Graham Goes Ham: Thread 3

Seems Lindsey Graham caused such massive anal devastation after today's smackdown, butthurt leftists in the house of representatives doxed him and two other republican senators on the committee by posting their personal information on Wikipedia.

Old threads (both include video of graham's speech):

Anons traced the IP addressed used to dox the senators to a Kathleen Sengstock a "Legislative Director for Rep Maxine Waters"

Help spread this far and wide. Twitter/Faceberg/Reddit/4chan/anywhere you can. Turn up the heat.

Attached: punished graham.jpg (796x800, 80.25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking. Kill. Yourself. We don't support zionist neocons. This isn't reddit. Stop trying to invent a narrative, you fucking yid. If you want to talk about the SCOTUS, make the thread about that.

Is this astroturf? Lindsey is a huge fucking tool and doesn't deserve the slightest bit of consideration.

Attached: Shlomo Shocked.jpg (672x448, 89.18K)

Plenty of people went from quietly racist left-winger to racist right-winger. Distaste for various nonwhite antics (being noisy, hating on white people, hating on white countries while living in white countries, not respecting queues, smelling bad, talking too much, etc) lurks under the surface until you grow annoyed enough to ask why they don't stop it and behave civilized. Then your fellow leftists all turn on you and attack you for "racism" and you start to examine other political philosophies.

((( )))

One of these to make this poster more angry plz

Attached: SmartSelect_20180928-002831_Firefox.jpg (1029x1007, 585.52K)

Dr. Ford is connected to the CIA according to Michael Savage.

Yes, three threads now centered around getting us to support this fucking traitor.

No selfies, yid.

Explain why Zig Forums. should support someone who personally supports white genocide. We'll wait for you to not reply.

Ford's a kike so I'm not surprised.

It's not about supporting him it's about the dems getting BTFO you stupid cunt.

I thought this was dumb at first, but looking at it more closely I'm starting to think we got Andy Kaufman'd

Her features line up perfectly. Her eyes, her nose, the lines around her mouth etc. Also:

She also canceled a show due to "scheduling conflicts" (same reason given by each theater, implying the conflict was hers not theirs),no reason was announced and she herself hasn't tweeted since the 25th.

What do you think?

Attached: 9a10b9c7806c043b2dfa6850c06ba849cfdb6dee23753f076864534b37620eb7.gif (960x540 2.67 MB, 1.77M)

Attached: Gee I Wonder.jpg (400x286, 34.27K)

That's why no one likes you.

Sorry man, those hands aren't the same.

To expand on it. Ms Piggy is not used to doing any physical work with her hands thus the very straight fingers. The ford kike has had to put some time in on numbers, beans, books, etc. and has fingers that are molded. Especially the index and middle finger.

So… why do you care about supporting (((republicans))) or (((democrats)))?


Attached: FAC0750A-A45A-4914-B56B-FF64EC4CE548.jpeg (1242x918, 209.48K)

I care about you not shitting up another Kav hearing salt thread. We didn't stop at 1. They hit 750 we keep going.

lol this "you love sucking GOP dick if you say anything positive about kavenaugh" narrative is exactly the same purposeful oversimplification applied to anyone that says anything positive about Trump. I wonder when Zig Forums became so saturates with literalist anti-intellectuals. Really makes you think.

you first bro

Go back to reddit. We don't care about democrats or republicans. They're the exact same fucking party. If you actually wanted to discuss the confirmation, et. al., you would have made a thread titled that, and not pushing your jewish narrative. Fuck off.

I haven't been keeping up with the Graham threads. Have we done salt yet? Because the cultists are doubling down.

Attached: Wonkette_Salt.png (1587x833, 272.05K)

Attached: Oink Oink.png (959x707, 695.27K)

I didn't make it you cum guzzling slut. It's just the natural progression of the threads. Eat shit.

(((He's))) paid to be here, and the only thing that he measures his success by is diverting the conversation to his obvious trolling. He wants the conversation on him. Filter instead.

August 12.

Attached: Paid shills.PNG (837x779, 567.38K)

Lindsey Graham during the hearing:

2 hours later pic related:

Attached: c326c9297fcc046c7e67348900b71bfaa346c7a0b49ddd814833c6aa3d431039.png (1041x320, 24.95K)

Thanks for exposing yourself, like I just said:

I know, I just like reminding them that the oldfags are hiding under all the dust.

This is you:

Can anyone make an image that proves the IP was linked to Maxine Waters? I will spread it to 4chan/Reddit/twitter/facefuck/etc…

You are legitimately retarded aren't you? Certificate and everything right?

Attached: Extra Slow Cooker.png (639x516, 411.04K)

Attached: SmartSelect_20180928-004038_Firefox.jpg (1196x240, 71.93K)

They can't even do insults right. It's funny – I predicted what the reply to this comment would be before I read it. It's all so tiresome, really.

Attached: Wonkette_Salt_2.png (1621x507, 180.09K)


Somebody should clip that one democrat saying something along the line of

I had to turn it off then and there.

if they removed the bots from twitter, twitter's share price would nosedive when they have to tell investors that 50% of their "userbase" doesn't actually exist.


Wait until they learn their ads don't actually cost anywhere near what they're paying for them.

Holy fucking christ, go back to reddit.

Attached: (you) Seem Confused.jpg (1600x1200 54.8 KB, 241.05K)

I think this needs more hard links than what put Comrade Bikelock on the hotseat.

But by all means dig on that shit. I entertain the idea but I am not convinced.

God dammit mods, you ruined my fun. Now I'm gonna have to bitch and chodemonkey about this.

Thanks for admitting you support white genocide.

I didn't think you were stupid enough to be accusing me of being a bot, guess I was wrong.

Or did the jew remove it hisself?

Attached: We Wuz Taters.jpg (1940x3260, 881.86K)

So why can't you answer the one question you were asked?

Attached: Guess Who.jpg (448x299, 35.58K)

Manipulative oversimplification for dramatic effect. Your psyop bullshit doesn't work here.

Par for the course for you, though, huh shlomo? No selfies, please.

So why can't you answer the one question you were asked?

How long has this leaf been kvetching now? It takes lot of salt to bitch for over 9 hours straight.

Attached: the salt.png (1135x510 570.97 KB, 211.11K)

He's done it for months now.

I wasn't asked a question.


can someone confirm that anons just backtracted the IP and proved that Kathleen Sengstock a "Legislative Director for Rep Maxine Waters" was doxxing senators?

Attached: graham.jpg (1202x536, 78.47K)

Attached: Moshe don't give a fuck.jpg (418x278, 38.92K)

Yea thats a 100% accurate depiction of what was said.

Gee, I wonder why.

Attached: 2016_Dem_Donations.png (923x1479, 211.64K)

I already said no selfies.

How new are you that you don't recognize this sperging faggot? Don't get sucked into the kike2's orbit unless you know what you face.

This IP matches one of the IPs from the wikipedia information.

Attached: SmartSelect_20180927-202154_Firefox.jpg (1431x2402, 1.47M)

How does it feel sucking the GOP’s and Kavanaugh’s dick this aggressively, you little kike faggot?

Attached: 12264011-1D82-4555-B562-14CF5B193A06.jpeg (1242x930, 166.04K)


Attached: salt.png (909x579, 209.93K)

So fuck off back to reddit.

Oh no! You're the same person as me because you called a neocon a neocon!

Don't you get it, we're all the same person because we hurt the redditors' feelings by telling them the truth.

Attached: Coinkydink.jpg (295x314, 25.31K)

slow up now Joan, Zig Forums has a weight limit

Reminder that every image posted from a cell phone is not magically a tracking device, you fucking lunatic.

I shouldn't have had that last Pendleton.

Attached: should have ordered a smug lite.jpg (527x591, 57.18K)

Hi there Herschel, what time is it in Tel-Aviv and how’s the weather?

lel, the shillbot has already been broken


Attached: joans unholy beefcurtains.jpg (480x360, 37.08K)

Attached: 45279931-F112-4D53-AA09-4FF3881DE784.jpeg (305x435, 47.73K)

Easy to call knowing your love of sockpuppets.

Attached: Stream it Leddit.png (337x324, 15.43K)

If anyone actually feels anything but animosity towards this warmongering, neocon goodest of goys then they should kill themselves back to reddit but this is one of the more amusing dumpster fires we've had in months and if we expose who leaked there might be even more butthurt to go around; everyone calm the fuck down.

Oh yes a bugman tier filename and le ebic skyrim reference. Totally not a redditor

lol, way to ruin your thread, moishe


Oops, you're the same person as everyone else because you told the truth.


Back to cuckchan with you.

Holy shit, he's melting again.
But of course, why else does your degenerate mixed genes prompt you to kvetch hours against this?
It's isn't as if his confirmation will trigger your shivering inner bernie cuck souls, that you haven't achieved anything in your life? Well, tough love.

Attached: definitely not being mad.png (544x157, 11.12K)

swallow a shotgun leftytard, we're not a nazi board anymore, in order to MAGA we need to get behind Trump 100% and if the plan pisses you off then GTFO my board snowflake


I'll take the skyrim criticism, but the filename is because its a screenshot on my phone (I travel for work).

You've been here how long?

Attached: All that jew can be.jpeg (484x252, 48.81K)

Attached: teeth.jpg (660x406 31.93 KB, 51.73K)

(((you))) seem flustered, troubled that daddy Trump's gonna blow your ass out?

Attached: 013dc205e681939b11897deb85d84ea6e81a74fa7d473f15daaf1e9de92a9e50.jpg (600x900, 176.65K)

Kill yourself.


Your time will come very soon, Herschel.

Attached: 441218FC-1D6B-4977-B448-7167F807568A.jpeg (1450x1450, 287.46K)

2014, moishe. Run along now.

Notice only the kikes are kvetching?



TRUMP 2020

yep, the shilling is off the charts

You're in for a bad time here.

Attached: 1440696964655.png (878x607, 163.52K)

Attached: Talpiot.jpg (668x363, 89.71K)

>(((you))) seem flustered, troubled that daddy Trump's gonna blow your ass out?
Maybe five tells in that comment that you're a Jew. Shoo-shoo.

Attached: Spot_the_Merchant.jpg (913x913, 306.65K)

This you, btw? Fucking kike.

Attached: 6B00E12A-3EE2-4579-B52E-F5471E7F5C01.jpeg (1242x1147, 273.33K)