Ilhan Omar (D-MN) nominee for HoR had an incestuous marriage for the purpose of immigration fraud

How do you feel about October surprises?

What is going on in Minnesota? Franken, Ellison, now this?

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Did she suck her brothers dick?

Culturally its OK to marry blood relatives and reproduce with them in Somalia so she's not wrong

Wonderful news that we're bringing so many of them here.

If you think otherwise,

You may be a bigot, check your privilege, etc.

Ngl I’d fuck her.

Marries first husband Islamically at 19, has 3 kids
Lives as "single mother" to collect benefits
"Divorces" first husband, marries brother in a legally recognized fashion
Some allege she and her brother were more than married on paper, I have no confirmation of this but seeing as degeneracy is the fastest route to political power, plausible
Remarries first husband, brother fucks off back to UK
Somalis who bring this up in MN have been threatened (surprise it's the Democrats!)
The system works!

Good. You'll catch some niggerpoz and remove yourself from the gene pool.

At least I won’t die a virgin like you incels.

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Are you an AI?

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fucking niggers

culturally it's wrong, their culture is plain wrong,it should be erased

islam is wrong erase it pls

I like how that hat accentuated her already lightbulb head. I wonder whats under there.

If she wants to avoid an honor killing she has to.

Double post.

Wait, so her brother is an immigrant? He was born in Somalia? But she was born here? Why the fuck is someone who darts back and forth between Somalia popping out US representatives? MOTHERFUCK

These shitskin freaks are out of control in MN. The churches should be razed along with the kikes.

reddit spacing

polAnswer: The Swedish self-cucking genes are still strong here.

generic answer: Minnesota was long a high-trust society. The Hmong integrated pretty well (not perfectly but overall… A-?) and that kept everyone's guard down.
Then came the Somalis and they've been punching everyone's shit in - high trust is gone and awareness is spreading.


And there's a reason they are incompatible with whites at A CULTURAL LEVEL as well as genetic.

What about Legally in the USA?
In all but two states, incest is criminalized between consenting adults. In New Jersey and Rhode Island, incest between consenting adults (16 or over for Rhode Island, 18 or over for New Jersey) is not a criminal offense, though marriage is not allowed in either state.

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Did he cornhole her with Liquid Silk®?

mod.php niggers4

I don't remember which file is needed to change the map.

the somalis are throwing the jews out and reminding the rest of Minnesota that this is what they mean by cultural enrichment.

It was Talmudry gone wrong, (((they))) summoned an eldritch force that hates (((them))) above anything else, except perhaps faggots.
The Minnesotan cold was supposed to bind the imported Somalis to globalist will, but instead they refused to assimilate and started buying strip malls and running immigration/money wiring scams that threaten the local Democratic party with myriad scandals (((they))) can't begin to fathom.
Next thing you know, there's some fag hating Somali enclave pumping out at least 5 kids per household and housing a substantial underground criminal network involved in human trafficking, (((ISIS false flag subcontractors)))and khat.
So (((they))) left out all the mandatory gay marriage talking points on the election material despite an innate aversion to collaborating with fags, Jews, and Jew fags and managed to elect Queen Incestweelo with their Sorosbux, promising unlimited chain migration and gibs forever. Except Hillary lost.
It is only a matter of time before this blows up in everyone's face. All hail the Emirate of Minnesota.

This is very old news

t. Minnesotafag

Lame conspiracy theory by retards.

I remember seeing this bitch brag about how she had 25,000 refugees in MN and that there voices matter- all the while she was being sworn in on a Quran tablet. Even after this kind of knee bending she STILL had the nerve to say shes being under represented as is her community. To which I say fuck your community this is America, it was never intended for your community. Youre lucky subversive kikes enjoy a good shit show or you wouldnt even be here. So why am I surprised shes into shady shit? Look at her, she sucks, does she look like someone you want running your state? People think were a nation of immigrants but its the most ignorant statement you could make when referring to PoC. We were a nation of caucasians from several different white nations, wasnt until 65 that we began losing our country. I blame the boomers, johnson, prohibition, and myself for withholding the sacrifice it would take to even partially send this ship in the direction it needs to correct itself. God damn people are stupid and I hate it.