Is Pharrell a pedophile?

Is Pharrell a pedophile?

Attached: pharrel-with-pole-dancing-underage-girls02.png (926x603 768.52 KB, 822.04K)

Attached: Anger.jpg (326x320, 33.75K)


>nigger that's well connected and high up in the (((music industry)))
Guarantee he's had to diddle a few kids to get where he is, and when the yids are done milking him and he's past his prime his diddling will be conveniently exposed

These people in pop culture are all decisions deviants. They've been trapped themselves and are put out to continuously do the same to others, if not groom them.

I think my auto correct is compromised. It changed it after I saw and read it say, sexual deviants and raped

They're shoving their cunts in people's faces because that's the only way they might still get a man's attention.
I welcome the post precious pussy world.
If you want to make it you better have more than a hole to show for yourself.

Sage for of course it's a pedo.

My goodness, what an ugly mongrel.

By the looks of it, it seems like they just asked him for a photo. Also, I spot some tiny titties on that lil girl so it's not pedo even if he'd fuck her.

What do you think?

He drinks the blood of infants and does not age at all as a consequence. Yes.

>is insert *insert jew propped up (((celebrity))) here* a pedophile
a cannibal too, everybody who's in the (((club))) is there for a reason

You are not on reddit.

Everyone in the music industry is a child rapist. It's a requirement to get to the top of any kike controlled industry.

Global report.

is x white?

go back to halfchan

In China they bring pole dancers to children's kindergarten entrance ceremonies.

Attached: China-Style-Kindergarten-Ceremony-Pole-Dancer-Video-2.mp4 (540x960, 1.24M)

Attached: China-Style-Kindergarten-Ceremony-Pole-Dancer-Video-3.mp4 (540x960, 1.68M)

As much as you're a jew.

All niggers are pedophiles.

He's a part of the Hollywood machine, so chances are high, just for that reason alone.

Not if he keep pushing their narrative.

Happy 11pm, nuff said.

Implying they have preferences.

Why was he there?

At this point, even the concept of Christian hell doesn't seem harsh enough. Infinite and everlasting torture and torment still seems like to kind a punishment for kikes. I'm having trouble thinking of anything worse, but I'm sure such a concept is just waiting to be discovered.

Attached: Merchant gassed.png (523x663, 235.56K)

Yes, he's a pedo and an active member of the illuminati

Attached: 8a.jpg (533x530, 67.99K)