Death of the Russian internet - tomorrow

1 October 2018 something important will happen. Russian internet providers are going to join Yarova law, which already in action since 1st july on russian social media networks and email services. Yarova law requires russian internet providers and servers owners to save entire traffic of russians, constantly expanding the time it will be kept on servers.
Since 1st july more than 500 cases against internet extremism were created based on vkontakte posts, likes, reposts of "offensive" hatespeech, russia has this law called "282". Which is literally a law against religious and racial prejudice.
In russia people are sitting in prison for liking posts expressing hatespeech for muslims. And denying holocast, expressing anti-semitism as well. Even reposts and likes count for government structures.

But most importantly people get arrested for posting swastika or Hitler pictures on the internet, and even when you don't support the natsoc ideology:

Putin also promised to analyze traffic for anything illegal, so internet traffic globally is going to be scanned for TOR, VPN usage and wrongthink by scanning the keywords. Like "bomb", "hitler", "holocaust" and so on.

Even piracy is highly illegal in russia. Globally a lot of internet websites contained wrongthink or copyrighted material are already banned. So you aren't accessing them without any kind of vpn or tor.
Putin Told That 6,000 Pirate Sites Have Been Blocked in Three Years

VPNs, proxies and Tor are illegal to use in Russia

Archive of a page in screenshots (its a shitty archive, i know, but readable):

A lot of VPNs still leave out transparent traffic for providers, including all data and pictures, so i guess you wouldn't want to use that. Tor leaves trail that "its tor", so its traffic even if encrypted will still register as "using tor". Tor bridges can mask traffic as normal one, i can see russians using that in the future to protect their information.

There will be new arrests because the way laws work in russia is by forcing the police to work, or else face underwork charges, they will have to revive "dead" laws, so they can simulate their work by whipping the police and government structures to do it. Its called "stick system". This way all those likes and reposts became an evidence for a crime in the first place.

That's it. I just wanted to share information about that all. So you will be less bluepilled on what's going in russia.

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Other urls found in this thread:



до свидания.

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Is the internet just going to be for spics, gooks, Americans, Canadians, Niggers, and Australians?

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Wait, so "Based Russia" was all just a meme spread by idiots?

we will miss you vlad :''(

What, like 10-15 years ago they already required ISPs to do that with all traffic what is this.

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Yes. Bolsheviks are aliveish and well.

This is a good thing.

Australians don't have internet.

This sounds almost pleasant if it weren't such a shame at the same time.

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Don't make me glass ya, cunt.

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You forget that both countries are feminist empires.
…Yeah, no problem here.
Suffer from Hate Speech laws as well.
Don't forget about the Brazilians and the rest of South America.

I'd be willing to take one for the team. If you glass me you get a bunch of commies in Melbourne too.

Yes are you surprised? Putin is a former (((KGB))) agent from the JewSSR. He visits israel and the wailing wall in a kippa regularly like all our other (((leaders))) Don't think it would be beneath his dignity to enact "Article 58" again.

best bet for russians; don't use the standard (((DNS)))(they will rat) with VPN, mb chance MAC, run vm and solved.

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How are those niggers even using electricity?

Just a reminder
OP posted this thread and has not responded to it at all.
OP's IP address only appears in this OP, and nowhere else on Zig Forums.

Are you a global vol? In which case go fuck yourself.

He might have been nabbed by FBS komrade.

Aren't you supposed to never look at IP addresses? That's basically a breach in privacy.

What the fuck. So the churka memes are real then?

A bit. I mean, I knew were restrictive, but just not to the actual extent, except the "gays in public being illegal" part. Also, if he's anti-Israel, then why is he helping the side to "destroy" Israel? Just a lot of ignorance on my part. Russia, and their politics, rarely come up in the circles I follow.

(((WHO))) Else posts here to subvert Zig Forums's message?

OP here. Sorry but you're a fucking retard. How do you think i even access this website? Did you even read what i wrote? Do you have an agenda, just like some kind of Anglin or something?
The things i wrote in the OP are real. You can't get away anymore by approving of russia, when russians are jailed for everything you stand for. Is that clear?

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I wonder if it'll still be possible to rent VPS in Russia for high speed torrents of pirated shit and encrypted FTP to North America?

It says "never show", not "never look at".

Quit hopping IPs then

That can't always be avoided.


Eastern and Western Jews are having a big disagreement, visibly so.
The ZOG in Russia clearly doesn't have the same vision as the ZOG in EUSSR/NATO/USA. I wish i knew the real reason other then I think it's a disagreement about the endgame i.e future for us goyim and the ((((Global ZOG))) they cooked up for us. Even among Jews they have disagreements and powerstruggle.

It may be that they are not decided on which nation or tribe of jews that will rule, and it may also simply be that Russia and even the Jewish leaders in the USSR remember the bloody power struggle between the jews, when they turned on each-other when all of Russia was enslaved and who was to be the master slave driver. And they don't want to go back to that. like the Jews running the (((EUSSR))) west currently does.

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Perhaps some of that Russian Imperialism that is the core of their hatred of the Western world rubbed off on them. After all, that's why the Orthodox Church gained so much power over there.

But, overall, it sounds like another case of "Too much history needs sifting through in regards to everything East of Germany".

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Lol no the whole Internet will go the way of nationalism

And now rome belongs to the rothschilds, and everything in their vaults too, so who knows what's been lost, destroyed, or moved elsewhere?

this is not normal behavior you autistic modnigger

yes it is faggot.

Now we certainly live in a Jewish world after the wrong side won WW2, after all Jews do not know how to create or innovate, they only know one thing and that is how to steal, lie, subvert, parasitize and destroy. And when there is nothing left to subvert they will happily do it to eachother. That's why for thousands of years they never had a nation, short of the recent kikestan who's donators they later betrayed, an entire nation given to them by the british after ww2 for their "support" in indebting Britain who gave up everything in the war of semitic revenge vs National Socialism.

Russians do not hate the west, they enjoy (((democratic))) values rather than the(((Semitic USSR))), as it happens they picked the lesser poison. their country is simply more crude than ours. I'm sure it doesn't help being that Western Jews are the leading agressor against the Eastern ones.(for an uncertain reason)

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What about ssh?

He called out OP as being a (1) poster, thus implying OP is a shill or is conducting research into our views.

#6 is interacting directly which was against the rules. He's sperging out and jumping every time he sees his own nose.

Well, aren't you a happy tor poster, you will never be called (1) because you're many.

And don't you think that rule is fucked up?

Based Jewtin, savior of the white race

So no RuTracker or Zooqle for me?

Can we shitpost on russian websites when were not in Russia? Like how I shitpost in other country specific websites.

Same situation like with China and Tiananmen square. You shitpost, some russian takes responsibility for it.

It’s been interesting watching them Inch closer and closer back towards the USSR



who gives a shit Moshe. you 8200 kikes are so fucking stupid that you don't even realize
your pathetic attempts to smear Russia ends up backfiring and making Russia look great
and you look like fools.

thanks to the Snowden dox, now we now, we always suspected, as of 2012 GCHQ was
running the biggest XKEYSCORE installation, which they called TEMPORA.

GCHQ, with NSA's help, has wiretapped every goddamn fiber optic cable landing station and every satellite base station ringing the shores of Albion, and they have mirrored a copy of all Internet traffic passing through the wire. that copy of the full take Internet goes back to the bugger's donut in Cheltenham, where a giant buffer stores 100% of Internet traffic in order for
future Geoffrey Prime pedo kitty tuchers to trawl and sift through the private data of everyone's traffic which is transiting the UK.

that giant buffer is called TEMPORA.

think of TEMPORA as a giant straw that drinks your milkshake right out from under you. as you can see, TEMPORA could store 3 days of the entire content of the Internet. that was 2012. imagine how big it is now. today, 2018, TEMPORA can store over a full year's worth of Internet traffic.

General MIchael Hayden, the bald pate toady who is largely responsible for the NSA and FVEY's evil regime of illegal global mass surveillance, once quipped that this process of storing everyone's data by default, so that down the road if you wanted to know something from the past, you could use TEMPORA to "rewind time", as Hayden termed it.

while that sounds like it could really help NSA and GCHQ methodically and systematically hunt down every fucking ISIS terrorists disguised as a rapefugee in the West, in actuality TEMPORA and recording All Of It just gets abused for mere mundane political spying, such as when treasonous MI6 Officers like Christopher Steele abuse their access to GCHQ and NSA databases, such as TEMPORA, and use that data to dig up political blackmail dirt to flip dozens of moles inside Candidate Trump's campaign, in order to lie to FISA judges to get warrants to spy on Trump and his closest associates, without telling the FISA judges that the 2nd and 3rd "hop" targets of your FISA warrant are already your own blackmailed paid and threatened informants.


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What? The world is following their lead.


as for Russia, DIRNSA Nakasone prays to fucking god that you don't notice that NSA and the FVEYs already had TEMPORA and XKEYSCORE recording the entire fucking Internet over a decade ago.

what does it mean that Russia is only getting around to doing the same shit in 2018? it means that Russia is not evil, like you Amerikanskis and you Anglichanina. it means a decade after the US and UK Deep State were mass spying on their own citizens, that now Russia has no choice but to do the same. because the mass surveillance arms race is a Prisoner's Dilemma just like the nuclear arms race. if you don't escalate before your enemy escalates, then you lose. if you don't defect first, then you die first.

as an aside, isn't it ironic that these faggot spooks and NSA'ers and GCHQ cuckolds pride themselves as being the best Mathematicians in the world,
yet they are all too stupid to realize their very existence dooms the whole world into making the incorrect fatal choice in the simplest, tractable 2 dimensional textbook example which is taught in every Game Theory 101 college course?

when i think of the mythic mathematical prowess of NSA and GCHQ, i just shake my head and laugh at those boobs.

Putin had no choice but to run his own TEMPORA by the way. with CIA attempting to infiltrate Russia with its ISIS terrorists, and with CIA attempting to mole up so many Russians, Putin had to record a full copy of the Russian Internet in order to "rewind time" and roll up these CIA nests of ISIS pledgees and McMuffins.


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^ neurotic idiocy.

I mean, I still see just a lone IP here.

Not when it stops the current fuckery. Every meltdown is fed by ego because the janitors forget their place.

kinda sounds like ur a fucking piece of shit megolamaniac

russia has been rangebanned since forever.
anytime you see a russian on 8 theyre either behind VPN/proxy or TOR. since these things get banned often times by faggot mods like you they have to change it around

the guys obviously russian and is posting his concerns over this. i dont understand what would lead you to believe that this guy who simply posted an article is somehow a saboteur, nor what would would prompt you to lurk his post history.

It's going to get ugly.

My IP changes every time I reboot my computer because the VPN reconnects. Is that some mystery to you as well? The information shared is what matters anyway, not IDs

There is no disagreement, it's only a show for goyim. They never, ever make any concrete harmful moves against each other, they only sacrifice some goyim from time to time in order to deceive the world that there is some kind of tension. Russian elites keep most of their wealth in (((London))) , the capital of world Jewry, their children are educated or live in the west and they conduct business despite sanctions. USA and Russia are like democrats and republicans on a global stage. False dichotomy.

hes outta line
this type of behavior obviously implies that this is a frequent, ongoing thing. hes so far removed from accountability that he thought we would want to know that hes actively lurking all our post histories.

he deserves to get called out 110%

Mine can change if the wind blows.

Yes, Russia's progress is in a much more advanced state than the area formerly known as USA.

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They’re going crazy since you called OP out. Great job.

That is a scary thought… How do you explain Russia being a huge wrench in the Greater Israel plans, however?

Americans my spy on the internet 24/7, but they don't ban it.

CIAnigger hotpocket detected

It’s in the Bible, user.

Also archive before nigger deletes everything:


The faggot can't look at actual IPs, only hashes

I would really like to speak with some of those people once, to see what's their raison d'etre and why they literally cannot stop jewing despite being one of richest families in the world.

If it works, why change it? That's the mindset. They feel they deserve it because they have it.

It will be nice to be able to post anything about Russia and not be accused of being a Ukrainian in the future

theyre hedged
theyre jews, and if jews end up dominating everything, theyre a very rich jewish family, so theyre covered. however, theyre also playing all sides of literally everything else, and due to their nigh infinite wealth, they have friends in basically every other important faction/side in the entirety of the world

its heads i win, tails you lose
as such, they simply give no fucks about what happens in any scenario as no matter what transpires, they will come out ahead in one way or another.

now ask yourself: why would they put forth any effort to change anything?
they just hedge all their bets, and make sure they always win, so the outcome/event itself, is trivial

because they do the talking and aggressing and we do the fighting and dying. Therefore we always lose and they only win.

So glad I don't live in that shithole lol

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I'm seeing one right now as well

*what* is in the bible?


Death to Putin I guess. Sad… He could of been more than just another kike hand bag.

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Oh look, the (((mod))) is a Nat-bolshevik shill. Doesn't that just figure.

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So no more Russian Hacker problem, right Hillary?

*Promoting* hate speech, and the defining supreme court case was some autist who was printing off the "faggots have an 86% of suicide and 95% of rectal prolapse" caps with some bible quotes and literally shoving it in people's mailboxes.

Uncle Ernst made "fake news" legal years ago, which works both ways, as the kikes found out. "It's simply satire, Officer Schlomo."

Try 1985.

Evey phone record too since 1964. Project Greenstar.

For a kike like you, maybe.

Why are you shilling against this? This is a news worthy thread, what agenda could he be trying to push? I think you're the shill here, or a fucking schizo.
Check my history and you'll see mostly shitposting, because I lurk, save content, and post elsewhere for less redpilled fag/pickup information I can spread to normies IRL.

At this point the internet deserves to be nuked.

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Old media and globalists learned the lesson of allowing the free flow of information and are trying to undo it.

And Turks who read your post history

Good luck Russianbros.

Couldn't find any mention of anything fitting your description online, except for this

tfw The Book of Veles is considered antisemitic extremist terrorist material in Russia and having any material on it is illegal there.

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More info on this plez

They're creating a sterilized consumer drone version of the internet, that is advertiser friendly and dull like cable television.
It won't feature wrong think or any unpopular opinions.



Take out social media first. Shitter, Goybook, Plebbit etc.

They have the most active, well-established and organized piracy groups I have ever seen. My Russian friend cracked AutoCAD in a single day at a hotel room, by himself. Meaning he opened the executables in IDA Pro and did all that assembler magic mostly in front of me. Russia has some top-notch hackers >inb4 election hackers

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Could be germany. All traffic is being monitored. Last month some guy who liked a newspapers post on FB got investigated because his the post had a pic with a svastika in it. Tor supporters got their data center raided other false accusations. Drunk telling the wrong joke in a bar can ruin your life. We are all heading back to pre 89 levels of surveillance. Free Democracy is a fallacy. It's just that some hide it better than others.

Is it an old commie law, or something banned recently?

If russians are not allowed to be anti semitic and racist online, then Putin really is not a legitim ruler, and just a jew puppet, and then really need to be overthrown… For different reasons than the kikes want, and by different people.

Running the internet within kike rules, is more harmful than not having internet (in the country) at all, since then NPCs just suck in the kike propaganda, and it is harmful to them, and everyone around them.

Too bad with the copyright laws as well, since russians cracked many games noone else bothered, and they had movies shared for longer, always went to their sites, when looking for rare TV movies from 20+ years ago.

So you mean posting a quote from it on a web page will get Vlad's internet shut off and he will be b&d and v&d for viewing it, just like the China cock blocker?

The 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
Daily dose of chink deterrent:

The Prime Minister and head of the Russian Central Bank are globalist puppets. Just look at how much Obongo and Hillary yucked it up with Medvedev. Putin isn't in control.