Sino-Indian war

We've seen this shit before
Pajeets are nearly in the same technological tier as the chinks as well and with more Reserves/Paramilitaries

So far they haven't had many clashes and opposing interests but that could change very soon.
Can we expect it to happen?

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A thread died for this

Hindu-Buddhists vs. Eurasian Communsim!

kek, not going to happen. China already decided to ignore pooh land. I could tell you why and how the people mixed to become Indians, but Imkamfy banned my ancient history thread and only leaves occult alien shit up now.

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Welcome to imageboards

Feel free to do so on my thread this thread
That sounds interesting
For now at least, I'm not expecting it to last though, India is still catching up, but it will want to expand it's influence soon.

Also, I thought Imkikey was booted by Chodemonkey

Realistically india will get obliterated, china is just too strong for these pahjeet numales.

Realistically a war between these two would be fucking cancer on both ends, they have the largest mountain range in the world separating them not including tibet which also serves to be problematic.

Pajeet will never forget

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Now that China are cleaning up their streets.

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kung hey fat choi mudafuk

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It's funny everyone wants control of Tibet's water. Can't wait for them to start fighting just to have the Llama ding dong unveil his hidden army just waiting to kick both their asses.

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Pajeets would win. They managed to kick the British out of their country. China only got Hong Kong back, what, a decade ago?

Wasn't it because of Hitler's assistance?

No they were just fucking with us. They told him to remove word filters and to chill out on stickies. That's it.

The British agreed to leave in exchange for Indian support in WW2.

But they did fight initially right? Like what you said was a white flag deal?

india will win. sure china has the tech but when it comes to street pooing they really phone it in.

Water will probably be what kicks the war off.
I don't know how the pajeets will hide from the chinks when they can be detected a mile away via their stench

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Is there a way to get this hard-coded into Zig Forums itself?

For what it's worth I hope the Chinese win, and they easily would; not withstanding the tech difference, they have tons of angry virgins created by the one child policy that they can send out as berserkers. Not because of political systems, but because they are a better race than the Indians (who are more like 50 mangled races but whatever).

This is a stupid thread, OP.
But since you asked, they've been fighting recently in Bhutan which is sort of India's ally.

This show will go on stage when China will try to puppet/influence Burma. I do not really know how and when but China will try to influence or puppet Burma to get to the Indian ocean shore without sailing through the straits of Malacca/Sunda. Not really a problem of mine tho. I hope that the third wheel will exploit the chance. Banzai Nippon!

Is that a FAMAS?

Because British are white, and capable of empathy.
Ghandism wouldn't work against any nonwhites.
Try the peaceful protest against Chinese who have no moral qualms about gunning down their own unarmed civillians who had the audacity to protest on Tienanmen square

India actually has a similar problem making war between the two more likely.

good question, but not for me
Also it might become a nice banner.

Chinks are pathetic.


Which victory is more beneficial for us?

The mods could add it to the link bar, below "The Zig Forums Global Rule" stuff. Then it'd be at the top of every single thread. I do wonder how effective it actually is though. Surely the shills have methods of bypassing such government firewalls in order to better do their shilling?
In any case, it doesn't hurt to have it up there. Wish there was one for Israel too.

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Yes, because victory in war should be decided by number balanced one-on-one fighting tournament as in Mortal Kombat.

Kill two birds with one stone.

India could easily win a conventional war, simply because of diplomacy, demographics and zealotry if WW2 is anything to go by. China would have to use WMDs or invent mass produced mech walkers to win.
China has the worst k/d record in world history and most of their conscripts are middle aged thanks to the single child policy.

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Yeah, right. Dyer ordered to shoot 1000 women and children who were not protesting but celebrating a harvest festival.

Racial supremacists are the least empathetic group of creatures on the planet.

At least when the Chinese have drills or exercises, these don't become reality while being run.

my wife is a DACApede from Mexico


Fucking based

Do you have proofs?
the guys name was Reginald dyer, for anyone who doesn't know

Fucking kill yourself.

Attached: Fuck Off.gif (286x204, 832.96K)

wouldn't the correct term be esoteric hitler trips?

Dub dubs checked.

Attached: dubs check em.jpg (583x240, 35.22K)

The term is that you are a spic from south America who should fuck off.

For quads?

Actually is a natural and organic meme from Europe or one of Hitler's direct descendants

Learn to speak de English, hombre.
I know this is you on your phone

kill yourself

Let me guess, Bolivia?

The Jews probably won't allow this fight to go down

If you have no standards, you can try going to a mexican supermarket and walk around like an Alpha (easy if you have done cosplay or LARPing before). Once you find a target, keep walking CALMLY and just smile to her. This is of course to build courage. Once you have courage to be near women, do the following...

If you have more standards, you can go to Churches... I recommend bilingual mass. I seriously advice you to do TWO things:

1) Go with friends (two or three is optimum).
2) Try to go to food events.


((( )))
> calling DACAryans "shitskins"


I can forgive your assumption that I was insinuating something retarded. Likewise, however, I assume you're drooling invalid who could not hope to conceive that I was thinking in terms of China tactless zerg rush method of war and how many times it's failed to produce meaningful results for them against other nations. Respectfully off yourself.

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are you even a real person

No, I'm a persAryan :^)

more like a mod shitposting

If I was a mod, this place would change in one or two hours.

Yeah, i'm sure.
Go back to your home.

((( )))
I'm a full blooded Zig Forumsack

dubs of immigration

So are you our new instantly recognizable board shill, like hasbarafag was?

China v India would likely be the cause for a third world war, given the vested interest in both nations and the micro conflicts likely to arise within their borders, not to mention their citizens overseas, on ethnic and religious lines.

I was musing about your post and was not going to say anything until I realized it was directed at me.
So my thoughts went:
Past history is not exactly an analysis of the current situation with a modernized army and technological familiarity. That's like those idiots that use candlestick charts to predict the stock market. Ah, best not to post, to expect cogent thought process on Zig Forums is too much.

From the Wikipedia I opened earlier, it didn't look like China lost. More like mission accomplished, let's stop fighting.
India 10,000–12,000 China 80,000[5][6]
Casualties and losses
1,383–3,250 killed
548–1,047 wounded
1,696 missing
3,968 captured[7][8]
722 killed
1,697 wounded[7][9]

Then again, what do I know? I don't quote saved 4chan posts.

I guess his shift must have ended.

/ourguys/ the chinese should win.

These two nations utterly exterminating each other would be a great blessing for humanity. The only issue is that the somewhat acceptable part of their populations (Tibetans, north Indians) seem to live in areas close to the border. If they could exterminate Pakistan while they are at it, it would be superb.



It's more likely that Pakistan and India will clash.


The average IQ of India is 82, China is over 100. Pajeets are borderline fucking retarded, and I imagine this would be reflected in their military, and their strategists. We should be praying that the chinks wipe every last India nigger off the Earth, and turn India into a giant parking lot, or smartphone manufacturering facility.

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But they are immune to biological weapons.

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Ping pong chang chong.

Says who, Chinese? We trusting yellow jews now?


a filter can be made set to that string. Remember nigger gate?



oh also, you need to go back

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You just described cuckchan.

are you fucking retarded? can you not read? Do you really think what you wrote even makes sense? GTFO faggot

I'll put $20 on the poos any day of the week and if the fighting is in the Himalayas then make it $100 - every part of the Himalayas fucking hates China and will be more than happy to assist in fucking them up if India throws them a bone. All India has to do is guarantee their future safety against Chinese imperialism and every man, woman and child will become a sniper, spy or saboteur.


The poos have some quality military hardware, at least.

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Not even close pajeet

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China won't go to war without more J-20 fighters and India won't go to war without more US anti-missile systems. All is good.

why would massive chink-pajeet carnage be bad???

on the surface it seems like a win/win. but when 6 gorillion chinks die in their zerg rush that will fail cause it always does, they'll nuke India in response. Thus kicking up all the dust and fallout and excrement of the Indian soil. Responding in kind, India will storm Beijing and all the ghost towns, shitting in every street, alleyway and highway. The jet-stream will carry all of this towards North America.

Thus, the world will suffer; the Great Pooclear Winter.

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Still sort of a win.

Both countries are running out of groundwater so war for Himalayas glacier waters seems inevitable. Overpopulation will always lead to wars and famine until population drops back to sustainable levels.

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I remember reading that most of the West, especially Portugal, were not feeling sorry for Pajeet, because of Gandhi's students did the "Peace Through War" bullshit invasion of Goa.

The Chinese could actually win a war this once

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China has a lot more enemies than India, the winner of such a war is going to be determined solely on what side America decides to intervene on. I think the USA will side with India, its much harder to justify allying with China because of how apparent they disregard classical liberal values, their closer ties to Russia, and a lot of Americas allies including Japan are going to be pushing for the USA to wage war with China. If such a war does happen and NATO sides with India, then between India and NATO China is pretty fucked I think. Remember that while they have strength in numbers they are not in an ideal position strategically should a war break out. The United States however, is. China is hated on all its borders at this point. That's why they've been pushing into the South Sea, to increase naval presence in the pacific. They're preparing for a potential sea invasion.

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Border skirmishes happen but no one is going to hot war, idiots.
Sage for datamining.

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