So a tsunami hit Indonesia again

So a tsunami hit Indonesia again.

Is this the blue wave Democrats have been talking about?

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The "blue wave" was the 60-some percent increase in shit-skins crossing our borders at the behest well-funded "private" organizations operating south of the border.

16 year olds will be voting. In 2 years 14 year old beaners will be voting. Thats also 4 years more of white boomers dying off. Race war soon or we will be exterminated.

A+ shitpost m8

Clearly for our people to stand up for themselves the lemmings need to understand that our backs are up against the wall and we have no choice but to fight our way out.


They wonder understand that under Trump.

Ive heard that b4.

They will never understand that. If you don't fucking comprehend this by now, then you're one of them. They will never fight back. They will never defend their racial interests. They will actually kill themselves because the television told them to. You're a fucking retard.

You sound like you think you know it all, but you dont. It must be pretty sad and depressing being you, thinking were doomed and shilling against real solutions.

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You're not on reddit, holy fucking shit, stop writing like this.
No one cares about your COINTELPRO outgrouping tactics, shlomo.
No one said that but you.
You have no real solutions and no one was shilling against them.

Normalfags will never understand. If you don't fucking comprehend this by now, then you're one of them. They will never fight back. They will never defend their racial interests. They will actually kill themselves because the television told them to. You're a fucking retard.


Normalfags will never understand. If you don't fucking comprehend this by now, then you're one of them. They will never fight back. They will never defend their racial interests. They will actually kill themselves because the television told them to. You're a fucking retard.

Sure thing, moishe.


Nice try guy. We've always been about redpilling the normalfags, so if you aren't a bot, then follow your own advice and off yourself. You are convincing no one with your half baked demoralization tactics.

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How many Kikes does it take to change a light bulb in 2019?
Trick question Faggot, all Kikes will be ASH in 2019 and used to Enrich our Compost.

t. kid with no experience or knowledge of history
If what you thought were true, there wouldn't be a nationalist backlash against jewish mass migration.


No one said otherwise, you fucking dipshit. Learn how to read.
Truth isn't demoralization, shlomo. Way to be incapable of disproving me.

Thanks for admitting that you can't name a single time in the last 100 years that Americans fought back against jewish control.
There isn't. It continues unabated. No one does anything to stop it. No one punishes the people who are supposed to be stopping it.

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You introduced that challenge in this comment, not your earlier one.
There have always been Americans who resisted jewish control. Just as there have been Europeans in all nations who have done so.

You must be new around here.

Thanks for admitting that you can't name a single time in the last 100 years that Americans fought back against jewish control. White genocide. continues unabated. No one does anything to stop it. No one punishes the people who are supposed to be stopping it.
One question. Why can't you answer it?

Not relevant. You made the claim before the comment was posted.
K. So… where's the nationalist backlash you claimed exists?
So where is it? Where are people doing anything to stop the immigration? Where are people punishing the government for not doing anything to stop it?

We are too intelligent to fall for it. There are protests in Germany right now. Furthermore, it is our duty to continue fighting back. It is not in our nature to lie down and give up. Now go ahead and call me a kike for advocating white interest.

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