Merchant Thread

This thread isn't about a current event, news-worthy happening, Trump, or anything else like that. This thread is for posting our Happy Merchants and derivatives. You see, I'm on the verge of getting a teaching certificate for high school World History, and I intend to sew as many redpills into my curriculum as possible while still hiding my power level. So while all merchants are appreciated in this thread, what I really would like to do is get as many of the (pic related) abstract, surrealist merchants as possible. The merchant pics that only the initiated can recognize as merchants. I want to have them made into posters and hung around my room, that way, any high school students who recognize them for what they are can approach me about it, but I can maintain plausible deniability around administrators and whatnot. I've seen a lot of them on here, but never bothered to save them (I actually have almost no merchants altogether). Will you help me out? Also, if you don't have a merchant, this is a good thread to build your collection.


Attached: c781d27df40361107655e9e0ae5b6c4a539cc7ec22a3066116aac16c4bf4fbdd.jpg (768x1024, 36.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Start off with the "originals" or templates or whatever.

Attached: 87f[1].png (448x539 339.7 KB, 117.06K)

Attached: b92[1].png (1000x1000 29.71 KB, 197.3K)

Attached: 8c1[1].png (600x600 116.33 KB, 50.57K)

Attached: happy-merchant-israel-iran-america[1].jpg (501x585 184.1 KB, 37.93K)

Attached: jewish-merchant-is-happy[1].png (800x590 107.91 KB, 186.05K)

Attached: 95e[1].png (694x544 616.69 KB, 77.09K)

oy vey

Attached: Img (1)

That's all I'm going to pull from my search engine for now. Hopefully it's enough to get the ball rolling. Like I said, I'm really looking for the subtle merchants.

Attached: e08[1].jpg (928x732 40.61 KB, 42.14K)

oy gevalt you're in luck today goy! i have quite the collection

Attached: 1461033388047-1.jpg (208x243 3.16 KB, 7.73K)

Much obliged. Keep'm coming.

Attached: Floor.jpg (333x358 14.75 KB, 1.83M)

Attached: 11.png (2448x3264 912 B, 1.04M)

some of these might be a bit too abstract.

Attached: 1465507116630.jpg (600x600 1.45 KB, 8.57K)

Attached: oyvey.png (857x482, 442.16K)

Attached: sql.png (270x326 44.32 KB, 9.56K)

Attached: USAids.png (857x482, 511.17K)

Lightning merchant

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14.86K)

Attached: c44[1].png (1293x1407, 717.76K)

Attached: 1497303364829.jpg (349x267, 16.86K)

Attached: isis.jpg (498x401, 33.5K)

Attached: isis.png (857x482, 451.64K)

Attached: semites are semites.png (857x482, 394.19K)

Attached: 1515899124316s.jpg (125x117 1.37 KB, 1.68K)

Attached: 1515898850291s.jpg (195x255 3.19 KB, 16.79K)

Attached: a8e2f9ca63cd59d7d63d9099974dedfebbbb8e81b9a966827b03366d0839c4b5.jpg (125x125 13.8 KB, 3.89K)

Attached: aa07e684d3e1f5ef44961009a01a719c80b2a97c438e009d05d03cde265fabb6.png (486x576 350.01 KB, 57.39K)

Attached: 6248f470132905ae18579935c609af8aa24a308df22e30c87c23a2dc69aacd12.jpg (185x255, 10.87K)

this could be improved - features


Attached: 1495499351770.jpg (926x764 104.71 KB, 266.55K)

Attached: IMG_20170904_090344.jpg (500x523 7.87 KB, 122.38K)

Have some /fate/ merchants.

Attached: __david_and_solomon_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_kaikodou_kana__08ac81ba5d760e3d06ddf75693a1188f.jpg (750x600 933.17 KB, 70.73K)

Attached: 1517117448019s.jpg (372x400 3.02 KB, 24.42K)

Attached: 1515898506113s.jpg (111x125, 3.75K)

Attached: 1515898680864s.jpg (255x204 2.33 KB, 17.68K)

Attached: 1515899105561s.jpg (105x125 1.22 KB, 2.26K)

Attached: 1517525085190s.jpg (1909x903 2.86 KB, 84.17K)

Attached: 1515898823035s.jpg (545x478 1.3 KB, 40.31K)

Attached: 73d1f3143d96dd877db356b403a37b247d52af9c29b3599200717fe1ed260df6.jpg (208x255, 5.21K)

Attached: reeee-vey.png (191x191 13.08 KB, 160.17K)

Attached: abstract merchant.png (208x243, 6.98K)

I just doubled my rhinocentric gallery with this thread.
"Smithers.Release the hounds.

Attached: 1515898799857.jpg (571x378, 64.92K)

Q: what happens when a happy merchant with a hard-on runs into a wall?
A:he breaks his nose.

Attached: 1515898660221.jpg (575x818, 85.84K)

Attached: 1515897239031.png (471x349, 173.28K)

Attached: 1516417186247.png (322x471, 247.62K)

Attached: 1516418201152m.jpg (324x1024, 60.16K)

OP, do you want me to repost the hundred or so that I did for the crosswalk thread ?

Here's 5 of them, at least, selected for high merchant crypsis.

Attached: le soda stream.png (512x600 191.26 KB, 19.41K)

5 more. The first image was reproduced from a Basquiat drawing.

Attached: le kiddush merchant.png (960x1156 98.28 KB, 12.27K)

Attached: 1515898702703.png (428x500, 154.84K)

One more. This is an actual drivebelt setup on the Nissan QR25.

Attached: le stroker merchant 2.png (500x632 65.71 KB, 72.56K)

Fake nose.

Attached: 1515899015815.png (600x636, 393.44K)

Bonus round, 5 more.

Attached: le drawing instructions.png (1024x1024 30.63 KB, 59.64K)

Super secret bonus round, here's an outline that produces a square meter of merchant when printed.

Attached: le stencil merchant 3.png (2400x2776, 73.05K)

Interesting info:

A square meta of moichant for only 73.05kb? What, are you nuts? Sharon! We've hit da jackpot! I'll take 100. No no, make it 1000. Oy vey!
[rubbing intensifies]

Attached: 1515897396709.png (346x384, 173.75K)

Attached: 1515899788938s.jpg (106x125, 3.31K)

Attached: 26bc00cb4444313ea91512c80d896ab08cae4144ecc426d20d0442c262e2c582.jpg (255x160, 16.79K)

73kb? What do you need 40kb for?

Attached: le stencil merchant 3.gif (2400x2776, 38.92K)

Oy! This is a disasta. I'm ruined!

Kek, that's a good one.

Attached: roasted schlomo.png (900x900 1.17 MB, 464.41K)

Attached: 1515898990105.png (295x311, 3.31K)

Attached: 5bb8142f0e08c317f8eb2fd41f79e203b647ce48c376b3c5cafc5daf9c153432.png (255x201, 12.18K)

Two more.

Attached: israels best and brightest.png (1000x737 1.28 MB, 977.81K)

Attached: 1517684089825.jpg (400x599, 63.43K)


Attached: 1515816243079.jpg (932x960, 99.68K)

Attached: 45861d38518f04b6ceaa798fef9e26f9fbbe1ed3ddf73c76a0a152f33be51679.png (255x191, 4.31K)

Attached: 97f5873c058f64cc456775d78f09f0a52177f34721d3181a927b28321384f8f2.jpg (239x255, 16.04K)

Attached: 840cf29e2397fc43fc0e6eff1867fcd7c8f54eda7c7b846a3d19810dcdb99154.png (199x255, 11.27K)

Attached: 7c1ddb4263c9cc771b127366e408a958877523b880b17fd331404842eadd0624.jpeg (255x255, 14.87K)

Attached: 1513398256345.png (960x747, 505.76K)

Attached: 1515714087883.png (400x518, 170.62K)

Attached: 1515897581364.jpg (490x585, 78.57K)

…stuck with a thousand dud moichants I'll neva get rid of!
[kvetching continues]

Damn kikes STILL jood me out of all my memory

Attached: f5629e9fc14190aad15185193ee9bc49c36b06c8575abb3d75e442a59293ac11.jpg (255x224, 8.53K)

Attached: le scrambled merchant.gif (500x580, 2.29M)

Did I say dud moichants? I meant fresh moichants. I'll let you have 'em for 85 a pop, because I need to offload 'em, and you sound like a winna, kid. Whaddaya say?

20 a pop? You drive a hahd bahgain,but you got yourself a deal!

Attached: d0f9f48a29d22afe98328a45d41c094cde707638f852f59232d532ae73f8986f.jpg (255x191, 19.95K)

Attached: 1518133952909.jpg (594x479, 97.57K)

Attached: 1515894930227m.jpg (1024x375, 85.55K)

Attached: 3adb350ccac0256cddb216f9332b5acb23207b50135317affcb6097066af3799.jpeg (255x253, 16.88K)

Attached: 1517446600157.jpg (290x250, 20.94K)


Attached: IRL-merchant.png (255x240 509.1 KB, 16.67K)

20 change from a hundrid, dat's 80 a pop and sold! Oy, ya gonna luv 'em.
[exits jewishly]

Attached: nose.jpg (1001x1077 77.89 KB, 179.88K)

Attached: 1516418352431.jpg (960x650, 81.21K)

Attached: 1c6703811630df41f2d4d7206d9e00de4b8119459701e8ce05d44fc176604a16.jpg (255x157, 11.38K)

Attached: 1515897623865.png (586x586, 264.36K)

Attached: 1515898884630s.jpg (104x125, 2.91K)

Attached: 1516417903211.jpg (400x400, 28.9K)

Attached: 1516419707364.png (628x356, 182.51K)

Trust the plan, goy.

Attached: Q.png (512x512, 24.3K)

Attached: whos_behind_this_toast.jpg (556x628 11.54 KB, 26.9K)

So do kikes just compulsively and instinctively hunch their backs over and rub their dirty greedy hands?


Attached: feinsteinhappymerchangt.jpg (1024x682, 118.03K)

Archive entire thread images
wget -nH -k -p -nc -np -H -m -l 2 -e robots=off -I stylesheets,static,js,file_store,file_dl,res -U "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070802 SeaMonkey/1.1.4" –random-wait –no-check-certificate https:/

Attached: merchanttriangle.jpg (720x690 113.99 KB, 4.71K)