Yenta is providing false rape accusations against Brett Kavanaugh to Jew the Goyim at the last minute
Jew Accuses Kavanaugh Of Rape
Once again, the left eats itself.
Heil Hitler.
They're all kikesses.
Jews are so hyper-paranoid because of how fast things have always turned against them in the past. They are sitting on the top of the heap with special rights and privileges making lots of money on the suffering of the folk and then it turns against them all in the span of mere handful of years.
Hah. Donna Brazile putting those jew credentials out there for when this blows up in the face of the left. Smart move. Throw those kikes into the oven where they belong.
Every Single Time
I do wonder why a strict interpretation of the Constitution is such a threat to them.
Fucking Q shills defending the jews again
shitty archive of tweet op
(((They're))) panicking about Friday.
Because it immediately torpedoes their plans to disarm the populace.
Oy Vey, Goyim! He raped them 6 gorillion times and then turned their grandparents into lamp shades!
Look at this jew bitch. Who would rape, much less fuck with that? I doubt she got any dick in high school.
True. I don't know if genocide will be the result, or simply expulsion.
Anybody who gets to the point where they're considered for the jewpreme court is probably at the very least a pedophile.
I'm betting they'll try to assassinate Kavanaugh like they did Scalia.
Kill yourself, mindless NPC.
Julie Swetnick
875 10th St NW Apt 833
Washington, DC 20001
Amazing what kind of garbage comes ooozing out of certain corners of the country.
Jews. Lie. All. The. Time.
"but it was real in my mind"
This whacko even had some schlep tattoo an Auschwitz camp ID on his arm.
jews are a sick, demented people.
You're no different than the niggers who saw Obongo as their savior.
Yeah man
It is to be expected now
It's easy to spot the semite
Did they get him by making him eat like shit and not exercise thereby becoming so fat he had a heart attack?
Being this easy to filter.
They're kikes, they live to degrade themselves and everything and everyone else.
You guys are such amateurs at this. Can't you see the clear path forward here? The counter-troll is clear as day. I've never seen such an easy homerun play.
Turn this into Jews attacking Irish Catholics. Do you have any idea the shitstorm this will create for these kikes? I've already wrecked total havoc inside Jewish circles the past 18 months with this one cool trick. Kavanaugh is Irish Catholic. Figure it out guys, holy fuck.
Here's a template to get you started.
1) Why are the Jews attacking Kavanaugh just because he's Irish Catholic?
2) Jews are slandering Kavanaugh because he's Irish Catholic.
3) Why do Jews hate the Irish so much?
Its literally is that simple. The results are fucking nuclear tier destruction. Proceed onward gentlemen.
Take your depression pills faggot.
That's stupid. The rebuttle is simple. "he's a rapist, it's not about Jews you antishemite."
Then you say "I DONT BELIEVE IN SHEM!" But either way, you're bragging is sad. Jewish circles dont give a fuck, they just get you banned, you larping faggot
Found the butt blasted Jew. You're retarded. The rebuttle to your predictable as fuck 'rebuttle' is to repeat the original statement endlessly 500 more times. This is how Jews operate, they repeat the same accusation until every retard in society also repeats with them.
Why are so many Jews attacking Irish-American Kavanaugh?
Just reword the same question a dozen different ways. Jewing the Jew has never been easier. This is amazing… the Jews are so mad.
You're getting wrecked. Wtf is bragging? hahaha ok fag.
mfw jews burn on 10, but my oven goes to 11
Damn, Donna, not a very subtle yid whistle.
Not surprising they enlisted a DeepStater kikess… her vagene and (((nose))) guarantee she'll never be prosecuted for perjury.
Jesus, you write like a fucking douchebag. Tell me where you are in these "jewish circles", what circles, and how are you making a difference with these Jews and not betting banned.
Enlighten us
#*The Feminist Who Cried Rape!*
There once was a feminist who was bored as she sat on the hillside watching the village men at work. To amuse herself, she took a great breath and cried out, "Rape! Rape! A man is raping me!"
The villagers came running up the hill to help the feminist drive the rapist away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no rapist. The feminist laughed at the sight of their angry faces.
"Don't cry rape" said the villagers, "when there is no rapist!" They went grumbling back down the hill.
Later, the feminist cried out again, "Rape! Rape! A man is raping me!" To her naughty delight, she watched the villagers run up the hill again to help her drive the rapist away.
When the villagers saw no rapist they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'rape' when there is NO rapist!"
But the feminist just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.
Later, she had a REAL rapist attack her. Alarmed, she cried out as loudly as she could, "Rape! Rape! A man is raping me"
But the villagers thought she was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.
At sunset, everyone wondered why the feminist hadn't returned to the village. When they went up the hill to find the feminist, they found her weeping.
"There really was a rapist here! My dignity has been shattered! I cried out, "Rape!" Why didn't you come?"
An old man tried to comfort the feminist as they walked back to the village.
"We'll help you look for the rapist in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the feminist, "Nobody believes a liar…even when she is telling the truth!"
"Stop rapping me," she cried softly as she slid his arm off her shoulder.
Anything to slow down the vote on Kavanaugh.
source pic related:
BONUS QUESTION: How many Supreme Court Justices have loyalty to nations outside of the US?
Not denying the meaning of the pics but;
Jews are super mad at this one cool trick. Don't tell your mom.
You are so mad, Jew.
I like fables
let's really get technical and let's pretend that the information is total bunk
Let's play another game:
We like our multiculturalism and diversituh; don't weh?
smooth. real smooth.
Not to say that the accusation is real, but you would be surprised at what kind of hobgoblins people fall for sometimes. A dear professor of mine got expelled for trying to hook up with a horrible student of his, a feminist LA GOBLINA with awful tattoos and colored body hair. We talk frequently and still he can't even explain why he risked his entire career for such a hideous mongrel, having women a lot hotter at his disposal (even his wife, while old, was hotter than her). Makes you think
I blame pornography, it fetishizes the grotesque
So instead of masturbation machines they're now rape train machines.
Sorry, son. You're the stupid one.
Odd post by Donna Brazile. No way that post was a mistake.