BREAKING: American Bar Association & Jesuit Review Rescind Kavanaugh Endorsement Call for FBI Invest
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Was posted on the threads, but hell, deserves its own. "Mere allegations", that's it, just mere allegations with the most fucked up "victim" that was given the most softball questions and 12 days to prepare, but still manages to fuck it up while being cheered by the the (((MSM))), Dems, and those femdykes. ABA are a bunch of kikes, but the Jesuits are dealing with their own pedo problems, don't need more PR blunders.
Good God fuck everything
Hours before the ABA rescinded their endorsement.
Thread theme.
No backsies, shlomo
ABA's track record is kike-filled "Political Neutrality" by doing the most PR-friendly choices when scandals hit, sell their members out.
perhaps the most damning thing to me is, they are an assembly of fucking (((lawyers))) that are selectively ignoring the law. it was only stated about a million times that an FBI investigation could have happened, didn't happen, and even so, wouldn't conclude anything regarding the events that transpired today. there really is only one Total Solution.
Hey, I'm just glad more and more organizations are delegitimizing themselves publicly.
Looks like he intends to put the kibosh on the bolsheviking of Afrimerica. Such a bad goy.
If only this happened…. Just imagine the world without (((them)))
What a cult classic.
You'd think the shills would take a break, that's like 18 hours of non-stop kvetching.
Yes, because some women told a story we can throw out the whole innocent before proven guilty thing. I haven't followed this story at all, but I still have a pretty good feeling that these accusers came into a large sum of cash recently
Yeah ok, this is why I don't care. Fuck all of them
Being a Zionist isn't enough. Kavanaugh is still too goy! The SCOTUS is the capstone of the pyramid reserved solely for the jew. Is everyone okay with this? Well, too bad goyim.
Complete 180 from BAR, who in leadership there is getting jewed??
Here is the white pill of today.
No doubt after the hearing their masters are mad and paying an extra nickle per hour to send them into overdrive
Here is the real white pill for today.
No amount of crying is going to stop the white phosphorous from burning your family alive, avi
>(((Jesuit Review)))
The current Pope is a Jesuit, this is their revenge. The faggots who said the lawyers were all in a big guild beholden to the Pope was right.
Who burned out the Pope's anus multiple times? Who else but Trump could roast the fucking Pontiff Maximus and win? We're living in historic times anons, the most ancient gears are creaking and groaning, it's visible now. Watch your anuses, this shit could get crazy.
I really don't give a shit about these sorts of things but the intensity of their kvetching really says a lot about Kavanaugh and how damaging he could be to their long term goals. I could actually see there being a white chimpout if he doesn't get appointed, because this is sheer insanity and corruption in full view of every red blooded white male in America, and it is not something he will soon forget.
The Jesuit Review magazine doesn't amount to jack shit who fucking cares what they think.
As far as the ABA goes, there's nothing left to investigate. All the fucking witnesses denied under oath that any of this shit is remotely true. This is a real desperate Hail Mary kike move here and if Congress bows down to it then civil war is closer than you think.
The rage could easily translate to a big loss for Democrats come November. I think the dumb fucks might have actually over played their hand this time.
Nice webm, saved.
I don't get it, what's the reference ?
The bar association has no authority over the United States Government or the Supreme Court. This is like if Canada demanded an FBI investigation. Who the fuck cares?
Look up Mary Jo Kopechne.
It's a pretty fucking brutal thing to say, especially from Little Benji.
Her uncle is Ted Kennedy
I saw this Goldwater ad on another thread. It got crazier already.
Someone needed to say it. I'm just shocked it was Ben Shapiro.
Ted Kennedy drove a car off a bridge. It was at night. He was with a woman. His passenger didn't swim up. He assumed her dead. He never reported the accident or called anyone, he just came back home and went to bed. He didn't want to deal with a scandal, he assumed his connections would be be able to shove everything under the radar. Later investigations revealed the woman passenger did not die or drown on impact. She was trapped in the car in an air pocket, for several hours, and slowly drowned. They found her claw marks as she gasped for air. This would have been prevented if Ted called for help.
—diver John Farrar, Inquest into the Death of Mary Jo Kopechne, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Edgartown District Court. New York: EVR Productions, 1970.
JewSuits firmly believe their opinions matter worldwide.
Looking at her twitter feed, it's not just him. Half the replies are bringing it up.
You have to go back
That tweet just might have swayed me to let Ben live out the rest of his days on Madagascar.
Holy shit, I think she's going to need a rape kit for that one.
tends to happen when you are raised to believe that your people were chosen to be the light of the nations and that everyone will hate them for it
Earlier today he was saying that he believed Ford and that Kavanaugh should resign. This kike never learns, but don't fall for his amateur tricks.
Remember user he is still doing it for his own interests and wouldn't care if america is filled with shitkins.
Jew boy is insulated.
please tell me this is real, sauce?
Not when his cuckservative never-trump chosen tribe first mentality rears out of his 4-feet manlet asshole.
Remember when Trump visited the Boy Scout Jamboree and they gave him the Scout's salute? The media lost their minds, likening them to the Hitler Youth.
Nobody will visit yours
Fuck (((them))).
I remember. Shortly afterwards feminists destroyed the Boy Scouts.
Let's get back on topic for a minute though. What could the ABA seek to gain from this? If anything Senators will see it as a broad overreach in a time when they're already looking at busting up several courts.
I think it was a tactical error and it won't stop the Republicans anyway.
I'll put a stone on his grave marker in the traditional jew fashion.
More like use a backhoe to drop a boulder on it, but hey
where are they getting their balls back from
not getting smeared?
They are a big goy club of kike-lawyers, they got members, donors, and clients of Demshit Libtards, they can't fucking rish it, it's PR cuckery and they don't want the scandal to taint them, and lawyers having honor and decency? come on user.
Nah, that's too easy. Something bigger is at stake here.
a SCOTUS seat? money? pick a billion reasons
No, stab yourself with a sharp knife
it's just pandering.
it's not like you need a law license to be a supreme court justice. they could revoke it and he could be a felon, it wouldn't matter. you have to impeach to remove a supreme court justice and it only happened once, in 1804, and nothing came of it.
The guy waving his hand in that gif was a kike-puppet, so the irony is either lost on you or you're just a paid shill/retard/tool,etc.
Bitch is gonna need reconstructive surgery after this
what an empty pre-loaded botlike response, which is ironic given the movie reference to a dystopian reality where you can't tell who is real or fake, more and more irony from your dumbass
The ABA is full of opportunistic environmental and SJ lawyers. They weren't enthusiastic about Kava because Trump picked him. Trumps agenda of reducing regulations makes it more difficult for (((attorneys))) to file capricious lawsuits.
Its an attempt to scare Flake and other cucks into voting against Kavanaugh because (((they))) are becoming more desperate to get rid of him.
Also this
They're all on the same side dipshit.
Of course, never said they weren't. They want Kavanaugh gone to give the Dems a big moral win before the midterms to help keep it competitive.
It another delay tactic the jews are pulling out of their satanic asses.
When this fails they will go back to false rape claims.
I think this is fantastic, the entire selection process has become asinine to the point of fucking normal fags being able to see the kike tricks.
Damn, I was hoping for some miraculous group of young nazis, but I guess not.
I'm talking about Kavanaugh, the GOP and the Democrats. All of them are on the same side, you're a dipshit.
kek, (((they))) are becoming desperate
#1 ABA has no say in this matter
#2 ABA President Robert Carlson assumed the position just this past August.
#3 Carlson was a major donor to the Clinton/Kaine campaign.
the shit show continues and Democrats cant cope that they can stop trump pick even with false baseless politically and financially motivated accusations Shes up to $550,000.00 just in go fund me crowd funding alone and it still growing…. think breaking bad (this is her payment)
they been desperate since trump won, this is nothing new…
What the fuck is going on?
They hadtheir taste of power and theirs no going back. They will stop at nothing.
had their*
Hitler dubs confirm Trump unchained
But why would the kikes be trying so hard to stop a good goy neocon Zionist?
Or we're those other anons trying to bamboozle me?
even if he was a quote "good goy neocon zionist" he aint after this shit. and when he gets on the seat he will make it his life duty to fuck everyone and everything that tried to fuck his life.
"I did you 1 favor, you owe me 6 000 000 in favors return"
Shapiro is an actual Mossad propagandist who tried to frame Trump's campaign manager as a violent predator right before the election, then he (((mysteriously))) turned up financing for The Wire.
He gets gassed first of all.
Man, life must be fucking grand if you're a liberal woman willing to fake cry infront of the world these days. Pick the right target and time and wham, instant fame and fortune.
Whats pitiful is that even with how easy it is, some women STILL manage to fuck it up by going to outrageous with the claims. They're starting to learn though. Be the first one in line, keep it vague, keep it believable, and you can literally fuck up EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT IT, and you'll make a fortune and ruin whatever political target you want to ruin.
The absolute state of the nation my friends, if you're a woman and cry rape and arent absolutely fucking retarded about it, the world will be handed to you for life. And women wonder why men want nothing to do with them and are avoiding them. You can't trust any of them. Hell at this point I'm starting to withdraw from my own girlfriend because I'm worried what would happen if she ever got mad enough at me to want to get back at me, would she go this far? I mean, she'd be instantly believed, I'd be instantly condemned, and it would ruin my future.
Thanks liberal cunts for ruining society for everyone else
I'm sure a good portion of that money is going to the DNC.
Moletovcocktail party 11.11.2018
Welcome to the "brave new world", where only Incel men, who have never been left alone with a woman will be able hold any position of power, and that's only if they are allowed to do so. American men have bowed down to Matriarchy because women have learned how to, not only to monetize their vaginas, but weaponize their vaginas.