Jews are so damn ugleh

Jews are so damn ugleh

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I want to breed with a jew

That kike needs to invest in some bathroom cleaning materials like a fucking scrub brush.
Arbeit macht frei, kike
I can't even imagine the molds and fungi that are stewing in that tub with it. I mean look at that brown stuff that is growing up that first row of tile at the shelf…ewwww I can't decide what is more disturbing.

Those tits just seem… wrong


What a disgusting, deformed body. When that freak lays back it doesn't even look real. Everything is so disproportionate and weird looking. And that face is so fucking rough.

Ok you are more disturbing than the kike, molds and fungi. Maybe you can get in there with it and exchange bodily fluids until you are something that resembles head cheese.

Attached: headcheese.jpg (700x557, 28.68K)

The only thing nice about this kikess is she has decent tits with pink nipples. That's it.

The arms are weakly deformed looking too.

puny arms and hugely distorted head like it has hydrocephalus

Attached: Hydrocephalus-5.jpg (1320x660 34.66 KB, 171.27K)

That's the beauty of living in Jew York City for ya. The tilework above is also slowly crumbling. For Jews, this apparently represents the pinnacle of civilization.

You should breed with a shotgun to your rectum

Fuck jews and jew York city

Is that a bunch of different pieces of meat and organs stuck together with transglutaminase?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (400x300, 185.29K)

Since all they know how to do is destroy, I am not surprised that is the peak of civ for them. God though they could get out a fucking scrub brush though…they can be fucking haitian niggers all they want but it wouldn't kill them to be clean haitian niggers. Just the thought of all that athletes foot and human skin and dirty shit particles floating in that water is repulsive and unsanitary.

Her face is too horrifying. That blabblers ass is nonexistent. Her tits are nothing to write home about. She would look good in a cattle car en route to camp, though.

Hell, even they are cleaner than this bitch.

White men built it. Now the white men have been chased from the city, and like Detroit, and other major cities, it slowly crumbles away. It perfectly represents what happens to our civilization when shit-skins and/or kikes reign in our place. It all begins to degrade and collapse. It goes from beautiful to decrepit.

It is my visual representation of multi culti kalergi human beings. Look at that tongue sticking out there on the bottom. Race mixing is so attractive…we just take bits and pieces of whatever shit we can find and assemble it into frankenstein loaf.

What's really depressing is the state of the Michigan Central Station in Detroit. Beautiful building turned to almost complete ruins. The city council which I'm pretty sure is run completely by dindus wanted to demolish it. Last I read, Ford Motor Company wanted to purchase the building (hopefully to restore it).

Absolutely disgusting
Fucking flat as a god damn plank.
No ass, and the tits are all fucked.
Don't even get me started on the goblin mouth.

I also have to add, it's amazing how fast all of Western civilization has taken a nose dive in just a mere 60 years. Detroit not all that long ago was a prosperous and properly run metropolis. A sad reminder that the good guys lost the Second World War and we're all suffering the consequences of that sad defeat.

What I don't understand, is they don't see this. They look at an ulgy-ass mutt with barely enough IQ to open a door and think there's nothing wrong with it.

Attached: our jewish robot future.jpg (333x500, 38.16K)

I used to be in that category of people. I don't know how I ever got myself out of that mindset, but I did. Traveling on the road of the red pill was a psychologically arduous, and at times, traumatizing experience, but I'm glad that I went through it. Most people probably won't go down that road, since there's a major lack of fortitude in this day and age.

I honestly don't know, I offended a neighbor because I looked at her grandchild with open revulsion…it is a fucking disgusting mongrel that is way behind on development and can barely speak. I was nice enough not to say what I really thought…"So what is it like to look at your own lines genetic death?" But you know I thought it and I am sure it showed on my face.
Typical story too. White mom, nigger guy, spray and play, now single mom (nigger is MIA no child support etc) looking for 'a nice man to settle down with'." Yeah RIGHT! You and your developmentally disabled mongrel nigger son are looking for a baby daddy now that your vag is like lincoln tunnel. lol