It's over. No transcripts or articles about it yet as it just happened but Feinstein's on suicide watch.
Lindsey Graham Completely Destroy Feinstein and the Democrats. Punished Lindsey Confirmed
goys goying goyfully
Urban Dictionary is a valid source
I'm a republican, he's a liar :^)
Brett Kavanaugh is a Zionist.
Sorry attention whore, already a thread.
oy vey, he is so angry, goy. The republicans are so different than the dems, goy.
Jesus, this place is dead.
Fuck Durbin…
Then we'll kill him when the time comes. Just like you.
this hearing is making me kampfy, lads
t. "Registered Republican"
Never thought I would see the day when Lindsey Graham of all people would demolish these clowns.
who are you quoting?
So how does Kav help whites?
The last C-SPAN caller. Damn near verbatim.
ah there (((you))) are
filtered again
He's been backing Kav from the beginning it looks like. I'm impressed honestly. Maybe these past couple of years have finally woken him up.
Oh no the tornigger filtered me. What ever will I do now.
He's good on guns and denies the seat to a communist.
Ah k, watching jew report link.
We will be able to make webms for sure. No way there won't be vids of Graham going nuclear.
Boomers are incapable of waking up. This is all Jewish theater.
Spotted the kike. Change your script you faggot.
So what are you doing about it, cunt?
Republicans are already communists. What's your point?
I must have missed the senators that were under the age of 50.
you fags are out of practice since 2016
we aren't
Nothing. The US is completely fucked if the supposed NATSOCS on this board play into the Jewtube. The fact that people on this board get so worked up on this Jewish theater as if it's going to help whites is laughable. Whites will still be a minority if things don't radically change. Once that happens the country is lost.
Nips are slipping into hell rn
Are you implying Republicans are not communists? When did I say anything about voting?
Maybe you are just a retarded new-faggot who is too scared to step outside the systems of power the jews have erected around you. Trump has betrayed the white race. Get it through your kike-media laden skull.
Voting solves nothing.
Guns solve everything.
okay now this is epic pillpull
Right, that's how Hitler won, I forgot.
oh wait
OK you first. Show us the way.
Then go outside and start it.
Then shut up and enjoy the ride.
What the fuck does believable mean to them?
Get niggers and dead people to "vote" during the mid-terms for the democrats no doubt.
Oy vey
Aye, these rusty shills literally break down when you ask them "who should I vote for?"
Just like 2 years ago.
Funny. You have to be heavily demoralized to keep asking that question. No wonder you faggots get obsessed with Trump and Jewish theater. You realize you have no control over anything so you pretend Trump is Hitler and Kav is going to help whites. It's one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. I truly do feel sorry for you.
Since it's all the same, we may as well watch the liberals self-immolate.
Amiriate, pal?
Hitler did join or shill for establishment parties
but so are you shlomo. and your nose is hooked
Just as I thought then, you're a useless fucking loudmouth.
(((The Reagan Battalion)))
In the end all roads lead to the same place if nothing radically changes.
this whore really can't stop talking about herself, and she can't accept an apology like a decent person.
Khazar Milkers
There's something wrong about that drawing, I think it's the breasts and the top having 0 folds, the cat thing also fucks the perspective. the end result is a weird saggy tits effect.
It is so pathetic I can only laugh. They really have to hope a cat lady with nothing but fake crying can win.
Kill everyone right now you dumb fucking goy, fly to this hearing at kill everyone in it or you are a kike jew boomer zionist puppet shill shekel nose moishe moredecai!!!!!!
The cognitive dissonance that plagues your mind is no different from a leftist. The only different is you like the red guy.
You are Pathetic
Ah the agent provocator.
If gun solves everything why don't you incels stop masturbating to cartoons and go to streets.
single mother thot
"I was clearly just trying to get to the bottom of the facts and evidence"
What facts and evidence? I have heard none whatsoever during this entire hearing.
Wait until they die out, and rule the world along side our Gen Z servants.
also (((they))) are clearly trying to shutdown cuckchan atm, this just happened on g
Hitler failed. He should not be emulated.
Welcome to the Circus.
Get your welfare bread.
He took a third world country and made it into the most powerful military the world had ever seen.
He improved employment by 50% in one year.
How did he fail, again?
Not what I said. Acta non verba dipshit. You say go shooting, why don't you start shooting?
those polygraph tests that got submitted without audio or the polygraphologist able to interpret the results. (((hard evidence)))
Yes, because Hitler resurrected his country by voting.
Blah blah blah put up or shut up. You know not a god damn thing about me or what I am or am not doing. But I know that you're the type of useless faggot to come on an imageboard and kvetch like a yenta. So keep yip yapping little bitch. No substance, just bark bark bark.
You didn't need to post a picture of yourself, though.
It's the tits. They're just weird. Plus her face is flat in a weird way. And the ==PIERCING==
Yes I do. I know all about your type. You're so heavily demoralized that you trust figures like Trump and Jewish theater.
You are a spinless faggot and your father was a pussy
This is a shop. Her nose is far too small.
Oh, I can't wait
I was walking down the street and I saw Brian Krassenstein shoving 25cm of wood up a girls ass, please investigate FBI.
jesus christ, do these libtards not confer to avoid asking the same goddamned questions over and over? they are fucking NPC broken records at this point
just name the fucking jew
Color me surprised!
I believe you.
I'm saying that as long as we refuse to put violence on the table as an acceptable course of action, nothing will change. The people who rule over us do not fear us and that is a problem. That is the core reason the second amendment was created, yet you have all these soy-filled cucks who shout you down if you even suggest we are going to have to fight for our ethnostate at some point in the future. They are wrong, dead wrong and it could spell the death of whites and western culture.
I live in Texas. I see the future. We are NOT going to be able to vote our way out of this mess and anyone who tells you differently is a kike or weak man.
She literally has nothing else because if this goes south there wont be a single person on the planet who will hire her.
also the neck is too thin, the more you look at it, more flaws appear.
They're trying to trip him up and get him to accidentally answer differently.
This whole thing is just a glorified filibuster
You assume much but know little. Trump was never anything but a way to buy Whites more time at best. Wipe off your vagina.
((More Evidence)))