It's only used in America. Nowhere else. Every other new right party intrinsically makes it known that being Swedish, German, etc is a biological, cultural reality.
Only in America "Nationalism" somehow means to be against illegal Immigration. It says nothing about legal immigration, which is a much bigger problem.
The spiderman meme is wrong. Parker can't see with his glasses on (due to his newfound superpowers) which is why he stopped wearing them.
Jaxon Williams
Think about it a bit. The meme is correct.
Alexander Sanders
Landon Phillips
Anthony Campbell
It's an after-effect of the whole 'melting pot' shit. Civic is meant to mean those born here who are 'multi-racial' since kikes have made it their mission to make this place a multi-racial society. Though I wasn't aware it was an American-only phenomena. I can only in shame at this point.
Nah, it's not American only. But it is only really common outside of Europe.
Ethan Long
Civic SHOULD mean that nationality as in German, French, English, Swedish, doesn't matter, because you are all part of the white or european ethnicity.
That's what it should mean and that's what America was founded on. But you fugged it up.
Michael Cooper
It was valid in this sense until the (((treasonous))) 1965 immigration act. Europe has been subverted at around the same time.
Kevin Wood
We were subverted WW1. WW1 was the catalsym of everything bad that happened and happened after.
The same nigger fetishists who tell you your retirement account got wiped out just before you retired because of derivatives.
Easton Ross
Civic nationalism was invented by French and later British kikes, it basically means that anyone born on a territory of x country or naturalized by other means is a citizen with equal rights as everyone else. They might add some bullshit like """culture""" or """shared values""" but those are only buzzwords behind race-mixing and white genocide.
And it's the most retarded system in history. Globalism is it's logical conclusion.
Most countries have such system, it's just not as noticeable as in USA.
Jason Jackson
Actually only new world countries have that.
Technically the old jus sanguinis law was NEVER abolished in european countries.
But you know. When Kike lawyers control how you view law, then X is defined by Y just means that you can add Z, because technically the law doesn't say that Z is not X.
And they don't even let that stop them.
Jason Cruz
Fuck off cuck, first and second wave feminism was equally damaging to our culture, women shouldn’t fucking vote.
Jackson Campbell
Didn't you read the text under their faces? Didn't you read how I picked WW1 as the beginning of everything bad in the west, which coincided with women getting put into factories and given voting rights?
user, you are tired.
Jose Perez
That is true. Hitler and the Axis tried to put a stop to this, but the kikes are still able to bless us with their destructive tikkun olam bullshit.
Jayden Price
Dominic Sanchez
Samuel Ward
America has always been civic nationalist, since it was based on 18th century enlightenment rationalism and Lockean ideology. France was too, which is why France was also a bastard race mixing pro-jewish state similar to America. Later European nationalisms of the 19th century, such as German nationalism, were part of romanticism and were ethnic and anti-semitic.
Benjamin Jenkins
No it wasn't. You could say it was valid in some states (the South) up until the civil war. The north, especially new England, was always a nigger-loving shit hole (and after the civil war forced their nigger-loving cuckold ideology onto the South).
Brandon Rivera
It was just nullified for all practical purposes by adding other laws that are applicable. I know that Hungary is still practicing it to a certain extent.
The only issue is that it was focusing on territory (under the back of a day assumption that territories were ethnic/racial), but imperialism has ruined it by conquering alien nations and mixing them up to a certain extent. Which was not really a problem for genetically and culturally similar European nations, but once you go further, it becomes a huge issue (see Anglos).
Carson Parker
or not. America should have been for Englishmen only
Jayden Williams
At least it wasn't made up of Spaniards who would have fucked their way to extinction in a century. Racism built America, as its truth has been forgotten so to the country.
Nicholas Williams
Pasta niggers still vote Dem, they aren't White to me. Also their food sucks
The development of America and Europe are very different. European nations grew bottom up out of small people-groups and developed systems that best fit those people. Their evolution was completely organic. It was very easy for them to define who a was and wasn't one of their people.
America, on the other hand, took a very top down approach. People wanted to test out a lot of their enlightenment ideas, but Europe was resilient. People knew that going out and founding a new society in this virgin land would be the best way to implement their ideas. So we imported what we needed from Europe and artificially created a new country. It didn't have the same ethnic binding that other countries did. America was bound by ideas rather than blood. This makes it very difficult to define "American." That's why "White Nationalism" originates in America. It was essentially going to fill the gap that ethno-history provided others. It's why ethno-nationalism in America is so crude in comparison to a lot of other countries. It is entirely illusory and universal. White nationalism is hardly even nationalism, because "whiteness" extends into dozens of countries. Our political sphere is essentially three groups: communists, pro-country, and pro-white. The fact that there's nothing binding the nation and the race together is what makes ethno-nationalism so difficult in America.
The only hope for America seems to lie in a Faustian gambit. To embrace its unique position and use that power for good. To be both lightning and sun.
Ryan Murphy
Your nose is showing chaim
Grayson Mitchell
We are at the part of the experiment where people are beginning to realize that there was a very good reason our ancestors hated jews and niggers.
Daily reminder, Rome was a Germanic cousin and they fought and fucked many times before it became an Empire. They're the same breed before the slave trade and Christcucking.
Hunter Johnson
Dont let shills turn white America into modern day Italy/Greece./Turkey/Persia/Egypt/India/Syria.
White American should be considered an ethnicity, just like Boer, for the same reasons. South African Boers do not come from one European background, but several. They have not lived in their native lands and have mixed into one modern "white" people with their own unique mix genetic backgrounds and cultures, therefore should be considered there own ethnicity.
Likewise, most white Americans are a mix of several European ancestries without ever having been to Europe. "American" culture is not enough, just like American ethnicity isn't enough. It needs to be White Americans. Everyone knows that White Americans have their own unique culture from Germans, Irish, or French, even though they are a mixture of those ethnicities amount others. And obviously, White American ethnicity and culture is noticably different from black American or Hispanic American ethnicities and cultures.
In fact, not only is white American culture and ethnicity a thing, I think it would be safe to say there are several separate cultures, depending on how specific you want to get. Midwestern whites, southern whites, and coastal urban whites are three distinct white American cultures.
Jonathan Myers
The Lombard study demonstrated genetic congruity between Italy and her ancient past. Augustus, the first Emperor, was routinely painted with brown hair and eyes according to spectral analysis of the residual paint itself. Caesar himself remarked on the "exotic" nature of the Northerners blond hair and how different they were to the Romans; blond and red whigs were prized in Rome for this very reason - because the colour was so unusual to them. There are numerous genetic studies which show Greece has next to no Turkic admixture (and this is consistent with the way the Ottomans ruled - not via mass rape, but via Islamised proxies who were themselves natives of the conquered lands).
You have no argument, just d&c bullshit: cherry picked images, misunderstood data, and endless reams of supposition. Get fucked, cunt.
Levi Smith
Ignores Ignores modern people Ignores that you're a shitskin
Its nice to know that Mussolini was aware of the problem of kraut autism, now if only he were aware of the problem of greasy Italian shiftlessness.
Bentley Perez
comes from mongrel lovers and hapas that don't want to be hanged on DOTR
Julian Robinson
It's controlled op Jews trying to subvert NS together with "lesser resistance" cowards and pathetic escapists who ((((somehow))) magically think that their sugarcoating will make them less racists and nazis in the eyes of the (((media))) and the marxist-left subhumans at large.
Notice how nearly every one of these movements including the "alt-lite" loves jews and israel or they have nonexistential views on jews, even though jews are the root of our problems (((they're))) just trying to mainstream their cancer in order to waste time, instead of forming/joining anything that's real.
Because burgers don’t have an identity and are doomed to being goblins
David Myers
All of the Italians and Spaniards I know consider you part niggers
Ian Hernandez
If we assume that a nation is created by the people in it then "Civic Nationalism" is the effort by the nation states to impose upon their immigrants the culture of the group of people that created the nation, the race that was preeminent before the immigrants arrived.
It is an attempt to force the pre-existing common culture upon the people that find themselves within their borders. It isn't anything other than an attempt at assimilation, an exercise in arrogance born from the belief that people are interchangeable units.
It is a most vile and inhuman endeavour. In truth it is an attempt to genocide the immigrants!
Josiah Ortiz
If you go to south america, you'll see many people who look really white, but they are still a minority (even if sometimes grouped together, so say, you could go to a small town where half are blue eyed, but then you go to say, Rio, and everyone that isn't rich, upper-middle-class or a tourist is a nigger).
One thing it doesn't seem like people are talking about is that in real life, the most successful civic nationalist movements have always wound up being extremely left wing, as with the nationalist movements in Catalonia, Scotland, and Ireland.
Evan Phillips
I am not sure that they really count but anyway… reality suggests that left wingers can't really run a country, so they would be the ones that are the safest pressure valves if you have wider concerns.
Ian Sanders
Better stop praising the 3rd Reich then faggot
Ian Jackson
This meme is shitty but it's true, there are lots of retards who really think like that. That thread about the "what should we do with raced mixed people" proves that a "united white race" is a utopia, because they'll always find a way to divide themselves into "I'm whiter than you so I deserve better rights while you should be extinguished".
Jaxon Ward
4 out of 5 of Rome’s 5 good emperors weren’t Italian Marcus Aurelius was a gaul. Hadrian was a Celt from Hispania. Trajan was a Celt from Hispania. Antonius Pius was a Gaul. Meds BTFO
Jose Rivera
As much as degenerate and mongrelized Americans are, they still have a capacity to create a white ethno-state. They just need to select the people who are not too tainted by other races.
Regarding Greeks, many of them look like muds, some look like proper Europeans, some look in between. In Sparta region you can find blonde, blue eyed ones. Selecting the right population is the key. Same applies to every other country that had significant contact with non-European invaders, or new world countries that have a lot of immigrants.
Angel Howard
By "selecting" you mean supressing the so called "non-whites" of their ability to procreate, and since that supression should be enforced by the so called pure whites ethnostate, what if they (the non-whites) fight back ? would you try to kill them all ? and what if they prevail in the struggle and defeat you instead ?
Brandon Lopez
Splitting hairs aside, we know for a fact that it was the mid-to-late sixties.
JFK and LBJ, Churchill's death and the ensuing waves of Indians, Enoch Powell, Ted Heath/NornIron/communist sodomite, etc
Nathan Brown
It doesn't necessarily have to be violent, they could simply have one child while pure whites are encouraged to have 4-5. If non-whites procreated with their own, their population would gradually decrease without any of them losing their lineage, and if we encouraged only the best of them to procreate, eventually their numbers would be small enough, and of high enough quality to be introduced into a much larger white gene pool. If we eugenically increase the purity of "base stock" whites and keep them that way, others could be eventually whitewashed and genetically integrated. It would take many generations and very complex selective breeding programs.
As for fighting, there is already a war going on. Of course, any sensible non-white shouldn't wish for a white race to die out, as it would doom his as well.
We are promoting "enlightened racism" , not just a mere preference of our own despite everything else, it's a Jewish thing.
Brody Smith
The Romans were once the Celtic tribe known as Italic. EUROPEAN CULTURE IS CELTIC CULTURE
I remember when the mods used to ban the mutt D&C meme.
Mason Watson
Okay, so the mods are now allowing eceleb spam threads. Why do zoomers love their YouTube personalities and "debate topics". Neat little packages for smooth small brains, I guess.
Hunter Lopez
Great, I accidentally bumped. Another day of this thread.
Aiden Johnson
Hangers on, it has always been this way. Consider HWNDU and the slow cucks that showed up to Zig Forums to be surprised this is a home of National Socialism. It is a problem with muds, taking it full and wondering where they fit into it.
Cooper Cruz
Consider when you were young, how hard it was to enjoy anything. The stages of becoming. Realize it is all out to get you or put you against others. They have been needling entertainment for nigh on centuries yet cannot compete with a nation made around a beer hall song. Ask anyone why the Bellamy salute went out of fashion.