Legions Of Satan, 1871

Washington, after his defeat by the American army, he was too cowardly to
bring it himself.

Washington. Jonathan Williams recorded in his book 'Legions of Satan',
(1781) that the messenger made the following statement.

"A holy war will now begin on America and when it is ended America will be
supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be
loyal subjects to the Crown. . . . "Your churches will be used to teach the
Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be
working for Divine World Government. That government that they believe to be
divine will be the British Empire.

All religion will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by
the masses and they will all be under the invisible All-seeing Eye of the
Grand Architech of Freemasonry."

Video related

Other urls found in this thread:

thechristianidentityforum.net/downloads/martin/Jews Are the Descendants of Esau.pdf

There's no evidence that the book existed, or that McCarthy every quoted it. It seems to have been invented by the author of some newsletter in the 1980s.

Next time you quote the same line I've seen spammed all over about the book, maybe you should be honest and say you're quoting an user spammer…
Instead of acting like that was your opinion and research!

Some say it was taken off Amazon and disappeared. But the video is interesting alone for the Judization of Christianity, the quote from the Protocals of Zion "To the British", and for the coronation of Prince William into a secret nights order.

Attached: purpledrank.jpg (162x250, 14.42K)

Proverbial Britain = Priory of Sion = Zionists (Judeo-Masonry) = American ZOG

It actually is my own opinion, which I've posted before in probably two other threads about this non-existent book.

It's filled with "but they're not followers of judaism", and I think at one point he claims it's really about Christian Identity, which he also claimed the Lion King was about. Cooper was always kosher, that might have changed had he lived longer…

Attached: bypass.png (600x508 423 B, 69.34K)

You're a lying fucking kike.

I read that exact qoute all over comments going back almost a decade. You think you can come here and fool us with your copypaste? You're not on our level, kike.

Attached: miss hitler 2014.jpeg (620x620, 93.47K)

There is 0 proof of this fucking book.
Really nigger? "some say"? I say you're a faggot.

The book is only part of the thread and you've already lied once. The other part as I've said is the video is interesting alone for the Judization of Christianity, the quote from the Protocals of Zion "To the British", and for the coronation of Prince William into a secret knights order.

Attached: nazi girl.jpg (480x617, 53.77K)

damage control

Can the existence of the book be confirmed?

Oh wow what a very new revelation, at last i truly see

oh you're going to get it kike.

Attached: 121jkd.png (1318x1068, 1.07M)

yeah thats why they're kvetching for their lives, right?

None to my knowledge.

That's a lie, but let's just pretend you're right and you've saw my post a decade ago. Why are you reposting something you've known to be fake for that long, or at least taken the time to formulate some kind of argument in favor of its existence?

You don't think McCarthy quoting from such a book would have recorded somewhere other than in any Christian Identity newsletter 29 years after it supposedly happened?


hey, merry christmas you fuck

you are a fucking yid.
get into the oven.

Are you okay lad?

The DACAryan girl I married looks like the one in the right. You can find redpilled traditionalist women in church btw. My brother got his Aryan wife when he caught her near the border. They have 4 Aryan kids now.

yep, just hate kikes.
carry on faggot.

that's pretty sweet, Aryans from El Salvador have a certain beauty in them… maybe will go there to find a wife.

Attached: aryan_couple.jpg (600x450, 42.07K)

Aryans from the US now have no excuses on marrying a Latin Aryan.

Behind every tattoo, there still resides aryan beauty


Attached: 1483386913839.png (333x293, 13.98K)

stop, this bait is going to give me AIDS


where did they get the lodge system from?

the Latin Aryans?




Hail Aryan Brother!

That's pretty romantic


A couple points, this was more likely a form of "Pamphlet" rather than a full bound and published book. As far as the alleged authenticity its a "Chicken or the Egg" argument. It could have existed and was scrubbed from the histories, OR it never existed and was fabricated.

This 1488

A book or pamphlet from the 1700s being lost forever might be plausible, but McCarthy giving a speech (or writing an article, depending on who's claiming it) called "George Washington's surrender" "six months before his death" (which should instantly set off your bullshitter detector), no record of which exists outside of some fringe publications decades later, isn't.

The Jewish meme is a psy-op. You don't even know who you're dealing with;

You function by design.

Filtered, you low IQ nigger. Go shit-post somewhere else.


What about nigger Aryans?

This thread got shilled hard.

Pick one. OP video related

kek I WIN!

(((The British Empire))) was the biggest Jewish scam of the past 400 years. It literally had a Jewish Prime Minister named Benjamin Disraeli.

Attached: Benjamin Disraeli - Theresa May - British Israelism.png (986x1118 380.54 KB, 834.63K)

Attached: Theresa-May-New-Phariseeism-Tory-UK-PM-57.jpg (583x936 347.19 KB, 202.58K)

Where does one get Legions of Satan by Jonathan Williams?

Attached: Israel in Britain - Colonel Garnier - The Worship of the Dead - The Great Pyramid.jpg (338x535, 19.94K)

Why Judaism?

Because Judaism is a supremacist ideology with thousands of Talmudic laws on how to manage non-Jewish slaves.


that sounds about right. And we could say that Christianity, as it existed even before being codified as a religion, was the antithesis/anathema of all flavors of Judaism
- Now, we have Judeo-Christianity; the synthesis of the two which ultimately cancels out the Christian part. Wonderful!
- we can go on and on about the details, but there really is no reason that this group, hiding under layers and layers of subversion, cannot be marched naked into the cold, and given a single bullet to the head
- if they all share a single, common bloodline, then there is a component within their DNA which is a "dead giveaway"

They was trying to take and control the empire (and others) since imperialism.

they are actually the Bogdanoff compound.

Good video. Bill Cooper is the guy narrating in the beginning, he's probably the one who popularized this topic. No one knows where he sourced it from.

I recall from the last thread that it may have been someone (a kike, if I recall correctly) on McCarthy's staff who originally supplied the material to McCarthy. But there is no record that McCarthy possessed or spoke of this material publicly or otherwise.

Usually, where there's smoke there's fire, and it's a pretty odd hoax to come up with, ascribing everything to some obscure figure during the revolutionary period. I would like to see further research, but we always hit a brick wall it seems. I think the complete infiltration by b'nai b'rith and other jewish agents within our government and academic institutions means that any hard evidence of these letters existing would have been shoahed long ago.

see: the black nobility

So it was originally from a Christian Identity newsletter? That's interesting. Anyone got a copy? For those that don't know, that was the Aryans Are The Real Israelites movement. I am not too familiar with their writings or the people involved, other than what WL Pierce wrote about them, so I couldn't say if them conjuring the LoS conspiracy makes sense. If the Christian Identity top brass was educated and cultured, it makes sense that they could create it as a hoax to bolster their movement. If they were rednecks, then someone probably fed it to them, and whether the material they were fed was disinfo or not is another rabbit hole.

Cooper's whole thing was reading newsletters, books, etc. on the air and passing them off as his own research.

Not really. Whoever made it was probably basing it on the "Franklin Prophecy", where Franklin's alleged warning about the jews was recorded in Charles Pinckney's diary.

It seems to have originated with this bizarre book, the exact origins of which are unknown. It was supposedly published in the 1970s, but there are multiple "1985 updates", meaning the quote could have been added then.

The fact that McCarthy just so happened to say "the union jack" in the supposed speech makes it even more likely that the author is who created it.

Attached: UJ3.png (788x1020 68.7 KB, 61.18K)

The author also uses the word "jew" in the clunky way she claims McCarthy did, and even quotes the book of Esther while denying that the jews are a race, just like he did.

It's very obvious that "Helen Peters" (may be a pseudonym) manufactured that quote.

Attached: UJ4.png (489x293, 25.55K)

I also found Willie Martin quoting it, citing a compilation of Peters' writings, that was apparently published in the 1980s.

thechristianidentityforum.net/downloads/martin/Jews Are the Descendants of Esau.pdf
pg 90

So it all seems to come back to Peters.

Attached: Defenders.png (807x385 38.89 KB, 40.43K)

Where is the proof, faggot? This is absurdly contrived, the english is not period, and I see no letter.