How in the world did they ever managed to grow into the cancer that they are today. The evangelical question is the second most important question of our times. I blame it on English instead of Christianity…
Did you know that the (((english))) bible has at least one word missing and another word made up? These are "holocaust" and "jew", respectively.
Ian Gray
DoD funding. All of these big name Zionist evangelical pastors are backed by the Pentagon.
Jackson Collins
Evangelical christians are the reason why US is so pozzed by their jewish overlords, not even kikes themselves care about 'muh chosen people' more than evangelical christians. I daresay that evangelicals love jews and israel more than they love Yeshua or YHWH.
Zachary Lewis
>(((english))) yeah okay faggot, blame the finest strain of the white race instead of some mentally ill kike that brainwashed the entire white race with self-flaggelating submissive cuck morality for over a thousand years and deracinated us from our spiritual heritage
I believe John Hagee has actually stated that worshipping Jews is more important than worshipping Jesus
Christian Hughes
This is how you spot a mason, anons.
Holy Saints John
Hiram Abiff
Stands for gay, of course.
EE =33 = masonic buttsex.
No, really, he's a masonfag larping as a christian for his kike masters. They all code their names so that fellow masons know that they're fleecing the sheep, and move on. Don't be fooled.
Jonathan Nguyen
Keep trying, jew keep trying
(pic related) is directly from the Frankfurt School of Marxism.
lel England is the motherland. When we rebelled, this land became a fatherland.
David Sanchez
No one cares, Levi.
Julian Hernandez
There's been a massive influx of anti-white, anti-christian shills lately. I wonder why that is.
Brody Allen
I'm not American
Julian James
only degenerates and race worshippers hate Christianity
Christopher Morgan
Those are not Christians. Just as "Christcusks" are not Christians. They are zionists who do not follow Christianity in any way. What the church spews out is a coopted message of Satan. Those of you who don't see that, don't believe that are suspiciously jewish looking.
Chase Reed
An 'Evangelical Christian' is one who seeks to spread the good news of the New Testament, who follow the 'Great Commission' to convert others to Christianity. Depending on you ask this can apply only to Anglo-Saxons, only to the 'Lost Tribes', or to all of humanity. Seeing as it is spreading the New Testament it is explicitly anti-Pharisee AKA anti-jew.
Evangelical Christians outside of a relatively small sect in the US have nothing to do with John Hagee. John Hagee is not a Christian, and it is beyond simple to prove this by comparing his sayings and teachings to what is written in the Bible and said by Jesus. If you find Evangelical Protestants outside of the US, notably in the UK; they are far more likely to be vehemently anti-jewish than your average 'Christian' as they are more concerned with what the Bible actually says, and the Bible is quite possibly the most "anti-semitic" texts ever written.
Would not surprise me. The man got divorced which immediately means he cannot be a Christian leader according to New Testament doctrine, he married a jewess after that, and the man has denounced MARTIN LUTHER!!! How any one falls for his craziness I simply do not know.
Blake Hughes
Esoteric immigrants are redpilled on the JQ?
If they are, they are the secret weapon (((they))) won't expect.