Transphobic posters on Canadian University campus spark investigation
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Transphobic posters on Canadian University campus spark investigation
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No one cares. Women don't have penises.
Sage for data mining.
confirmed the b'ys need to get back to the drinking pronto bud so ya better fawkoff with this women have junk junk, where's a woman's penis at, nowhere because they have none
Hello chaim.
Sage negated.
oh fuck ya bud i's a b'ys ya
Heil Hitler
You're a transgender aren't you? How many years of therapy will it take before you suicide?
The last time this happened here it turned out to be women themselves and then quickly memory holed. Same with homophobic postings which turned out to be by shitskins who fucking despise faggots. I despite the left, how can they be so braindead to not see how much diversity naturally destroys itself and everything around it?
Heil Hortler to you too. Why your windmill of peace is left handed?
Oy vey citing biology is a hate crime.
I do not know
Heil hitler may the furher rest in our hearts.
That's what it says in the article you retard.
Except not at all. New "feminists" hate old feminists. Old feminists don't think dudes in dresses should get the special treatment women get. New feminists think dudes in dresses are better than women.
How about you deal with your shitskin problem britbongs.
the Talmudist fake jew calls it 'Gender Neutrality' and 'Gender Diversity'
Some men don't either.
There is no such thing as a 'Man', you idiot fucking Roasteh
Give them the support they need.
9001x Gas Yourself
I smell kikes.
I'm not scared of tranny faggots whatsoever. I just don't like them and don't want to be around them because they are disgusting and go against nature. Suffixing "phobic" to the end of shortened terms needs to stop.
Don;t you think it is sad to see that in order to obtain full communism we have to become one mind with the some sexually mentally disturbed individuals on the planet.
Just had a thought for a IOTBW style poster. Something that sounds accepting ant tolerant that if the left just attacks directly would reveal how fucking insane they are and how this isn't about acceptance ant tolerance but an Orwellian destruction of the English language.
Gentlemen, I give you:
It's Ok For A Man To Wear A Dress.
They are fucked no matter how they react to it. If they agree (or ignore) then its an admission that trannies are men, if they attack it then it forces them to take a position that is basically an enforcement of traditional gender roles.
Worse case scenario, it isn't recognized as our propaganda, and is ignored as another drop of post in the post ocean.
Nah nigger
If it isn't contested, it is accepted and they're doublethink will transmute it into tranny-acceptance
Be more careful niiiig