70% of pakis marry first cousin leading to high rate of birth defects

Baroness Flather said because of 'inbreeding', members of the ethnic group are 13 TIMES more likely than the rest of the UK population to have disabled children.

The Pakistan-born peer has called on the Government to take steps against the issue of unions between close relatives in Muslim communities, which she called an "outdated, un-British custom".

She said: "This tradition, which is followed mainly by migrant families who originate from the Kashmir region of Pakistan, has the tragic consequence of causing disproportionately high rates of disability among their offspring because of the far greater risks of genetic disorders."

She also accused Britain of a "cowardly reluctance to tackle damaging social practices within certain ethnic minorities".




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And when not doing that, they rape young White British child girls. Also, kike-free first post.

Because they're being murdered and forced to fuck their relatives for primal survival.

Side note: having offspring with your 3rd/4th cousin is already proven to give no greater chance of defect than two distant lineages.

i don't think the public know enough about pakistan
rapistan memes when?

don't we have this thread every other month?

Not bad at all.

It's good to remind people every once in a while. Information asymmetry gives the kikes a huge advantage over us.

Also, I have to add, don't allow (((them))) to divert the discourse towards a Zionist/neocon direction. Always point out the (((real reason))) why Pakis are in the UK in large numbers, and never allow for the kikes and their lackeys to pilpul the discourse into another direction.

Don't forget that child marriages also helps accelerate gene defects to pass through the next generation.

Is this a birth defect?

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Old news OP.
Arabs are retarded, therefore Islam is retarded, therefore Muslims are retarded, therefore they do retarded shit like fucking their cousins.

In Norway a study was done showing pakis have an 400% higher risk to give birth to a retard.

imagine realizing your mother cares more about drinking than her children, and that you have to wear that fact on your face for life

She looks like she might have some slight Asiatic admixture.

They shit out five or six kids on average anyways, who cares if one or two are special ed potatoes. The downies are useful to them for scrounging up more welfare benefits from the government anyways so I doubt anyone minds.

This, no normalfag knows about the mass scale rapes and pedo rings because of the government clampdown and persecution of those who dare speak out against it.

What do you expect from islamic retarded cunts?

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Found the third world shit-skin who shills on Zig Forums under the guise of anonymity as he pretends to be white like us.

You can say what you want about our inbred paki friends, but they hate the jews.
And yes there are paki jews also.

i don't know shit about pakistan
greentext summary pls

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They are Muslim Indians. What more do you need to know?

Let them destroy themselves.

It's the will of Allah, pbuh.
Now pay my medical bills dirty nazi scum.

Let them continue looks like they're becoming more literal rat people.

There's an enclave of ancient Greeks there that still practice the old religion.

I don't see how this is my problem.

They haven't been bombed because they have nukes.

It becomes your problem when Abdullah wuns sum fugg.


They often threaten to nuke Israel, which almost makes me like them. Then there is Bangladesh which is one of the poorest and most disgusting shitholes out there, on par with the worst Africa has to offer

Are Pakis the next "chosen" ? They surely have potential. Jews watch out, your god might dump you soon.

Source please

There used to be a Greco-Buddhist civilization in Bactria which is now the Pakistan/Afghanistan/Iran area, that's all I know. It was wiped out in sandnigger conquests and replaced with Islamic mudshit barbarism. Some Greek scholars went there a long time ago and claimed they found remnants of Greek civilization in the customs, beliefs, folk music etc but I have no idea how factual that is

Oh yeah I've heard of that, shame it was replaced by Islam I wish Europe had embrace something similar rather than Christianity, would have preserved more of our ancient traditions

There are towns/tribal villages in the mountains there that are still genetically Greek. Descendants from when Alexander settled his soldiers there.

Doesn't mean much though when you're an inbred Muslim.

Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture, when they tried to culturally enrich the region, too bad it didn't last long till the Mudslimes went East with their jihad.

Yeah, that's how the Hellenes got there. I don't know very much about the culture beyond that but I wish they stuck around, interesting blend of high cultures.

Look into the Mari people in Russia, they're the only actual non-larping pagans left in Europe. It might give a glimpse of what a non-Christian native religion Europe would've turned out like.

Europe did embrace something like that for a short while, and it was beautiful. It was called the 3rd Reich, but the kikes tricked the rest of the white world to hate it and it's only now that we're waking up.

I was talking to a guy in a bar today and when I told him how my grand dad died DDay plus 1, he says sorry you didn't get to meet him, but Hitler did nothing wrong.

hello i am paki
basically its a shithole
but its really comfy if you live far away from all the shit ie main cities
other citites are somewhat dangerous terrorist activities and target killings and what not really nothing will happen toyou unless you are some politician or military leader
we dont marry cousins here wtf is this shit
fuck all yall niggers

im against rape of all kinds

true we are getting murdered but this article is bs

ask me anything about pakistan nothing too much politics related and ill be able to answer

pakis have been colonized by the british and its been fucked into our minds that we are british cum sluts so obviously alot of us will move there

child marriages are also a meme only rarely happen in villages even then child is atleast 15 or 16

we arent arabs you mongoloid

yes this is true we do hate jews


no such thing

The region wasn't much of a shithole back then, you can read a lot of interesting shit like the Chinese having quite the influence there and some architecture, again, didn't last long till the mudshit muzzies ruined everything for everyone.

You guys were probably more distinct before islam. Didn't you guys use to be Buddhists?

asians technically
south east asians
we were indians
there were alot of muslims in india and they were being treated really badly by the indians liked raped and murdered , so after alot of wars and fighting we seperated from india
basically got half of india and thats how pakistan came into being
thats the textbook version from what i remember

The whole Pakistan is of Indian origin but got mixed with Arabs, Persians and Afghans. Arabs invaded North West India (Pakistan) and East India (Bangladesh). Later Turkish traders and Persian saints invaded it. Hindus got converted to Muslims.

So then a mix breed or roaches and pajeets. Even worse.

pajeets that dont poo in the streets so id say thats a plus

there is very little or no cousin fucking though i dont know where this is coming from

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thats india mayte we dont smell like curry

tbh lads

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im in my shithole country what is your problem

You have to go back Mr.Khan, your not welcome here. Just fuck off you backwards fuck. You are literally the most scummiest ethnicity, even worse than wogs.

Good, but still stay out of White man land and keep your friends from going to white countries. Then we'll be golden, but otherwise, we'll have to destroy the nest they come from, especially because you have atomics.

Fourth Reich's coming boys
Heil Hitler!

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im no in uk retard
my last name is khan though
backwards how?
thats debateable.
prolly not worse than jews

kek i dont know what i was expecting from pol
dont worry about me ill probably never visit a white country let alone stay in
born and die in this place

That's nice, now leave.

fuck all yall niggers this aint your board sonny

Sounds like a great reason for ashkeNAZIs to stop having kids. They are literally the most inbred, geniticly disordered extant races.

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What WERE you expecting? And at least you will stay in you country for good or bad, try to make it a better place and all, but I have little hope with the population that lives there.

i just saw this place was up in nerve so i came here i havent posted to pol in a while
if it counts i hate niggers and jes and myself aswell becuase im a sandnigger
i did comeoff as kind of rude so i want to apologise
i wont shit up your country so dont worry about that
just here to answer some question about pakis/pakistan if you guys want to know anything
i will try but everything is stacked against me everyone here is horrible and i feel like im getting sucked into all of it


Don't hate your race. Hitler preached no racial hatred, but that we should stick to our neighborhoods. So long there is no miscegenation, we can coexist on the planet as he intended, and even be partners in wiping out the communist jews that would ruin both our races.

Remember nice guy national socialism is how we win. We only should get angry at the jews when they cry out as they try to stab us in the back

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Don't take what the other posters are saying to heart, everybody trash talks everybody here. I always appreciate honesty and information from anybody.

But I do get the impression that we are ending up with the worst of Pakistan moving to our country (it's our own governments fault really) so much so that all the cousin marrying Pakis may have moved out of Pakistan.

Wonder what the Numbers are by Race and Country of Origin for Anchor Babies with Birth Defects and Special Needs and the Cost to Taxpayers?

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I genuinely do not want non-whites to post here. Subhumans have nothing of value to contribute.

70% of them are inbred, but uncle-neice is actually more common than cousin, and closer kin-wise.

Are your cousins hot

This was before I searched anything related also, mind you

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Don't let the bantz get to you, pakifriend. As one of the few jewish readers here I certainly am familiar with being "othered" by the board regulars and I've learned to roll with it. Just remember, it might seem like abuse but really it's just ironic good-natured jests. In between the taunts is a lot of truth. Like about the quality of gentile girls, amirite?

The only reason not to completely glass pakistans and cleanse the world of their genetic filth is the wildlife. Sorry you have to live around such subhuman garbage, little geckos.

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That are some fucking cute Gecko's. Guess we have to cleanse that region the old fashioned way.

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We could just build a giant wall around Pakistan, cut off all contact and wait 100 years and they will devolve into retarded genetic defects and die off themselves when no one is capable of feeding themselves.
Then we can turn the nation into a giant nature preserve.

It's such a shame that nonwhites live around such beautiful creatures, plants, and natural formations. The pakis have all but killed off their leopard population because they have no respect for life outside of themselves (common with all abrahamists). At least their poo cousins respect nature somewhat, they won't brutally genocide entire species, they'll just turn the environment to shit, but there is no malice, just incompetence.

The earth must be cleansed of the barbaric races and we must revert it back to be a safe haven for wildlife once again. We should value nature, not the concrete cesspools full to the brim with detestable subhumans.

Kill yourself. Legitimately, kill yourself, you fucking parasite.

No one's fuckin' ribbing you. No one fucking wants you here.

Extending the welcome @53d35a but at the same time, these nicer posters are not representative of Zig Forums at all. Talk about shitholes? This is a shithole.

You are demonstrably worse though. At least you are not 100% turks.

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It's a country you stole from Hindus and Buddhists though.

Who cares if pakis are shagging their own cousins? It's not our concern. This just feels like propaganda promoting "outbreeding", ie encouraging them to start procreating with us instead. The most important thing is they don't breed with out cousins.

Yeah it isn't bantz. We'll be seeing you in the streets on DOTR.

Yeah, just like how the Mohgals did to the hindus and buddhists by the tens of thousands at a time. Muslims haven't a moral leg to stand on when violence is done to them.

considering what's happening now in europe, I'm pretty sure that the muslims shat on the indians first.

This has been known and reported in the MSM for over a decade.
They also receive Vitamin D supplements on the NHS to allow them to live here.
Nearly all paki children walk pigeon-toed, even the ones without clinical "birth defects".
In my hometown I used to see a paki mother walking her kids on my way to school.
As I became a young adult, the number of kids had increased to 7 or 8.
Now the kids have kids, tracing their mother's footsteps, all pigeon-toed, leading their spawn to my primary school that was 99% White but is now 50% mud and perhaps only 75% British.
So one single shitskin has, in the space of a couple of generations, lead to possibly 50 offspring. All requiring NHS treatment. All being educated on the working man's quid.
By the way, the real redpill surrounding muslim inbreeding is that it's the real cause of "depleted uranium birth defects" in Iraq.
The rate of birth defects matches what we see in the UK, Iraq being one of the states with the highest rate of cousin marriage in the world. The reason it seems like a new phenomenon is that the red cross wasn't monitoring births prior to the coalition invasion.
Now that they are, they're recording the normal fallout of muslamic sex, and writing it off as "caused by whites".

Everyone paying (((taxes))) in bongistan should care.

Mexicans are natural short and stupid without birth defects. Unless you consider being Mexican a birth defect it self. South American hate Mexicans for a reason.

Too think they will grow to sale Americans Car insurance someday.

50% mud means 50% foreign

Paki Adrienne Batra hates white trash


"Admittedly it was annoying, because, to me, it seems obvious since I’m Sikh and am therefore acutely aware of the difference.

However, it really bothered my mother. When probed as to why, she summarily said that, in this day and age, she couldn’t believe people don’t know how to differentiate the two.

It doesn’t, though, surprise me.

After the terrorist attacks on 9/11, pictures of Osama bin Laden were running on network television 24/7. In the picture most often showed of him, he was attired in a white turban and had a long beard. This could explain why some just assume anyone with a turban is Muslim. A turban and beard, of course, are two of the most distinguishing features of a Sikh man.

The white supremacist trash who murdered six people and injured police officers (the cops who gunned him down should be given medals) at the Gurdwara last week probably fell into this category of people who live their lives blissfully ignorant."


Britain didn't listen to great men like Arnold Leese, and are now paying heavily for it.

How now brown cow?

I asked Paki guy at work why the cousin marriages. He said it's culture. Asked if he had one. He said no. Not sure I believe him completely though.

Legitimately… Hitler wanted a force of indo aryans. He tried recruiting Sikhs at every turn… In fact the ones he did were in the SS…

You realize the are the descendants in the Punjab at least of the scythians, Huns, and aryans… All fighting people…

Anchor Babies are "not" only from MX, and me thinks MX has Plenty of "Special Needs"

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a fate befitting a Paki.

that 2nd row looks ok

Looks like a typical eurasian to me, a mix of mongoloid and caucasoid, not uncommon in central asia where both slavs and turko-mongols shared the same steppes.

Makes sense. The entirety of the middle east is in Asia except that little bit that toes into Africa where Egypt is.

I said central asia though (Transoxiana, Khorasan, Turan and Khwarazm) not middle east.

Pakis are awful, but there's nothing wrong with fucking your cousin. Or your niece.

Eurasians do not have blonde hair and blue eyes. This looks like a little finn girl.

interesting. you would think they would have the worst, what with how loud they are.

this is actually a really serious problem. i can't image what the drain on the NHS is

Uh oh. How the fuck are they going to defeat the Chinese with all those defects? You jews are so fucking stupid. Lol.

which is (((ALWAYS / EVERY TIME)))

Most hearing loss is caused by industrial WORKING conditions