Combatting Boomers

In the past couple of months I've noticed a massive increase in the amount of neocons, boomers and Qfags posting on this board. How do we make it very clear to these useful idiots/controlled opposition/good goys that they aren't welcome here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

By using a pillow

First post every time

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ahh boomer d&c

keep dividing up white people

By having the mods ban the fuck out of them and by deleting their shitty theeads

Boomers are honorary kikes

feels good man

Reminder that Codemonkey personally supports this and removes moderators who fight against it.

We have nothing in common with boomers, they are a detriment to us if anything it isn't D&C, fucking cryptoboomer


< Don't take help from or give help to anyone who is fighting your enemies! Attack any and all potential allies-of-convenience! WE ARE SO 3L33T!

Bully them out gore, show how we are loyal to hitler and none of their lousy conspiracy theories will change that, a new redpill thread put a bit more focus on /nsg/, bully them and show them what true Zig Forums is and should go to voat instead.

I was saying the same thing the same thing pre-Q. Qcumbers are the final redpill about boomers.

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4cuck tier d&c slide. Redpill and move on.

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Let dem in, give them the pill.
The devide game is kikish.

Do you really believe 60 year old semi-senile people post here ?

==There's great wisdom in the voices of classical antiquity==.

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Bring up Donald and the ((chosen people)))

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Kill yourself.

esoteric (not well known) vidya/anime based memes

Boomers aren't allies of convenience they serve to dilute our movement

\color{#0000FF} huh
huh \color{#0000FF}

ayyy \color{#0000FF}

\color{#0000FF} ayyy

Is a forced meme that means nothing. Notice how Boomers took off when Amerimutt / le 56% died down?
The ENTIRE animosity toward boomers is 100% jew forced. Who do you think votes right-wing, it's not millennials. It's not middle aged women. It's older women and men.

In (((your))) slide D&C thread?
Fuck off.

Kill yourself.

(((No nigger)))


You don't. You red pill them.

Is there a webm version of this?

First of all, this is divide and conquer bullshit. Fuck you.

Second, boomers are easily redpillable on the jewish question. Many already are. Just redpill them. (offering this advice seriously, even though I know OP is a d&c piece of shit)

Kill yourself, OP

USS liberty redpill works the best with boomers

Nice sauce.

Report and hide qshit threads
Do not reply to qshit posters

Fuck the (((right wing))), newfag.

The solution you're after is so simple, I am shocked that no one has mentioned it yet.
Make more anti-fat posts/threads
Fat "people" they're not really people, they're more like jabba the Hutt are absolutely disgusting. Fatness is the result of a lack of discretion and a complete moral failure. A human being with a soul would look in a mirror and recognize that it's time to stop stuffing your face. But boomers are so immature, so infantile as a generation that they believe that the momentary satisfaction of stuffing their fat faces is more important than looking like a real human being or even being healthy.

Of course, I use the word "believe" loosely. Boomers don't believe anything because they lack the ability to think abstractly or introspectively. This is why they stuff their ugly fat faces like pigs without even the smallest hint of shame. A human being with a soul would feel shame at turning into a useless sack of flesh and fat. Niggers are the fattest race in America for the same reason that boomers are bloated whales. They lack the ability to think abstractly. They'd rather stuff their faces full of candy today than be healthy tomorrow. They have the mentality of children.

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Boomers don't like the potential that's wrought by ethnic biological weapons.

If and when we talk about the pro's and con's of research into racial bio-warfare our discussion is sure to drive some percentage of boomers off of the board.

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Move out of their basement and get a job?

That's ridiculous.
I'm a millennial and I don't like biological warfare.
First of all, biological warfare is exactly what the jews are doing to us every time they ship a million niggers into Germany.
But second of all, when we think of bio-weapons, we generally think of germ warfare. Which is a shitty weapon. Germ warfare kills everyone, kike and human alike. If germ warfare was an effective way of removing a racial group without harming the genocidal maniacs who unleashed it, then the kikes would have unleashed it long ago.

You're right. We should not attempt to red pill any more humans. We should just push away anyone that isn't already indoctrinated because we have the numbers and the collective consciousness of the people.

How fucking dumb do you think we are, CIAnon? You glowniggers have been doing ops in 3rd world lowIQ shitholes too long to understand how to psych-warfare anyone that can tie their own shoes.


That’s because you don’t understand it.
Thanks for proving you don’t know what biological warfare is.
So why would you say something so demonstrably wrong as above?
It’s not, no.
You’re new here, aren’t you? You don’t seem to know that they’ve done it already.

True, but when one's own group is down the path of being genocided, might as well take down the enemy with you as a last resort.

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t. kid with no knowledge of biological warfare.
Nice try, buy you are the ignorant one, not me. If it was possible to guarantee that biological weapons only target specific races, it would have been used already.

Actually I've been here for years now. Cite one instance where the jews have successfully used bio-weapons to target ONE ethnic group and wipe it out.
I'll wait, newfaggot.


You're faulting them for still being in pleb world while they're spiraling towards the truth about jews. keep posting the truth about jews. Some may never get it, some finally will, that's how it goes.

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Forget boomers, it’s the zoomers who’re going to carry their fading torch.

Just post nazi stuff, boomers are all secretly racist anyway just make them hate jews.

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As long as most people still draw a check to keep the lights on and something that passes for food in their families’ stomachs I think they will fail to comprehend the “truth about jews”. The only institution most can relate to or feel threatened by is the financial one, and since they are inclined to shirk responsibility or succumb to bribes not a lot of people are going to give a care that yids are running a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy against much of the planet to “bring them to heel”.

Post links to netflix shows. That'll get rid of them. That or football.

Fuck it. You don't win elections by alienation.
You win them, by getting the masses, to get off their asses and vote. I say redpill those you can, and get them to vote. In a "democracy" whoever has the most votes, wins. So, fuck weakening our voice, by trying to purify it, for now, we need them.

Prime example of the sort of trash they post.

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You underestimate the power of the boomer user. Anyway, many boomers are very like minded to people of Zig Forums, embrace that and do your best to wake them up. You can't afford boomers to not be on your side, trust me. They have the vote majority and are deeply rooted in all levels of society.

I'll give Zig Forums a tip and it is proven effective…. ask any boomer why fascism is "bad" and let them point out totalitarianism… then explain to them all the totalitarian things the Zionists of Israel do and ask them "by your own words, Israel is fascist, correct?" Watch the jaws drop and the fuse go off in their heads. It works like a charm. Kinda a reverse psychological trick.

How exactly do boomers fight the jew?

lurk moar faggot

Gore post

You are naive. Breakthroughs in biotech such as CRISPR are advances in function for engineered bio-molecules that have everything to do with selectivity.

Selectivity is a two edged sword - it can be used to specifically target a pathogen or genetic defect - or in the alternative it can be used to target a specific ethnic group.

Recent advances in medicine have resulted in profound advances in the targeting options of biological weaponry.

But don't take my word for it, user. Pic related is a slide that accompanies a paper by two East Indians,

There's an arms race going on. You just don't know it.

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Totalitarianism is good when it’s done to save a race, yes?

BTW - the Israelis, the Chinese and the North Koreans are already in the race.


We Whites are an inventive race. But if we are lulled into a false sense of complacency, we are doomed.


This breakthrough must be very, very new necause if it was as groundbreaking as you imply it is, we'd be choaking on our own blood right now.

I'll be researching this paper of theirs. However, I have great doubts that this "breakthough" is as groundbreaking as you seem to think it is.
I certainly hope that I am correct because if the jews do get their hands on or invent such a weapon, our race will be exterminated. We will actually lose this war forever.

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Sorry young one. The boomers are here to stay. Get over it.

I know you're a fucking moron and probably trolling but boomers can barely start up a computer, let alone figure out how an imageboard works. They know how to use facebook and thats about it.

Boomers are a red herring. TRS Neonazis are the truly IQ-lowering force of nu/pol/

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Its ironic for me, my mom and dad are in their 70s married with a murder death pact if they'd cheat on each other and taught me to be racist. Today my mom even called me to talk about how much she despises that a bunch of dykes have taken over the local library.

I think for them they have just been through so much adversity to act any different, like when my dad was younger, right after I was born he had to fight two Mexicans breaking into our house, my mother ended up stabbing the one who got knocked out after the fact because she wanted to help her husband. My personal experience would have me say you need to put Whites through the gears and force them to work together or die, I wish we could live in peace and happiness but before I was a year old a conflict for life and death was going on around me.

Good, because I noticed the jews are particularly under threat in the United States.

I work at a retirement community center and subtlety red pill these people. Today I was talking to a resident while we were outside smoking and it got brought up that my age group doesn't really get married or have kids. I told her how our stupid government basically incentivizes couples never get married and spit out kids for welfare money, she agreed so I went in with the "not saying he was a good guy but.." and explained how Hitler helped couples start a family with loans and each child they had would eliminate part of that loan and she really like that idea. Does feel good.

we should get anime pillows for old men, neocons probably exist because they are so desperate for orgasm/companionship that they try to appease the feels of blue-hairs that they go full cuckservative

With proper waifus the Angry Old Men will take up their hunting rifles and hunt niggers and the courts won't bother to prosecute them because they'll probably die because being convicted, by dragging everything out over mental health issues because dementia

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To answer your question, you should take them back to reddit or cuckchan or wherever the fuck you losers came from and stop making low effort threads