Current the default homepage is promoting Lolita (1997) full movie (glorifies pedophilia), under Drama. Bring it up in a fresh browser or use a VPN to confirm.
YouTube Promoting Pedophilia
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Lolita does not glorify pedophilia you dumb faggot. That's like saying American History X glorifies neo-nazis
Kill yourself.
It normalizes it though. Your Subconscious mind cannot refuse imagery or stimuli. You are making yourself into a degenerate via a lack of standards and exposure to deviant and immoral states of being for humanity. When those thing enter your mind there is no way for you to erase them, ever.
You are like a woman trying to pull a dick out of her vagina and claim that she is still a virgin because she didn't mean to get dick in her pussy. What goes in doesn't come out.
Does that mean I'm getting dumber from reading retarded posts like yours and OP's?
are the vietnamese all pedos or something
You mean more retarded than you get day to day by looking in your own bathroom mirror. No user, there are some event horizons not even I can pull you up out of.
Use a clean browser.
Use a proxy.
Try from multiple locations.
Scroll down to the Drama section.
Be aware of gaslighting.
Be aware of the attempt to paint anyone who notices this as a pedo themselves because people are technologically illiterate.
Preface pointing this out with how it is independent of IP, browser history, or account, and how it requires scrolling down a bit on the default YouTube homepage to the Drama section.
Read the book instead.
Not really into learning about degeneracy. The only thing that needs to be learned from them is whether or not they can be killed with one bullet or two.
I don't see it on mine but instead seeing this years Holocaust movie. About a nigger in Nazi Germany, and the racemixing mother is that same actress from Vikings.
Have you seen the body of a fully developed Vietnamese woman? Basically a child.
You could have stopped there.
Not about pedofags (aka kikes). So what do you think? One or two bullets?
Depends on the shot placement. I could teach you, but you're not really into learning.
Not from you.
A closed mind is a closed door. Great for security, terrible for mobility.
The homepage is automatically generated. Do you think people at youtube manually select every single video to show there? You probably also think there is an actual guy sending the videos to your sub box which is why sometimes it misses some videos.
Kike. The lists are generated automatically and they add or remove weight to videos they manually choose to promote or demote according to their agenda, but you already knew that.
Don't believe me, believe Earnest Pettie, Brand and Diversity Curation Lead at YouTube
I enjoyed that quick and articulate removal of that kike, thanks :)
Looks more like it's abc who made her darker.
The chick in that movie who's supposed to be a loli looks like she's fucking 30 years old.
Did you ever watch the film you flaming faggot? its about a girl manipulating an older guy.
still feeling the loss, faggot?
she did more to solve her problems than you do bong-cuck
kek. Niggers weren't allowed to touch German women to begin with making the whole setup of the movie utterly impossible.
Fucking jews need more delousing.
you're gay
leave you fucking boomer
This. OP is an illiterate nigger.
It makes all the panties wet, thats for sure.
Kill yourself, Levi.
Good book OP is probably a rusophobe
Do you get "dumber" when reading childrens' books to kids?
Men are rejecting the failed American-woman model a.k.a. 'The Femistasi', and choosing those qualities for which women were known for traditionally; innocence, soft-spokenness, balanced in the literal sense(demeanor, chastity, identity within the family unit/society), as opposed to loud, boisterous, liberally fascistic, zero-identity(perfect Marxist-model malleable and ready to attach to any number of makeshift BS identities all neatly packaged into an -ist or an -ism), screwed/blued/tattooed and fully prepared to reject all which appears traditional
tl;dr Men, in general, are not the pedophiles they're painted as, but responding to a desire to reproduce with a woman that he sees as bearing those qualities he prefers to see in his progeny
No, just someone who calls bullshit on all things that brought into existence the MGTOW-movement, the failed -ists and -isms used to mask a culture-wide identity crisis, calling something pedo that isn't pedo, and characterizing that which jew psychology ignores lest they green-light a huge increase in White births from women under 20
The VPN acts as a redirection for your dataflow. Going through some 3rd party (who you supposedly trust) before reaching you. In short, you're not the only faggot who'd use it. Therefore, for pedo shit to be in the search is not surprising, since the IP might've been used for just that.
Never seen it, so I wont make a judgement call.
Lolita is banned for reasons , but not the reasons you think.
Lo is a bitch, a victim , a fille fatale and she knows it , abused, been around the block a couple of times before even meeting the main character of the novel. She's everything men have every single right to be wary of in an underaged package. Is she really innocent? (no) Is she really just a horrible monster who will grow up to be a maneater? ( Yes)
Hubert is pedo, or is he? What's the difference between a man that can't mentally grow up and a man that is actually being taken advantage of. The whole story goes back and forth, who is really using who?
One scene he's abusing her, another scene she's milking him for everything he's worth.
tl;dr read the fucking book, to say it promotes pedos is essentially proof you didn't even bother. It promotes a harsh truth about women and men that is really not acceptable in this day and age. If a girl (regardless of age) wants an older man, she will do everything within her power to get said older man to bend to her developing female charms. And it takes a strong man to turn down a hot teenager lusting after him.
Lolita, American History X , etc. come from a time when movies had meanings you either took away or did not. Forgive the youngsters, the most enlightening film they've seen in their lives is Schindeler's List and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Thread got anchored.
Is 8pol comped like halfchan?
The main problem is that a 15 year old was sexualised in the name of (((acting))).
Give it a rest. You are over two decades too late for your outrage at this particular film. Of all the content on jewtube, this is tame compared to the race-mixing, gender-bending, junk mutilating, masculinity attacking rubbish that floods it daily; and is deliberately and unapologetic ally targeted at children!
You dare to sully the good name of whoever wrote the script of the corner of the alternative, meaning fluid, genderracial diverse, counter narrative inclusivsity rainbowed cannon of film and literary brilliance by a proud gay, black, asian, muslim, buddhist woman person of color and panavision?
There is no paedophilia in Lolita.
>The main problem is that a 15 year old was sexualised in the name of (((acting))).
No, a 15 year old was sexualised years earlier by God/nature as soon as she started puberty.
post Nasims
kikes chimp out when you post Nasims
I hope you know Hide My Ass sells all your info
It's also UK based. So all your info is also going to the police and the government. Whether you're a British citizen or not.