CIVIL WAR ALERT: Dems Release Home Addresses of Republican Senators

CIVIL WAR ALERT: Leftists openly plot mass executions of conservatives as Democrats release home addresses of Republican Senators

As Leftists continue to lose political power in America due to elections (President Trump) and Supreme Court nominations (Brett Kavanaugh), their activists are becoming more militant and extremist. Now, we’ve learned that left-wing groups are openly discussing mass executions and planned murders of prominent conservatives, and they’re using Twitter to carry out the attacks.

Now, The Daily Caller reports that someone in the House of Representatives has “doxxed” conservative U.S. Senators by using a congressional computer to publish their home addresses and phone numbers to Wikipedia. “Doxxing” means publishing someone’s personal, private information such as the location where they live, their social security number or their private phone number.

Importantly, doxxing members of the U.S. Senate allows left-wing “kill teams” to physically locate where those Senators live. Armed with this information — and driven to violent hysteria by a complicit, lying media — left-wing kill teams can assault the homes of U.S. Senators while they sleep and attempt to executive those Senators and their families.

IP Address of Person Who Doxxed GOP Senators Points to Maxine Waters’ Office


An unknown person located in the House of Representatives on Thursday posted the personal information of Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, as well as Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch of Utah.

All three senators sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and their personal information was posted shortly after each questioned Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during Thursday’s hearing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kike free first post, but don't we already have a thread on this? It was on this board that the doxer was doxed themselves, unless you are referring to another event.


You put in a bit of effort, but it's your post is old news, lacks information and the title is overblown sensationalism.
I'd quadruple sage you if I could.

OP raped me

go to the police

Leftist rightist,
I've got a line, you get a pole, let's push it all in a fucking hole.

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Some unlocked Wikis are the pages for: "List of Con artists","Champagne Socialist", "Pharisees" "Demons","Subversion", "Doxing", you get the idea. .. Just something to note in case nobody has anything technical to offer but shenanigans.

Anyone have the scene from a movie that shows the SS executing the SA in the resort village?


Attached: Good Night Alt Right.webm (1280x720, 15.38M)

Conservatards should die tbh. It would actually be good for us if the Commies did such a thing. In fact, we should go out of our way to get all the controlled opposition taken out and use them as martyrs.


Civil war implies both sides are capable of fighting, liberals would cry from recoil and noise of a firearm.

Doxxing is not plotting mass executions. This board is its own little leugenpresse.

Some reason I should care about Zionist politicians and their families? It’s not readily obvious to me.

Its certainly an attempt to disrupt but I over all agree with you.

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source on those clips please user

This is not what mass executions looks like.
But on the plus side, the actions of the media, Congress, and the President are destroying any faith in the System that remains among authoritarian conservatives. Libshits are a lost cause it seems. They'll just parrot whatever the MSM tells them to think.

Conservatives have even more faith in the Republikikes now, because the evil demokikes are out to get them. This is all very good for the jewish system.

faggots who don't support the 2nd amendment plan to use guns to kill political opponents.

these "people" need to burn.

Makes sense because OP is a faggot.

Nobody will be going to war to defend Lindsey Graham, retard. If leftists kill him, the right will be happy too. I can't think of anyone who would actually want Lindsey Graham to remain living.

Just wait, if a Dem succeeds Trump then the next step will be assassination of Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, etc.

*That* kind of shit will be precariously close to war.

It would be an actual reason to start killing libs and democrats. It is war, you cuck.

It isn't that anyone would defend Graham, its a very good excuse to kill Feinstein or Booker. It would be a tit for tat exchange.

It isn't that anyone has particular love of Graham. All of those spineless turncoats would face the gallows in a 1776 style revolution. It's the motivation of the Left and their very clear intentions of wrecking anything good left of the U.S.
The Democrats are pure evil, along with all of their power-hungry, civilization-wrecking ilk. They are not simply misguided idealists; their sole motivation is power for its own sake–and specifically, power over others.
They are not like a man who seeks mastery over himself in order to create value–and then trade that value on honest terms with his fellow men. They lack this ability, and it is actually such men of integrity that they have always sought to either enslave or destroy.
There is no reasoning with them; if you hold them to standards of logic and evidence, they will evade, smear, shout you down, assault you–they refuse to abide by any tenet of reality. Their standard is not objectivity, but emotional whim, and they will use all manners of degradation, defamation, and manipulation to force you to abide by their whims.
When you understand this about Leftists, you understand that there can be no compromise or peaceful resolution with them. They will not back down–they do not know any other mode of existence than to constantly weasel their way into any crack they can find and erode a social structure from within.
And when a group's entire motivation is to violate your rights and refuse to listen to a single word of reason, there is only one rational way to deal with them.

You wipe them out to the last fucking man.

That intention has been clear since the 60s. No civil war.

War in this context means actual military conflict, you simple child.

Return the favor:
>compile dox lists of (((Leftists))) and (((Neocons))) and post ITT

Precisely because it has not historically been clear to enough of the right people.

Everything you said I agree with
I call them evil, because that is the most correct and succinct description I know
What is frustrating is having lemmings raise their eyebrows at the word evil even though it is perfectly apt
So then I have to explain in the longhand way very much like you just did
I wish more normies were aware that evil is real

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On the contrary, conservatives no longer trust the media at all. And every day that they see their precious republicucks surrender to people that they see openly calling for their murder, the less and less faith they have in the System.

Conservative Whites are growing increasingly concerned. This move to start accusing everyone of rape is making a mockery of the justice system. And this is also shattering their faith in the legitimacy of the system.Conservatives think of themselves as honourable folks and seeing this is devestating for them.

< you may be blocked
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha wat

what's so bad about civil war? Accelerate! Make it go kinetic. And when the fog is heaviest take out the trash.

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Holy shit checked. That's a sign. Here's a dox of 60. This has everyone from CNN to late night talk show hosts, to SPLC, to Obama.. Let's poke around for some lulzy unlocked/editable Wikis. Anywhere you can throw it up that will get alot of eyes on it really.

It will be a Civil Weekend.

And btw dont do any wikis from your own IP or it will get recorded in the Wikipedia edits (obviously)

Is Alex Jonesberg posting on /pol again?


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Is that Harry Caray?

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One can dream.

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The left isn't just upper middle class jews and white shabbos goyim. They have millions of bloodthirsty nigs and spics at their beck and call. They're definitely not unbeatable, but it wouldn't be a cake walk

Great news, let them kill their fellow zog all while giving justification to eliminate them.

Checked. Birth of a meme.

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So pretty much end game for twitter then?
If twitter does nothing to stomp on many of the blatant posts, as well as the DM's that they have been shown to be able to read (so nothing is actually private), that twitter can be held complicit or even an accessory to attempted murder.

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I'm ready, are you?

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I think it would be easy. In fact, I would be shocked if it lasted a full day. We know how to aim. We know what the safety does.

Long past ready.

"The republic" is dead and no one wants that weak, dysfunctional, corrupt, soft communist, & feminine form government back.
The war should it happen will be for existence of European Americans against the jews and their golems.

They always try to get some crazy guy to do it for free first. Fuckin jews.

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but anyway, nice webm though…

This is your mind attempting to write to you while you shitpost and lurk…
and you're not even conscious about it

What if while you slept… you led a revolution…
You are a fragmented shattered mind, society has betrayed you… that's why you made me…
I am you… and you are me…
we have the same goal…

We either defeat the Vile people together or I defeat them for us but either way you are a part of this now  
You are Awakened

Bonus Based Stream from last night

BumpBanned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye

Kanye will expose the Jew

Attached: kanye-west-charlamagne-interview-video-1525193800-640x427.png (640x427, 335.35K)

Time to face the truth, the Democrat Party is pushing America toward Civil War

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They have bigger balls than we do. We should be openly discussing violence against the left, but to even suggest it has everyone on the right shouting you down. Until people start understanding that psychological viruses like modern leftist doctrines can't simply be "unlearned" we are going to continue to lose over and over.

The only cure for a commie and a kike is a bullet.

I wouldn't call it a civil war, it would be a long overdue cleansing.

The exact opposite of civil war, in fact.

Unlike the left, such as antifa, we on "the right" do not have government backing. And those on "the right" who do have government backing are de-radicalization e-celebs, I mean just look at all these faggots urging "fashy goys" to go vote republican, as if that would stop white genocide and the millions of browns pouring into the USA.

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wow, they know when Kavanaugh gets in he will absolutely fuck their plans for good
they are going all out, they are so desperate they are willing to lose a midterm over this

Any evidence of that? At all?

They even have people on their payroll like ImKampfy who ban anyone who even suggests it in right-wing circles. I am more and more convinced as time has passed that kikey was definitely a glow in the dark nigger.

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the burden of proof is on you

It rather suggest that IMkampfy was rather mentally unstable than a CIA spastic.

Nazis would never do this.

no u

I'll tell you why they're going insane.

Communists have no God or spirituality (of any faith); thus they don't believe in a higher truth, power or transcendent moral rightness that applies at all times and all places. They believe morality is decided by history, and as history is written by the victor, to win is to be confirmed morally right.

Winning is all then that matters, which is why they're ends-justify-means scumbags who punch old people and SHUT DOWN freedom of speech.

They just want to WIN, and because in their minds they are unquestionably GOOD, they believe they SHOULD always win.

Enter Trump. To the prideful, self-righteous communist-atheist, there is NO WAY he could have legitimately won, because he's 100% wrong (in their view). That's why they cling so desperately to muh Russia, that's why he's "not their president", because in their minds to admit he won, is to admit he's right and they're wrong. When winning = morally right, losing is absolutely, literally unfathomable to the self-righteous. That's why Huffpost famously gave him a 2% chance of winning.

Conservatives didn't chimp out (much) about Obama because they don't have the same moral relativism. To Conservatives, it is perfectly fathomable that bad people can win, and it may depress us a bit, or inspire us to fight harder, but it doesn't drive us insane with doublethink and denial, because we believe in good and bad as metaphysical truths that can't be changed by authority.

Back to libs. We've seen 2 years of absolute denial that Trump actually won. You see, he can't have won, because he's wrong, duh! Winners are always right, so Trump winning was literally impossible! They are absolutely convinced that he will be impeached or lose 2020, they will win the elections in November, and the world will be back to normal, with the 'righteous' back in charge. It must be so, because they're so absolutely unquestionably the good guys!

As they keep losing their pride will keep cracking, and prideful people really do go insane when their worldview of self-righteousness is threatened. They will do almost anything to hold onto it. This Kavanaugh thing (I'm English, only following it lightly) will probably send them over the edge. One of two things will happen. Either their pride breaks and they realise they've actually lost, in which case they fall into chaos, there's probably mass suicide pacts, crying/tantrums in the streets, total mental and nervous breakdowns, OR they double down with their denial and launch a civil war, because to confirm themselves as morally right they HAVE to win by any means necessary (and when they lose that, the first option will happen anyway).

So that's what will happen when the Kavanaugh thing/November elections don't go their way. At the moment they're so crazy because each of them is individually teetering on that brink of a nervous breakdown as they realise they're defeated (and remember to them defeated = morally wrong) and fall from pride or a vicious murder to claim victory over your opinions by any means necessary. They constantly bring it up and attack because they're desperate for confirmation through victory. Trump derangement is real (and hilarious).

Your assessment seems pretty accurate.

Not so sure about the pride part. I am almost 100% convinced that pride is merely a side effect of willpower and desire, nothing more.

The primary method of manipulating someone for all intelligence agencies is to see what the desire and how far they will go to get it.

Want for nothing, and you’re freed.

Also fuck off Mossad

whoa is this real?
i used to work in this hippie store and one day this guy came in who looked totally right wing, typical trump supporter, wearing camo, and he starts talking to me about how this shit would happen and he was talking about Nibiru, which is a different topic in itself but i didnt think it would be this soon, i was thinking 2029 at least


Did anyone else read (WDIM) What Does It Mean's report on this?


this is what I dream of

US to Spend More on Government-Debt Interest Than on Military

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Mass crackdown on lefties incoming. Especially after today.


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Rep. Jackson-Lee Intern Charged with ‘Doxing’ GOP Senators

Personal information of three Republicans had been posted on internet, according to the Capitol Police

Christine Ford’s ex-boyfriend submits sworn detailed letter refuting her testimony: She lied. Repeatedly.

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Haha you magapede faggots just don't get it do you? This isn't about freedom of speech - it's about survival.


He is raping us all with his supremisist masculinity

Qanye predicted this



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