Satanism and right-wing groups

Has anyone taken a look into the far right and saw that there is a recurring theme with Satanism involved? Let me just give you a brief history of postwar WN in the United States group by group, to show you the common thread:

The National Renaissance Party

National Socialist Movement
The NSM started as the National Socialist American Workers Freedom Movement in 1974. It was founded by Clifford Hereington and Robert Brannen. It is both the largest and longest lived neo-nazi group in America and in 1994, Jeff Schoep became chairman and has been chairman ever since. Herrington’s wife, Maxine Dietrich, is the founder of the Joy of Satan (JoS) and it is even alleged that Herrington is a Satanist himself.

James Mason
James Mason was an odd figure. He was a follower of Charles Manson and together, they created an ideology known as “Universal Order”. He started a newsletter called “Siege”, which would later be adopted as a novel by an online forum group called Ironmarch - a forum where National Action and Atomwaffen Division branched from.

He was a follower of Occult Fascism and was even an admirer of Anton Lavey.

Nick Bougas aka A. Wyatt Mann

David Myatt
Founder of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) which is alleged to be the same group that infiltrated Atomwaffen. Note that there are different interpretations of ONA, so it came from a different non-orthodox O9A nexion called Tempel ov Blood.

David Myatt was the ideological heavyweight for Combat 18, was a radical ideologically, was involved with the British NSM, National Front, Column 88 (a pan-European NS militant group that was clandestinely funded by NATO to act as guerillas in the event of a Communist attack), South Africa’s AWB, Loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland, and was Left Hand Path practitioner as early as 1969 before his conversion to Sunni Islam.

Golden Dawn

David Duke
In the early 2000s, Duke started an organization called the National Organization for European American Rights (NOFEAR) but was renamed after a sporting goods company sued him over his “NOFEAR” name, he renamed it the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO). Vince Breeding, who was the then national director of EURO, was also a former guitarist for the Satanic black metal band Acheron, whose lead signer, Vincent Crowley, was a “priest” for Anton Lavey’s Church of Satan before he died of heart failure in 1997.

Those are just a few examples. Could anyone find any reason for these bizarre connections?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Joy of Satan has its own forums. For a bunch of "high priests" they can't spell for shit (specifically HP Mageson666).
Look at this lame ass thread:

And just look at the board overall. Pretty cringy, but are they actually communicating with extraterrestrials/astral beings as they claim to be (they say Satan is a "Nordic alien" and the creator of the white race and that jews are enemy-made bastards with grey and reptilian DNA)?

>thinks luciferianism is the same shit as kike (((satanism)))
user, get your head off the priest's lap and do your own research. The (((catholics))) declared "lucifer" to be "Satan!" and "The Devil!" as a means to demonize the Cathars and Rosicrucians, who carried on ancient Aryan traditions.

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Anton Oy Vey is a kike, and what he preached benefits them a lot (It's Judaism for goys minus the tribalism), but other than that, you need to be some kind of "satanist" in order to be truly right wing. Most mainstream religions are egalitarian and have Jewish authors (or are inspired by them), and SJW movement is practically Christian slave morality repackaged in atheistic and ideological wrappings. Modern "left" is practically the heir to medieval inquisition. And we are the witches. I'm not to familiar with the American "scene" (Their profanity disgusts me), but those over-the-top organizations look like glownigger fronts, pretty obvious ones at that. For example, "Nazis" in Ukraine were funded by Jewish oligarchs and supported by US operatives in order to serve as a cannon fodder against Russia.

Top lel

There is some truth to this, but it's obscured with too much idiocy. White people are descendants of Lucifer, and Jews are a creation of a malevolent super-intelligence, but it has nothing to do with ayy lmaos as envisioned by Hollywood, or any physical entities.



You'll notice the Satanism meme advanced towards Judaism. Anton LaVey's Satanism is fun and cartoonish. This evolves into O9A Satanism which is more serious and mystically based. Finally, O9A produces Anti-Cosmic Satanism which is based in Jewish Kabbalah and Sabbatean Judaism. Kabbalah and Sabbatean Judaism births the concept of Tikkun Olam and "Redemption though Sin." Anti-Cosmic Satanism professes the belief that the world must be brought into a state of sin in order to repair itself and usher in a new age of "Chaos."

Satanism is a Jewish PSYOP to spread Judaic theology among the disenfranchised youth.

You hooknose fucktards never stop trying to get revenge on Jesus for fulfilling all the prophesies for whites instead of you, do you? Back to your synagogue, little kike.

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From what I've looked at a lot of the 'right wing' satanist types tend to adopt the boogeyman imagery in order to cultivate an air of intimidation and mystique, or just to be edgy. Seems to be the case with O9A anyway.

Why of course, the Jews would spread their most secret teachings among goyim in order to help them destroy the world which is supposed to be their private property and sustain them as apex parasites. This would not only go against every Rabbinical teaching, but against the very kike logic.

Satanism is full of kikery, but then again every religious and political movement is. Their goal is to neutralize it, not bring it to it's logical conclusion.

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Anton LaVey is ethnically Jewish. Luciferian Satanism is just the Kaballah for goys, aka. Freemasonry.

David Myatt is a known MI5 spy.
Also: After Hitler tried to expel the German occultists, the British intelligence services and OSS used them as agents against him. They always maintained an occultist branch to this day, and use it against the Right.

I have an inkling you may be right about the Cathars, I always thought that the song Katharian Life Code felt more Nordic then Satanic. Hell the entire first Darkthrone album really feels Nordic.

Consider this, Christianity considers ever form of spirituality not of Christianity to be from the Devil. It is only logical then that people who originally begin to free themselves from the false spirituality of Christianity to believe that they are worshiping "Satan." In reality, Satan is just a word that Christians use to describe anything unchristian, and that includes the Ancient Germanic/Nordic religious traditions.

Why do you think Merlin is the 'Son of the Devil'? His magics are clearly righteous, and yet not of Jesus Christ. The early Britons could think of no other way to classify him.

Fuck off, moshe.

Anton Levi and the church of satan is gay jewish atheists LARPing as satanists to annoy christcucks, sometimes supported by anti-christcuck nazis just for the lulz.

James Mason has always been a christian and said he admired Anton Levi purely for the way that he managed to polar invert christianity and annoy christcucks, you can easily find Mason's actually opinion on satanism via a quick jewgle search. It's something like:

O9A founder David Myatt's form of "satanism" is basically created from hermetcism, Germanic/Anglo paganism and Greek esoteric Hellenism (iirc). His overarching aim was total aryan victory and a galactic imperium (similar to The Black Order)

Tempel ov Blood are a bunch of faggots who want to be "evil" for the sake of being "evil", to create some sort of hell on earth and to become supermen going on murderous rampages.

Because christianity is fucking gay jew shit and people don't actually understand what they're talking about when they talk about "satanism."

Let me guess, Moarpheus with another wild and unsourced accusation?

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About that. Pagans did not go to the moon.
Pagans did not make the middle class.
Pagans did not make the biggest chance of upward mobility.
Pagans are trash and have no place in the west.
Go away.

go pray to your shitty kike fake god heretical LARPer, you gay jew

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Pagans have a habit of calling themselves Christians. Then when the Death cults or Pedo cults come out. They're called Christians Pagens run the world.

Just an observation, it seems like the occultist Satanist groups, like the Church of Satan, tend to have a Nazi problem, while the anti-theist ones, like The Satanic Temple, tend to be pretty left wing.

I'm no christcuck, but these satanists need to fuck off. I want nothing to do with occultists such as satanists, freemasons, witches, etc.

Nope, the satanists are just the opposite side of the Abrahamist coin from christcucks and we spit on that fucking shekel in it's entirety.

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This is a very genuine, organic thread. Yes, let's debate the pro's and con's of satanism, paganism, chirstianity, and other moon bat bullshit. Good goy.

Or, you know, those people OP listed are just kike shills with mental disorders who believe in the cartoon version of naZiosm.

Joy of Satan also claims Satan himself looks something like pics related (artists claim to have seen him or an entity calling himself Satan in the astral). Satan is also, apparently, Odin/Loki (they claim Norse mythology became seriously altered after Christianity like other mythologies), Shiva (modern Hinduism is corrupted, etc.), Ra, Ares, Enki, Ea, among other names.

They also have depictions of other demons (which seek to help humanity according to them in contrast to the "angels" of the "YHVH thoughtform"). Some names might be familiar to you, such as Azazel, Belial, Lilith, etc. They are often depicted as Nordic, though some have more tanned complexions and darker features (think ancient Southern Mediterranean without negroid admixture from the Muslim slave trade).

But what I don't get is why do some of their priests have shit grammar despite being born in the US for example?

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I only care about race not religion

Every spirituality born of the semitic ethos must be banished.

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This whole thread is gay and aids.

It basically accepts the binary version of Christianity vs Everything Else (Satanism/Paganism)

I'm closest to a Social Darwinist Deep Ecologist. I guess that means I could LARP as a Satanist.

more like jew shit vs everything else

It really matters on what your definition of "Satanism" is, you could even say racism itself is Satanic, especially in progroms which seek to remove a particular ethnic group by force.

White people, not christianism.
We were already a mighty race without Christianity.

Where is the great ethiopians and copts scientists, philosophers, engineers? Why did other races that converted to Christianity (even before us) not have the same success as us?

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I remember finding a bunch of glow niggers profiles and every single profile was riddled with rock-n-roll and/or metal. I was going to put together a story board on it but I saw some shiny thing or some shit. Anyway, glow-niggers most definitely have a fascination with rock/hard metal music genre. That glow nigger kid fucker in DC had a band too. I actually enjoyed the song with the Halloween theme going, Heavy Breathing was the name of the band

This is the most ridiculous distraction technique going around right now. I don't know if you're in on it, or just a useful idiot, but what do you really hope to change by pushing one religion over another right now, at this point in the movement? Really, do you think you're going to convert a few million whites, messiah?

Hm, I liked.

I am OP? where i tried to convert anyone?
In my opinion any religion thread should be banned, religion is the weak point of Zig Forums.

There's overlap in everything. So you'll have democrats and satanism. You'll have right wing guys and baseball. Next week jew OP will be all, 'what's the deal with all these Nazis and baseball?'. Fucking idiot.

I can't take anyone with shit grammar seriously and I'm not native to an english-speaking country. Without knowing much about them, I'd risk saying they're probably junkies of some sort and ignore them completely until they learn to communicate.

Let edgy faggots be edgy faggots. Just don't get too close because it's contagious.

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Nah, they will recycle this same idea to push edgy satanism or apocalyptical cults on Zig Forums every single week.

Are you retarded? Most freemasons are Christians, and "witches" aren't satanists, they're pagans.

Why did David Myatt leave NS?

This is why it is is so easy to spot you jewish fucktards. Jesus clearly points out that jews are the offspring of satan, and always have been. The entire basis of the Bible is a history of the satanic hyjinks of you desert filth and a warning to humans that anyone who behaves like one of your kind is doomed to hell. Every time you say "hurr durr kike on a stick durr durr" it exposes you for the retarded nigger you obviously are.

I'd ask what the christians hope to change by doing so, but I already know the answer: they want to push jew worship at the expense of white survival.

It's to grab attention so, in that sense, it is indeed "edgy". Nobody's going to pay attention to black text on a white background, but they'll take a second look at a scary goat head in red and black and, if they take a second look, they might actually begin to think.

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All I know is I see disgusting greasy kikes denouncing Christianity and then I come on here and see the same shit. It just makes me wonder what the motivation is?
The way I see it, if the jew hates it I'm pretty much for it.

Christians had nothing to do whatsoever with the scientific and social advances, unless you count the dark ages lel . Inb4 listing all of those people who were only "Christian" on paper so they don't get burned/kicked out or have their books burned and had to pretend the whole time while secretly promoting highly heretical ideas.

Who would have thought.

We are fully aware that Christian vs Pagan larping is a D&C / slide Hasbara technique and a favorite pastime of imkikefy, and generally avoid it, but sometimes such subjects need to be addressed. We should find a common standpoint, even with the deluded christcucks. They are like our retarded brothers.

Which version of the Bible are you quoting? Which gospel is that from?

You should look more into Cathars and Goths user, also the Arthurian myths. They had the ancient Aryan knowledge which kikes have been trying to suppress for countless centuries.

/intl/, paid shills, lefty, (((gnostics))), stormfront, (((pagans))) and fedoras arent enough…

The myth of the dark ages again… kid, the dark ages was a time when Europe was muslim in the south and "pagan" in the north, when Guillermo conquered brits people still practiced paganism, the rest is garbage, pure lies, seriously, its like you being paid for that.

I don't care what the point of satanism is. Every satanist I met was an inbred edgelord who deserved a bullet. No right wing movement is going to unite behind satanism or atheism.

Easy. And this isn't that odd if you think about it.
"Right wing" as you call it groups are dissident, unusual, and persecuted organizations. They buck the norm and are attacked viciously by the establishment for their wrong-think.
Who else shares these traits? Satanists.
Satanists are also kind of edgy, unusual, and often persecuted by their surroundings. They are also hated for their wrong-think by society.

And there is another similarity between White nationalist organizations and Satanists; All our lives we have grown up hearing that Hitler is evil, Hitler is Satan, Hitler is the bad guy.
HATE HIM they shriek
REJECT HIM they scream
The actual "Satan" is given the same rap as Hitler because Hitler is the "Satan" of the new politically correct religion and liberalism IS a religion. Compare it with established religions and you will see why
So the fact that some right wing groups have flirted with two kinds of wrong-think is not at all surprising.

I hope this helps you understand.

Poisoning the well: To commit a preemptive ad hominem attack against an opponent. That is, to prime the audience with adverse information about the opponent from the start, in an attempt to make your claim more acceptable or discount the credibility of your opponent’s claim.
By attempting to associate "far right" viewpoints with "satanism" (((certain groups))) seek to push "conservatives" away from actual Nationalism and towards "kosher christian conservativism" that will not actually conserve anything of value. This is done partly via "controlled opposition" and partly via giving some degree of press attention to idiotic "satanic rightists" while applying the "conspiracy of silence" to actual, legitimate Nationalists and/ or National Socialists. In other words, "controlling the narrative."
Legitimate National Socialism is, was, and always has been a MORAL movement seeking to build a more wholesome, just, and prosperous homeland for the Volk and to oppose degeneracy and corruption. Legitimate National Socialism is diametrically opposed to what is generally described as "satanism."

White men who just happened to be christian did those things.
Indeed, many of the core staff in the USA space program were project paperclip Germans who were likely not christian, though they may have pretended to be.
Again, WHITE MEN did those things. Who, barely worth mentioning, just happened to be "christian."

Odd way of spelling talmudists aka kikes aka jews


The "swastika" is an ancient symbol from numerous cultures, including Germanic, that predates all judaic influence.
In the Germanic tradition it usually represents the Sun.

The only people who believe that are fools and useful idiots. IE, a large portion of christians, among others.

satanism is yet another abrahamic religion that largely takes the form of "inverted christianity."
As for the claims of "ancient aryan traditions related to the "lightbringer;" then 100% CUT OUT all of that abrahamic shit. Venerate Prometheus or something like that.


Your argument is what is "ridiculous."
You are behaving as a useful idiot.
THE WHOLE POINT is that saving the White race, reestablishing White homelands, and removing jewish influence from our societies, must come FIRST. IE, the White RACE must come FIRST.
Tell me, how many christians will put the White race first and christianity second? If they will, then fantastic. If not, then they are part of the problem.

I have heard these arguments before.
How many christian denominations of any significant size are EXPLICITLY pro-White, anti-racemixing, and pro-(White countries for White people and only White people and no jews)?
How many explicitly support even one of these things?
Christianity is, according to the vast majority of interpretations of christian doctrine I have ever heard of, a universalist religion that opposes racial and ethnic Nationalism. It supports converting persons of all races and mixing the world up into one giant brown favela shithole (as long as it is CHRISTIAN).
Hitler supported "positive christianity" which emphasized the "moral kernel" of christianity while downplaying the importance of biblical doctrine. IE, it supported White morality while putting the actual bible second.

This guy again. You are the one who sounds like a paid shill.

They're jews who don't know it.

There is no corollary between NatSoc and ANY level or form of evil. NatSoc was developed on those ideals expressed by a group which later was codified by Constantinople, loosely called to day "Christianity"; which rejected the principles of the jew, the evils, the usury, the degeneracy, the destruction. Instead, the group(s) later to be known as "Christians" were the very peoples that brought about the foundations of the West, minus the Judeo-Christian bastardizations we see today.
No. It means that Hitler and all who fought alongside him were guided by the same doctrines and dogma which guided those who brought the planet "good". All of those demonized by the jew world order of today, fought against evil; they fought against all things of the jew

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in my entire life. They're Sirian, you idiots.

lol only a super retarded christcuck would believe a bunch of larping degenerates (i.e. acheron) are some kind of glow-niggers, if you have actually met some of those losers in that scene like I have you might think twice before posting.

Are there any practicing Satanists here? I've been getting annoyed with the increasing cuckery at my church. Give me the pitch. Change my mind. I'm listening.

FYI I'm into Slayer and even old Black Sabbath.What are Satanist chicks like?

You tell me, Christfag.

so, you're saying that back in the day, when the Assyrians came to Earth, they took (of all people) the jews as "slaves" (read: made the jew do what all jews hate to do: work) to mine Gold, just like Jew 'Zecharia Sitchin' told, and to this day, the jew is still asshurt because somebody made him actually 'do' physical work?

People will naturally have different beliefs, it should be our goal to find a common point instead of letting it divide us. We'd let you worship kike on a stick as much as you want to, just don't bring based Jews and faithful niggers (that you would rather marry your daughter to than to a white heretic) with you, and let those of us who have the actual knowledge and willpower to fight the kikes do so. We'll tolerate Christianity for the same reason Hitler did, despite being very anti-Christian.

How is it a myth? The story about savage pagans is not a myth? Why would anyone pay me to say bad things about Christianity? It's not a threat to them. They have more sophisticated population control methods now.

This guy gets it. Hitler has the role of Satan in SJW religion (neoliberalism, however you call it). What makes you think that the same didn't happen with the biblical Satan? I'm pretty certain that some globalist new-age religion of the future will proclaim Hitler to be the literal devil.

You can't inadvertently become another religion or ethnicity.

Remember, all, that the sin that got Adam and Eve kicked out of Eden, the original sin that was imparted to them by "the serpent", was nothing but disobedience to authority.

Sound familiar? It should.

Good points. National Socialist morality is not compatible with Christian morality, but it's also not compatible with inverse Christianity, i.e "satanism" of the Levi kind.

Abrahamists were exposed to other cultures and religions, sometimes we got the best account on some historical characters by publishers of the time slandering them in their works. They probably saw some Aryan characters that were opposed to their kike worldview and went to great lengths describing them as monsters. Think of ancient and medieval version of skin lampshades.

But you are right, we should not use the term "satanism" to avoid confusion and scaring the christcucks away from the ideas which are much more important than religion. But for the sake of argument, we have to be "satanists" (according to Judeo-Christian morality) if we are to accomplish anything. Solely by rejecting their values and Jewish prophet, we have become the greatest of sinners. Would Christians be able to gut niggers in a race war scenario? I don't think so. Everything that we are trying to accomplish goes against Christian (Or Jewish, Muslim etc.) doctrines.

nice try kike shill

Ah but the Fuhrer already is. Adolf Hitler is more important to the jews than Moses, David, or even Abraham is. Hitler and their precious holocaust are the central theme of the modern jewish religion. Honestly, I don't know what the kikes would do if they didn't have Hitler. What would they talk about all day?

And the great irony of their "satan" is that for all the squaking and kvetching, the jews agree with Hitler completely;
Hitler said that jews and Germans couldn't live together. Which is quite a claim if you don't know anything about the jews. But the jews themselves agree with this statement every time they scream at little White children for saying It's Okay To Be White
If the jews can't even tolerate one White person who doesn't want to die… if they can't tolerate one White country to exist on planet earth, then clearly they cannot live with us and someone needs to go.

This is my favourite way to begin a deep conversation about the jewish problem. I don't like to start off with startstics because they're impersonal, nor do I like to start off listing all the abhorrently evil things that the disgusting kikes have done to us over the years because people have been trained to shut off their brains to criticism of the jews. But this tactic gets people to open up their minds. This opener comes at people from a new perspective and gets them thinking, even laughing.
Then they're far more open to true information about the jewish problem.

You're all mad if you believe devil worship is a positive to the far right
If you wish to worship an avatar of chaos and rebellion there are better choices than the kike entity helel Ben shahar
Never mind how many natsoc organization have fallen prey to subversion by the order of the nine angles

There's always Kek

Chaos is change. The only ones who fear change are the ones currently in power, who do not wish for their power structure to change.

What is with the Satan shilling lately? Is this some new D&C tactic to trigger pagans and christcucks again?

lol probably

It would raise too much attention if jews were involved with their controlled opposition, so they go under the guise of Satanists.

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You wete never a Christian to begin with

>(((Anton Levy)))

He was a kike, and everything he did directly helped (((them))) out. KYS OP

White people did those things, not a religion. So you’re implying whites aren’t anything special without some sandnigger religion? That makes you our enemy.

It's very amusing. The more that movementarians complain, the more turn to the dark side

Attached: liber 333 book.jpg (640x480, 23.25K)

Is it true that this guy was one of the authors of Liber 333?

Those who seek answers can visit

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kill yourself, but unironically this time

lol where the fuck do you think you are, newfag?
you're an NPC

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Try disobeying your vices for a while.

fuck off siegeniggers, you are no kameraden of mine.

That's interesting, and I'm sorry if I misunderstand, I've been calling them babylonians, steming from the take over of israels captivity by babylon

Pretty much. Nobody ever actually addresses this, any responses just talk around it. Hell, look at the other responses to this post.

Just remember there are shills that also use Christianity or other religions to seem retarded just to fracture the board. It's why we see pro-islam posts sometimes.

Sage for off-topic.

Lucifer is not a "physical" being. There's a reason he's known as the light bearer. As far as Satan and satanism goes the former is merely an energy and the latter is basically self worship. Not trying to say it doesn't exist either, but it's important to know the difference. Spiritual satanism is working on oneself to achieve godhood which is ultimately self destructive. Remember the entire matrix which you call reality is an illusion and an experiment of separation from the source of all creation, which is God.
also the right left paradigm is kikery on both sides and one of the most efficient divide and conquer tactics. They control both sides and are rubbing their hands gleefully watching the goyim fall for it everytime.
This dream will end and return to the eternal, still, silent nothingness from whence it came. That is the natural order and was predetermined long before any "thing" came into being.

Jews are Satanists, revisionists claim Satan is actually "Ha-Satan" and a friend of YHWH, while hating real God and Jesus because they are jealous of the goyim the same way Satan is jealous of mankind

That's literally not true.

Let's back up a bit and talk about why satan was a bad guy. The core tenet of Christian doctrine is that God is Truth. As in: God doesn't say what is already true, God doesn't play by rules, He makes them.

So satan rebels against what is true. The sin satan committed was hubris, a knowing and willful disregard for what is in favor of what satan wanted. The devil seduces others to engage in pointless quests to try to "break the bonds" of what is actually true and that leads to ruination every time.

Now, I ask you to consider that and read the quote posted here:

John 8:39-44

I'll add in a previous passage from John 8:32:
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Dig yourselves out of the negative

SIEGE "Nazism" is definitely incompatible with Christianity for obvious reasons but everyone needs to adjust their fire when attacking the faith for the actions of a subverted institution.

It's no wonder redpilling is so difficult for some people. Every Christian has a bible, tell them to open it and read the actual words. Tell them not to trust these groups that have done nothing but attack them and their faith.

The weirdly adversarial mindset (likely perpetuated by shills) needs to stop. If the white race is the number 1 priority then use whatever tools you have, use what they care about. Don't relegate yourself to the fringe because you want to be an edgelord. This is obvious stuff.

boyd rice and nicholas shreck have a bigger impact in the online arena than anyone gives them credit for, shreck himself was a techie and boasted of "hacker legions" so they pushed the early satanist /skinhead meme hard trying to combine the 2 into one entity.

dbl posting ot add this… never forget the green beret, church of satan nsa advisor temple of set creator michael anquino was a part of all this, the guy wrote the manual on post 60's pys-ops including memetics

Jesus didn't know his own inner-voice.

And neither to larping NPC (((gnostic))) Satanists. And Buddhism makes you NPC because it's nihilism. Only Nietzschian-NatSoc-Stoicism is the way forward. It can't be Jewed.

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You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

I refuted your argument and said that you are a paid shill, then you are forced to present another argument and after that you can use "something funny", shills just post "something funny" without any argument or using logical falacies or repeating debunked garbage, exactly like you are doing right now.

"Pagan" is just a word for old religions or religions used before christianity came, traitors are satanists, period.


First, paid shill, second, not that guy, third, i had 2, one was the classic satanist (mental issues) the other a cynical fedora living in a family that believes that they were superior in every sense and that everyone noticed that and admired them, both high IQ with studies, one a dead weight for her volk, the other a traitor that destroyed her volk.

Never said that, i just put all of them in the same garbage can and i talked about people that destroyed their countries or are just dead weight, /intl is a bunch of clowns, paid shills are traitors, lefty are multicult tards, gnotics are masons, stormfront is controlled opposition, pagans in the west are just tards or looneys and fedoras in groups are communism, they have different beliefs and their beliefs are cancer, if you are part of one of them please, for the sake of your volk, kill yourself.
You dont have to tolerate christianity, christianity already tolerated your garbage a lot, you dont have numbers or power if we ignore communists and they proved a lot of times that atheism is the biggest monstruosity in this land.

Al andaluz wasnt christian and Guillermo wasnt welcomed by La Inquisición.

With a bit of mental gymnastics all sins are.

Echo chamber.

These guys are paid shills, they came in groups supporting each other.

Pagans are irrelevant you fedora, its about to take the biggest and most powerfull population from the right, christians, it was like the gnostics memes posted months ago.

your IQ is too low to be posting here
>>>Zig Forums

I know exactly what I'm talking about and have 70yrs of study.

He doesn't realize Judiasm is just Christians larping as bible characters and cult fucking each other in the middle east until they're inbred.

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Accepting that life is suffering is not the same thing as giving up on life and you are not a 70 year old man you fucking liar. Get fucked.

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lol, everyone already accepts that, you NPC.
Anti-Karma fags are nihilists, and monks are taught to be NPCs. I know I'm 95yrs old.

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I don't believe you, post nose hair.