I didn't notice how unironically autistic smiley's movements were before. And how beta and out of shape his body was, just look at him that is a 20-25yo grown man but has the movements of a 70 yo and his soft pasty face has the maturity of a 12-14 year old, maybe of a 4 year old.
Now I get why he saw all his school peers as alphas because keins aren't 4 year old looking babies who move in slow motion and spend their Friday night larping as GI Joe on webcams. Was he on drugs? Weed and ritalin? might explain why "the lights are on but nobody is home".
Whatever disadvantages he had physically he did himself no favors by having a hormone killing shitposting lifestyle. Remember he blamed all his problems on mouth-breathing but anyone would begin to look unhealthy and worthless if they never went outside in the sun, ate Hot Pockets and fapped and posted happenings all day being totally serious the USA was about to be destroyed and he would survive in Canada with his crossbow thanks to his superior combat skills. Freak made Igor seem sane and balanced.
I wouldn't be surprised if they modeled that recent heavily promoted school shooter with the MAGA hat after Smiley and similar fringe edgelords. His look and behavior is similar. The scary thing is smiley is a real person.
Then again he could have always been a plant paid a monthly salary to act like a genetic failure and put other boys on the same path of self-destruction. I'm leaning towards that in the hope smiley wasn't that genuinely pathetic, he was only acting
I of course mean a kosher psy-ops plant and by boys I mean goys. I censored myself like I'm not on pol. Smiley denied his Jewish heritage but he's from Canada and obviously one
Gabriel Gutierrez
I miss Smiley. He was a hell of a lot better than (((Robert Sepehr))) or the pedo from (((/Druidpol/))).
I remember before Imkikey took over (he still runs this place) we had REAL history threads and would make fun of the occult /fringe/ nerds for doing bad research. Now history is banned and all we have is Jewish occultism and 4chan culture. At least Smiley listened and debated. These new occult deep state kikes just act like Imkikey and mock you and ignore. There is no debate, no learning, all lies ("the history of everything" 4chan shill just ignores you and steals your memes to push his demon-aliens Alex Jones shit).
There was a time we could come here and see pretty pictures of naked Aryan women. Since 2016 women have been banned and everythread is a 2D loli from Japan that the CIA admitted using to fit in. Everything interesting is coming from cuckchan now and those mods are pedos. At least on (((Druid))) global mod is a pedo and Imkikey isnt…or at least he lets us investigate Democrate pedos.
How did smiley die, is there an obituary somewhere?
Did he have a job after his parents finally forced him out or did he continue to be a neet waste of blood and organs until the very end?
Christopher Green
From what I remember of him from 4chon.net/new/ (the site that 4chan's Zig Forums stole all its content from) he was useless and getting into magic so he was beginning to lose touch with reality. He needed a good beating but I was too far away to give him that, sad.
That's the word on the street. Are we really surprised?
Personally back in 2012 or 2013 I thought he'd kill himself within 6 months, the guy literally spammed Ron Paul articles and JIDF shill! accusations every minute of every day, he was extremely mentally ill.
I don't know how oblivious his parents were but I'm sure they eventually gave up on him years ago.
I remember trying to help the kid myself. All he wanted to do was escape the Matrix but he went down the path of (((esotericism))) and wouldn't follow Natural Law. But he at least tried to consider it. I told him about Joseph Cambell and the Hero's with "a thousand faces" and he became obsessed with it. Started spamming threads on it. Later the shills like (((Bob Sepehr))) and (((Druid))) started stealing his /fringe/ work and everyone elses work to push their arrogant magicK narrative, never listening or participating. But Smiley always did try at least. He was one of us, for all his faults.
Those were the days man… Before the Freemasons/Alt-Kike/DeepState installed their new sheriffs to destroy this place. We had some good discussions and created all the culture they now take credit for. Even Smiley created things through his questions about the nature of reality.
your board drama doesn't matter. Nothing will happen if 100 threads about nothing are made for the next few days. The world will go on, this board accomplishes nothing.
STI shut down 4chon /new/ because he realized his board was basically an ADL ploy
I know your type, you came here in like 2014, heard about jews and "sjws" for the first time and now you can't stop repeating those words. You're a brainless parrot.
This is a good time to have an epiphany. Get a life and stop projecting your own brainlessness onto others or you're going to wind up like smiley.
Are you trolling? You're selling your conspiritard book on an obituary page? Take that anime weebshit outta here. I consider hentai viewers lower than pornstars in the degeneracy ladder.
No one cares about your meme-talk and fitting in. You dont know what a slide thread is. Check the fucking top of the board: (((esoteric))) "spirtual-ism >The (((LGBT))) agenda
This is all 4chan shit and dumb and sad. And I only mentioned the top threads people are bumping this week. Meanwhile Imkikey is furiously deleting real threads to keep moral and discussion low.
Considering he frequented 8ch.net/pol/ especially after 4chon shut down 5 or 6 or so years ago, shouldn't him not attention whoring like he always did be proof enough?
I don't know who that is but 4chan's pol is a pathetic counterfeit of 4chon /new/, you'd think after years they have more to offer than a site from 2010 but nope, and this place is barely more tolerable than 4chan's pol with a lot of unoriginal crossposters who do it out of compulsion and not an effort to make an "aware" board.
aware threads are ignored or deleted. There is a good thread called "Zionism *is* the New World Order" and "redpill history of the jews" but they are barely touched. People want 4chan because most of the people are coming from 4chan and the real content creators are finding they're not wanted here for about a year and a half now.
Oliver White
Can a txt file from archive.org have a virus? What is Siege about, Turner Diaries tier cancer?
Lincoln Ward
If you didn't know this guy was a cuckerberg clone now you know. t. knower
Lucas Reyes
I remember him becoming homeless, so he probably isn't around computers much. What is so difficult to newfags about calling it Zig Forums? Fuck.
Cooper Hughes
smiley isn't dead, he likely got a girlfriend and is LARPing like he's being gangstalked to cover it again so he can have incel cred with the wizchan guys.
redpill on smileberg: he's a rich, jewish normalfag who jerks off all day and occasionally has psychotic episodes when he's starved for attention. he wishes his life was televised, and whenever something "stabilizing" happens to him(job, gf) he goes back into normalfag mode until he either snaps and gets sent to the psych ward or fucks it up for himself. then, starved for attention, he comes crawling back to shitpost about how learningcode fucks with him and tries to incite more suicides on mewch.
Alexander Jackson
Maybe that's why he disappeared, Mark Suckernerd needed a new ballsack or something after he got injured hunting free-range hogs.
he was going on extremely long bike rides to meet a girl in a neighboring city almost daily for a month, he wasn't homeless. being the sissy retard he is he fucked that up too, and then blamed gangstalking
Aiden Peterson
It's CIA shit. They want you to blow stuff up or shoot people to turn whites against whites in the name of Satan.
Connor Gray
What an asshat if he thinks the govt would stock an irrelevant jobless sissy straight out of high school. Gangstalking is done to extremely influential political dissidents. Like that Norwegian from the UN who came to make peace in Palestine and was killed by Israel with a heart attack.
Vice did a report on British schizos who think they are gang-stalked. It's literally a mental imbalance causing paranoia and delusions of grandeur.