you are funding your own enslavement. unless you are a fucking beta stop letting the police take your property at gunpoint.
Once 10% of the population stops paying taxes the government will be permanently shut down and we will finally be able to peacefully revolt and evolve past our slavedom.
Stop Paying Taxes
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Draw up some figures rather than blather on about a mere supposition.
I have a property tax payment coming up. How do I avoid paying it?
Pick one.
if you start shooting cops then people will paint you as the villain
No shit. That's why it's impossible to peacefully stop paying your taxes. The cops will eventually come take you away by force and if you resist they'll kill you, unless you kill them.
I'm not advocating violence, just telling you how it would be.
You're a retard or fed who recently skimmed Siege. Mason's tactics don't work and have never worked for the past 50 years.
It's retarded to let white men shouldn't let go of their power in the first place, they should focus on gaining it. If marxists can do it, then why can't you?
44% of people in us pay income tax,
about 2/3 of people make money because of government (school/unions/farming)
this means that only 10% of people would have to do anything
No dummy that's when they get the international military to come in and fuck your shit up
tl;dr Don't ruin your life for bullshit that most won't follow. You'll just be known as a loon.
If you want your plan to work effectively 100%, then it's better to gain a position of power that would enable you to crash the system from within.
so you would rather be fucked in the ass your entire life and enslave the future generations even more than just die
the key to a peaceful solution is to first kill everyone who would oppose you - that way you can avoid bloodshed. or, you can use the following strategy:
1. stop paying taxes
2. united states government crumbles
3. ????
4. all jews in the world are now dead, the entire chinese military has been defeated, and the rest of the nonwhites have been killed as well
and then what?
Hey boss , stop taking taxes out of my paycheck
Boss- you got it employee. Fuck the tax man. You're right
I'm not paying your sales tax
Sales lady - no problem sir , fuck the tax man you don't have to pay cause don't pay taxes
The day we don't pay taxes DOTR starts in earnest
bruh you are fucking retarded if you buy something from someone the government is enforcing the tax on them not you lmao
crash the system live in anarchy
I don't disagree with you, the system is shit. However, your ideas will automatically fail because they hinge on something that you don't have control of.
If you're wishing or begging for 32.4M americans or white men to lose their status based on a single post on a board, then it won't work. Mainly because it's retarded. You have to force it.
oh boy
Yep. I'm retarded for shopping at my local convenience store and grocery store. Gotcha my man
Don't give it to them?
not an argument
alright well i guess i'm doing this then. so anyways, have you considered how china will act? do you think that all warlords that develop will agree to not create order, the thing that is natural for white men to do?
Blacks shoot cops, and yet they're still painted as victims. At this point if you believe white people's actions have any effect on our image then you either haven't been awake long enough, or you're just stupid.
Better than not paying taxes is living off of them. That accelerates the collapse even faster. Tip those scales.
If I do that, what stops the gang in power from kidnapping me and locking me in a cage?
If you own nothing and work for cash by all means, otherwise they'll just take it from you.
That's because the media is anti-White and blacks are useful to their narrative.
so are you chinese or just a nigger? i guess this also could just be a slide thread
well i mean why do you need roads specifically? if the free market decided something else might be more efficient
Yes, that's the implication. Thank you.
Morality is a load of shit concocted to keep people from using the means available to them to destroy their enemies. Save ethics for your family and race. Taxpayers support the maintenance of the system in place. They deserve to be leeched from. There's nothing unethical about making their contributions to the continuance of our situation ineffective.
All hail the free market!
The free market knows all.
prices know all
we currently need a military to deter china from invading america. they boil dogs alive. they wont have any problem slaughtering whites
we invaded Afghanistan and failed: small communities, rough terrain, and no inter community highways connections
Great plan nigger!
Government doesn't exist, people exist. And people will always organize to follow authority figures, because there is inequality in humanity. Some people are fit to lead, and most are fit to follow.
Retarded. You seriously think the US military couldn't demolish nearly any country on Earth? Specific operations were conducted there, not all out war.
authority figures and hierarchy are not government, their is nothing wrong with authority figures
How does one go about getting on welfare/government assistance? I'm about to finish college, and I whole heartedly agree with this sentiment. White men are the only demographic in the united states that pay more in taxes than they receive. Without us, this shit would crumble to the ground. I think it's about time we make that happen.
we invaded afghanistan with the goal of fucking around and not actually doing much anything that wasnt kosher. there is a difference between pussyfooting around and going in with the sole intent to slaughter like china will do.
same with vietnam; america killed way more of them than they did to us, and yet we still "lost". we could have eradicated the entire population but that wasnt the goal. china's goal will be eradication.
are you a subhuman that served in the military?
you have to have like 5 kids thats y it doesnt work for white incels
government is an extension of tribal administration which then could be considered an extension of the frontal lobe or something like that.
aside from your stupidity i would guess that you're a negro; purely based on your spelling mistakes
yea i dont give a fuck about spelling or grammar
You think that's an appropriate response to "Government doesn't exist" in the context of a debate? Congrats for agreeing with me, I guess. Been fun.
Pick one and only one.
Must be too scary for the kikes. The mere thought that even 10% of the US population not paying taxes makes them terrified. No more leeching off the backs of productive white men.
That's not possible is your goal is avoid ALL forms of taxation. If you're only talking about state and federal income, that would require 10% of the population to become self-employed and/or only accept cash or precious metals as forms of payment.
I 'owe' over a hundred grand to the 'tax man'
He can suck it out the end of my dick
Done, and with ready gun.
Liberty or death m8
If you are not a fed then have you ever tried putting into practice what you preach on here? I doubt you have if you are still posting
New non anchored thread
Nah, you are full of shit. They ask for the amount owed plus fees and interest. Unless you are found to have tried to commit tax fraud and misrepresent what you made of outright "plan" to "steal" the money from the people, then they jail you. See Willie Nelson vs Wesley Snipes. Nelson simply didn't pay and Snipes premeditated his actions.
Yes, this should be a tax general.
The IRS has their own doggo shooters.
1. The legal claim of one person upon the property of another person to secure the payment of a debt or the satisfaction of an obligation.
In this context, the "one person" is the Treasury Department acting on behalf of the "people". The claim is set such that when the property is sold the "people" get paid before the "owner" does. If you have multiple properties you can be compelled to sell all but one.
You can. I argue with them and get out of bullshit every few months or so.
Reposting here because jews deleted other thread. Will sombody create a tax general or unanchor this thread so anons can reduce payments to niggers and jews.
Take the law pill
Why is this thread (((anchored)))? We're literally funding our own genocide by paying (((taxes))).
Why is this thread anchored? I thought we weren't anchoring threads anymore for wrong-think?
You thought wrong.
the only tax I pay is sales tax, and I do it legally, but I dont have a paycheck so that makes it a lot easier
I also avoid the particularly inflated tax on cigarettes by not smoking, and the same one on alcohol by making my own