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CBS Niggers:
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Kavanaugh is currently the world's leading salt producer
Kill Booker
I'm sick of this shit
Kek is sending his support for the death of Ginsburg over and over again.
Meme time lads.
kek confirms. meme it everywhere lads.
Could you imagine aliens trying to figure out why this is still going on?
I would hope they show some reasoning and invade Israel for us.
==MEIN HATRED FOR== (((RBG))) ==SHALL BE RESTED== just like her soulless kike body
Did Blumenthal just say "u mad bro" to Kavanaugh?
What an ugly jew.
This is now a thread about ayy's invading pissrael, only to reveal themselves as Moon Nazi's
4th Reich Begins
When liberals are having a breakdown they will resort to anything that pops into their head first. Actually a pretty good way to fuck with their heads.
He said Kavanaugh was mad and threatened senators. So basically he's already jewing the story up and straight up lying.
If you photoshopped Blumenthal's skin to green, then he would make for decent Goblin Art for mtg.
They are all fucking kikes
When's the vote?
Lol this is the ad I'm getting from 8ch at the bottom of my page.
On point ad targeting.
25 minutes from now
Where's the blue dress? Where's the dead woman in a drowned car?
Where's the evidence?
So what are the odds on Kavanaugh being accepted? Will the dumbass Republicans chicken out over these baseless claims?
Depends how much their dogs have pestered them.
Is that the vote on whether or not they vote? Or the actual confirmation vote where there's no going back from?
He will be confirmed.
Do not doubt it.
Well I'm happy that all Republicans are voting yes. I mean, the supposed witnesses said they don't know each other nor did that party happen. So what's there even to talk about?
He'll get accepted in the senate, a few democrats from red states will vote for him, the ones from North Dakota and West Virginia in particular.
Republicans know that if Kavanaugh doesn't get in, they lose the midterms. No question about it, they'll vote for him.
They vote for him. No need to take any risks. Who nose what those kikes come up with if you give them time
Many of y'all Pablum niggers haven't been around long enough to realize just how momentous is this era we are finding ourselves.
Some of us have watched the Constitution toilet-papered for many years, and literally figured the handle had been pulled on America, and nuclear war was inevitable.
Trump rising was the most glorious event in history since U.S.A. (Not the USA.)
By the time the list of Trumps have finished their dominance at the head of the United States, it will be remembered as the rhodium age of mankind. Not gold. Gold is corruptible, weak, and non-White.
The rhodium age. Is it upon us? When Brett Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court of Shooting Down What Seemed Like Endless Faggotry, it will most assuredly be upon us.
However, your job does not end there. Vote, vote, vote, vote. Be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Never gloat when anyone is converted to sanity, but merely welcome them.
The next time the Left rises, it will be odius, last exactly seven years, and end with the Rape of Jerusalem and the coming of Christ.
Do everything you can to fight the enemy. They are losing their cohesion, unity, and long ago lost their sanity. Insane people in a mob produce "heroes" like Che Guevara. Insane people fragmented produce rubber-room denizens like Hillary Clinton who the Left will most likely scrub soon, knowing a two-time losebian is not something they want tarnishing their chances any further.
Brett Kavanaugh was their last gasp.
Kavanaughs nomination will be confirmed
Dems switched tactics from attack to damage control and posturing
Just preparing the next media cycle and conserving the one argument they need to oppose Kavanaugh in the future: muh rape
If the kike breathes, it lies. I am incredibly angry still.
No, after the 1:30 vote IIRC it still has to go to the full Senate, right now it's just in committee.
haha, freudian slip I guess
>still obsessed over that you couldn't put [yet another of] your fucking (((kike lizard beasts))) into SCOTUS position
What kills me is just how much rides on this one ruling and how revolting liberal politicians are. If they are in favor of stripping him of the nomination that’s it for any form of this being the people’s government. They will be able to easily pick and choose who gets in by shutting out anyone they dislike with unfounded accusations, the wider spread of this is the women will have ultimate power over men and be able to ruin their lives at any time with no reprocussions… and even if they are in favor of him we know just how low these people who are in high positions will sink. They weren’t about finding out the truth at all, instead they were already “convinced” it had happened and without evidence tried to convince others. The whole hearing truly was a bad joke that just showed us how horrible these people truly are. There was no “innocent until proven guilty” this time.
I thought the whole civil war thing was just a meme, but at this point when the left has made morality this subjective and lie so easily to get their way… I’m starting to think that’s going to be the only way we fix things.
Lot of rinos so I wouldn't be too sure of that
I heard that Dylan Roof escaped from prison and is about 30 minutes away from Capital Hill.
A mix of poison that they wanted to appoint.
At least McCain is dead.
If they can't control it, they will remove its power.
Can't convict Brett "Kike Killer" Kavanaugh
lmao nice, keen for the salt
Jokes on them they gave the court that power and can't ever take it away
I don't know, I really think that the Dems overplayed their hand here. Republicans now know that the same tactics used against Kavanaugh will eventually be applied to them, unless they put a stop to it RIGHT NOW. It's in their best interests to save their own asses by saving Kavanaugh.
Judge Kavanaugh
This will also translate into only women getting appointed to the supreme court. Because they will mock and deride any claims of sexual assault about a woman.
read that as
If only we could.
I imagine it’ll translate to only women being appointed to just about any governing position. We’ll look like Sweden
You mean Supreme Justice Kavanaugh. He's been a judge for 24 years.
The only thing that got gang raped was the democrats
I see no logical course of action that would allow them to - yet it still sounds exactly like what a kike would do
Time for another salt party.
wew, it's that same faggot again.
To which Trump would respond by supplying a long, long, long list of possibly racially-non-specific fucking Eva Brauns.
Then what? Some sissy faggot gets on there and says "S-she drugged me and pegged me. She pegged me so harrdd I could not walk straight. The SAME THING happened to me by her at the next 6 million parties I went to where she was running a Peg Train on innocent young boys!" etc. etc.
America just saw the selfsame thing that has happened to SOMEONE they know railroaded up to the Supreme Court.
Even Black, homosexual, Jewish pedophiles are going to vote Republican after this. There is an entire segment of the country that crosses many lines that has been "but my accusations against him are valid because I have a cunt-ed." The But I'm The Cunt Haver arguments are going to lose the entire country of American citizens for the Democrat Party of the Synagogue of Satan.
They have just lost, because everyone in America knows someone who has been falsely accused. Ask any blacks if they know someone who has been falsely accused of rape or sexual misconduct.
Child fuckers, all of them. The Pope covers for his Jesuit kidfucker buddies since he used to be one.
I love Ann's shitposting. She may be the only woman I've seen that can throw down banter like a man.
It's not over yet, but this hearing was a huge redpill for the normies. They're starting to wake up.
I fail to see how this means he ffffffffucked some lady. I can barely parse this out.
That hurts the soul. Imagine living your whole life believing in a religion thinking it will always help you no matter the circumstance and when you need them the most they side against you. I can see the punished Kavanaugh meme really occurring.
I agree but I still cannot stand gook toons
Flayed Five Fantabulous Finklesteins Furtively Fagging Five-year-olds?
didn't this start at 9:30 EST? it's 1:30 EST now
Send Kavanaugh your energy. The end game is to have conservatives in the supreme court.
The only thing more checked than those digits is the number of new Democrats on the SCOTUS.
Nothing happens in the Senate without three hours of bloviating and jaw-exercise. Feinstein is still scheming to delay, as we heard from her hot mic conversation with old man Grassley.
The vote already is over. They're mostly just trying to get media soundbites out.
I wonder how many SCOTUS judges are going to be "retiring" now that their caches of child rape snuff porn are being "discovered" by the NSA.
Fuckin gold user, gave me a good chuckle.
Last thread:
Trips confirmed.
The vote was scheduled for exactly 1:30. DO we need a countdown?
With every scotus nomination Trumps victory in 2016 becomes more glorious and Hillaries defeat more complete.
90, 89, 88, 87…
I think they were trying to insinuate that each F was for another girl maybe? I don't know. With all the other retarded teenager shit in there they wanted to focus on a bunch of fffffffuckin letter Fs.
The only thing more confirmed than
Feinstein is trying to delay again.
Maybe they were just really big teen wolf fans.
Pretty eerie around here when the shills are gone.