
Angela Merkel will be visiting my city soon.
I would like to greet her with a nice big placard - but I would like some feedback.

I have attached an image which I created. What are your thoughts? Can I somehow improve?


Attached: Screen shot 2013-05-04 at 21.10.18.jpg (6524x4833, 1.9M)

The only action that matters is killing her.

Attached: mussolini.jpg (850x400, 42.69K)

You could start by replacing the meme triangle with the symbol she actually worships

Cuckchan is here lads

Stadt mit drei "o"?

Reddit just had a massive shut it down moment. A lot of the cancer here in the last 24 hours is probably from there.

Murder her, seriously, FBl can't follow you outside bugerland territory an 💶 prisons are like 5 stars hostels.
If you're still to much of a puci to do that, commit sodoku after the sanct act.

Dude what the fuck? They will disappear you if you do anything.

DON'T DO IT. This is not America.

I thought about that. What I thought about putting there were:
jew star

But don't you think that in the end, putting the all seeing eye is most correct? Does she really follow the jews? I don't believe that all power in the world originates from Israel

If he would do that, he should first convert to Islam. He would be a super star in prison.

The diaspora is just as, if not more complicit. And their money power is immense.

they'll make me disappear me for doing what? holding up a placard?
Anyways, I won't let that intimidate me.

Expect a visit from Germany Special Forces really soon son.

I find this picture intolerably insulting… for Hitler. I would prefer him to still be around than her.

Please have a pack of these rutting apes she imported go banana on her, so she has a taste of her own medecine. Tell them that the reason Europe is letting them in is because there will be a war against Russia and they need niggers as cannon fodder.

Hit her with your iron sword in Minecraft (in real life)

I really might because I filed an application to obtain my citizenship recently.(pic related)
They don't like legal Germans - they only like slaves.

Attached: 800px-Staatsangehoerigkeitsausweis_Deutschland[1].jpg (800x1100, 155.05K)

That image is retarded.

That's illegal in Germany.

OP, it's not illegal to write in big letters "ANTI-WHITE Traitor"
We need to begin meming that word in Germany. Our German Anons have really ropped the ball on this.
In order for our words to become effective, they must be seen everywhere.

"Anti-Weiß Verräter!"

Attached: 42.png (600x487, 468.9K)

Why not get close to her and smack a cream pie at her face? I've heard that that usage was quite popular over 10 years ago.

It was smart what they were doing in Chemnitz with the pictures of the victims of muslim crime.

That or something like "Why did Merkel implement the Hooton plan?"

Attached: hoot.png (521x329 388.48 KB, 50.63K)

yes you fucking faggot

So, what kind of mudperson are you?

Stop fucking up your message. A hammer and sickle surrounded by satanic hexagrams arranged in the same circle formation as the EU flag would suffice.

Use this picture with the tagline "I didn't fought for a caliphate, you thankless traitor"

Attached: Helmut Kohl.jpg (450x594, 86.68K)

I'm not a fucking pussy like you. Fuck them. They won't intimidate me. If I want to hold a placard - I will hold a placard. And if you're such a big pussy to express your speech then that's your bad.

Maybe I haven't expressed myself correctly.
As you probably know, most people in Germany are officially Stateless - meaning they have no real citizenship. Due to this they can (and are) treated like slaves. It's not simple to get out of the slave-status. That is only possible by proving your ancestry until before 1913.

That is the first good idea I have heard. Maybe I'll put that on the back-side.

He was a traitor as well.

If I don't mistake, she agrees with cancelling christmas celebrations in schools and cities so muslims belief arn't hurt, doesn't she ? If so, what about giving her muslim clothes on the picture and calling her Angelabdul Merkebab or something ?
And an Israel flag instead of red background. A muslim bitch doing a nazi salute to new world order for Israel, now that's a mix !

I didn't know that. Interesting.

I had no idea. That sounds so odd, for so many apes can easily become legal germans and be given everything, it seems that true germans can't… ??? Germany is even more fucked up than I thought…

No. The apes cannot get the real German citizenship as well. However, they are not stateless - hence they are treated better than most Germans within Germany - which again - are stateless.