It's going to be hilarious watching the kikes trying to kike China.
These fuckers are also currently buying up the majority of African land and infrastructure. I actually can't see that going very well for Europe tbh, lots of shitskins are going to flee once China buys their countries.
Which privileged, protected group will remain standing in the arena of virtue signalling dissonance? The better than white Chinese, or better than white Africans?
Colton Adams
because there is large chinese mining operations in china
Kayden Butler
Supply and demand still applies. Too few women left over from the one child policy.
Christopher Morgan
FAKE NEWS! Beat down of thief in Malaysia 2 years ago. But it's a cool story though. "Civil Engineering" lol
Leo Long
common, Zig Forumss that has to be a joke. What was that chimp 'studying' being the janitor for the civil engineering students. Fucking nogs can't even read or speak english…but we are supposed to believe that one spoke chinese and was 'studying' civil engineering?
Asher Anderson
Grayson Price
That's a shame, at least the beating is a pleasing sight. But this site…
OP, where did you came up to this nigger news site in the first place? It's not as if you're a nigger, right?
Benjamin Davis
Cooper Phillips
Oy vey we must bring Amerimutt democracy to them and stop this racisms fellow goyim.
Josiah Stewart
there are plenty dumb as bricks niggers at my uni that study civil engineering, civ eng bottom tier intelligence in terms of engineers. also explains why many engineers cheat on exams.
Jayden Anderson
Don't tell me that you've really expected this reverse psychology to work. Guess a mentality of cuckchan is truly irredeemable.
Christopher Nguyen
Well I can't wait for that 'experiment of democracy' (letting subhumans work as engineers) to work itself out.
And they cant find enough human ants from within China so they need nog labor? Sounds retarded.
Dominic White
Holy fuck the future is doomed
Blake Campbell
If you talk to chinese online they acknowledge that there is a fucking HUGE contingent of nogs in China (as well as Korea) already, they have their own neighborhoods and stores etc etc. The chinese think 'they can manage them' and that nogs are going to start infringing on Chinese cultural traditions. Some people, I swear to god, couldn't find their asshole with two hands and a map. They don't understand international finance or the african leaderships goals in holding all of the financial system hostage while exporting their people into 'nations of their choice' in order to fuck that nations women. I actually wish this was true because it would be the sign that China is not as cucked as I thought they were…but you ask an average chinese person on the street and their practically fucking retarded about the african influence in offshore financing that is allowing them to overthrow other nations.
The Chinese still have lynch mobs and we have whatever Charleston was.
Robert Gutierrez
what do women see in them, they're so ugly
Samuel Martin
Dylan Cruz
Not enough women in China. The government completely screwed up the country, hence you get this social unrest.
Colton Phillips
Good job moshe; {golf clap} you wouldn't want your own complicity in this to all come out as you 'manage' the secret offshore accounts out of the City of London that hold the entire planet in thrall to your 'financial' agenda. Make sure that you call anyone who knows that the african leadership holds 1 Trillion in leverage over the entire financial system and that YOU FUCKING KIKES FACILITATED THESE INVASIONS…even of your so called chosen 'host' for your next parasitic adventure China…I keep telling the Chinese that you are going to fuck them so hard that your cock comes jutting out their mouths with every thrust but they think they are too clever to be taken for a ride by you, that is THEIR FUCKING MISTAKE for not slaughtering every last fucking one of you on sight.
Logan Martinez
Something nearly like the holocaust, with tiki torches and heart attack for grotesque fat land whales.
Lincoln Martin
Exactly. Sick and tired of those African men constantly trying to bed women of other ethnicities. The sad truth is when the women refuse, they get raped by black gangs or even burned:
a candlelight stroll of protest that there isn't enough lube being used. Lucky us we have the ALT-KIKES though and we can use Spencers tears as lube.
Daniel Martin
The feminazis are idiots.
Colton Bailey
Ryder Stewart
There is an internet block on that site for my 'region'
Angel Kelly
Asher Bennett
i dont mind china getting blacked though, just more niggers to kill
Nolan Ortiz
That is always how they operate. Living of the arrogant, greedy, backstabbing assholes that think they can profit from treason of their own people and allying with the jew tribe. A man eats man world like the Chinese live in since a long time is perfect for that. Corruption is endemic in China. The all powerful, next with citizen credit, Communist party is going to suppress any resistance. Anti-semitic though is harmful for the harmonious society, free from hate, they want to have. So ethnic preference will be surpressed, among the Chinese, that need to organize against the foreign infection. Jews wont need to be told about that, they are born infiltrating agents, they have their own close kept traditions and born with mindset of a parasite, like the cuckoo bird.
Benjamin Barnes
Chaim Goldstein, we'll remove your stain before that happens.
Christian Martin
So you'd ride one ridden by a nigger? Sounds like a good way to get GRIDs.
Colton White
he sounds like a good boy who dindu nuffin tho
Austin Allen
A bicycle isn't a traitor, dumbass.
Blake Scott
Oh god my brain just exploded
tbh those chinese did africa a favor; Mwale would have just gone back to africa, built a bunch of Styrofoam apartments using US aid, and then pocketed 50% of the budget.
Cooper Barnes
user the future is perfectly safe from our incompetence because we hired women to build the bridge to the future ;^)
Gabriel Robinson
BECED Chinuih! The jew really has his work cut out for him now.
The west is done. China deserves to rule the world.
Michael Hill
sage, not an artform, nice reddit spacing there faggot. shit thread btw.
Ayden Clark
Lincoln Powell
meanwhile White Nationalists don't do jack shit about race mixing, because then the other White Nationalists would call you a FED for beating someone's ass.
Bentley Cruz
They did scream that it was murder.
Easton Ward
六四天安门事件 1989年天安门广场大屠杀 1989年天安門廣場大屠殺 That's nice.
Nathaniel Lopez
Connor Young
Thanks user.
Jason Martinez
We? Whoopie! Does that mean I get some sort of a prize now?
Joshua Price
There is not many Chink women for the lonely Chink man to hug because of their dangerous belief and one child policy.
Julian Russell
As other anons said before me, chinkettes are becoming more rare nowdays thanks to chinks aborting female babies.
Nolan Turner
Jayden Peterson
Here's a surprise for you, male a female psychology are not the same. Jews want people to forget this for the sake of (((equality))). Women don't care very much for looks, they care for status. If a nigger is wealthy, or being with a nigger conveys her some sort of status because niggers are (((cool))) they care very little about the ramifications of their sullied bodies and birth of goblins.
Landon Parker
I am assuming you are talking about all the women on the planet outside of Europeans. European women are the least likely of anyone on the planet to race mix, user. European males are far more likely to race mix than women. The kikes new this about you so they legalized porn and made it free so that you could be drawn even further from your race and your people. The kikes know their targets; you men are easy; hook you up with free porn and you begin to emotionally consummate your loyalty to subhumans…but us European women have to be beaten and raped for them to target us:
The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) president Abraham Foxman had a speech on August 25, 1998 in New York where he said:
“We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth… I speak of the death of the White race. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate. We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction.
We can ruin the ancient pure blood of an Aryan child by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children. We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country. More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children.
We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children. We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them.
We will deal with the less cooperative goyim by murder and imprisonment. Finally, we will see the end of this White race. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the “men” of this race grovel at our feet. Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now we have it.
Perish Aryan Goyim!”!
"It is in the jewish interest, it is in humanities interest that whites experience genocide [meaning the end of us all]. Until white children are burned alive, white women are raped, mutilated, murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized only THEN will mankind be on an equal footing (how can we 'be on an equal footing' when we are dead?), ready to discuss 'white privilege' and the apparent chip [it is nice that he admits that it isn't even a real chip because they have literally parasitized off our entire culture and replaced all of their inferior ideas and culture with what was naturally superior] on the shoulder that minorities have" - Ishmael Levittes
Kevin Reed
kikes are not all powerful nor do they show capability for long term planning
Justin Fisher
I don't think they are all powerful. We just need to unite turn and exterminate them, but right now our people are running, rather than attacking.
imagine being so feminized by chemical warfare that ricefarmers have bigger balls than you
Charles Wright
Jews have been terraforming China to fit their needs for a while now, pretty common knowledge they intended to make China their new golem after crashing America. Of course that all blew up, but the race war has still already been brought to China. I still find it hilarious when i meet Chinese that thought they'd Jew the Jew.
Michael Hall
Very hard to out-Jew Jews. Jews are born and bred for Jewing.
Nathaniel Peterson
I honestly think they are reincarnated. I don't buy the whole born and bred since I don't think they are like we are; human.
Daniel Turner
It hardly matters if there is proof or if it is an outright fabrication to the poster whose mind is made up and will grab onto any seeming piece of evidence that confirms their bias. Crazy is as crazy does.
Leo Baker
You two are pretty boxed in your own small understanding, aren't you? Good for you, carry on. It is interesting when that is literally the only response you can think of…muh source? I wouldn't give you a source if I had to because I have seen what you kikes do when you find a source, you destroy it from the internet. At least this way you have to work for your money. ARBEIT MACHT FREI, KIKES
Ethan Allen
Of course.
Aaron Green
It has nothing to do with the fact that you 'disagreed with me' (I do think it is funny that you don't understand why I called you a kike thought; amusing) and I am not going to explain it more than that because you will change your 'eloquent style' and I want to know that I am talking with you in the future.
Jeremiah Bell
I will further add before taking leave of this pointless discussion, that sane or intellectually honest persons will not construct their beliefs on unverifiable sources. I consider any further conversation hopeless.
Tyler Clark
I am not giving you my source, kike. I know that game already and I know that you guys are actively censoring any website online that is 'critical' of kikes.
Jaxson Stewart
Welcome to the ricefields, motherfucker.
William Taylor
(checked) While I agree that they aren't even close to human, if they are reincarnated then they managed to fuck that up too. The Old generation of parasites like soros and rothkike are a dying breed. Their children are total retards who often drank the koolaid as much as anyone. No way can these new shityids hold on to power, especially in these times. The kikes will start dying. I won't be long now.
Not bad. Certainly much better than the slums and squalor that niggers would live in. Kill every kike.
Dylan Campbell
If that removes nigger, it is good for me.
Jayden Price
Shit-skins kill shit-skins. Wow, amazing.
Jackson Rivera
Or we could just wage proxy war, like we've done for the last half century. China can't afford to fight multiple proxy wars in a shit-hole like Africa.
Dominic Rivera
Filtered. Not only are women actually more likely to cheat, they have far more sex partners on average, and they are far more likely to sleep with people of a different race. The stats you're thinking of come from dating websites, which is an entirely different beast from people having casual sex. White women are tenfold worse than white men, and there's no arguing it. Just look at the average sex partners of a white man age 20 and a white woman age 20.