The video provided is of a CNN producer named Scott Bronstein who is calling every '87 Yale grad for information on...

The video provided is of a CNN producer named Scott Bronstein who is calling every '87 Yale grad for information on Brett Kavanaugh.

He leaves his number at the end of the video.

The number is 202-898-7972. I called this number to try it out and its really him - links back to Washington D.C. and the answering machine is Scott's voice.

You know what to do!

Attached: scott bronstein cnn producer.mp4 (720x1280, 2.33M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont know what to do. Who cares about Kavenaugh. He's pro FISA and a Zionist


+0.01 shekel has been deposited into your account.

Attached: rockefeller-tree.jpg (1265x824, 629.84K)

How many threads moshe?


Kavenaugh and this manufactured circus that is wasting the attention span of the nation for weeks doesn't matter worth jack shit. it's all a fucking side show to distract you goy. neither sides of the aisle possess the pure of heart motives as depicted on their masks. both sides want to stab you goy in the fucking back the first time you glance away.

both Dems and Repos can go get fucked for all i care. wake me up when the lazy bums at SCOTUS are going to hear a case challenging the illegal Syrian War, or any of the dozens of other wars, and finally put a stop to blood drinking Neocons and their endless For-More-Wars by ruling all of these bullshit covert secret non-war wars are illegal because Congress never voted on a Declaration of War… or deciding whether the Espionage Act overrides Free Speech and whether Top Secret Classification can even lawfully exist at all or whether all of that bullshit has never been constitutional, which would mean Julian Assange walks free and Edward Snowden comes home… or perhaps SCOTUS could look into the Federal Reserve and its myriad legal questions which have never been decided much less fucking asked.

go back to sleep goy. you're all like fucking cats being tricked by laser dots into running in circles until your exhaustion, so that you will be too tired to challenge Bomb Bomb Iran when Iraq War III kicks off before Xmas, or when nuclear WW3 with Russian begins in Syria.

Attached: laser_merchant.gif (240x288, 1.74M)

Every. Fucking. Time.

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Are you a Yale grad user?

After he and his classmates gang raped her and Stormy Daniels.

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Convenient excuse to do nothing until Hitler himself is nominated to the supreme court, eh?

Another one. It's easy to rationalize doing nothing until one of your extremely specific, ideal candidates comes into the picture, but that won't happen in this leftist and special interests dominated shithole and if it miraculously did, you'll just move the goalposts again to justify jerking off all day until the commies send you to a labor camp.

Apathy is an ugly thing and pretending to be some sort of meta-intellectual who is "above it all" is even sadder.

No, Penn grad, but I have friends whose parents are Yale grads and I've perused groups for alums from '85-'90. Some of them have been contacted by reporters from various fake news agencies. This is the only recording I could find anywhere due to the viral nature of Goybook.

This is brilliant!
Ignore the (((shut it downs)))


These people are calling everybody! They are shills against Trump our president!!

Kavanaugh is gay and nobody is going to call that number, nor should they.
>call (((Bernstein)))
This thread was probably started by (((Bernstein))) himself. Hi Schlomo.

Let me guess. You take the #meetoo and any other pointless distraction very seriously. Tell me. Why the fuck should anyone care about this issue?

This. Pointless thread. Trump circlejerkers will do anything to get away from the cognitive dissonance of their "leader" not having any victories so they get attached to non issues like this. Anything to distract them. No different from leftists.

NYPA. Zig Forums is not a republikike board.
nice reddit spacing too. back to t_d / fauxnews

Make shit up like he has a fetish for cartoon porn. Make it redicules as possible

All this kvetching

Attached: AnotherIsraelCrime.png (758x449, 434.61K)

Simple question. Why should we care about this?

The salt is delicious

Funny as fuck, but if it's just his number there's not a whole lot we can do to troll him. He's just gonna get it changed.

I have a burner phone with an out of state area code purchased 4 years ago with cash just for occasions like this. What? You don't? Newfag.

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nice slide. your tefillin tendrils wrapping around your tongue betrays your kike loyalties. begone Moshe! first of all, your strawman won't work here. anyone who knows the Reich isn't waiting for Hitler. we're waiting for the People's Court to supplant SCOTUS, just like in 1934:

as for doing nothing, isn't it funny that every single time there's an Outrage of the Month being plastered all over the (((FAKE NEWS))), on every (((cable news))) channel, and every self-important urban kike Thot Leader or e-celeb is frothing at the mouth to share their Very Important Input on this Very Important Matter, and what is wrong with you goy? don't you realize if you don't have a Very Imporant Opinion about this (((scandal du jour))), and that if you don't wave your flag and become a barking (((partisan))) gimp and (((participate))) in our hopelessly corrupted system, then it's all going to be your fault when Schlomo and Moshe and GoldBergFeinStein fuck us over (((again))) and win yet another battle for Zion.

i dont' give a shit about Kavanaugh. i hope he does get BTFO and not appointed to SCOTUS, just to spite kikes like you and kikes like Trump–you treasonous vipers who have dragged out this muh russian bullshit and not lift one pinky finger to flick away the crooked (((DOJ))) nor the treasonous faggots at (((FBI))). since you all are too cowardly to defend yourself, and instead collude with the Dhimmi Cucks to prolong this fake Deep State Coup, in order to run out the clock and wait for the average dumb American's long-term memory span to burn out, so that Crooked Hillary will never be locked up and the goddamn Wall will never be built, because here we are 2 years into the GEOTUS's reign but he ain't got diddly squat to show for it, other than the potential promise that maybe something might happen down the road.

fuck you and fuck your President

Attached: snake_plissken_fuck_your_president.gif (800x507 899.55 KB, 49.58K)

Use your mother's boyfriend's phone. From your room in the basement.

Nobody will know.


There is a Scott R. Bronstein who either lived in Springfield VA, or currently still does. May be dated but Intellius confirms employment at CNN and CBS and Washington D.C.


It's the same thing that went on during the gen election of Trump vs Clinton. The dem affiliates tried to pay people to get women to come up front and throw accusations last minute.
They did the same thing during that one election where there was clear voter fraud, and the accuser refused to send over the note because what's-his-face had a scientist that could determine the age of the ink used and could debunk it. Then immediately turned it into a "blacks won that election" as the cover up.

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you shouldn't be waiting at all. If spending 30 minutes once every 2 years to vote is too much effort you'll not accomplish anything.
Participating in the political process is the very beginning of what you can and should be doing. Also lay off the overuse of random parenthesis, it detracts from any point you're trying to make.

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