Peoples Utopia

I have allready heard about this experiment.
But I have never acctually looked into it.

It is scary and I think the West might be allready in the dying phase.
Do you guys recognise yourself in there?

When I see the building rat harem, while the number of left over male rats increases, I get reminded of the incels.
Sure they are often just loosers, that could get a girl, if they really would work on it.
But maybe it is part of the same phenomena, that happens with the rats.
There seems to be a slightly higher population of females, but at the same time it is reported, that they have increasingly high standards

With Social Media a theoretical higher social density is created.
It is said, that many of the effects came from the "boredom" of the rats,
maybe a loss of purpose.
This seems to be still fitting to our current society,
where we are in a farely boring work cycle life.
Working, especially office jobs, might just replace the grooming of the rats.

Do we need to escape?; can we even?
What do you think about this and relating experiments and can we relate it to human behaviour?
Is NatSoc not a part of this, or are we just a segregation group, in a more complex system?

Other urls found in this thread:

There is no escape. Enjoy the collapse.

Escape is possible but not for you fat neck beards.


The nigger rats are going to kill your "beautiful ones".

Since OP hasn't gotten a non retarded response I'll bite.
Yes we need to escape. Yes we can. It most definitely can be compared to human behaviour but it would need to be replicated with monkeys unfortunately I find it more immoral to use animals for these sorts of things than hobos or human volunteers.
NatSoc is not a part of this, the rats end stages almost entirely die off. In this dying off we can see (if they were humans) a death of their "society". Much like ours.
We are currently at the end or near-end of the Kali Yuga, this has happend before and will happen again. The one thing the rats don't have is a Hitler figure, durr because they're rats, humans have other humans that want to crush the degeneracy and retarded "civilisation" based on lies and deceit. A Hitler figure will , if he hasn't been already, appear and will end this hell hole of a system.
The main thing is not to be discouraged that he hasn't appeared yet or is in the process of appearing. The second thing is to prepare for his coming by making it easier and easier for him to crush the jews and their lies.

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The experiment was bullshit and I'm tired of people bringing it up.

The problem with the methodology was that they used a mere 8 breeding pairs as a basis for the entire population and they were already from an relatively inbreed laboratory line. Hence the results are suspect to begin with.

But even if the experiment had been conducted differently it doesn't really fit with our society, people merely see what they want to see. I will posit some significant differences between the experimental environment and our own.

1) Significant areas of settlement are not over populated whereas in the experimental enclosure population density was relatively uniform.

2)There were no distinct breeding populations within the supra-population of the enclosure so far as I am aware.

3)"Boredom" isn't present in our society indeed the problems are likely a result of too much stimulation and the cheapness of pleasure.

The model isn't really applicable and a more accurate model can be created though the observation of the current situation as it develops.

Liberals aren’t breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey, GSS, and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.
You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation and race within in the USA. White Democrats: 0.9, Jews: 0.8, blacks: 1.4, and spics: 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use, with the highest being recorded in the General Social Survey which also has the largest sample set.

If the 2014 white conservative birthrates and those of the other demographic groups remained constant without additional input via immigration by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.

That is what the demoshits have feared for so long, that is why they want to import shitskins so desperately.

It goes beyond mere social incentives, the spics and niggers and libtard whites and mudslimes and kikes all don't breed when they have gibs. The bread and circuses are poisoned and only those who refuse to partake survive in the modern world. In the natural environment those who sought pleasure survived because natural selection had made it pleasurable to engage in adaptive behavior such as breeding and the harsh nature of pre-industrial environments meant that go get pleasure elsewhere one had to achieve material wealth. Now pleasure has been cheapened to such an extent that any scum sucker can get his fill. They have their Electric Jew, they have their vidya, their drugs, their consequence free sex, their food provided by welfare, ect. They don't need to engage in adaptive behavior anymore.

It all comes down to an overpopulation of beta males due to (((monogamy))), civilization was built by strong men for beta males to flourish and it'll collaspe when nobody requires their existence anymore.

Beta incels cry kick scream about feminism, muh double standards and divorce but in truth its all their fault the world came to this, civil stability only favors the weak to rely on existing. Without strong men to keep lemmings in line, women walk over beta males bringing forth destruction of society from within. Empowered females were GIVEN the rights to equality, abortion of white babies, age of concent (drafted up by feminists in the 1920s) and the means to slowly usurp priavte business influence laying the groundwork for their next phase of propaganda to infect, weaken and feminize the west. Working (financially stable) females means beta males have NOTHING to offer them, this shift in power creates more desperate obedient betas, its what creates homosexuals, male feminsts, trannies and traps because its more rewarding to be female than male, resentful incels are left to suicide, fapping or sexbots. The rat race ties into this acceleration of urbanism and the cuckening of our self determination as men, beta males become literal paypig tax slaves for shitskins and females to leech off of while they demand more financial support for social programs, force you to live in a cuckshed and prep the bull.

How do we escape our demise?
Burn it all down
Allow nature to reset humanity, cull the betas from the genepool, put women back under the boot and return to our simpler tribal lifestyles in which we're not reliant on urbanite society to survive.

The flaw in that reasoning is kids don't obey their parents, its exactly what happened during the reaganite conservative boom of the late 70s upto the early 90s, it created a generation of kids more fond to liberalism in the 90s/00s snowballing to the Marxist insanity we're seeing now.

in variants of the study Calhoun added fresh genetic stock to the "universe", tried various species, all with no change to the outcome. Inbreeding was very quickly eliminated as an explanation
no, it wasn't, if you'd read the studies the rats tended to center in particular areas to extremes, while leaving other nesting boxes uninhabited. None of the experimental "universes" ever reached anywhere near capacity before collapse, from memory something like 60% was standard before population collapse
want to know how I know you're unemployed?

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This could be possible but are you talking about tribal life in the material sense or the spiritual sense? For the substance of the ancients was how they lived and the way they lived and the reasons behind that way. Arbitrarily going back to the tribal way without a spiritual foundation is redundant as degeneracy would come about due to materialism.

Tribalism in the sense of small paganistic spirtual communties caring for eachothers wellbeing making due of simple life, not anarcho-primivistism.

We've lived in more dense conditions with less freedoms, harder and less fulfilling lives, and yet our birthrates were higher. It's a combination of factors, but obviously with wealth comes a lowered birthrate. You can see it with all races. Ideals play a factor as well, as well as environment. That's why urban whites have a lower birthrate than rural whites. Terrible ideals and a terrible environment. There's also birth control, plastics, hormones etc. For every woman there's a man. If a man is single, a woman is single. We're also far less attractive than we used to be. Over 50% of people in nearly every western country is overweight. I don't what was seen in that study applying to humans. We've experienced that numerous times throughout history in packed cities with shit living conditions and birthrates were always fine. There's too many other factors that exist now that never existed before. Also factor in that we can't expand forever. Also the more educated a person is, the less likely they are to have children. Not to say they're more intelligent, because they're not. They've exposed to different ideals which clearly impact how they interact with people. Everything wrong, so far as I can tell, is intentional, or as a result of excess wealth. Mostly though it's just intentional, through bad foods, propaganda, government programs etc.

Sounds terrible. Sounds like a regression of civilization and a desire to be conquered by a superior force. It sounds like giving up. That stupid utopian fantasy can only exist on a homogeneous planet. Don't expect Chinks, or Indians, or Iranians, or anyone else to abide your desire to live the simple life. Expect to be conquered.

Obviously it wouldn't work if we attempted it in the middle of a globalist takeover, but inevitably when the system collaspes the world can start a new.

sounds like someone needs to flip the switch and send all those niggers back to the stone age.
I've often wondered what would happen if someone found a way to get ball bearings into orbit..

The conditions he's speaking about, that cause unnatural behaviors to become normalized, and the breakdown of mating rituals and whatnot, is directly linked to leftist idealism. Leftists have terrible birthrates, dysfunctional families, low trust communities etc. We on the right however have higher birthrates, stable family units, high trust communities etc. This "phenomena" only affects you. You're the "fat neck beard" in this equation. Cuckoldry, open relationships, rampant casual sex, a breakdown of male and female gender roles, a breakdown of masculinity and femininity etc. is all a problem with leftists, not us. That's your hell. Your bloodline will die. You're the rat that will not breed. Your population is dying. Not ours.

Competition for global supremacy will never end. If you don't conquer, you become conquered. Why do you suppose a colony of herd-minded shit-skin chinks would allow you to exist in some primitive community when they could enslave you, put you in forced labor camps, and take everything you have? The only peace is a homogeneous globe. Either we conquer, we're conquered, or we all mix. That's the long-term future. I want to conquer, and then from a homogenized European (preferably Germanic) globe, advance further. Not only is it the only way we'll ever advance into the stars, a homogenized globe, one way or another, is the future. There's no way around it. Technology ensures it.

I know this girl, and she's buying a stairway to heaven. What is GATTACA?
- There are 8.5 Billion people on this planet; 1.3 Billion in China, 1.1 Billion in India, and over on the chocolate continent, there are 1.2 Billion with expected population booms in places like Ghana. and they're all coming over to your house to help themselves to your shit. Your treasuries are all for them.
- these places represent Ratopia's where there is nothing better to do than eat, fuck, sleep and shit in the streets
- we have a condition of surplus humans so severe, that we have people competing for low-wage jobs by telling their potential employers, "I'll do the job for less". this, at a time when we could be delving into, and implementing; automation

those who attempt to conquer too far end up fracturing. Why would chinks in the same situation as us recovering from fallout want to travel the ocean and try to storm over the west coast? they wouldn't have the means, resources or morale to start a war that would only benefit their former masters.

What fucking reality do you live in? Do you not understand nature? Drop this "master" shit. Empires exist, they always existed, and they always will. It's nature to compete and to conquer the weaker. You're advocating we stay weak eternally, and remain primitive. Day after collapse, whatever the fuck "collapse" means to you, is irrelevant. Whether it takes 100 years, or 200 years, if we remain weak and they continue to grow strong, they will indisputably conquer us. If you annoy me with one more stupid post I'm filtering you. I don't feel like reading this stupid shit right now.

Bullshit they pretend to rebel as teenagers and then display 93% correlation with the affiliations of their parents after the age of 25, even if they were adopted and raised by those with affiliations opposed to those of their birth parents. Nearly all life outcomes are derived from 90% genes in this environment because they aren't coercing people into adaptive behavior. All they do is spew a bunch of propaganda which doesn't even take unless the subjects in question are naturally addicted to social signalling behaviors, ie what we'd define as "liberals".

Except that is bullshit according to the survey's which use the same criteria to define "liberal" and "conservative" as they did in the 30s. The remaining whites are actually more conservative than in the 80s. But with the vast importation of spics the shrinking liberal white population has held unto their political power and spewed their horseshit with impunity. Hell their really was no "conservative" backlash in the 80s, those faggot evangelicals were just liberals who still though the place to socially signal was in a church rather than at their college.

Bullshit, I've seen examples of the experimental run wherein collapse did not occur and the experiment was eventually shut down due to lack of interest or funding. They have replicated the collapse but always with small starting populations. The methodology is shit and the model isn't predictive when applied to humans. As I pointed out there is a population which immune to modernity and which is breeding and moreover the environmental pressures are different than those imposed on the rat population.

After the population started to decline also the uniformity depends on whether you are counting boxes or 8x8 squares of boxes, in the latter case it was uniform as organism in warrens use empty chambers as buffers, this is observed in natural rabbit warrens as well. It is indicative of nothing other than standard rodent behavior.

I've farmed pigs, sintered powdered metal, and as a geologist I still do grunt work drilling wells and laying pipelines for the company. Eat shit and suck it up faggot. Don't work in services, spit in their faces. Don't patronize restaurants or chain stores. Piss on the grave of their consumer economy which is administered by libshits and kikes.

lol okay, I'm sure the Chinese will be able to storm our lands and maintain their own expansive territory at the same time traveling over the seas by the millions in wooden ships. Surely the other local "empires" the chinks pissed off wouldn't zurgrush their lands back the moment the chinks had a loss of men.

I agree, I too see many problems with the empowerment of females and mainly the men who gave it to them.
It always disgusted me, seeing guys simping and worshiping to females.

But it is not the case.

The problem is that guys in their teens think, that they need a GF and worship them allready, while they could acctually use their time and power to work, think and become sucessful.

The Girls have a" I want to focus on my career" attitude and don't think about "setteling down".
They are young and attractive and get validation and sex from successful or especially good genetics men(what they are attracted to), who enjoy the young pussy sea.
(commonly known as the cock carousel)
They think, that they don't want to "settle down" yet, but have the believe, that they acctually can get such a man to "settle down" with them later.
So they think that they are one of the girls who can get a top few percent man.
Also they don't need a man, because the state supports them and acts like a husband.

Through that, they remove themself from the relaltionship market and only appear again,
once they are not attractive enough for the successful men anymore and suddenly realise, that they acctually do age.
This leads to the incoming pussy storm, men in their 30s and up report.
They want to convince the left men to "settle down" with them, with the only thing they can.

I think even as a successful man, you wouldn't easily be able to find a girl who is willing to have kids, because most really wan't to focus on their career first.
Even Betas have money to offer, but they just get left out, during the cock carousel time.
Acctually woman have nothing to offer, other than creating kids and (((addictive external good feels))) that make you less productive.
But they don't even want to have kids, unless they are close to not being able anymore.

Attached: teenmentowomanratio.png (312x209, 29.57K)

Also if white empires expand, slaughter all the shitskins in their path then slowly fragment due to the disparate interests of the populations under the auspices of the empire which are dictated by conditions imposed by their locations then what does it matter? Let's say a hypothetical American Empire exterminates all non-whites within its borders and then expands until it encompasses all of the America's and the Southern half of Africa, then over a period of decades or even centuries rebellions calve off fragments of this empire which become their own successor states and begin the process again in their own locality. What is the problem? That ensures an eternity of strife and war, which are good for us in the long run. This is how we evolved, this is a viable survival strategy with a proven record of success, and it appears to be viable in almost any environment. This is what works, so what is the problem? The only concern that comes from empire building is the inclusion of shitskins into the breeding population which a racialist and exterminationst empire would not suffer from.

so, a rat farm? Calhoun's criteria were very specific - finite space, infinite resources. The idea being to simulate a post-scarcity world, can a population self-regulate organically? The "variants" of the experiments done by others all completely neglected the entire point. They added vectors like making the rats 'work' for the food, opening up new areas for expansion etc.. literally missing the entire point.

Fags spread by touching children, progs spread by indoctrinating them.
"Conservatism" is dysfunctional, socially declasse and almost non-existent where norms and culture is created.

I agree, this could be a good Idea.
Is always a good Idea

But I think as a bigger group working together we can achieve much more.
I think it should be more independant(not individualistic) than our current system tho.
One could create a union/nation based on the democratic vote, from tribes/ families with only 1 vote, from the married man, with at least two children.
There should be no welfare from the state tho. It should simply be an alliance to enable a bigger army and bigger projects, to the good of all.

Struck right in the feels, we've become disposable cash machines with no hope of a better future.

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I guess the Mongolian empire didn't expand far into Europe with vastly inferior technology to what we have now, let alone into the future. Filtered. I'm done reading low IQ shit for the night.

How is that a viable strategy? I want to see us advance into the stars and further expand, not remain relegated to simple, pathetic nation states. The nation state is a dead and weak concept. Technology killed the nation state. Either we expand the concept to encompass the globe, or someone else will. Either that or population expansion, ease of travel, fragmented resources etc. will incite mass migrations that will wipe us out, as we're seeing now.

Actually if i look at it, you are saying something that you actually do not mean, and the way you say it resembles as you do.

IF you condense it all down to that as an layer, it explains it all. You acutally do not know and all you know is artificial or the jewified version. So the last jewing is the jew eating itself.

Or no, that is wrong, once all the goyim are gone, the jew will eat itself.

you're referring to White women specifically.
- We have reached a nexus, where we "think" that we need more Whites.
The stark reality that the dark races are in overdrive having yolo sex out of boredom, a sense that they're powerless thus need greater numbers, an apathy towards moving a vision to fruition and seeing the emerging opportunity to takeover the White mans treasures.
- unless Whites do increase their numbers for the ultimate competition (life or death), we won't survive
- the 'American Woman'-model, the "Feminist" is a complete failure and an historical write-off. Unless we see "Red Summer" on steroids and White women enslaved as concubines; we are a dead group of people

And once that taste has been aquired nothing else will taste as sweet as that.

Was this meant to be deep and intellectual?

There is something to be said that in rural communities women cannot get uselless "professional" jobs for the most part as those positions simply don't exist. At most they become a half-rate social worker.

Yes I've seen that done without replicating the collapse. Sometimes there is a rough equilibrium achieved, in mice in the experiments I read about years ago. In most cases their is a cyclicity to population density with die-offs followed by re-population rather than a single collapse. However in those cases it is possible collapse would eventually occur as genetic viability of the population suffers though time due to each depopulation event decreasing genetic variability and increasing the likelihood of an unexpressed deleterious trait in the surviving generation being expressed in subsequent generations. And in others the collapse phenomena is observed. The problem is that this post-scarcity environment doesn't really exist even for humans and their are numerous other factors not accounted for in the experiment.

And the experimental subjects don't have the distractions of pornography, entertainment, non-reproductive sexual activity, ect that is present in the human population and which correlates with lack of reproductive success. Remember though the white liberals are dying so are the shitskins, in the past this behavior set lead to reproductive success but now it does not because the sexual act has been alienated from reproduction and leisure alienated from material wealth which was a proxy for reproductive success in the past as it could provide for more offspring. Until 1910 the rich had more children in Europe and USA than the poor, only in the 20th century did the poor breed more than the rich. And even that has reversed as the welfare classes stopped breeding around 1970. Now the greatest predictor of reproductive success is social and religious affiliation, and the only population for which that criteria remains predictive over generations is the "conservative" whites in the USA. Even mudslimes in Europe suffer below replacement birthrates after a single generation of exposure to modern society, they are simple animals and thus become distracted by the hedonism in a different manner to the white liberals but with a similar ultimate result.

once the goyim are gone, the jewish reptilians will return to their spaceships and blow up earth in search of the next host planet to leech off of.

Actually i do not care.

What's your ethnicity?

No i think above idiots like you are will face a shortage of idiots to convince that they are smart. Once it splits and i will enjoy that.

I think that people that make comments like you do, in a range of 105-115 with a certain membrane of influence will be really fucked since once the common idiots will polarize and your slap stick shit will fall short you will be reduced to your physique and your value is 0 agianst others. And i will enjoy that.

And to be quite honest, if you look at their mentality (aka autists) they rather prefer someone that is diminished but yet capable. And flat earthers are stupid doesnt and some wit doesnt cut it.

It was only joke friend.

I'm really starting to think, by the broken English and the way you phrase shit, that you're one of the dumb-fuck chink shills roaming the board, and you happened upon this thread and felt you should give your insight. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Not merely Earth, with nuclear pulse propulsion we could spread this lifestyle to the stars, perhaps at times pocket empires would form wherein a single polity controls an entire stellar system or very closely bound group of stellar systems assuming that transit time is no greater than it was during the age of sail. But those empires will likely collapse eventually and another may arise or not. My point is that response time and disparate interests of the subject population are what dictate the size to which empires can grow. Obviously selecting for a specific race and even a specific behavior predisposition within that race could increase the maximum extent of the empire. A rural white in Alabama is little different than a rural white in Pennsylvania and would hypothetically be little different than a hypothetical white in New Rhodesia derive from the same stock. They all live similar lives and have similar predispositions though with time both genetic drift and the needs imposed by their environment can cause distension. In the case of America itself during the 18th century the division was already extant, the Cavaliers and Germans who made up the majority of colonial America were exiles and the Revolutionary War can be seen as a continuation of the English Civil War in many ways.

Also as somebody who has an MS and has a background in engineering as well as geology I can say that there appear to be hard limits on the advancement of civilization which are dictated by physics, all our technology is merely the exploitation of natural phenomena not its circumvention. We are already hitting some hard limits in material tensile strength based on the strong nuclear force and maximum circuit density as dictated by valence cloud diameter.

I thought I laid out a plan to exterminate non-whites, except maybe the japs.

I've been seeing it happen quite a bit and not even among the wealthy.

You mean the chink who was originally a shitposter on Stormfront? The one who disregards the Bell Curve's data in favor of harping on the number of chink expats in the Gifted Program in America despite that program's entry exam being administered at parental request and chinks being chinks they are eager to get their child into such a program for the sake of "face".

The sad thing is, most white people are in a sleep and only a few see the truth.

You know the same way you desribe the graphit and a diamond, the same way you want to describe nuclear families. Or that is what your text implies.

Once i met a goy that a duck, and he applied the same methods and explained it to the goy. Now the great art of duck and the unknownig ducklings is if you combine that is to match similar thinking patterns that seem to be insane but yet fit. So in a way the madness is a means for a certain order to do so.

When it concerns our survival and advancement, I'm not really concerned with empires beyond us homogenizing the globe and ensuring the survival of our specific genes, which would create a world population, to one extent or another, that exhibits similar levels and types of intelligence, similar behavioral tendencies, and the abolishment of the racial concept and thus many major divisions among us. It would create a base for humanity that is more synchronized and cooperative. Although my ideal would be a singular world government with a homogenized population, and thus free travel (free travel and motivated travel would lessen friction between distant groups of people) anywhere and immediate access to every resource to be used toward a common goal for all humanity, rather than for one specific nation state. Sure, it may not last. It may break down in civil war and the entire thing could devolve back into nation states. Who knows. I do know we'd be more productive as a species if all non-whites were removed. As far as how far we can expand, that's not really a concern to me. My concern is survival and eliminating obstacles. If we overcame competition, for even 100 years, and worked toward a common goal, we'd advance so much farther than we possibly could in a diverse world with fragmentation and endless competition. Even if we didn't, so long as non-whites ceased to exist, we could, at the very least, inhabit a stable world, with a stable population, with minimized destruction to nature. The only solution, to me, is a homogenized European (preferably Germanic) globe. Whether that means advancement into the stars, or regression into primitive states. The future of humanity needs to be birthed upon the shoulders of a single people. Diversity leads to loss and destruction.

So the easiest way to control is to create an area of madness, just like gamer lingo. It seems alien to most people yet is completely natural to those immersed in it.

And only in this madness you can circumvent natural intersts, since the natural conclusion of ruling is to act in natural instinct of all people involved.

I started following MGTOW (((?))), after I found it, because it matched very strongly with my observations and ideas.

One should adore woman for poping out your babys, not for their meat hole alone.
As I am young I stay monk and focus my energy on work and earning muh shekles(to invest into usefull stuff like ammunition)

Hail the emperor

Speak for yourself mate,
some of us are models…

young, healthy, ripped looking but still a bit skinny, intelligent, employed and mgtow mindset(want kids tho).

Were you raised by wolves? Of course children who are raised a certain way will act a certain way, this is no indication of anything genetically heritable.

Calhoun's utopia experiment is babbys first doompill for 4chan teenagers. It fails to take into account a lot of things, especially when the parallels between human society and mouse utopia start being made.

Things are so much worse than you could possibly imagine.

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The strategy is to bleed us dry like a parasite would do, but the goal is to wipe out scythian blood for ever, replacing us by them self. Doing this by killing the smart men, and rape(to impregnate) the purest blond women, becoming the "white people" like they did in Russia.

Did you miss the part where those who were adopted at birth displayed a correlation not with the adoptive parents who raised them but with their birth parents?

People need to live in a supernatural space for them to avoid this trend. Our architecture tells us where we are. Living amidst grey blocks is living in a prison.

A beautiful one.

When you have the realization that dogs explain this way better than science can, you're good to go.
Some races are pitbulls, and should be put down. Most others can be trained, and will have size, temperament, intelligence and many patterns of behavior from their breed and parents. Science will only give you an ever increasing list of details.

No, I'm not a rat. But I know (((who))) is. And they are about to be exterminated for the good of all humanity.

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Take into account that:

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Wrong. It's when all hope is lost that you are left with the only means to truly facilitate change. The destruction of everything around you in order to clear out a space for the future you want. There will be no more abiding by rules that choke the life out of you, there will be only the might of your will. Now is the time for building an army, not wallowing in self-pity.

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You can also break the rules. Stuff like raping pretty girls is an option. You are unlikely to take it, but it's there, together with learning to handle girls.

except, that I spend time on work, instead of grooming

Whatcha sliding moshe?

The chances of us living peacefully and cooperatively in a global confederation of white nations is much higher than a global confederation with the current global demographics.
The more we have in common, the easier it will be to work together.

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Should have been the end of the thread. Western civilization signed its death warrant by giving women voting rights. Does anyone here really think kikes or politicians of any kind are going to give up their biggest voting bloc for "the good of civilization"? Even some white nationalists are ardent in their belief that women dindu nuffin and first wave feminism/women's suffrage is noble as long as it only pertains to white women, posting the same exact infographic of white female voting statistics on (((Trump))) to back this up (while ignoring everything else they've voted for, ie: Obama and immigration policy).

Face it, collapse is imminent. It's unlikely that humans will go extinct, but most of the race will die.

What kind of fucked up advice is this? Are you seriously encouraging a 27 yo man to rape someone so that they can spend the rest the next 10-20 years (their waning baby making years) being ass raped by niggers in prison?
How about you start thinking user. You think a woman in the modern age is going to keep your child after a rape? The act of rape (forced procreation) is negated in the modern age because there are no offspring. So basically you are achieving nothing and acting without achieving the fundamental goal and you will be punished for it if you are caught. It is a lose lose situation.

Womens fault; not the faggot kikes. Do you know how old this gets?

but adam and eve was only one breeding pair as the basis for the entire population? so that's 8 times more genetic diversity. idiot who cannot into math.

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Aww, look at this guy projecting.
I hardly even have time to shitpost.

Eve was manipulated because she was dumb, the snake (or Adam's failure to keep watch over her actions) is at fault

Not the first time any of this has happened. Not the second or third. Most empires have a 250yr lifespan and the end of every empire is near identical to what we're experiencing now.
The jew has already moved on to China. The destruction of the west is, although orchestrated by the jew, an internal mechanism that repeats itself time and again throughout history.

Assyrian Empire - 859-612
Persian - 538-330
Macedonian - 331-100
Mauryan - 322-185
Roman Republic - 260-27
Roman Empire - 27BCE-180AD
Caliphate of Baghdad - 634-880
Mongol - 1206-1368
Ottoman - 1320-1570
Spanish - 1500-1750
Romanov - 1682-1916
English/Brittanic - 1700-1950

Obviously this isn't every empire, but each held territory outside of its nation state. Also, the dates are a bit arbitrary as many will argue different dates of "fall" for each but they are loose accounts of events.

This is why those who know history hold so tightly to the knowledge. Empires have a lifespan just like any other organism. Events always take place, like allowing other cultures to be part of the empire in the quest for continuous growth of wealth / acqusition of new territory.

My guess is the US will become one with Mexico over the next 50 years. Best thing to do is form pockets of resistance like the Mormons have been successfully doing. So long as the pocket pays it's dues to the empire, they will leave us alone.

Good post but a
for the simptetons: we're on the downslope of a (((roman paradise))) as our culture rots from within, except in this instance its global catastrophy.

I’ve studied this experiment EXTENSIBLY.
I will explain the most important characteristics and considerations that I’ve come up with my analysis.
Important considerations:
-Difference form the rats society and humans society.
As we may easily conclude. Rats aren’t conscious of themselves. In other words they are low intelligence animals.
Which means that the way their society evolves maintains itself is define y their natural instincts.
We can conclude then. That the behavior they exhibit it’s a natural instinctual reaction to the environment the rats are in.
All rats are very similar to each other. As in, all rats have more or less the same power to dominate another rat. There is no politics, no weapons. Only claws and teeth, size, age and experience. That we could factor in.
Only 1 species of rat. No mouses for example.
Humans have more races mixed in.
This is another important difference.
The rats have infinite available resources. The sciences were sure to make food water always available. This was of the keys to create an “utopia”.
People doesn’t have infinite resources. But the welfare statues provides something similar.
Also living in a tropical jungle like the prehistoric blacks is also similar.
Reaching an utopia where all the farming is automated may reach an always available amount of resources. So long as the system doesn’t destroy vital parts of the environment.
Rats can’t masturbate. The main problem the rats had was a reproduction and mating purpose.
Humans can masturbate and also watch porn. And make abstract partners that only exist in the mind.
No circumcision.

There are more differences but these are the most important.
With these considerations we can argue that the human’s demise won’t be the same as the rats. We won’t get to extinction. Like all the experiments of the rats and mousse ended with. Extinction.
BUT, what we can argue is that the human instincts in these types of environment (overpopulated) will trigger similar reactions as in the rats. Luckily we have consciousness and strong other human traits that probably make the big difference.
What can be see from the experiment?
Depressed males that separated from the mob and rejected sex and violence.
Males that where nocturnal. Active only in the night.
Homosexual males.
Males that were constantly fighting.
Males that where the main aggression of everyone in the riot. The males that seemed strong and intelligent and which implicates a threat to securing territory for the other rats.
This leads to no males ever dominating an area. So the females where never secure themselves. Leading to:
Almost all females presented same behavior. Maniacal and hypersexual behavior. Fighting for territory. Abandoning child. Feminism In other words.

This means feminism is just the natural instinct kicking in on women with the conflict generated by this environment.
There are documented cases of human extinction that were subjected to the utopia environment:
The easter isle demise.
An article that mentions it:
The demise of cultures but not extinction have been seen on very overpopulated empires:
Roman Empire and etc.
The japan culture. In japan there are men who exhibit the same behavior as the rats.
Nocturnal men.
Herbivore /MGTOW
Very depressed
More info on the article.
One more note. The experiment validates findings of doctor Dirk Hamer. The german person who found the cure for cancer. (New German Medicine). No one has made the comparison publicly. The man was persecuted and his medicine is still censored today.
He argued that a conflict of territory inflicts depression or manism on people varying if the person is female or male or right/left brain dominant
80% of males become depressed. (low testosterone) (left dominant brain)
20% of males become over maniacal (high testosterone) (right dominant brain)
80% of females become maniacal (low estrogen) (left dominant brain)
20% of females become over depressed (high estrogen) (right dominant brain)

Lastly my positive thoughts.
Comprehending this part of human nature may help us reach the golden era. Where we can balance ourselves and reach harmony. Accepting our instincts, manipulating them. And transcending.

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This is rushed and poorly redacted but you get the idea.

*Ryke Geerd Hamer
I've mentioned him on pol before. Study him if you wish to understand cancer.

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These migrations are only possible with massive government intervention. They tax our wealth, refuse to protect the borders (literally their only job), give our money to them as "welfare", and threaten us with torture if we fight back. If any one of those factors was absent, there would be no mass migration. That list isn't exhaustive either. We don't need one giant global empire to prevent that, we don't even have to exterminate the other races, we just have to stop paying them to breed.

For that matter, the kikes evolved in the old mega empires like Babylon, Egypt, Persia, and Rome. They never fared well in small nations, only in cosmopolitan empires where they could play their little nepotistic corruption shell game. Supposing the Earth was cleansed of them, what's to say that in another millennia a group with similar characteristics won't evolve again? Parasites are a viable evolutionary strategy, so if we repeat the same conditions, won't we get the same results eventually? Empires are the bullshit system, nation-states are the way to go.

Also, when we expand into space, distances will be so vast that empires can't even communicate, much less rule, so nations the size of a cluster of space habitats will be the primary political unit.

You don't say?

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no, ride the tiger, nigger

Exactly, we are in the Kali Yuga. These are the darkest days. Hitler, the son of Europe was born and fought against time before the great fall of mankind… now he is reborn to come save us in the darkest hour. Except this time, blood is our bond, no brother wars.

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do you understand one of the ancient chansboards rules wich is, The more you hate it, the stronger it becomes, right?

keep on hating us trannies, your reeeee only makes us stronger, and i hope that you take action soon, so you will realize sooner that the world otside this hugbox, its not as crazy as your own lore makes it be… you guys are just playing victimhood on a race and sexuality scale rather than mhu 72th gender pronoun way, however the momentum and emotion atached to it its the same.

you better hurry up and act on what you post here anons, so you will finally realize that the world its not only agaist the ideas you spoke, but that all that fear that turns to hate, will be your own demize.

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Apparently there’s nothing but faggots left in Denver

You piece of shit larpers should shut up.



I've been saying this for years now. Cities, empires, massive collections - they're always going to lead to complete and total social degradation. Any form of centralization is pushed by those who seek to benefit most from it - social parasites.

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Same thing that's happened every 80 years for the past thousand years.

unlike herbivores, human have a mass instinct just for such a problem

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These digits suggest to me we should not hate our enemy but kill them anyway.

Artificial wombs is never happening. It's not that they won't exist it's that you won't be able to use them. They will be used by the rich elites (Jews) to spawn more and more children. Rich women will save their cunts by using the machines. You single male goyim will get told to go fuck a pig instead.

Infinite strength?

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what you dence fuckers dont seem to gasp is that you will simultanuously create an even stronger enemy, as in given even more power to the jews or the left since hate breeds hate in a never ending battle…