Explain why and how this term even came to orgin in the United States. Did it start with the scofeild bible or was it something newer that only came to USA vocabulary after the evangelical Christcucks gave regan the election? Also why are boomers so attached to israel, also why are young people so attached to jews, or is this all an effect of mass media consumption from the mainstream and elsewhere, even the lefties that don't like israel and the jew lobby in america still think jews are innocent in some retarded way. Is there some point that I have missed that gives any foundation to why normal fags love jews so much, or is it really because they've been convinced of |protecting israel is good because it is good| logic. Everytime this comes up where someone says judeo-christian values, do they even know what they mean or is it a unexplained concept that is left for them to attach any meaning to, such as |judeo-christian values means we are the same groups of people, the jews and the christians|.
Jew-deo christ-cuck values
Wow can you actually try to not make yourself an obvious shill you fucking Jewish rat. This is becoming really pathetic at this point because kikes like (you) here so pathetically exposed by blatantly posting obvious half asses bait thread to the point that it's fucking saddening.
Do yourself a favor and actually try to do some research before you try to go shilling or go to cuckchan's Zig Forums well all you have to do is just post a bunch of nigger dicks and say "Zig Forums BTFO" or "u mad white boi?". Do the world a favor and just kill yourself you fucking parasite
Jews print the money.
Look into christian identity, OP
fuck off schlomo
First day on the job mr alphabet? i wish i had your job.
Have you ever considered finding a hobby? Don't tell me that this is your actual hobby.
Judaism = Old Testament
Christianity = Old Testament + New Testament
"Judeo-Christian" just means we worship the same Jewish god (Yahweh) and the same Jewish ancient text (Old Testament), word for word. Jews are unfortunately less moral than Christians because they reject the New Testament. Which is a shame because of all the biblical figures in the Tanakh/Bible/Quran, the Good Samaritan and (to a lesser degree) Jesus were the best moral teachers of them all. Other figures like Yahweh, Moses, and Mohammad are all bad moral teachers because they all either killed many people themselves, or made rules that justified killing them. Terrible people to emulate instead of the relatively more pacifist Jesus. Who at worst, just whipped some merchants with a whip, was slightly racist to goyim (that time he nearly refused to heal woman because she wasn't Jewish), and had weird medicinal remedies (rabbi saliva was considered to be holy and have healing properties back then).
I still consider the Good Samaritan the best person you can find in the Bible. And Jesus as second best. He may have been weird, but he also wasn't homicidal like his father, Moses, or Mohammad. His moral lessons of pacificism and non-materialism are why Christians are often more morally good people than materialistic Jews or violent Muslims. While the term "Judeo-Christian" may remind you that Judaism and Christianity share the same Jewish god and Old Testament, the type of followers these two religions produce are noticeably different. With Jews often being more immoral than their Christian counterparts.
Jews also reject the old testament (they know perfectly well that that is a bunch of stories for children and goyim to convince them that they aren't a fucking cannibal cult) in favor of their vile Talmud and place their wisdom as being higher than that of God.
I think it's Cromwellian
Das hab ich auch daheim, aber noch nicht gelesen….ists's gut?
Yes. And it's in the Vatican also. Templars, and (((esoteric))) later Freemasons.
But you wont be allowed to discuss this very important topic because the (((mods))) dont want us to D&C against our enemies, or redpill Christians out of the synagogue of satan. Just vote for Zionism or wammmans will take over and destroy the world.
(((/druid/))) trying another disinfo attempt as feminist Theosophy. You're bad at research pedo kike
Shouldn't you be impotently screeching in one of their threads?
Don't get Utu the sun god mad you stupid kike.
I told you it was (((/druid/))) trying to fan the flames of disinfor and take everyone off topic with his bullshit.
Marduk will destroy all your semitic gods again.
Step 1.) Be heeb yid jew
Step 2.) Go to goyim
Step 3.) Tell goyim that you have the one immutable true word of the one true god.
Step 4.) Goyim tell you that you should fuck a hat and that they don't want to turn the other cheek.
Step 5.) Tell goyim that that you're not only as martial and heroic as them (Samson and jews vs Egypt, etc), but that they can also take their own beliefs into the one true immutable religion you peddle.
Step 6.) Goyim convert based on the amended version which they, seeing how they are not jews, actually do hold up to the one true word standard
Step 7.) Repeat this process a few times, going from region to region until you have several stratified big denominations you can sicc onto one another for being heretics while living among your host nations and giving the ((( monarchs ))) usurious jewish fiatmoney.
Congratulations, you are now devoid of your soul, heritage and racial integrity.
And, if you are American, your foreskin.
Jesus come back we need you.
>Step 7.) Repeat this process a few times, going from region to region until you have several stratified big denominations you can sicc onto one another for being heretics while living among your host nations and giving the ((( monarchs ))) usurious jewish fiatmoney.
Good summary.
Because the United States was built specifically by and for Protestants only. Now get the fuck out of our country you fucking subversive piece of shit. Take your petrol dollar, jews, niggers, spics, and chinks with you. We'd like to go back to the gold standard, for whites only, in a country where you're not allowed in unless you worship the correct God.
As it was from the very fucking beginning.
pic related, faggot
Anyone that assumes/believes that Judeo-Christianity is a natural fit, does not know history. Those calling themselves "Christians" today do not know the beliefs, practices, nor the rebellion against Judaism of the group holding to a doctrine which was later codified as a religion.
They get paid based on replies to the thread. Report and ignore it is the best route.
It's a 100% accurate summary.
The only way for even two denominations to exist is that "someone" didn't take the "immutable one word of god" seriously, the jews.
Then whites of European descent, even when presented with this truth, will also, as laid out and predicted, use their version of the jew faith they adhere to, no matter what, as the actual word of god they should believe in because it is true.
They then, also as predicted, attack "heretics" or worse, "pagans".
But even after this explanation of the summary, they will not think anything is wrong. I am THAT right about that summary, and it reflects reality THAT much, because it's literally how it went, goes, and will go further.
I will make exactly ZERO Christians even begin to think about any of this, because I have accurately described the workings of Christianity and how it came to be.
I literally expressed the truly true 1488% correct axiomatic, objective and truthful law of Christianity and its mechanism, and that's why it won't work as a tool to make Christians see the truth.
They are lost.
tl; dr:
If Christianity would really be a truly European, white thing, then we wouldn't have even two denominations, seeing how fiercely, adamantly and obstinately white Christians defend their faith even today, with over six gorillion proven degeneracies and denominations.
Only jews allow for a bending of rules like that, they do this to their false god all the time.
Ergo, QED, jewish people spread the jewish faith of Christianity, not whites, because whites have too much integrity to go flip flop like that.
That's why the big denominations are so stratified, too.
If you are Christian then you are a follower of a 100% bona fide jewish faith.
what's that like satanic-divine??
oh so edgy how jews pretend to be pagan larpers to rile up the White man. anything anti-Christian is anti-White schlomo
It used to mean a jew who converted to Christianity, but during WWII it was repurposed to make gentile Christians more supportive of the war, and eventually the Holocaust myth.
which is why jesus talked shit about the jews and their lies constantly
makes sense my man
I'll never get why retards every state "anti-X is anti-white," especially when this implies X is a superset, in a sense, of white. That is to say, this means being christianity encompasses all that is white.
What should be stated, especially for a religion which seems to cater to non-whites, would be : anti-white is anti-christian.
I wonder how many Zig Forumsacks have actually read the Bible completely, and not just the cherry-picked quotes that both sides, anti-Christians and pro-Christians, use.
yes friend - why don't you just, "Turn the other cheek," every time our nation is, "Diversified," some more. Submission.
Because they are both based on the same Abrahamic 'god' propagandized by Jews so that they can be controlled.
i get more bothered about them cherry picking liberal christians like as representing all of Christianity
there are liberal pagans too
I have, and I have no regrets, I'm glad I became a christian under the influence of Zig Forums, even if nowadays half of the board has decided to turn against christianity.
Jews are less moral because they are jews.
What were you before you "became" a Christian-ism?
Reported for paid jewish shilling.
Nice citations, moishe. Everyone knows who and what you are.
Thanks for outing yourself.
If you and your mod buddy hadn't tried to astroturf pro-Christianity, that wouldn't have happened.
Here he is right now.
Christians are not more moral by default. Whites are. Jews did not teach whites how to be moral. Jews gained a monopoly over morality and whites let them have it.