2 Doors

Christine Ford originally said Mark Judge worked at the Safeway in Bethesda. She said went in a different door than her mother, and thats how she ran into him again.

Its a lie. That Safeway didn't have 2 entrance until about 20 years back when they remodeled the front. Heres what it used to look like.


Attached: Bethesda DC Safeway.jpeg (480x360, 18.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Outstanding find if true, OP.

Here is what the newest remodeled front looks like. It now has two doors.

Attached: Bethesda Safeway New Front.png (1628x642, 2.43M)

Later in her testimony, she said he was working at the Potomac Safeway. I do not know about the history of that Safeway's storefront, but its worth looking into.

Here's my original thread from halfchan, they shut it down and archived it within 8 minutes.


The dems are trying to lie their way through this shit show and are getting caught left and right. This is not the 80's and 90's where you can get a little Paki girl to go cry about gassing kids and then it starts a war in the Middle East. Today you have too many people online watching this shit live and can call out the BS right away.

Yeh, like it was SUPER obvious that the entire polygraph is a lie. She had zero details about the actual polygraph itself. She knew where and "what room", and that was literally it.

She knew nothing else, because it never happened. The way she described being hooked up to the machine was inaccurate.

Then, she pretends the polygraph was a traumatic experience to prevent the prosecutor from asking more questions about it. Insanity.

Store plans should be at the cities public works and/or building department. Not sure about upgrades, but it's likely those are there as well. Asbuilts would very solidly support or oppose her.

reported for spamming duplicate slides, kill yourself moshe.

the fuck? spamming duplicate slides?

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

There’s nothing wrong with his phrasing. Are YOU literate?

Spamming (this is the first and only thread I have ever made on 8ch after lurking for years)

duplicate (this is the only thread I have made about it, so literally impossible to be a duplicate)

slides (how is a single thread a slide?)

I speak English, that guy just doesn't have a clue what words mean.

This isn’t about you. Now I’m convinced you’re what he said you are, even though I didn’t think so before.
Read the rules before posting.

cool story bro. yeh, im totally jidf.

let me encourage your insanity.

i get paid 50 shekels an minute to fuck with you goys. also, the future will be brown and you should watch BBC cuckold porn. also, dont say anything mean cause my 6 gorillion ancestors died in gas chambers.

did I hit all your stereotypical points? now you know Im definitely jidf.

It's cool user, I saved your pictures. The information will be spread.

If a post, poster, or "multiple" posters don't seem to be making any sense, you may as well ignore them.

Totally not suspicious.

I'm already following that trail of documents. No dice so far.

Also, the store is not interested in answering ANY QUESTIONS about ANYTHING that might be related to Mark Judge.

The chick answering the phone will just say "Thanks for calling. Sorry we can't help you."

This really needs to be followed up on.

Don't take it personal. The shills and faggots are just that way. They live a very demoralized life here trying with futile moves to undermine our little world of shit and piss. Their utter failure at everything in life is on display with every post made, so they try and drag others down into their wallowing misery. Just take it as an win, you triggered em and their panties are in a twist over your good non fag post, always an good day that.

Attached: f7a27fa5a043dfa4e1bccff7d13a03adb0ff7a150fec393342252fbb0512e8d1.jpg (1365x2048, 165.23K)


Who gives a shit what this bitch says. By giving this fucking lying, nasty whore even five seconds of attention, you're legitimizing her shit

what they're doing to kavanaugh is beyond criminal

There is no point even debating details because it's obviously a farce and criminal. They're making a mockery of rule of law and using Soviet-style presumption of guilt.

This is shit that leads to civil war.

haha cuckchan is cucked. good find user

Truly a shape shifting alien lizard

Attached: 130325161617-blumenthal-story-top.jpg (2048x1365 44.28 KB, 241.48K)

This (alleged?) kike began eyeing his future wife when he was 31 and she was 16. He did what he accused ziocuck moore of doing. The jew truly cries in pain as he stabs you.

Attached: F130119GPO03.jpg (761x459, 362.98K)