Leftypol lashes out in anger as they become even more irrelevant

Leftypol lashes out in anger as they become even more irrelevant.

Attached: tenor.gif (480x270, 6.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ironic innit

kill yourself faggot

The context is you.

Seems as though Zig Forums fell in popularity and has been replaced by a board for spanish speaking mutts, and before that, /tv/.

I'd like to know more but put some effort in it nigger.

Kill yourself degenerate

Attached: leftypol uprising.JPG (1600x1200, 241.99K)

I suppose the webm of the tranny admin sucking off the other one being spammed relentlessly had something to do with that?

Attached: peace.jpg (512x511, 100.5K)

More like the moderation fell to shit here so they invaded. They no longer have containment.

No, you.

Are you kidding? Over half of leftypol are trannies themselves. The decline in popularity is probably because a good portion of their demographic is killing themselves, as all trannies do.
And because there are more spics infesting imageboards than ever before.

Both of these things are their own fault, communism and liberalism are suicidal ideologies.

If they weren't whiny, hugboxing faggots, they would have never left. I welcome their return, it allows us to btfo them in person instead of just doing proxy bullshit across Zig Forums.


Attached: My_face_when.webm (640x272, 1.34M)

Would agree but we are way past our resource burning capacity.

The sound was what made this the most revolting. Has no sound.

Really makes you think.

Because it sounded like the tranny faggot was sucking its own vomit through the hose of a vacuum cleaner. You're lucky you never heard it.


Attached: c5fc9c854ee9763d02c2b78213bd21713f4e387e123dacd10ae55fae4644c17e.png (616x441 1.18 MB, 295.95K)

Zig Forums is not here to get involved in a manufactured rivalry with literal retards. Get that shit out of here.

Left-wing people lack culture in a highly visible way, they're essentially the bottom-bitch shock troopers of kike-owned neoliberalism and every day it becomes more obvious.

Of course they are gradually decaying in relevance. There's no reason to BE Zig Forums at all anymore. Their one task was employing sniveling cumdrinkers like H3bomberguy and Counterpoints or whatever the vile kike tranny's name is to try and stop DA EBIL NAZEES from reaching Youtube and they can't even fucking do that anymore. They cannot EVEN stop Eric Striker and Chris Cantwell and Kike Enoch, who are all idiots, from doing whatever they want across every platform.

Zig Forums has failed. Categorically. At every single task that they have EVER attempted. 4pol is more competent than them. TRS is more competent than them. Hunter Wallace is more competent than them. Everyone is better than them they can't even outcompete the MSM. They're failures, and faggots, and mentally ill trannies. The furries of politics.

Attached: 1367022393698.jpg (800x1122, 267.95K)

Except you have them behind the curtain running the show.

Leftypol has never been relevant. Its a boogey man mad up by Kampfy.

Who would have thought that them shitposting at /tv/ made them forget about their own board.

nobody was ever AT Zig Forums
whatever kike was paying the bills to boost ISP count stop paying because of what a failure it was

Yet faggots like you have to always make threads about that shithole.

Webm of you

Attached: StateofFaggotry2018.mp4 (636x360, 1.49M)

Wasn't few days ago /hgg/ above Zig Forums. Ironical that, every time some board gets above theirs, the board starts to get for some reason a massive spam of single posts of different IP's.
They're that desperate, even after begging reddit to help them, it still doesn't work much.