Hey nazicucks, i just wanted to tell you that i got my new paycheck from George Soros, who as a jew is a totally supporter of radical anarchists! Afterwards I will burn some of your cars again! Have fun with your wage slave work!
Hey nazicucks, i just wanted to tell you that i got my new paycheck from George Soros...
Better run out and spend it because you're running out of time.
I have enough time, because you work for me! So go to work, my nazihoe!
this is pretty weak bait. btw, where are the soros recruitment centers if we wanted to explore this job opportunity?
You have to go to the Frankfurt School for Witchcraft and Wizardry!
Do you think you could ask Mr. Soros if I could have a job too? I hate Blumpf
This whole thread is gay.
Does pic related make you mad Moishe?
Your memes remind me of vid related (he became homeless after this video, shocker)
How does it feel knowing your only real contribution to anything will only ever be the destruction of another's property? That because you're so pathetic and stupid, that all you can really muster is what amounts to a child's tantrum from the rage and envy you feel for those you pretend to represent. Is it fulfilling? Is it truly fulfilling? Do you feel any actual pride for it? Or do you try to hide the realization of your own worthlessness beneath the mask that covers your face.
What's that, post my waifu?
Well ok, since you asked so nicely
OP wants us to post anime? Okay!
You can joke about it all you want, but it is a documented fact that Soros funds antifa.
You realize that the frankfurt school is the exact opposite of anarchy? you work for the most statist people there are, yet call yourself anarchists… you realize you'll be the first to go in the purges. they have your name, address, list of your friends, all the places you frequent. and based on your past behavior you will pose the biggest threat to their order once the revolution is over.
How does it feel to be a pathetic slave of a few rich oligarchs and to measure its self-worth by how good you are as a slave to this small elite?
What is Moishe? Is this your mother?
user, I think you mean WE have a list of traitors. What do you want to bet those lists are stored on decaying servers administrated by pajeets?
I didn't even read your OP, OP.
But I will say: I cannot understand how any leftist today can still trump (no pun intended) his commie line while laying in bed with the biggest, most gigantic monopolistic - or pseudo-oligarchic, if you care about this irrelevant distinction - corporations the world has ever seen. Don't you notice anything?? Do you even have a pulse, still? On that account alone - not even counting the millions of lives you have destroyed in pursuit of your commie fantasy land that the kikes only set up as an illusion for you in order to robb you blind more easily - you fucking commies are the most disgusting and subhuman creatures the world has ever seen. You are the poster boys for "stockholm syndrome", only that you are suffering from it in a very high level game, a game that encompasses not only your individual destruction, but the destruction of your own race. You are disgusting, you are pissing me off on levels that you cannot even imagine, and by God, I will piss on your grave.
And you came up with it not even by your own accord. Not even that did you accomplish. Instead, you have been fed your poison by the disgusting kikes, and you are slurping it up as if it were gold, like you disgusting cocksuckers you are. The world has never before seens such disgusting hypocrites as you are. How can you even live? You are an abomination on mankind, you are the lowest state of man that could be possibly imagined. The ancient Greeks and all else would have laughed at the notion that abominations like you would ever see the light of day. They would have deemed it impossible, but yet, there you are.
The irony
Yeah sure, George sends us "Antifa Members" from the "Antifa Club" of the Frankfurt School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, paychecks every month, for his Judea plot for world domination…
I wanna cuddle that togekiss
They don't send money to you because you're dumb as dog shit. Useful idiots don't get paid. You just catch the consequences and OD on fentanyl (pic related). They send money to the organizers who plan the events you attend. Refuse fascism, for example, as seen in my prior image. Organizer for many antifa protests over the past two years.
Fags (both M&F) get the rope…don't be a fucking fool, homosexual women are just as dangerous, maybe more so, than male faggots, because they are vindictive and have a psychopathic bent for torture of anything that is small, dependant or weak. DOTR.
Mods do your fucking job
sage and report for faggotry and sliding
You Nazis are so incredibly stupid, how did you manage to get out of the pussy of your mother? And yes i will love it to rape and slaughter your mentally handicapped families!
it's anime, aka not real, aka stop being a fag you faggot