Facebook just announced it was hacked, and almost 50 million users have been affected
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Facebook just announced it was hacked, and almost 50 million users have been affected
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Rolling for Russians
Why didn't any pollacks abuse this exploit to fuck with the kikes? Tim Wise, for example, spews tons of anti-white bullshit on goybook.
More like they just left a gaping vulnerability in the most basic features of the site because Fuckerberg was cheap and outsourced it to Pajeet on his shitting street.
More like FB sold 50mil users worth of info and called it a hack.
Glad I deleted mine
All the resources went to the bullshit censorship, you can't even post the same thing in more than 2 groups without getting one week block on groups
Post yfw you never had a kikebook account
I wonder if those 50 million accounts mostly or entirely belong to people who have posted problematic political opinions or been tracked visiting wrongthink websites/pages?
I wonder how many nudes they got out of private messages. I'm /comfy/ af waiting on fapping 2.0
Dropping dox of a few Big Tech executives. I'm sure a couple of these have already been covered. Disclaimer: Collected legally through public directories, and meant for records only.
They'll use this as an excuse for why people got shoah'd off there.
I'm not. The Fappening is what instigated the cuckening of 4chan by Moot. It's why people left in the first place!
I'm failing to see how this is a bad thing
hacked = data upload by nsa
Chinks did it, obviously. Lets hope that chink does what he ways and deletes the Jew's account this weekend. Whoever hacked the Jew, give them a medal. My beer is for them and Kavanaugh. Prost!
Fucking this, the second I saw them mention "View All" I knew some nigger put code in production that wasn't secure at all.
"Hacking" street-shitter code is equivalent to niggers smashing car windows with a rock to get at the iPhone on the passenger seat.
Another window to push normies off the platform and kill it further.
Except it's more like the car windows were down and the phone was unlocked in the front seat and the keys were probably in the ignition too but the niggers didn't even want to deal with the effort of trying to sell the whole car.
Do you ever get the impression that large databases with private information get "hacked"?
Be real now. Once you give them your information, they won't give it up just because you asked nicely.
Jesus fuck user! Was it really needed to explain what should have been obvious?
On that fun note, there's some chinese hacker that should be livestreaming this sunday about deleting zuckeborg's account.
No other details about it. I hope it's not the same hack than this leak otherwise it would be patched before.
inb4 literally none of the NPC normalfags that frequent Fagbook will even notice this happened
inb4 even if they did, they won't care and will continue to do the exact same shit over and over again on fagbook as if nothing happened
Die kikebook
Serves them right, they trusted a jew, the dumbfucks.
Why don't people sue these companies when this happens? Imagine if a civil case happened with 50 million people.
mfw didn't like Web 2.0 and tried to avoid all those shit sites
lmao wrekt
Joot pls go and stay go.
Go back to twitch, faggot.
go back to facebook, kike
Go back to the future, Mcfly.
Why do people always assume its the Chinese or Russians? That's racial profiling. It could be an American this time.
Niggers are good at hacking too proof:
Brazil is actually 58% white, just so you know.
This right here folks.
JUST part and parcel of using a big social media platform.
Only the fags on the left assume that it's automatically Russians. Meanwhile, they continue to get pwned…
I deleted my account this August, am I safe?
No it isn't.
If a person is not at least 15/16th genetically "native European" aka White, then they are not White.
Most "white" Brazilians are mulattos or mestizos with far less than 15/16th White genetics.
Now, some Brazilians are legitimately White, but it's a lot less than 50%.
Facebook never deletes anything.
Change your passwords.
Would love to see Twatter's boxes get popped and bled out…
Only reason I keep the account tbh. If they have access to it forever, I'd might as well be able to verify what is on there.
Think more on the lines of like Equifax or Yahoo…
boomer music
sometime I wish I was a boomer, their lives are so simple
so do we got their hashes?
also if this is a trap, we're full, we can't take any more people here
Not that I'm aware of, but if it happened to 50 million accounts on Facebook, it's inevitable Twitter's days are numbered…
what do we do we got lol?
I mean does it really count as hacking if the people who were originally overseeing your data had worse intent for you than the people who stole it?
Daily reminder kikes can't into Zig Forums and have no idea what they are doing 90% of the time and the other 10% is someone doing it for them that isn't a kike.
It's the "View As" feature, you negroid. Either way, anybody that still has any association with Faceberg other than sockpuppets, that is using it to communicate "privately" deserves what they get. None of jew companies can be trusted.
*none of these
Did ya'll upload a dump?
I'm drinking give us the dump ffs
My man :)
okay now you are all boring again, so I listen to hitler
Nutscrape Navigator. Holy shit that takes me back.
oh I know this brings the spirit back
ib4 webdm, I'm drunk
webm is a meme format
why didn't she kill more tbh
although she did expose how easy it would be to run up jewtube if anyone really wanted to
She was too pure to be an effective killing machine. That job will have to fall on us
There there you had a good run. Now go play rockets with Elon like a good boy
the jews got me I was too drunk
also this is white music
I want to believe it was Putin getting the last laugh.
Sell data again. Claim hack.
Checked a few dankweb forums, not out now, if not faked I'll post it here. I'll keep you updated with irc chats.
You really had to post the lowest quality version, right?
Here you go.
What is that supposed to warn us of? That he intends to give us diabeetus?
Who is still using kikebook?
lol k fapfpafpafpfpapfa
Holy shit! Who could denie that this is the missing link?
Where did you get that number/ratio from?
Aside from your ass?