Reminder this is the hapa mutt moderating this board right now
Reminder this is the hapa mutt moderating this board right now
Sources? This is a low effort thread
Fuck is that? A wanna be jew?
Is that polvol5?
nigger banned me for Q Larp when I was making fun of Q-Larpers
does the motherfucker even engrish?
Biberaga Jusotin-kun
hapa homeland when?
What is Vancouver?
we bein raided
quickly slide syria getting s300s from the board! vlad an drumpff r kikels! leave here go to reddit!
So what? Zig Forums is about politics, not a social club for Rh- people.
it would be funny if this was pinned
codemonkey, you fucking newfag retard
imkikey pls go
>One thread gets stickied 15-20 minutes mocking (((civnats))) and it's like another shoah
Newfags, all!
The irony this fucker got served is hilarious.
Joji is that you?
Do you know anything about the fucking site you're on? Jesus Christ, kiddos
yerrowyid banned me 30 days for saying national socialism is a joke religion held near and dear to the hearts of mongrelized “white” imbeciles who couldn’t get through an algebra course much less retake a country. too predictable.
kind of a catch 22
They should read Michael Hoffman II’s argument that jewish is an obedience regulatory system. Who needs world domination when you could have peace of mind and the companionship of real jews who practice torah-style judaism instead?
You'll never get your board back, Imkikefy.
Here's your "Torah-style" Judaism you subversive leftynigger crossposters. You can actually tell the absolute newfaggotry of these types of cuckchan-tier threads. Their containment boards aren't keeping them in check anymore.
pic related
Good you don't belong here, this is a natsoc board.
You're legitimately dumb.
This thread will be deleted soon
Careful, the mods call these images spam so they can justify deleting evidence of their protection of pro-Trump spam-posters.
The cuckchan mods are only slightly worse than the ones we have here.
Its not though. Check the meta.
I posted story-time on the imageboard, faggot. You should leave the digging to the adults. kek
These images are banned on h8/pol/.
View at your own risk. They give a strong insight into the mind of the people who moderate this board, like that fish-faced mudperson in the OP.
Tell me a story.
While I wait, I'll tell you a story.
Its a story about rules. And why they don't matter.
The rules are a false construct whose only purpose is to create a public framework. The mods ignore them basically all day every day, especially the rules for mods - which are not all public!
The mods have a secret set of rules that they are not allowed to tell anyone about.
There's a mod in the meta talking about it.
The point is, the rules aren't real. They're an illusion for you, not for the mods.
If a mod does decide to ban me for spam or whatever on this IP though, it'd sure be nice if they could clarify as to whether or not posting these questions and this evidence would constitute 'spam' or whatever if posted in the meta thread.
It seems like you get banned for meta outside of meta, but you also get banned for meta inside meta if its too compromising to the mods.
But let's stay on track.
but there's only one race, the human race
This story has many twists and turns, so do tell me if you're having trouble keeping up.
Like the side-story of polvol6, the man for whom all threads he doesn't like are bait.
Never met the man, but I hear he's a swell guy.
Anyway, as I was saying, this is a story that is very convoluted, and there are many characters - or are there? - and they aren't very nice people.
They certainly aren't very smart people.
And they aren't very principled people either.
That's okay though, because we're not here to judge them, we're just here to tell their story. A story of rules that don't matter.
Found the original on CNN.
Its a very long story too, so I might not get through all of it. I'm kind of lazy like that.
But then, I started telling this story while I wait for another user to tell me a story, and I don't think he's ever going to tell his story, if I'm honest. So I might as well just finish this story and wait for the 'sands of time' to wipe it all away.
Let's finish up.
Here we have a quick snippet of the tale of polvol4, the man to whom every post is low effort… Whatever the fuck that means…
Don't bother, they're all masons. Zig Forums is MILINT.
Aren't you hurting your claims? Or do you want to say that these were reasonable opinions?
Checking what are likely to be my final dubs in this thread: Checked.
The funny thing about this story is that many of the tales that are told are tales I can agree with, at least to some degree. The problem is that these tales are representative of discordance, in that they demonstrate that rules don't matter in the context of the tale.
And that's a bit of a problem.
I know. That's why I'm telling this fun little story. Its an important story, even if it doesn't seem to go anywhere.
I hope that I don't have to wait too long.
I wonder if he'll accuse me of being reddit because of my spacing last post… Guess we'll have to wait and see!
Well shit I just can't wait any longer!
Guess I'll go ahead and do it myself!
>3 days: low effort (not rule applicable)
>1 day: zero effort (not rule applicable)
>3 days: "shit thread" (low-quality, not rule applicable)
>1 day: derail (not rule applicable)
>2 weeks: no reason (extremely not rule applicable)
>1 week: wrong-think (extremely not rule applicable)
>6 hours: "copy-pasta no sources bait" (low quality, not rule applicable)
>3 days: wrong-think (extremely not rule applicable)
>2 weeks: wrong-think (extremely not rule applicable)
>3 days: wrong-think (extremely not rule applicable)
>3 days: low effort (not rule applicable)
>3 days: low effort (not rule applicable)
>3 days: wrong-think (extremely not rule applicable)
>3 days: low effort, low post count (not rule applicable)
>2 days: wrong think (extremely not rule applicable)
>2x 3 hours: >1 day: zero effort (not rule applicable)
Huh, looks like so far you're
entirely incorrect.
I guess I'll wait and see if you want to go over those other ones.
I don't think you'll want to go over those others ones though.
The fuck?
Are you living in a timeline which polvol2 still exists? The same faggot who was so dumb that he got caught?
Did the muh bbc post get deleted or only spoilered? Putting a spoiler over something is just begging for someone to click it.
Spoilered only.
So are you going to address the fact that you were shown to be completely incorrect or are you just going to try to deflect?
Your answer will tell me one way or the other.
You can't report a thread really, user, you can only report a post. You know that.
The posts in question are hostile toward the intent you're expressing support for. You know that.
These are all very nice and interesting Schlomo
So, why aren't you a mod?
Maybe if CODE-MONEY didn't tie their hands so much,
we can get rid of the MAGA / Q-Tard threads once and for all,
but no.
(((CODE-MONEY))) wants to up the numbers - the IPs - on this site so he can earn more shekels.
He's getting plenty on the qresearch board and all the other Q-Related boards.
That's why he caters to them.
What is with this polvol2 to be related with the current state of Zig Forums, nigger?
Just like when kikefy was in charge.
CM would never let me.
I don't actually want to be a mod, just like I don't want to be a leader.
I don't enjoy it very much.
Deflection it is. I can now comfortably ignore you.
You've posted collected images of showing polvol2 being a kike and now using the same ones to play your "the current state of nu/pol/". Are you really expecting some idiot to fall for that?
This board was a Nat Soc board.
let that sink in
get rid of the Q-Tards
polvol2 is gone.
you can ignore that shit
look at the Global and Local rules in the Meta Thread.
Zig Forums is now a global board. Discuss politics, share theories, investigate, debate.
Zig Forums is a free-speech-oriented imageboard. As a Zig Forumsack, you should be able to persuade and convince with arguments.
Wrongthink reports will be dismissed.
Rules for Users:
1. The Zig Forums Global Rule applies (no illegal content in the United States of America);
2. Keep it politics - blatantly off-topic content will be anchored - Zig Forums culture / established threads are allowed;
3. No spam, no flooding;
4. No duplicates - if several threads are made about the same subject, all but one of them will be deleted and redirected to the active thread (this applies to religion and QTDDTOT / one-liner threads).
Rules for Global Volunteers:
1. Protect user privacy - never show post histories;
2. Do not ban people for having an opinion, even if you believe it's the wrong one;
3. Enforce the global and local rules.
>Zig Forums is now a global board
then get the fuck out of the way
help the mods make this a nat soc board again instead of this reddit-tier crap coming in from the Q-Tards.
or shut the fuck up
jfc the cancer in this thread
it's a fucking chan, ban on whim
get a san bushman and an irish tranny to mod idgaf
lets dismiss every report - fuck it
Mods despite still being a global board still refer to it as a natsoc board just a few more shitty threads, but yes this should go back to it's normal form.
Right, that's why the mods bumplock pro-trump threads and ignore all the "trump is a Jew" threads.
and then get shot down.
someone tried
some rule "6" thing
Friendly reminder that Kalergi was a HAPA. HAPA's need to be exterminated, along with all mongrels.
Its basically the same at this point.
Just as many people are getting banned for shit like "low effort" and "derail" and "bait" as were under kikey.
Comfy af. When you're ready to talk about why you were wrong, I'll address you again.
They don't want to. Pic related.
I am helping to make this board a NatSoc board again though.
Woops wrong pic.
whatever - kill yourself faggot
go post in /b/ or /r9k/
so make high quality threads
not this crap that is like a link and two lines of comment with a picture of a maga-tard and the subject line is something like "School Shooter"
That's complete nonsense
Flat Earthers have to go for sure.
If I was a mod - those fuckers are G - O - N - E
Thank god that thread is gone, but the race mixed and the other trump thread slide threads show up and are very low quality. Seriously what the fuck are the mods doing?
No shit. The only difference is that it has no BO, in a sense and has better rules except it creates a loophole for commies to post here. However codemonkey is the one who hires (board)volunteers.
Maybe next time discuss /meta/ related topics in a /meta/ thread
They basically do.
You sound like those glow in the darks that always show up when a privacy-violating legislation is passed to say how you don't care because only guilty people have anything to worry about.
They don't though.
Pic related.
welcome to 8ch, next you're going to post a cripple in a wheelchair working next to his jewish boss
Fuck off cuckchan that board of your's is hard natsoc anymore.
Here y'all - Read these from the Meta Thread
The mods delete any meta in the meta thread that they don't like, so that's not an answer.
The meta thread is no just like polmeta was before - worthless.
Being bad at their job.
I do. You are very heavily invested in this situation.
I am not upset about MY threads being banned or anything - its not personal.
Its a matter of the mods not following their own rules, then hiding behind the rules when its convenient.
I'm White. White people don't like hypocrisy, nor corruption, and both appear present here.
Yeah its pretty disgusting and thats probably why we have a bunch of non-Whites and pinkos running the board.
And you want to say that this won't be?
Oh, right also:
The rules don't matter. They don't follow them.
Its just the same old ban-if-i-feel-like-it kampfy shit, and we're seeing similarly large number of bans.
Reminder to filter and report (((68d54a))) for spamming, and attempted consensus cracking like the kike shill that he is.
Oh, it TOTALLY will be, don't get me wrong, but the point is it'll get banned no matter where you post it if its compromising to the mods.
That's just the way it is.
And basically nobody reads the meta, so, if you want anyone to actually SEE this shit, you have to make a thread and risk the ban/deletion. Because otherwise, nobody will.
That's the entire point of the meta thread, if you didn't realize that yet, just like that was the entire point of /polmeta/: nobody reads it, but it serves as a point of justification for mods keeping meta from actually being posted such as to be seen.
Someone is upset.
I had an 8-chan guide to thread creation - it was a very good graphic and easy to rad, but it kept on getting shot down because everyone said it was old or something.
It gave good examples on a quality thread.
I have it on my other drive somewhere. maybe you've seen it
go fuck yourself
Fuck off, turning this board into global was a fucking mistake,
Besides the point.
There is no quality-based limitation in the board rules as they exist right now.
There is explicit requirement in the rules as they exist right now that mods NOT ban on the basis of wrong-think.
So, basically, quality appears to just be a cover for 'wrong think', but even the quality argument has no basis in the rules of the board.
Appropriate dubs for a kikeposter, you're gonna get gassed for sowing division on here and spreading unfounded bullshit conspiracies about the moderation team.
emotions do not constitute an argument
Tell them to do their jobs correctly then.
maybe if we get enough people e-mailing Codemonkey…
[email protected]
Didn't even check em.
Sounds like mod-talk to me.
Thanks for the bump.
Ya turn this board back into something that it used to be keep the rules.
I don't think code monkey actually cares.
Reminder: He didn't remove kikey because of what he did as a mod, he removed kikey because he was personally assmad that kikey didn't treat him with the respect he felt he deserved - ie, he treated him just like he treats everyone else.
CM didn't like that and so kikey was gone… OR WAS HE? DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN!
Protip: You don't actually know one way or the other and you never will.
sowing division?
there's Zig Forums on this board and then then there's ((( REDDIT, Q-TARDS, CUCKCHAN, TWITTER, FACEBOOK ))) on this board - they are all one lump.
Fine, then I'll post your autistic rant there.
It's 1,000,000 times better than when it was a legacy board like Zig Forums
Maybe you have a point, but the mods are crap at their jobs, but I will give them this, they are way better than cuckchan's and leftypol's mods combined.
You seem really upset.
Just an FYI: If you do that, you'll probably get banned.
Unless you're a mod trying to discredit what I'm saying by posing as an user and then reposting the things that would get others banned while posting them but you're going to post them yourself and then not ban yourself and then say "See i didn't get banned!" which would be pretty funny really.
You should do that.
But I'm still not going to address you any further unless you admit that you were wrong.
Also mind to explaining why Zig Forums now is better than Zig Forums when it was a legacy board?
Remind me why we're not posting on cuckchan anymore? Oh, right.
Are you actually trying to hold that up for comparison?
That's like saying your wife is pretty in that she's prettier than a toad.
Come on now user.
Back in the old days the tranny kike mods appeared and the whole gamer gate fiasco, which caused the exodus and here we are.
I still get flashbacks up to this day.
Exactly my dude. So, being better than cuckchan? Basically fucking meaningless, you might as well be saying "its better than reddit!" for all the hollowness of that statement.
he can't explain it because he's a Q-Tard.
He has no idea.
He thought nat soc was just ironic shitposting.