
Alright faggots, Election day is in a week now. I still don't kow who tf i'm supposed to vote for. We only have fucking braindead retards as potential leaders. I want the separation of Quebec but there's no Separatist parties leaning towards the right.

My question is; Who should i vote for and why?

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Other urls found in this thread:ébec

Not the liberals, and not the communists.
That will remove some choices for you, after that check what do you think is best and decide.

Oh that was acutally clear from the start, i'm not voting for jew-faggots.

Go fuck yourself. You will never vote yourself out of this mess.

no u

Here is a strategy I use in America
If the election is close between a White patriot and an enemy of our race'
Always always always vote for White nationalists or right wingers.

If there is no chance for the nationalists to win but the election is close between two traitors,
Vote for the LEAST competant traitors. They will destroy the system without even noticing.

IF the election is not close and there is a guarenteed winner who is an enemy of White people, vote for nationalists.

Oh, but you're not done. There are now underlings to consider;
If an enemy of our people will win, vote for people who will oppose and hinder his ability to destroy White peoples lives. OR vote for incompetant morons who will screw up under him and lessen his ability to destroy.

And if a nationalist may win, always vote only for competant people to serve under him. In fact, it is MORE important that nationalists take local and administrative positions than any other office. PERIOD.
Without support from his underlings, no nationalist politician can accomplish anything and vice versa.

Voting won't save us, but we live in a fake democracy and the enemy has declared total war against us. So we must use EVERY tool at our disposal to defend our people. That includes the vote.
More important than voting is campaigning. Help nationalists get into positions of power on a local level. And if none are brave enough to stand against the evil system, then help incompetant morons get elected so they can trash the System without even realizing what they're doing.


t. in NB and voted for the People's Alliance of NBébec

According to the party, Quebec is defined by "its historical heritage, the French language, its democratic ideals and the principles of the secularity of the State, and equality among men and women".[36] The Party supported the Quebec ban on face covering but also argue the ban is not extensive enough.[42] This includes limiting immigration and promoting the use of French without creating new barriers. The party supports multiculturalism insofar as to "integrate newcomers".

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Answer: Not QLP, not QS. Choose CAQ, as their leader has campaigned on reducing immigration by 20% (not much but a start). I wish the party was sovereigntist though. PQ has some more conservative members, and is my second choice. Also check for your district ahead of time, as a few minor pro-direct democracy parties are on the ballot if that’s your thing.

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D&C kikes will shit all over Quebec. Ive lived in Ontario my entire life and I love my francois brothers

Reminder that the only real vote that matters is not paying taxes but feel free to vote for the most anti immigrant right wing candidate you can find.

My first choice was actually CAQ too, but fuck i wish it was Sovereigntist also. Probably gonna vote for them anyway. I pray for the day that we have a r
ight wing Sovereigntist party.

Que tu vote pour n"importe qui tu vote pour le statu quo

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I'm a mostly bilingual Anglo who has lived in Quebec for over a decade now, and this will be the first time I'm voting in the provincial. I would go for CAQ strategically since it seems like the PLQ is gaining on them. It also seems like they have some relatively ok plans economy wise.

All of my shitlib friends are voting for Manon Moustache (QS), which surprisingly seems to be the most sovereigntist party of the four major ones. But they are full commie so fuck that shit.

(I do support the separation or at least increased autonomy of Quebec even though I'm a dirty anglo)

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Also Quebec user here.
Vote strategically. If you live in a typically PQ riding or a riding where the liberals are 100% sure to win; vote PQ.
If you live in a CAQ or swing riding, vote CAQ.

QS aren't actually separatist tho. They only meme that so they can suck away the vote of leftist separatists and dumb zoomers from the PQ. They'd be for independence only if Quebec because SuperSweden; and even then not whitout giving away half of it to natives and Canada.

QS sont des pelleteux de nuages avec leur pancartes qui dit que "tout va etre gratuit"! De toute facon ou je reste c'est toujours le PQ peu importe qui se presente.



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Are you fucking Trudeau? Why do you use their language?

I wish Quebec would "piss or get off the pot". FFS just vote to leave faggeau-land.

(((Quebec Solidare)))

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"sovreingist" and "independentist" sounds weird and gay in english; "separatist" conjures mental images of armed men in balaclavas

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Who fucking cares. It like asking about the elections happening in Algeria.

t. Isreali

I just moved here; I don't have a clue but one thing is for sure. I'm not voting for commies.

More patriotic than you, nigger lover.

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Watch your mouth, boy! Here down South that's fighting words.

Up here schoolboys walk into mosques and start shooting, just because.


Look at that, the Jew can't even spell the name of his homeland! How pathetic.

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Oy Vey I superimposed the Radio-Canada "Boussole Électorale" results and the alleged positions of the parties. Looks like the demand for an ethno-state is bigger than the offer.

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Quebec will never leave because its completely financially dependant on the western provinces. Quebec Solidare is literally retarded for wanting to both increase spending and Quexit. Even if Quebec separated, it would rather import french speaking nignogs and moors from north africa than white europeans who are anglophones/dutch/german/polish/etc.

CAQ is the best party for immigration. CAQ and PQ both say they'll drop immigration to 40k per year (they won't), but PQ wants to settle them on land in rural areas, which is the worst thing that could happen to us. Invaders need to stay in containment zones like montreal and toronto. So far the country is still safe, and the rural Quebec population is very strong and healthy and white. This makes PQ the worst party for immigration imo, even though they claim to be the most anti-immigrant.

Also, federally these faggots better not flake out on dairy quota for nafta. Wisconsin needs supply management, not vice versa.

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Mange la merde.

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It doesn't have to be.

Theres good farm land in the river valley, good orchards and forage land to the north, dirt cheap energy with run-of-river hydro, and forest for game and timber.

Right now, Quebec would have to change its budget significantly if it were to leave.

Right now leaving just for the sake of leaving would be counter productive. Euro-Canadians need to get along and step on the gas.

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The hard part is to find people alike.

At the gym it look like a good place to start, all the people i talk to have decent opinion, i even saw 2-3 guy with a SS tattoo

I don't know about you but it's pretty easy to do that around here. You can say nègre pretty easily around people if you know them a bit or just throw jokes around about shitskins. As long as no one call them racist, else their programing will take the upper hand and they will try to show they aren't racist

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Well fug, I say nègre/nigger all the time and it doesn't work as a proper filter because it's still in the common vocabulary of the boomer leftists and their descendants.

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Enough of this lame-ass cuckoldery ffs
French ethnicity, not just language!
Fuck the colonized nigger "francophonie" once and for all.
and fuck democracy, we are the descendants on the mighty Royaume de France. Vive le Roy and fuck the république of jacobin faggots.

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tu veux dire les Filles du Roy ;)

Daily reminder that the king was a massive faggot that wanted us to become south america 2.0 instead of sending people over.

I'M voting for a fringe party for the first time.

If you eliminate both the candidates (((they)) ) want you to choose from then you'll win user
Surefire win method

Great post user. Thanks for the advice

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Les Filles du Roy
Et le Régiment Carignan-Salières
Et les Compagnies Franches de la Marine

Louis XIV was faustian af, he sent the Filles du Roy because he wanted to fill Canada with White babies. He also sent thousands of soldiers to btfo the Iroquois and he financed territorial expansion.

The English populated their colonies much quicker because 17th century was among the most turbulent period in English political history, a situation which boosted English settlement in America. At that time, France, Holland and Sweden were more comfy and their respective colonies lagged behind in terms of population compared to New England.

Louis XV on the other hand was a massive cuck influenced by the very un-faustian Voltaire.

Please annex the northern counties of New Brunswick if you do go independent.

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Why not annex all of NB and NS?
Maritimers are friendly and based, just like rural Ontarians and Prairie people. Hell, we should anschluss all of them.

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More important than voting is campaigning. Help nationalists get into positions of power on a local level.

More important than either is RUNNING FOR OFFICE YOURSELF. It's like an apprenticeship. First, dog catcher, then sheriff, then onwards from there, just like the externally-financed lefties do.

Live "low on the hog" when in office, but make sure it's a good hog, so people will respect you but not envy and hate you.

Don't go full 1488 in social media or elsewhere. Be like them. Quietly advance the interests of your people without being obvious about it.

Heard you before, YOU are the problem because Québec did not sign the 1982 liberal constitution that enabled multiculturalism.
We. Did. Not.
All that is happening right now is your kind putting all of Canada's taxes and energy into promotion multiculturalism, socialism, feeding Québec Solidaire, feeding the Liberal Party that is behind Québec Solidaire (and just as LGBTQ and immigration friendly -the Liberals openly wants to boost it by another 20%!) with a solid 75% votes from the anglophones community.
Like the CBC presenter said, the anglos votes for the Liberal like they vote for the Maple Leafs of Toronto: they are losers but we support them ALL THE TIME ANYWAY.
Enjoy Toronto you irredeemable faggot.

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Bump, where the fuck is the thread for this? Results are coming in already.

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Liberals are already dead.

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Damn Inuits are fucking things up

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Lol we at 77 for caq now.

Big if they cut immigration by 20% that's not insignificant



voted CAQ today, first time voting in quebec.

we'll see how much they cuck but seeing all the salt on poutine twitter after beating QS and the libs /feelsgoodman/

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t. William Luther Pierce

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Some morsels from the #electionsqc salt mine

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Well, the CAQ just won. The only positive about them is that they’re the most anti-immigrant. Quebec has the right to defend their culture and language, but they just contradict themselves by bringing in Arabs and niggers and trampling on white anglophone Canadians. This also goes for the caq. All of the parties are Anglophobic and try to pin the white Francophones against the white anglophones. Instead of accommodating the niggers who don’t care about French Canadian culture, protect your culture, language AND your ethnic group, while at the same time, not pointing a middle finger to real Canadians who speak English. We’re all Euro-Canadian brothers. Until then the mainstream Quebec Nationalist movement can fuck off

Based Pierce said nothing wrong
I still voted tbh

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More twitter meltdown.

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Historically, most European immigrants have assimilated quickly and totally with the French Canadian majority in Québec. The non-whites pouring in today might speak some kind of "french" they don't share anything else with the majority.

I agree. We need to put our rivalry aside and get along for a brighter future.

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PQ cucked by QS.

The old nationalist movement was full of RCMP infiltrators and leaned left probably from Soviet infiltrators.
Quebec has stopped giving a shit about the French speaking niggers since they started arriving in mass through the US border and saw the effects of the refugee crisis on Europe, I doubt they want Macrons.
The cucked ones that join the federal government like Trudeau push multiculturalism on the rest of the country to destroy the old bicultural relationship of Canada and the ethnic cleansing has become blatant.

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PLQ got fucked by CAQ
PQ is old history. for now, maybe they'll grow back a spine
QS gonna have to be dealt with in the future
but for now, say it with me


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The "old" 1960s movement was Komintern'd af, but the older, hard-line catholic version was fashy.

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Hopefully, in an appropriate way

Seriously what's wrong with Macron? What was he thinking?

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You do know Macron is gay and had a relationship with one of his black security guards? I don't know how this isn't common knowledge.

Suddenly his marriage to that old hag makes sense.

Who knows how far it goes to be honest, of course as far as the media is concerned Macron is happily married to his "wife".

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PQ diehard here; saw this meltdown coming but is music to my eyes

Congrats Quebec! I hope we can renew our friendship over the collective screams of our respective limp-wristed faggots.


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The limp-wristed faggots got major gains tonight though.

They don't know what it really is. Let's show them.

I see Gallant is trying to kike Higgs out of his premiership by bringing up the People's Alliance and the (((media))) claming being anti-waste is anti-French.

Threadly reminder that CSIS/RCMP recruit bikers and other kike criminals for their dirty work. They also had one of their own murdered for blowing the lid off a payoff scheme the higher ups had with drug lords. It will come out at the appropriate time. They need to go.

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Reminder that the closest analogue of Trudeau's federal district of Papineau is the provincial district of Laurier-Dorion.

On that chart, Laurier-Dorion falls farther left than nearly all other ridings. Only about three are further left.

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What is this? 1995?

If you actually voted for them, shame on you for supporting an anti-white party. They have nothing to do with René Lévesque's PQ. Thankfully, they're not even an officially recognized party anymore.

This was one of the most pathetic election I've ever seen. Absolutely no passion involved, no debate worth listening to and no discussion of the real issues. Mostly all PC bullshit and virtue signalling.

wew garçon

Really makes you think

Sadly he wasn't wise to kikes like (((Parizeau))) and others who exploited him.

Just voted for them as a last "fuck you" to anglos and immigrants. I know it was over.
Don't think we'll spare you just because you're white; our motto isin't "I remember" for nothing.

>kikes like (((Parizeau)))
Moishe what the actual fuck are you talking about? Parizeau practically made us win the referendum and called out (((money))) and the ethnic vote when it was stolen by canadian kikes.

Does anyone know what is the relationship, if any, between the RCMP and SQ?

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They work together whenever necessary altho SQ is the primary police corps; why do you ask?

The answer is no.

Delicious (((anglo))) salt

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I hope most of them ignored the hotline and did it anyways.

I'm pretty sure that entire subreddit is ultra-left leaning too.

Who the fuck is this bitch ? (a kike I know) But shes monumentally wrong, the french settlers allied with every fucking tribes in this area and helped them in their fight against the imperialist and warlike Iroquois whereas it was the english who killed the native allies, what a dumb fucking cunt, someone should go out there and tell her how wrong she is (I know it wont do any good because lets face it, shes probably braindead).

Im actually mad because of cunts like her who dont know shit, she can go fuck herself with a typhus infused dildo to be honest. Remember Daily reminder that my boy Samuel won against a superior iroquoi force by doublekilling two of the scum horde's leaders with one bullet, sparring their underlings (while making them shit their hide breeches).

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