Let's Raid This Uni's discord

They're pretty far left and have T-I-G-E-R-S as their mascot.
Now they will have the Zig Forumsacks dick too.

post anything as long as it pisses of the normies

link: honeypot/Uyn6nG

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let's livestream your suicide instead faggot



Kill yourself kike.

they have a tiger statue on campus that i humped desu

For once, the mods get a laugh out of me. Today you were all slightly less shit than the other days, good show chaps.

You know what happens when you "raid" a discord server?
You get 30 of us at most in, we all wait a bit, and then cover the whole place with gore/redpills.
The moderators will delete them as quickly as they can after booting you out. The best case scenario: they leave invites open, we keep spamming, they keep deleting until remembering that limiting invites is a thing.
Worst case scenario: you just left an IP on the hands of someone that you just pissed off. So now you get to test how well that VPN works (going from experience: unless you're paying 100$ month, very good chance it won't save you).
You were planning on doing this with a VPN, right?

Now I feel sorry for you, since you come across as a 20-something years old laddie with good intentions but shit for brains.
You want to raid a Discord server, and I mean properly raid it, you find whoever is hosting and you trash that computer nice and proper. It will take a week before everyone is invited back-in. If you do this, spamming until they close invites actually makes sense: they'll get paranoid and refuse invites to some lesser-known members.
If the server is hosted somewhere out-of-town, get 200$ and pay off some shady character online to knock it down. Always pay half before, half after it's done. For 300$ and above you can hire someone to RAT it and give you acess, if you're tech literate enough to know what to do with it.

However, you must remember that Zig Forums is a board of peace and we do not advocate attacking other individuals based on their beliefs. We also do not condone physical/mental/cyber attacks on third parties because we believe such things to be heinous.
All I've posted before is strictly for informational and educational purposes. After all, knowing is half the battle.

The other half is shutting the fuck up and doing it without posting about it on places known to be watched by your very enemies. Are you fucking retarded?

no i just don't give a shit kiddo


Reported, enjoy your ban.


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also, its a honeypot

Are you Polish by any chance?

I wish anons were saying that to Trump shills trying to use this site to get free campaign activism.

Good fucking luck edgelords. It just got shut down.

Fuck off back to your basements faggots.


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post it on cuck b instead

invalid invite

RIP Benise

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hey OP, what's actual name of the school anyway?

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Rochester Institute of Technology

Whats wrong with Tigers all of a sudden? My school has a mascot tiger.

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Who is Little's 3DP?

I think someone said that's emily youcis

I thought Towson was already nigged to death years ago?


desu, you have the mind of a Jew

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