Jordan Peterson Debate thread

It’s been a long time since I posted and even longer since I effort posted mostly because the site was overran by mouth breathing Retards during the Trump election. But I feel a need to write down my thoughts and feeling on Jordan Peterson and get into a debate with a few of the Peterson fags on this site. So here we go a short list of my thoughts on the man and a deconstruction of his ideology.

1. Advice from an ideological gatekeeper: First and foremost the man is a psychologist with a target audience primarily young and disenfranchised white males from the west that are lost in their surroundings. He has gained a cult like following amoung them by donning a jungian archetype of the father figure that many of the men he speaks to likely never had. Part or whole of his persona seems to be a fabrication to appeal to his audience it even has its own catch phrase “clean your room Bucko!”

2. Teaching Conclusions: The next phase of his psychological exploitation is having his target audience come to agree with his worldview by ultimately believe they came to these conclusions themselves. This is the most clever form of persuasion and also one of the most difficult. He achieves this by having them associate themselves with things that are “western” voluntarily and then goes on to define what the “west” is for them. It’s a very clever way to mind fuck someone.

3. Subjective interpretations: much of his philosophical work is very subjective and he very much bends the nature of the philosophers he quotes to try and make them affirm his worldview. Examples of this are when he either misused someone’s work or ignores huge swathes of their work. Like when he uses Nietzsche to affirm Christianity or completely ignores Solzhenitsyn Russian nationalism and antisemitism. Solzhenitsyn Was the darling child of the petersonian sort of western leftist up until they realized he was a conservative Russian nationalist there’s a reason intellectuals like Peterson would never do a lecture on 200 years together.

4. Old left new right: In terms of social policy he is fundamentally a leftist the only reason he is even on the right is because he vaguely opposes the most radicle elements of the left. In this way he works to shift the overtone window further left. He declares his leftist position the new right and makes anything to the right of him seems morally and socially abhorrent.

5. He’s a gate keeper: in political terms there are things called gate keepers. These are political and social pundits that set the confines on what is and is not socially and morally acceptable. Anglo societies are notorious for having a certain amount of tyranny within society that is not codified into law. Examples of this are losing your job because you are “racist” or being attacked for being “islamiphobic” these things are not written into law but they might as well be. His primary objective is to re establish the confines of what is or is not socially acceptable thoughts or ideas. “White identity is morally abhorrent”

6. Faustian Utopianism: his ideals on collectivism and individuality are in the same Faustian utopian spirit as facism and communism. It self identifies the problem with the entire world and decides that ultimately if it could eliminate this one thing then we would have heaven on earth. “The Jews” the bourgeois” “ the collectivists” this sort of Utopianism has been the ideological end phase of Germanic Christian civilization and has been its bane. People will voluntarily associate with whom every they will and if you could destroy all collectives and ethnic groups the fundemental nature of this existence would not change. Read Fyador Dostoevsky notes from underground and clean your room bucko.

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Allowing myself one shameless self numb before I give up

did you read the jp cult deprogramming threads, user?

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He is also a gatekeeper in the sense that he prevents people from becoming far right. He's even proud of stopping people from joining are side.

Yeah I have seen them I mostly wanted to write down my thoughts on the matter and try and find a coherent why to articulate them. The thread they have up now seems a cluster fuck that wasn’t worth posting in

Correct observations user, but we already knew all of that. You should post this thread in places where people who actually believe him are posting. He knows manipulation techniques, but he is not a character of high caliber, nor a real intellectual. Just another charlatan hastily recruited to do damage control.

1. I don't that that his persona is a fabrication to appeal to his current audience. I watched his whole lecture series before he blew up, recordings of him lecturing to classes that were majority female. He acted largely the same, and had similar ideas.

4. I don't understand how opposing radical elements of the left, and pointing them out as ridiculous and untenable pushes the Overton window to the left.

5. One of his major points is that its necessary to find the right way to restructure hierarchies so that tyrannies don't take hold.

6. I can see how the catchphrase "clean your room bucko" can be very grating. But taking a stance against the core message is counter productive. Keep your surroundings orderly, keep yourself orderly. You should be able to organize the smallest details of your life.

1. Perhaps your right but I am increasingly skeptical of a psychologist telling me what to think and I am positive has has both a target audience and has gained a cult like following by acting like a father figure.

4. Pushing an overtime window is a political trick where you oppose the most radicle elements of your own base camp to establish a softer less militant version of those ideals as seeming more reasonable. I think your fundementally misunderstanding the point of this one.

5. “Fundementally restructure hierarchy so tyrannys don’t take hold” sounds like a polite way of establishing a social tyranny for certain wrong think ideas that you don’t want to take hold in society. It’s tyranny in the name of not tyranny.

My understanding of an Overton window, is that it's the set of topics that are socially acceptable to have a discourse about.

Showing how something at the fringe of it is ridiculous and out of the question, at the very least shrinks that part of the window. I see what you mean about him showing the far right as abhorrent in order to settle into a nice position a bit closer to the center. But I don't think he is pushing it as a whole to the left. I think he's pushed it to the right.

Hierarchies inherently drift towards tyranny, but they are also fundamentally based on competence according to Peterson. Constant debate is required so that they don't go too far towards. They become tyrannical when they are too closed off to the other people in the society.

The disagreement on our way to interpret what Peterson has done lies in this, I would strongly disagree with the statement Peterson is a right wing figure. At best he is a classical liberal with some elements of Christian identitarinism. In terms of social policy much of his opinions seems to be aligned with the mainstream left. I view him as a center left figure.

Hierarchy’s drifting towards tyranny is something that should indeed be resisted but his assertions on the nature of tyranny within a society go beyond that of the limitation of a hierarchy’s ability to impose tyranny’s. I feel to him it’s about the limitation of ideals he feels are inatially tyrannyical i.e white identity politics. He seems to limit and guide the nature in which I can choose to participate with my society and even the way I can define a society.

Gatekeepers and Gateways

Extremists regularly consider interested moderates to be either valuable gateways or counterproductive gatekeepers. A gateway introduces neophytes to more in depth ideas and thereby widen the philosophical sales funnel. A gatekeeper makes inquisitive people satisfied with simple answers and causes philosophical stagnation. How do they do this? A gateway deals with extremists by naming their representatives and clearly introducing their ideas. A gateway creates concrete examples. A gatekeeper deals with nameless, formless extremists whose ideas can never be coherent. A gatekeeper creates abstraction.

The differences can be subtle and regularly people disagree about which is which. Understanding a clear distinction between the two is knowable can settle this debate correctly. Gatekeepers need to be undermined. Gateways need to be tacitly supported. Don’t support gatekeepers. Don’t harm gateways.

If someone really needs an internet daddy to give him advice, cernovich's book doesn't demonize white identity and ingroup preference while giving advice on par with (or maybe superior to) peterson's like "don't tell yourself you're worthless, wash yourself, and maintain good posture"

All that you need to know about Jordan Peterson is that he is part of the (((Intellectual Dark Web))) which Jews are currently trying to promote.

Brought to you by: (((Barry Weiss))) – Romanian Jew

(((Sam Harris))) – Secular Jew
(((Eric Weinstein))) – Israel-educated California-borne Jew, brother of (((Bret Weinstein)))
Jordan Peterson – Individualist Canadian Shabbos
(((Dave Rubin))) – Gay Jew
(((Ben Shapiro))) – Stereotypical Badger Jew
(((Douglas Murray))) – British Jew
Maajid Nawaz – British Pakistani ‘Secular Religion of Cuck™ist’, married to a degenerate “race is a social construct” modern-artist White woman from Tennessee
Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Literal Africa-nigger married to Brit Niall Ferguson, who wrote a glowing history of the Rothschilds (possibly a British Jew)
(((Christina Hoff Sommers))) – Liberal Jewish Feminist
Joe Rogan – Stoned Meathead Shabbos
Charlie Kirk – Homosexuality-Promoting Zionist Shabbos
(((Claire Lehmann))) – Australian Anti-Tribalism Jew
Debrah Soh – Homosexuality-Promoting Asian Feminist, writes for Playboy
(((Michael Shermer))) – Christian-Convert ‘Skeptic’ ‘I Am Not Jewish’ Jew
(((Steven Pinker))) – Romanian/Polish Male-Feminist Atheist Jew

This is the Jewish counter-response to the rise of Nationalism.
And Peterson is a part of it.
That's all you need to know about Jordan "Why Hitler Was More Evil Than You Think" Peterson.

Attached: The New (((IDW)

He tells 90% truth, 10% lies. Question is, is he doing it on purpose, or just a normie trying to find the truth.

Dude, he tells 90% lies and 10% truth. He's doing it to carry water for Jews.

No, CNN tells 90% lies 10% truth. Peterson says good things, its why he is popular, but then dosen't go all the way at the end or tries and covers the truth in academic gobbldy gook.

You post this shit every 6 weeks your other thread is still up.

I’m not that user and that isn’t an argument

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He doesn't need to push it to the left, as pushing it further to the left would actually start undermining the power structures of the (((elites))) . He wants to make those on the right appear equally unreasonable, and promote the status quo. He is appealing to a target audience by addressing their main issues, but in a way that prevents them from straying too much from the center, and thus neutralizing them as potential dissidents. His goal is to stop radicalization, and no social or political goal in history has been achieved without radicalization. He is trying to supplant genuine political fight with superficial goals.

1+1 = 2
You should drink water to survive
Being clean is better than being dirty
Jews are god's chosen race

You see, I'm mostly correct too.

No, CNN tells 100% lies.
Peterson tells 90% lies and 10% truth.
He's popular because he says 10% good things coupled with 90% shit things.
He's 'popular' because he's being HEAVILY promoted by media jews, and serves them entirely.

You're dumb and got rused by the Jews. This Petersn faggot is nothing but a Judas cow leading you toward slaughter, and you think he tells 'good things' because he urges you to make sure your penis isn't dirty and smelly as fuck - something any adult should already fucking know and is not an adult if they don't - as he leads you into the slaughterhouse.

peterson is irrelevant
who fucking cares? psychology cant be justified, its unreliable, its useless, it has no proofs and empirically isnt even a science, safely ignore psychology professors (t. had opportunities to take uni psychology which i passed with ~100% on the first try)
psychology doesnt have any proofs for itself and it barely works
actually the only useful thing this guy has ever said, and its pure biology, has nothing to do with psychology tho but biology which is much more legitimate so idk why you heard it from this guy
religion means 10 different things to 3 different people, anyone can support his bullshit with religion same way he can use psychology

if you need motivation, inspiration, rest, relaxation, reason why: look up those blond women in wheat fields or natsoc art
if you need practical problem solving and solutions, financial/economic and security issues, if you dont know how: look up math, formal engineering education, physical/hard sciences, these things should cover your all your security and economic needs
eat healthy and exercise because all goes to shit if health goes to shit, white ethnostate starts with you so you gotta stay fit, cant do shit from a hospital bed and a short life

this is a personal white nationalist busy schedule im on and it has no time and no need for peterson

No its 90% truth 10% lies

Kill yourself, kike.

He doesn't even wait a week, nigger.

Do we even have Peterson fags on this board? Everyone here hates him. Anyways, he seems like a likeable person, but he’s just a moderate liberal. He described himself as a “classical liberal.” He’s also a hypocrite. He’s against collectivist ideologies like white nationalism, but then he turns around and goes to speak at a Zionist conference in support of the Balfour Declaration. That basically implies that he’s against group identity for anyone, except Jews

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Peterson and the Jews he hangs out with confuse me.

Lots of interaction with Brett and Eric Weinstein. Brett promotes wholesome family values, despite being a Jew. Eric runs Peter Thiel's investments and is married to a non-jew light skinned Indian woman. Peter Thiel by the way was calling out the diversity cult as a sham back in 1996.

Of course heavily sponsored by Rogan who has a kosher wife, and the homo Dave Rubin who apparently missed out on the "off the charts" Ashkenazi language manipulation IQ.

Can someone clue me in to what these fuckers are up to with their (((IDW))) shenanigans? Controlled opposition or something? If so it's really awfully done. The literature Peterson recommends leads anyone who isn't an idiot straight to the JQ. Brett drops a ton of redpills on biological realism and even has good ideas on 'game B' revolution strategies, though he probably didn't have in mind what I do when he was expounding on them. Peter Thiel is constantly calling out degeneracy, and Eric married out of the tribe. Who else… Sam Harris who has basically zero dangerous ideas in either direction. Rogan married a kike, but he's normie-tier. Shapiro is a greasy shill but he's easy to spot and not really that involved.

What's going on? Nothing that important? I feel like this group is being marketed but why?

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Kikes are smart enough to know the direction the wind is blowing. This is a hail Mary to hope these guys backstop the zeitgeist. They can't stop it

What should I set the line, for the number of dicks, OP has sucked today?

I ain't gonna read all that dribble.

It's just so sloppy and all over the place, and a lot of the material they dig into is a pipeline to the real alt-right. Normie idiots who take open mouthed selfies with their 12 rules books are worthless no matter what side they're on and don't really represent how hearing these guys can affect a European man in the process of realization.

By conceeding that the kosher cultural conditioning is going to destroy us, they allow the mind to become curious for real solutions. It's like the expression, "no such thing as bad publicity". By even showing that people that could be worth looking up to (well dressed, accomplished intellectuals are what they present to the public as) do not support the destruction of Western values, they breathe more life into the movement. They have to seed the lie with truth, in this case the truth is our people and values are worth preserving, and that truth is so powerful it overwhelms the flimsy construct of anti-collectivism and phony vision of atomized individualism they try to grow it into.

This is a Peterson thread so I will mention again, one author he repeatedly mentions as creating the ultimate argument against Marxism is Solzhenitsyn. His works, especially 200 years, are an extremely powerful redpill.

I just find it hard to believe how bad of a job they're doing if this is controlled opposition.

user there are plenty of threads for low IQ sister fuckers no need to post in this one

Back to your containment thread

Reported for duplicate thread

He's meaningless at best.

I understand a great deal more about the world than most do. And yet I can't seem to enlarge it. What a pity.
Clearly I have forgotten a great many things over the years.

You're missing one thing that he's also doing; he's also teaching left audiences to be slightly less insane.

It confused me for a while when I was watching his stuff;

1. Why did he get invited to so many leftie shows?
2. Why did he focus on fixing their worst mistakes (alienation of working class and equality of outcome)?

But his most effective trick has been this focus on equality of outcome; he would pose the conundrum the same each time:

And with that, as well as avoiding all science as it relates to "race", he's able to set an absolute border in regards to discussion. It's been a pretty high IQ way of posing a "how long have you been beating your wife?" question.

The faggot known as OP made this shit tier thread a few days ago. Must be from 4chins.

the first clue was the degree in Psychology. If you understand the dynamics of Psychology, it's likely because you understand the dynamics of Freudian Psychology, an experiment of jewish pilpul. No matter the approach; be it based upon any -ist or -ism; from Nationalism v. Globalism, to Judaism (or the practices therein) v. Christianity to the Oedipus Rex syndrome, pilpul is pilpul is pilpul … a distraction, which in 2018 equals a career. money, legitimacy and a steady stream of followers/advocates, that believe that as long as they follow a "Peterson", a "Freud", a "Stalin", a "Marx" that by proxy they are as learned, complex and as manipulative as any single "leader" giving they themselves personal legitimacy.

i didnt read op, but he is def working with big pharma, all these incels on his carnivore diet are going to need heart transplants in their 40s

Prozac lobotomites are no ally of mine.

It's easier to recognize pilpul; when you know what it looks like. The objective of any "Peterson" (whether Peterson even realizes it or not) is to argue any and every point, to the point of diffusion. What appears to the listener as centrism, logic, reason, even doubt is nothing more than the illusionist creating an illusion. Some call it pilpul.

the entire premise of an attorney or a doctor, is based in pilpul. Attorney's and Doctor's "practice" for good reason. They're never expected to have "cures". They strive only for treatment of the symptom.
Well, essentially/basically, understanding that Peterstein et. al. are mental illusionists, places (You), the listener/observer, in the position for a Bonzai view of both the manipulator and the manipulated. He (Peterstein) even tells you this with his 'Steam Punk' persona. Call him out to all intelligent enough to listen; but, otherwise enjoy the show

Can't you hurry up?

Hey there jidf

Peterstein tells 100% lies, same as CNN, using the exact same method. That is, he starts from false (liberal) premises, so even when he says something that sounds true, it really isn't because it is built from a false base of assumptions.

All this Peterson stuff was from the springtime 2018.

It's Autumn 2018. He's already yesterday's news.

He was mildly amusing (I did enjoy his colloquium with Camille Paglia)

It was a refreshing interlude; while he's not a superstar intellectual he's still preferable to say, late night comedians or watching pro sports on TV.

But he's been squeezed dry. I don't want to see another You Tube that stridently proclaims that he's blown some lefty TV analyst out of the theater with his amazing wit again even if he has. I don't give a shit for resident experts on TV one way or the other though there's a few I'd like to get rip roaring drunk and steal the panties off their asses.

during the election wasn't really that bad… or at least its to be expected. its what kikey did after

Your daughter is a cheating WHORE

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Name one thing of value Petercuck has to say..


I don't get the appeal. What, he said there are only two genders? Dude, even Alex Jones is more entertaining.

How does Petercuck help anyone? Maybe if you are a drooling retard that never read a book.


enemas are degenerate

Stop making threads for this kike lover peterstein.

Roll for Rock lobster

You post this every month and were just bumping Last months post a few days ago. Your Peterson obsession is crazy.

THIS. I haven't seen a Peterson video trending on youtube in months. Everyone woke up that he was just giving advice to Peter Pand that therapists were giving teenagers 20 years ago. Start small making progress by cleaning your room first. I was told that 20 years ago after a major medical problem. Peterson was so vanilla it is just that men are afraid to talk to a therapist they'd never heard any of it.

Go kill yourself, Juden Peterstein.
No one here likes you, this is not a debate.
Filthy kike.

this thread reeks of false durhur posting
can i be in the screencap?

Amazing how the mods don't do their fucking job.

Go kill yourself, Juden Peterstein.
No one here likes you, this is not a debate.
Filthy kike.

He's a kike puppet, nothing more. Disregard and find better heros.

Saged for clear faggotry.

The only thing good about JP is his stuff within his field. Basically the link of the evolution of the mind to the evolution of the group strategy. Morality emerges from evolution strategies. Abstract thought arises out of archtypical thought. He has some good insights into Jung and mythology.

outside of that he is typical boomer trash

You'd have to be a pretty big fag to listen to anyone who looks even 50% as much of a little bitch as JP


JBP is a kiked faggot