If you're ever wondering, yes it very much sucks being a brainlet, especially in a third-positionist movement. I didn't pay attention in school, I didn't learn the things I should have in life, and I've made some questionable decisions. I've finally decided to quit gawking at educated alt-righters and actually make an attempt to learn the shit they already know.
I'm ready to flip this coin and turn into someone who could actually stand their ground in an honest debate without just spouting black IQ statistics.
I plan on learning history, practically all of it. Maybe not incredibly in-depth but I want to understand every major historical debacle. So that segways me into the actual point of this thread, where the hell can I go to actually learn any of this shit? I thought of Kahn Academy but that seems too easy and public school tier. I don't feel very much for books as that would be like using a paintbrush to paint a house, and I would prefer being able to watch some sort of video.
Any ideas? I know that it's going to take some time, so don't think I'm some uncommitted faggot.
Where to go to learn history?
are there any particular things you'd like to start with OP?
I would probably like to start with the Greeks and philosophy then go in order as things happened.
Where do you get your books from by the way? I've been looking to fill my kindle, though I'm more of a casual reader.
all of those files I've gotten from Zig Forums go here for more
If you're looking for specific authors from Classical Greece, I'd recommend Thucydides, Aristophanes, Plato, Aristotle, etc.
I forgot that loeb classical library has good stuff with both the original greek and latin depending on their book and the english translation. Here's a pdf of one of their books. You can get everything from Xenophon to Galen and more from them.
Alright, thanks, I was looking for like a documentary series or video series covering lots of history like WWII or other notable things.
pure fantasy
BTW in 814 Bohemia was still part of the duchy of Bavaria
There is very much history talk in this book. I recommend reading it and optionally go through it while listening to the "study hour" series of carolynyeager.net
As someone who got a degree in history I can only say keep your ears and mind open. The study of history has been perverted and now only those who throw out the accepted practices have any chance of seeing past the history our enemies have erected. Read and read some more the constant flow of information will make the falsehoods disappear.
start to read the earliest (his)story, the epic of gilgamesh and then go chronological
oh, what a retard, can read but would choose not to
dude if you read like 10 significant books you'll start to think you know something
at a hundred you'll know a lot
and at a thousand you'll realize you don't know anything at all
but it seem you've skipped at that gay boring reading stuff, even though its all in audiobook form too these days, and gone straight to knowing you're retarded
Then you won't accomplish what you want. You need to read. You'll stop making embarrassing mistakes like using "segway" in a sentence once you start reading. "Educational videos" are for imbeciles who want to watch TV while pretending they're not just watching TV.
To be fair, it doesn't say Poland, only Poles, which might have been a general ethnic term for Slavs (i.e. non-Germanics, non-Baltics) east of the Oder.
Lechs are more prolific than you think. Czeruski took down the Romans.
Listen to Hardcore History. Dan Carlin is pretty even-handed in his explanations.
No offense to you or to the others, but not one of these recommendations mean dick if you can't read or write. You don't understand what I mean, so I've included an infographic to help. You'll understand more once you're halfway through pic-related.
You need a full reset.
If you're serious about this, you've got to stop coming here for anything but occasional amusement. Go to your local library and check out 2-3 books (starting with the ones in pic related).
Once you're through the first 3 books, you will more than likely already have an idea of what you're next steps should be.
Resources: your local library, Gutenberg books, torrent sites for free books. I'll see if I have a PDF of the first task for you.
The episodes have become free to watch. It covers 300AD to 1460AD in a lot of detail. The author is clearly pro-European and pro-Catholic, but generally comes at the history from a relatively neutral position. Extreme detail given to religion, politics and war; some stuff on the general culture and day-to-day life. Gives a very solid understanding of what happened and why it happened, and you can clearly see why X led to Y - which for me was a huge deal. I always knew a lot about history but it was difficult for me to get the chronology correct; I just knew a lot of details in a vacuum. This series explains how one thing led to the next thing which gives a huge amount of understanding.
You can also see how we got to where we are today which is fascinating. I 100% recommend it.
Everything you need to know about anything is on YouTube.
Where do I start with learning the Greeks and Romans? I have read intro books and would like to go deeper.
Not quite. The general term for West Slavs was Wends but various tribes of course had their own names. Around early 9th century the Polans, an influential tribe from Western Poland ultimately subjugated other smaller tribes and emerged as the dominant power in the region under the leadership of the Piast dynasty. Piasts most likely pulled off a Carolingian style coup d'etat and overthrown the previous, unknown to us by name dynasty and usurped their place. The name Poland is derived from the Polan tribe.
I'm a painter op. I learned everything I know from listening to audiobooks while painting. All of the books in the usual book threads on here. Some of them you will not find in audiobook form, no problemo though. You just copy paste chapter by chapter into a robot-reading app and you're good to go.
Seriously, do this. Something brainless and productive while listening to audiobooks.
- driving
- building furniture to sell
- painting paintings to sell
- painting your garden fence
I'm a history major who became a mailman. I feel very lucky that I get to spend nearly 8 hours a day walking and listening to history audiobooks
It call them Slavonic Tribes. In 814, there was no Poland and for more than 1000 years, "Poles" were just a small leadership group made to a large degree out of Non-Slavs
The first documented Piast monarch was Prince Mieszko I (c. 930–992).
The name Polani, from Slavic: pole ("field"), did not appear until 1015.
If you’re not a pretentious asshole who thinks they know everything you’re already smarter than most people.
I'm building a reading list of my own, going roughly in chronological order, inserting other stuff when relevant. At the moment it looks like this:
Ion (Euripides)
Works and Days
Prometheus Bound
Shield of Heracles
Women of Trachis
Iphigenia in Aulis
Trojan Women
Electra (Sophocles)
Electra (Euripides)
The Libation Bearers
Iphigenia in Tauris
The Eumenides
The Bacchae
Oedipus Rex
Oedipus at Colonus
The Phoenician Women
Seven Against Thebes
The Suppliants (Euripides)
The Suppliants (Aeschylus)
Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
Constitution of the Athenians
Constitution of the Lacedaemonians
The Histories (Herodotus)
The Persians
History of the Peloponnesian War
The Archanians
The Knights
The Wasps
The Birds
The Frogs
Symposium (Xenophon)
Symposium (Plato)
Ion (Plato)
Hippias Minor
Hippias Major
The Clouds
Apology (Plato)
Apology (Xenophon)
Corpus Aristotelicum
Polite sage for long post. I get my books at a local bookstore, but I'm sure you could find most of them online for free or very cheap. If you buy physical copies you will spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. I will be adding later stuff to my list at some point (Polybius, Plutarch, Livy, Tacitus, Josephus, Caesar, Cicero etc). I have a list of about 700 books I want to get through but this is the starting point.
The Four Temperaments.
List of Fallacies (In Reasoning, Common Fallacies).
Then Read.
Then ask yourself what Temperament Type are the Globalists/Socialists/Liberals/Democrats are trying to Create a "Majority" of…
And please forgive my typos, I was copying from my own tiny handwriting.
Then you won't learn much since wikipedia articles and anedoctes posted by anons will only give you a glimpse instead of the full story.
Stop being a lazy bum and buy yourself a ebook reader and download books from archive.org or convert pdf to .mobi by using calibre.
Read a book nigger, not a magazine, not the sports pages, read a book nigger.
user, your head is in the right place.
Do you understand why reciting black IQ stats and crime stats doesn't work and never has in IRL debates? Yes indeed. Because the vast majority of people don't understand or care about statistics. You need to talk to them personally.
I am a historian. History has been my obsession since I was 6 years old and my father told me about the Titanic. I love it and my argument to anarcho primitivists used to be simply "but without civilization there is no history and without history, there is no purpose to life"
However I will tell you that the best possible tool you must master in order to get our message across to an audience is not history per se nor even knowledge per se, but understanding sociology.
Specifically you must master the art of staying on message and controlling the flow of conversation.
I recommend that you listen to this video. Listen to it twice in fact and absorb the point Mr. Whitaker is making. Contemplate it for an hour and you will understand completely why this is true.
Everything you do in arguments with anti-Whites must be based around the central theme of making your point as often as possible and as concisely as possible.
But do learn history too. It will help you answer questions and once you learn the art of staying on message, people will begin asking you questions. Remember though, don't get distracted as you talk about history. I know it is tempting. The more you know, the more you want to share. But keep your message simple.
A book you filthy nigger
Wojack should be smiling before going to college.
What are you refrencing?
Anyone have any good resources on history of Ukraine? They didn't teach us soviet hohol immigrants about it in american schools
Do what Irving did and don’t read history books. Find primary sources which are not in book form. Too many people forfeit the wonderful easter egg hunt that is doing history in favor of tracing historiographical narratives in chronological order as written by the mouthpieces of political regimes. When your response to an historical question is “X argued,” you might be doing it wrong. But also make sure you understand that telling a story as it probably happened is something different from getting the story straight for outsiders as a member of a group.
sure you can start here.
What you will encounter a lot in eastern Europe, Balkans, made up, imagined history. Probably "Herman the German" was actually based Slav.
That was, is supported from the West for political reason, see the OP map.
no he is not
yeah just become a historian yourself OP, lol
just process the raw data into a coherent series of conclusions
Thank you user, not OP, but I have been trying to speak more properly lately and I've been getting good responses. Many people have even reflected this, and have started to speak more clearly themselves! I'd definitely recommend any user practice speaking to yourself with proper diction and pronunciation. The difference in how people treat you is tremendous.
Go to www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/ for the real history on WW2. Learn how the Democrats are using Nazi tactics right now.
Herman wasn't his real name. Same could be said for the Germans who claim the Vandals as 'Germanics', for one.
Another answer is to “read everything.” But that isn’t going to help anyone understand the difference between signposting and argumentation as opposed to factual data extracted from source documentation. Obviously OP isn’t asking where to find history books, and hopefully isn’t asking to be spoonfed history books friendly to the National Socialist worldview. More likely he wants to know how not to get mired in the confirmation biases of younger, inexperienced men who don’t comprehend the difference between truth and sophistry. Gaining knowledge of the world is about seeking ever more direct access to how things work. True, documents are a degree or two apart from experience. But you should learn to do history in order to better read it; not to mention that doing history teaches you to dig for things and not be so passive. If you assume National Socialist history is the truth because it talks about National Socialism, or is false because it’s written by a shabbos, you’re going nowhere.
Ahh, mkay…
Just skip the bs and get down to what matters.
Jan lamprecht's site
This is excellent, thanks
For now.
Knowing the truth about natsoc and hitler and the kikes dynamic is always a good place to start.
Yes, Greeks, Italians and the German philosophy is the best way to go. German philosophy should come at the end since it's the hardest even for native speakers.
Already a thread, cunt.
You mean /sig/ heil?
What is the consensus on Will Durant's The Story of our Civilization? I found it to be a very enjoyable read.
Post pdf. Personally, I have never even heard of it.
Don't have it in pdf. But I do have all 11 volumes in epub.
Give me a tl;dr from your perspective atleast.
The problem I have with audio books is I can't index them. I'm more of an active reader than a passive reader. Reading a book is more than just reciting the words you see on the page, there is a digestion process that needs to occur. Sometimes this means taking notes, sometimes inserting a bookmark, sometimes pausing to just stop and think. If you're going to spend the time get all you can out of it.
Well I've only gotten through the first book, but it goes through different civilizations and their culture by explaining their religion, art, customs, etc. Kinda sucks how far China and India have fallen in that regard.
The History of Mankind may be learned by reviewing the biogrpahies of a few of it's stoutest members.
"…remembering that lofty and sequestered class of men who have been its prophets and oracles, the high-priesthood of the pure reason, the _Trismegisti_, the expounders of the principles of thought from age to age. When, at long intervals, we turn over their abstruse pages, wonderful seems the calm and grand air of these few, these great spiritual lords, who have walked in the world, — these of the old religion, — dwelling in a worship which makes the sanctities of Christianity look _parvenues_ and popular; for “persuasion is in soul, but necessity is in intellect.” This band of grandees, Hermes, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Plato, Plotinus, Olympiodorus, Proclus, Synesius, and the rest, have somewhat so vast in their logic, so primary in their thinking, that it seems antecedent to all the ordinary distinctions of rhetoric and literature, and to be at once poetry, and music, and dancing, and astronomy, and mathematics. I am present at the sowing of the seed of the world. With a geometry of sunbeams, the soul lays the foundations of nature. The truth and grandeur of their thought is proved by its scope and applicability, for it commands the entire schedule and inventory of things for its illustration. But what marks its elevation, and has even a comic look to us, is the innocent serenity with which these babe-like Jupiters sit in their clouds, and from age to age prattle to each other, and to no contemporary. Well assured that their speech is intelligible, and the most natural thing in the world, they add thesis to thesis, without a moment’s heed of the universal astonishment of the human race below, who do not comprehend their plainest argument; nor do they ever relent so much as to insert a popular or explaining sentence; nor testify the least displeasure or petulance at the dulness of their amazed auditory. The angels are so enamoured of the language that is spoken in heaven, that they will not distort their lips with the hissing and unmusical dialects of men, but speak their own, whether there be any who understand it or not."
Audio Book embedded: rwe.org/11-intellect/
Yea, I blame communism. But looking at chinks, they're nothing more than modern slaves for the west so the consumerist bugmen are to blame aswell. And of course the Americans for messing with SEA problems.
I'm not sure that's true unless you are referring to more easily accessible and digestible means to bookmark and recall. You are able to select chapters as well as bookmark interesting snippets in Audible.
Not trying to sound like a fedora tipper or church burning metal head, but this sounds pagan core as fuck. Good read overall, even though it has alot of those pseudo-science astronomy lingo in it.
Good. You'd probably be a useful idiot if you had.
Yea but there is no reason to rely on technology, books are a very cheap form of media to consume. Great if that is all you have, but no guarantee it'll be there.
Does anyone have a file of Mein Kampf?
Since OP's eyes roll into the back of his head when trying to read, it's worth noting that there is audio of that now, however sloppy it may be.
user, there is no substitute for reading/books. It is what separated the West from the savages of America and south/southwest Africa and allowed tradition and knowledge to be saved and transmitted throughout the ages. When you read a book written in 18th Century English, you'll understand that the institutions of higher education and modern habits have been causing the population to slowly become mentally fucking retarded.
All of this is to say that it is of the utmost importance that you read. Read and you will learn to love it, and when you are tired of reading, watch documentaries on the subject you were reading about.
Thank you for your kindness, resourcefulness, generosity, and contribution.
Here's another version people here swear by. Not all Mein Kampf's are created equal. There's also the Ford Translation, which has a great audiobook.
I can translate it if you want or if you're not sure about a certain part.
Wew, you would have to learn a lot then
Especially since school gives you the most basic… maybe even below(as I had heard how west-centric western school is) education in history.
For starters, at least that's how I did it, it would be a very good idea to gain an overview and go into detail for key events… especially for the areas of the world you have interest in.
So start with the Greek Empire, Roman Empire, France… Ancient China might be a good side step, since they were very old as well.
Then move on to the Franco Empire and maybe Byzantium. (HRE dynamics, Poland-Lithuania, Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy)
Honestly, at that point it really depends on where you are from and what politics you take interest in.
And yes, if you don't know history… you simply cannot do politics… at least not without it being delusional and a complete and utter failure.
History is key.
Is this pasta? What's up with the over-usage of the triple dos "…"? Is this supposed to overdramatic?
It's the way I write, genuinely giving you a bunch of leads on what to do
Stop. It just looks like you're trying too hard, user.
ITT: Brainlets.
If you want to learn history, then you have to read Decline of the West from Oswald Spengler. It describes how cultures turn into civilizations, and how civilizations turn into an ahistoric mess that will eventually fall. From the last ~10 000 years it puts a good ~4000-5000 years into perspective.
You reply to the right person?
Nonsensical critique.
Got a PDF?
Yup. I just said that if he has a problem with the translation, and thinks that not every translation is the same, I offer myself to translate it for him.
Kind of you, but try responding to the people you're talking to in the future. You don't stare into another person's eyes while speaking to someone behind you.
Stop being so sensitive, jesus.
Says the guy offended by a correction of his socially retarded behavior.
I thought this thread got deleted days ago, I was surprised to see it back on page 1.
Thank you for telling me to read I realised it is the best way to learn history, as well as leading me to learn other things.
I've started reading How To Read A Book, Then I am going to read a copy of Western Civilizations by Burns, Lerner, and Meacham 10th edition that i got for like 2 bucks at a flea market. Does anyone know if this is jewed? It was published in 1984 so I assumed it wouldn't be too bad
Best of both worlds is a Kobo (or Kindle) and use the robot audiobook function. Few of us have enough time to dedicate hours to sitting still and reading books… whereas I can listen to anything while doing chores around the ranch or working out. Books are cheap, but .pdfs are fucking free.