How To Dress As A Character Of Color This Halloween (Without Being Problematic)

How To Dress As A Character Of Color This Halloween (Without Being Problematic)

Hollywood is experiencing a surge in amazing shows and movies that tell stories of people of color. Serendipitously, Halloween is also right around the corner. The advent of so much great content for and by people of color means the costume option pool has exponentially grown. I’m excited to see the characters of color from our favorite series and films be represented on the one night when people aspire to recreate themselves. But there is a fine line between pretending and appropriating (or worse, being downright racist). We are living in tense times when it comes to issues of race and identity, so the dialogue is worth it. Here’s how to dress up as pretty much whoever you want this Halloween without being problematic.

The Non-Negotiables
Under no circumstances — no matter what racial group you identify with — should you paint your face black, brown, yellow, or red to signify any ethnic group as part of your Halloween costume. Blackface has a nasty history that includes minstrelsy, stereotypes, and the exploitation of Black people on screen that is still too fresh. The same is true for yellowface in the Asian community and redface for Native Americans. Going as someone from Avatar that requires blue paint? Beetlejuice? Or even Teddy Perkins from Atlanta? Go facepaint crazy.

Speaking of Native Americans…
It’s time to hang up the tribal costumes — “sexy,” “slutty,” zombified, and all other variations. Not only is it a played-out costume idea, but donning this kind of outfit trivializes the sacred practices of an entire group of people. We should be respecting the sanctity of other people’s cultural and spiritual practices, even in the days surrounding October 31. Other no-nos include wearing afro/dreadlock/cornrow wigs. If you can’t pull off the look with the skin and hair that you currently have, just take your L and pick something else.

People of Color Are Not Monolithic
People/characters of color are more than their skin color and hair. They foster their own sense of style and individuality, especially if they’ve reached celebrity status. For example, these three white guys nailed their Migos costumes without corny wigs or facepaint. It worked because they captured Migos’ gaudy fashion aesthetic and accessorized with big chains, face tattoos, and sunglasses. The best Halloween costumes are the ones where you commit yourself to the character completely, not just the visual details. The trick is to make it uniquely yours. Put your own spin on it. Act. Perform. Draw people in. If you really think that the only way to pull off a Crazy Eyes (Uzo Aduba) costume from Orange is the New Black is to paint your face brown, you lack the ingenuity required to even participate in Halloween, anyway.

Exceptions to the Rules (& Slippery Slopes)
The image in this story is Heidi Klum dressed as werewolf Michael Jackson from his "Thriller" music video at her annual Halloween party in 2017. Technically, she painted her face and used prosthetics to look like a Black man. But given that M.J. was also in a werewolf costume in the iconic music video, it was okay. Similarly, dressing as the Black Panther requires a full spandex suit, but a black mask/head covering as well. It’s fine. He’s a universally accepted superhero, and I hope to see a bunch of people crouched in low-hanging tree branches after too much tequila. However, let’s keep slippery slopes in mind. If you and your non-Black squad are hoping to don some tribal face paint to transform into the Dora Milaje or members of the Jabari tribe, don’t. These markings were inspired by actual African tribes, and we are not appropriating cultures in 2018. If you’re unsure, just don’t do it.

Check Yourself
Most importantly, you should question yourself and your own privilege when considering your Halloween costume. When Kim Kardashian West dressed up as Aaliyah in 2017, it stirred up some controversy. She perfectly recreated the late singer’s eye makeup and outfit from the “Try Again” video. However, Kim and her famous sisters have been accused of cultural appropriation and racial insensitivity throughout their careers, so dressing as a Black woman for Halloween prompted different reactions from fans. Before you choose your costume, ask yourself why you identify with this particular character or icon? What reaction do you hope to inspire from onlookers? Laughs? Admiration? Awe? What is your relationship to the culture that is being referenced in your costume? Checking our own privilege is never a bad idea.

Now that we’re on the same page, check out some of our dope Black pop culture costume guides. Should you choose to rock any of them, make sure you do it right.

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Other urls found in this thread:

By color they, of course, mean nigger.

it's ok to dress as a friendly neighborhood merchant with a huge prosthetic nose thought, right? all jews are just white people anyway. xD

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god damn it

So Joshua Fireseed from Turok 2 is off-limits? Nah, fuck off.

Yeah, it's always about niggers. Other nonwhites are just tag-ons for them to make it appear more inclusive, but niggers don't give a shit about non-niggers, looks at how much they attack nonblack nonwhites.

I'll salvage this shit thread

Any good ideas for Halloween costumes for this year?

You know what would great? If all white Christians dressed up as niggers to show how not racist they are. Trump should lead the way.

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Mr. Popo?


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This is the author, by the way.

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Why would I read this stupid shit? The title says it all. And my response is "I'll dress as whatever the fuck I want."

He looks exactly like a guy I did a job for. I think he was a kike, but I never can tell with Slavs (he's Russian).

I don't understand what's going on and I don't want to read this shit.

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I threw up a little in my mouth

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It takes all colors to make a rainbow. Except black. There's no black in a rainbow.

Of course though, any "people of color" are welcome to dress up as any white person they please. Especially if it's insulting, like being a ghetto George Washington with a 40 and a blunt.

That's terrible.

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I'm four down on the eyes, and five down on the hair. Maybe a little lighter on the eyes. Am I a shit-skin, Zig Forums?

Not necessarily, there are some pure white ethnicities with brown hair and eyes. If you're four down on the eyes, that's hazel not brown, and is mostly unique to whites IIRC.

You could've also had ancestors raped by Arabs if you come from Southern Europe.

Shut up fat nigger girl. Just because you have a way to broadcast your message doesn't let you tell me what I can do. Don't begin to think you are the queen of fashion, nigger girl. You crave power because nobody has ever showed sexual interest in you. Literally all it will take is for you to get fucked, then you won't fewl the need to tell me what to do anymore.

Fuck off back to leddit.


Is that even a real human being?

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Fuck off nigger.

Sorry to tell you this but, you're a nigger.

This is what a black man looks like to an SJW? Fucking racist.

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That’s a man!

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Dathomirian Zabrak

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German, Polish, and Irish. Two grandparents from Germany.

So I should stop being a voice for white/ethno nationalism and actively work against you?

I once went to the mall in blackface, everyone laughed even the niggers

Isn't that that landwhale cosplayer Momochan? The one that gropes other cosplayers and claimed her '80HD' made her do it?

polite sage for offtopic

And I forgot to sage…

does this mean I can give nonwhites shit for dressing up as a viking, or thor or loki or whoever from those marvel movies that rip off germanic culture?

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missing scissors, complain that candy isn't money or you'll slice their dick up = profit


Depends, are you a jewish Viking?

Looks like an upstanding citizen :^)


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to annoy negroes, I'd assume

those two words don't belong in the same sentence

I'm going to wear black face, just because of faggots like you.

Why would I want to be a nigger.
On this topic though, what are good pro-white halloween costumes?


Also, why isn't it considered cultural appropriation when nonwhites celebrate Halloween? It's a European pagan holiday

I like choosing characters from Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, or doing time-place costumes like 1700s France or Iron Age Britain or Bronze Age Germany, or going with some sort of fantasy or sci fi theme or character. Maybe try some mythological character or creature? Giants, trolls, faeries, dragons, knights, kings, basically dnd type stuff goes over pretty well with normies.

Just go as Robert Downey Jr.

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quality kvetching there m8

look at this fag


Cultural appropriation tbh

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My sides user.

I identify as an obese niggress mashing a keyboard, so can I say and do whatever I want.

No mention of Michael Jackson doing white face hmm.

Christopher Dorner
Zombie Trayvon Martin
Cheddar Meg
Prince Harry Dressed as Hitler
Spoopy ghosts.
Appropriately pale skinned Egyptian Pharaoh
(((Billy Joel))) with Jude star
(((Groucho Marx)))
(((Charlie Chaplin)))
Black face Jesus
Convict Bill Cosby
Boo Radley
Pics related


When my sister was young she was a Tom boy, who when she was about ten wanted to dress as Charlie Chaplin for Halloween. However, she couldn’t be bothered to wear a bowler derby, tie, suit jacket, carry a cane, or learn the famous walk. Ultimately, she was just /comfy/ Hitler and nobody was the wiser.

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I fear no man. But that thing… it scares me.

Yeah, because native tribes definitely didn't wear anything other than religious garb.

Good to know that they care so much about sacred practices…

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