass spam and jewish hoaxes.
Reminder that Trump legalizes 800,000 nonwhites per year and that there are no net deportations.
You really, really don't want people to see these statistics. It's funny in a pathetic kind of way:
This isn't an idea. This is just a thread sucking Trump's dick.
You were proven wrong.
Reported for mass spam and jewish hoaxes.
Reminder that Trump legalizes 800,000 nonwhites per year and that there are no net deportations.
You really, really don't want people to see these statistics. It's funny in a pathetic kind of way:
How will putting up a wall stop legal immigration from Africa and the middle east? Trump hasn't stopped any of that immigration. Why is that?
Reminder that you cannot account for this image:
So just ot break it down in even clearer terms, not that it was obfuscated to begin with, the shill cry of king nigger deporting more spics is due to fewer wetbacks attempting to enter the country in 2017 onwards out of fear of the empowered ICE. Those that were dumb enough to cross the boarder were deported at a higher rate than in the last 8 years.
You're not even trying anymore, but those 0.02 sheckles are too tempting to pass up.
So why is Trump not deporting anyone?
Someone reset the bot.
This is why I describe Trump worshipers as cultists.
Ironically I'm not even anti-Trump because he is talking about corporate censorship of right wingers and dissidents. That and tweeting about South Africa.
Though he could and should be doing a hell of a lot more for our people. I've even forgiven him for his illegal attacks on Syria.
Whites are a minority now. The official census number last year was 60.7%. See
That 60.7% assumes 11 million illegals, which is a joke, considering even the Mexican government said 30 million. See
Realistically, the number is anywhere from 40-60 million. What that means is whites, when you remove the jews and north africans/etc. counted as white, are right at 50%, but more likely just under.
Whites are a minority and nobody's going to report that, because it freaks people out. That's why when you look around you, you see a sea of brown. The stuff about whites becoming a minority in 2050 or whatever far-off date is total bullshit. Whites are a minority right now.
note to mods, I will be posting this every 5 posts to stay visible on the front page to piss off the one shill (7aa837) ITT. I will no longer be quoting his posts directly
So why is Trump not deporting anyone? Why can't you answer the questions about your god, redditor?
Reminder that you cannot account for this image: (You)
s m fucking h
the US was 56% non-Hispanic white in 2015, and jews/moslems are considered "non-Hispanic white". jews are 2% and moslems are 1%, or something like that. so 53% white in 2015, perhaps plus a few percent of h'white Hispanics if you want to count them. that was 3 years ago.
over 90% white in 1965, 56% white in 2015. that's an average ~.68% per year, changing faster as you approach the present. so at best, we are probably about 51% white right now, plus h'white Hispanics if you count them (idk how many but they are obviously rather uncommon). I think we will become a minority around 2020-ish, not 20 fucking 50 SMFH
Reported for vioating every board rule, by the way.
Everyone who isn't a redditor knows that we only have about 20 years left, maximum. Then government-sanctioned slaughter of whites begins.
Get the fuck out.
Reminder that you cannot account for this image:
I know the left can't meme, but you're telling me (((you))) can't read them either? This is every panel of the bingo card without a shred of irony or self-awareness.
>oy vey goyim you're a jew because you expose jewish lies look at my (((bingo))) card because that proves it
So… WHY IS TRUMP NOT DEPORTING ANYONE? It's one question. Why can't you answer it?
Although I respect DHS ICE for at least trying, did they know about the paramilitary troops carrying AK-47s and AR-15s streaming across the border by the thousand that are documented in this video? And there are plenty of other videos you can watch. One of them has mexican military marching across for 25 minutes straight. Thousands of enemy troops are streaming across the border right now. Why isn't ICE/BP stopping actual enemy soldiers marching across the border right now?
yeah, couple years before we tick under 50%, couple decades before they start giving us the South Africa treatment. 'keel whitey n raep da dem wite bichz' is already within the overton window of electoral politics, that was basically the platform of the largest political party 2 years ago
Reminder that you cannot account for this image:
Just filter him you stupid fuck. Both of you should be banned for spamming. Report them both.
We're probably right at 50 or just under. See
I'd tell you to read the ICE break down that's being posted continuously, but we both know you'd keep shilling regardless.
It'll be interesting to see which posts the mods delete first.
Yep. We're pretty much there right now. Whether we're exactly at 50% or just under is hard to say, but it's moot. It's clear where this is all headed in the next couple years.
By the way, shitskins already have a military right here in the US. See
(video of AK-47-carrying Mexican paramilitary coming over a guy's land in AZ freely) They already have shock troops in the US, as crazy as that sounds.