Is homosexuality inherently degenerate? Or is the image of degeneracy that comes from homosexuality mainly caused by those whose prorported “homosexuality” is merely a sexual fetish comparable to those with things like a foot fetish, scat, or other such forms of degeneracy? Have these people co-opted the image of homosexuality and tarnished its reputation similar to how neo-Nazis have tarnished the reputation of National Socialism?
I have known two sides of the coin in this issue. I’ve known homosexuals who have had long healthy relationships that are not purely about sex but also emotional attachment and genuine love, but I’ve also know “homosexuals” who are merely sexual fetishists who’ve co-opted the label to gain more sex. 1. Facts About the Dangers of Homosexuality 2. Facts About the Dangers of Homosexuality (From Sources You'll Probably Dismiss Out of Hand) 3. Homosexual Indoctrination 4. Heterosexual Oppression By Homosexuals and Their Supporters 5. Homosexuality is a Choice 6. Homosexuality is Degenerate
Homosexuality is degenerate in the most literal meaning. They are broken humans that are either psychologically or biologically extremely unlikely to reproduce and thus worthless. Their bodies are aware of this, hence the extremely self-destructive behavior of almost all homosexuals.
Mason Rogers
Homosexuality is degenerate, but not abhorrent enough, on an individual basis to kill each and every homosexual. Aka, they can do whatever they wish, as long as they do it in their own homes, and not in places to influence children, like is rampant in Hollywood and the porn industry. Homosexuality, on a large scale, like say, California, should, indeed be wiped out, by any and all means necessary. Much like a gangrene infection, once it has infected a limb to the point of no return, the only way for the patient to live, is to remove that limb,
Camden Watson
The "Let them do what they want, consenting adults etc." argument sounds reasonable but when you look further into it you'll notice that fetishistic or otherwise sexually deviant behaviors stem from deeper emotional and psychological, perhaps even biological, issues.
Letting them indulge their urges only treats the symptoms, not the cause of the behavior.
Parker Peterson
1.5 - 3.5% of a normal healthy human population will be homosexual and there is nothing to be done about it besides strict eugenics and/or gene/DNA editing. In the sense that one cannot breed naturally it is degenerate, but I don't necessarily think one should be killed for being a homosexual.
Christian White
They wouldn't exist in the gene pool at such rates if there wasn't some form of putative benefit, same stuff with the 3% of men who are sociopaths you might not like them but they have had some value in our development however vague or undefineable
America was built by sociopaths, I'm not slagging you off as a country america is great, but it's still true with all colonial endevours to see the shit that happened under british rule
Parker Morales
You again? How many times do you have to make these shitty threads to realize that's all fags get a triangle then a bullet.
Alexander Ward
Are you a faggot, or are you a faggot?
Nathaniel Bell
Homosexual "reproduce" via abuse. Look at the rate at which kids that were buttfucked grow up to be buttfuckers themselves.
Aaron Edwards
Yes, homosexuality is inherently degenerate. Or at least homosexual sex is.
Tyler Wood
Are there stats on the inverse of that? "How many in the faggot population were molested"? I guess this can't be the only reason though.
Easton Lee
why you gotta hate on anal sex man
Nolan Jones
Sorry you were abused OP. But the purpose of aryan life is to create more aryan life, not get poopdick and AIDS.
Child abuse is a whole other issue and the two are not the same thing (and how do what about lesibians) If they reproduce differently why then are they around in the same % including bisexuals of lesibians and homosexuals, surely there would be a differnece with many more lesbians as they historically where just married and ended up having lots of kids, meaning more lesbians right?
Also lolling @ the rate of abuse for bisexual women.
Benjamin Wilson
Look at the L bisexual collumn (majority of lesbians are bisexual) and do they go on to abuse children, study size is very small also It could just that gay teenagers may be more vulnerable to sexual abuse in general, there's a million ways of interpreting this data
How do gay/lesbian sheep repoduce? as they exist in the same rate as humans and are somewhat comparable seeing the homosexual sheep should just not be able to carry on their genes right? Neither should lesbian sheep as they never present for sex
Christopher Rivera
I'm not disagreeing with your statement that there is a certain "base" rate of homosexuality but I am certain that rate is inflated via artificial creation of more broken people.
Camden Gonzalez
Even homos that aren't flamboyant and flaming see normal people as enemies, hence the term they use for us, "breeders." If someone sees you as an enemy, they simply become your enemy. They cannot be trusted in your social sphere any longer.
Saying some gays are "all right" may be true…but functionally, it allows for infiltration of the norm, and the promotion of their degeneracy (for it IS a degeneracy). It's like saying some Jews are "all right." It's probably true, I personally think it is, but do you really want them in your midst when the Jews must be taken down? You don't really know how they'll react.
If a drug was created tomorrow that cures faggotry, would you support the mandatory administration of this drug to all homos? I guarantee, some faggots would fight this tooth and nail, not wanting to cure their degeneracy.
If someone is a faggot, but lives a life where said faggotry is not apparent, then no one would know, anyway. If someone is a faggot, but loudly and publicly screams about how "proud" he is to stick his dick in another man's shitter, then that person should be institutionalized.
Homosexuality is a mental illness, no matter what Jew "psychologists" want you to believe.
Even heterosexual anal sex is degenerate, user. You're still sticking your dick in a poophole.
Jaxson Powell
Really, faggot? You're on the fence about semen swallowing, poop dicks?
That jewish leap… No, we had the holohaox and you have AIDS.
No, you've accept an impression you've been given. The validity of which, you have no idea about.
I think a better one, is that you take your meds today. That and play in traffic with your buttplug.
Cooper Long
The jump for Lesbian bisexuals, which are 2/3 of lesbians, and they don't go on to abuse female children.
Generally G/B/L teenagers are more vulnerable because puberty can be quite a psychologicaly fucked up time without the added pressure of being treated like social leper, if anyone finds out about a core part of identity which tends to screw people up even more, making a person more vulnerable to abuse At least that's my interpretation, I would like to see how much houshold dysfunction/neglect/and other forms of abuse correlate with higher rates of sexual abuse by a similar mechanism
Ayden Rogers
You sure about that? Just because it doesn't create any high-profile cases like male-on-male abuse might doesn't mean it's not a factor. We know for a fact that women are just as likely, if not more so, to abuse their partners.
Xavier Moore
You should be treated like a social leper if you devote your life to chasing faggot lust instead of making white families. We don't need any more sexually dysfunctional lisping blue haired "snowflakes" who are all cookie cutter copy pastings of each other despite their claims to having some kind of unique voice or contribution to make to society. Every last one of them is a sneering ingrate to the race who gave them life.
They are rare but are generally well reported occurences, even with a culture that is much more likely to have a victim come forward it doesn't seem to happen as much if at all and people are more likely to publish about it given a new era (especially in the uk with the jimmy saville scandal) where sexual abuse is something people can talk about, that doesn't fit right up with it, I'd really like to see the cross correlation graph as i said because there's not much more you can glean from it without reading into conjecture territory
There are also wierd discrepencies depending in where you are in the world africa has a different ratio between male/female abuse victims which is at a equal level between both, whereas western females are at much higher rates of abuse than males
Eli White
Nature makes a lot of duds. Doesn't mean the duds are useful, just that their existence didn't cause the extinction of their species. It also doesn't mean the species would be better off if fags didn't exist.
John Howard
Stuck up douches who think they're the new social revelutionaries are dicks, they can get to fuck
Its inherently anti social and selfish. Yes the magical unicorn gays exist, but the majority are mentally ill, societally dissolvant and sexual fettishists whos existence spits on natural society.
You must go off the actions of the many versus the few when organizing your beliefs. Otherwise you will fall into fantasy.
Asher Bennett
Some genes affect other genes in a wierd way such as when you breed goats to get rid of their horns they become asexual You don't know what part of what makes us human is connected if all gays and lesbians were excluded from the genepool it could have unpredictable consequences on unrelated areas of our cognition that may well have been benefitial to us
Jordan Parker
I'm suspicious of this. It appears to me that homosexuality is simply a mental disorder, not a trait picked up from being beaten as a child. I think it's a genetic defect rather than an environmental factor. But if you are right then the solution to homosexuality is to ban beating children and enforce this vigorously.
Humans were blessed to enjoy the things they have to do It feels slightly pleasurable to shit, same to piss only degenerate pleasure addicts pervert what is natural. gay fags simulate shitting, some people even simulate the pissing pleasure by sticking a rod down their pee hole
Eli Harris
But faggots don't naturally breed with healthy individuals. So as long as we don't compel healthy people to mate with faggots, their genes WILL be bred out of the population.
Wyatt Ramirez
Are you this retarded or just pretending?
Ian Bell
You've never had to live with a real sociopath have you, you don't know what antisocial really means
It is antisocial if you consider the production of children as a right of the state
I've met quite a lot gay people as I lived near a gay farmer for a few months, a freind of my mums, and they had a stable rented out to this other gay lad and they were just normal people for the most part except one overpromisous coke head but still against all the gay people I met it doesn't add up to much The farmer is one of the most solid guys I've ever met to be honest
Robert Bailey
Two types 1. Born with a sexual malformity, like children who need to kill other children.
2. Hyper sexualization of straight guys who are ugly/awkward like your pic. Easy sex, pop culture judiasm.
Pedophillia breeds faggots. And the first type isn't suppose to get married so you dont want to repress them to the point that they have to form in-group secret societies. That's where secret societies come from. The Scientist types just get caught up in them because (((Christians))) repressed reality, nature, life = NPC death cult. Now they have "we wuz the smartest ones!" street cred.
You know, when the question of Nature versus nurture is debated, I’m nearly always to be found on the side of Mother Nature.
Ethan Reed
read it moron
Luke Jackson
Its great you met a gay farmer you liked.
Did you know he fucks guys in the ass and is highly likely to be a pedophile?
Did you know most gay men are the victims of sexual molestation? Did you know most gay women are too?
Its a psychological illness. There is no natural reason beyond -pleasure seeking- to be gay.
Its a mental defect and it leads to their degenerate behavior. The few who JUST fuck assholes but pay their taxes are rare
Quit supporting a wrong thing just because you still have propahanda hangover from when you were a lib.
Anthony Cruz
What the fuck is with all these newfags with such abysmal reading comprehension ITT?
Josiah Brooks
That would be genetic.
Given that homosexuals tend to be pedophiles as well, this blurs the lines between whether it is an environmental factor or a genetic defect. Maybe pedophiles "teach" pedophilia to their children. Or maybe the children of pedophiles tend to have the same traits as pedophiles.
Also, if pedophilia is an environmental factor stemming from being raised by pedophiles/faggots how did the first one come about? This is why I suspect it is a genetic defect.
Eli Wright
Bisexuals do that's why they exist in the first-place, they can lead normal family lives, this is something that exists on some level however small in everyone because it's universal or they wouldn't exist in the first place without reccessive genes, it may even be we all have the same gene but our mind expresses it differently between indiviuals
Uninteded consequences are a real worry when trying to play god as many things are connected when playing with such a deep seated thing like editing sexuality which forms a core part of our identity when just breeding away goats horns completely changed a huge part of other parts of their body The same is true for a person's conciousness and cognition of the world, alter one it affects something completely unrelated but likely valuable
Yeah yeah yeah, heard it all before read the whole thread it's been picked over
Nathaniel Smith
i'd say it's ok to be gay, but only the exact kind of gay i am, basically i'll ONLY fuck jewish boys, never whites or anything else. just jews (preferably cute-ish straight ones that could be turned gay, so basically i prevent future jews from being born)
Maybe so, but homosexuals don't and assuming it's a genetic disease, they're clearly more fucked up genetically than bisexuals.
But this is not playing God, this is simply allowing nature to play out her course. If Christians had not forced healthy White women to mate with perverted degenerates, then if it's genetic and not environmental we'd slowly breed out the most defective genes through natural selection.
Homosexuality is a dead end genetically. Why help it out?
Connor Phillips
male children who were abused go on to be more likely to do the same thing, sexual abuse commited by women is generally lesser as they are sexually passive combined with the fact that much more men are sociopathic goes someway to explain the difference though there's probably other factors too
Austin Powell
I accept this. But that's the trouble with these sorts of questions. Abusive parents tend to raise abusive children. So is this a genetic trait or is it simply learned behavior? One experiment we could conduct (after overthrowing the jews and establishing a progressive White society) is find a few hundred gay parents of children and place those children in a controlled environment where we can guarantee that no child abuse takes place. Perhaps in wholesome, folksy villages surrounded by nature preserves like Dr. William Pierce envisioned. Then we can figure out if any grow up to be gay.
Homosexuals shouldn't raise children anyway. We could adopt these unfortunate children to worthy families that can't have children for whatever reason.
Elijah Watson
Read the post ffs, small alterations can have huge implications we know from known experience of breeding other mammals and its a whole other story when its breeding out something psychological that most if no all humans share and are affected differently by
Gay people on the whole don't completely exist they are just way of the edge of bisexuality that attractive women for them are too rare and unatainbale to bother with, although some rare people have never found any women attractive
Camden James
From experience abusive behaviour tends to be reduced down the generations gradually diluting out some proper cuntish cunt that inevitably we all have somewhere in our family tree
Josiah Gomez
it is the death of nation's.
Luke Flores
for a conclusive study you would need an enourmous amount of data 100 is not nearly enough, not to mention that being brought up some kind of psycolgical experiment camp will probably have a large impact on the children's development making the results of questionable value, although I kind what info it might bring to light out of curiousity
Matthew Roberts
i don't think it's genetic. i think 30% of it is jews pushing homosexuality, and the other 70% being the environment they're around, and bad parenting. boys of gay "parents" often turn gay, so that right there is proof it's not solely genetic, if it is. i think certain bad parents unintentionally do what gay "parents" do to turn their kids gay. or one of the parents two parents has a mental illness, or is a crack head or something and often abuses their kid mentally, or verbally, or physically, or all of the latter.
Isaac Moore
It's hard to say, I'd like to say yes as gay folks have far less of an emotional attachment to their partners as I do and expect, however I'm a pedo and we have the parental feelings mixed in, so I sort of think hetereosexuals are generally degenerates as well.
Probably not.
I think the sex-only super slutty gay folks are just more open about it than they are when they're heterosexuals. Chad's don't even flaunt it, but in gay culture it's not a big deal nobody really cares, so that's why they're likely just louder.
Pedophilia happens when people are disgusted by the degenerate behavior of teens/adults in western society, lack physical affection, and are accustomed to cuddles and gentle caring for children either because they were abused or because they were cared gently for.
That's my theory, otherwise it's just an evolutionary benefit that I suppose is genetic, although I doubt that.
The only dick-wielders that could "turn someone gay" is someone who is into toddlers, since while there are differences they're slight, other than the penis of course. After they turn about 4-5 there's absolutely no mistaking a male for a female, period. They don't look similar whatsoever, nor is their behavior similar. You're a legit gayboii if you find "androgynous" boys attractive.
t. someone who used to hate boys and think they were disgusting and now can comfortably masturbate to toddler boys
Levi Thomas
I responded to your entire post, nigger. My contention stands; there is nothing wrong with allowing defective behavior to breed itself out of the gene pool. Maybe bisexuality would keep it alive, but keeping the worst genetic defects out of the gene-pool is a good thing. It's like allowing slow people to mate but disallowing kids with down syndrome to breed.
Indeed. I suspect that, like IQ, aggressiveness is a genetic trait (though environmental factors probably play a role too). So if the norm among European genetics is towards amicability we would expect aggressiveness to regress towards the norm.
Indeed. That's why I said "hundreds" There are unfortunately plenty of children of gay parents. Usually only one is gay so there's plenty of variability. I envision not so much an "experiment camp" as much as simply adoption out to normal families in a normal environment where we simply check up on them every few years. They need not even know that they're part of an experiment. Merely ao social services kind of deal.
Possibly, but as you say it's just a theory. I'm predisposed to be much more heavy handed when dealing with pedophiles as I consider the abuse of children a very serious crime. But it would be interesting to take the children of pedophiles and adopt them out to normal parents to see what happens. Granted, it would be much more difficult to determine whether or not they grew up to be pedophiles given the nature of pedophilia.
Aaron Harris
I fantasize about pushing my thumbs deep, deep into your eye sockets.
secondary sexual characteristics begin at puberty, what the fuck did you even think that was
Jace Carter
A living being that is not attracted to the opposite sex (which is the most fundamental expression of the drive to propagate your genes) is an abomination.
(checked) /thread
Julian Perry
See I think that'd end very badly if there is a predisposition to being attracted to children.
If a pedophile isn't either very abused or treated very lovingly as a child their emotional attachment to children isn't as strong, and when you take that away from a pedophile they would be dangerous. With it they're mostly harmless or imo even beneficial.
From what I've found it's important for pedophiles to shove away the normal culture and be disgusted by it, because either that's the cause/trigger or it's a defining thing that moves them from normal culture which is so focused on sex. In a normal heterosexual family they'd be more inclined to be taught to be normal and support normal behaviors, which when applied to an adult-child relationship is dangerous since focusing on sex when it comes to kids doesn't work out very well.
Retarded normie teliophiles may delude their self into thinking kids all look the same, but body fat placement and general structure are VERY different after they stop being toddlers as the baby-fat fades away.
Boys are leaner in general, multiple BF% lower, have less fat on their legs/shin areas, and "manlier" facial structure, as well as slight differences all throughout the body.
I think 7yo boys are disgusting 0/10, but a 7yo girl is probably a 10/10 just be default, a 2yo girl a 9-10/10, and a 2yo boy a 6/10.
Yes. All homosexuals are hyper-sexual. And the fact that they can't have children with their way of living drives them insane, I met a few that were open enough that I knew it. And they were all broken people with black hearts. Outside degeneracy is just a reflections of their inner spirit.
gayness is epigenetic aka there will be no gays if our environment does not allow it
Cameron Powell
Stop posting
Luis Adams
Easton Morris
Well, if that were true and was born out by further study, it would be very reliable evidence that pedophilia was a learned rather than genetic trait. Which is great because that means we could eliminate it by teaching parents how to raise children properly. In addition, the return of high-trust societies and more community within White societies will give parents plenty of support and resources when raising children.
Robert Ward
Toddler boys can be pretty cute and they have similar bodies, not ideal, but better than an adult woman tbh
I literally degenerated into being okay with them, so I can't say there's nothing degenerative about it,so that sucks.There isn't anything degenerative about falling in love with little girls though, and if I had one I'd never have bothered with toddler boys.
Normal behaviors =/= good behaviors.
Look at how society is you fool. Normal behaviors as in being obsessed with sex, thinking kids opinion doesn't matter, always needing to be stimulated rather than just do the simple things, etc.
In all of history the only people who ever took care of kids were some moms and pedophiles. You don't seriously think in a white-only society/community heterosexuals are going to care to help raise non-blood kids? This is why pedophiles exist. Because we will take in and care for others kids like our own, be it if their parents die in battle or of illness, or they just need a break from their kids.
By breeding out schizophrenia for example could have uninteded consequences by it being in some respects linked to for example "creativity" (I seriously doubt this one from experience) or some other area of a person's personatlity
we just don't know enough to determine the effects of breeding out certain psychological dispositions on other areas of our cogniton
we have evolved and maintained all of these traits at the end of thousands of generations
That experiment sounds like a pretty good idea would be interesting to see the results, they would have to be surrounded by straight families in their normal neigbourhood, no way of getting an experiment done these days though as it implies homosexuality is some kind of mental illness who aren't capable of looking after children even if they just want to prove either way I would like to see how it works out but bullying might affect the results as well
Im not sure if gay men should adopt because they aren't natural born mothers it's something that's very people focused which men aren't generally, and it does count for a lot as women have an immense impact on society by the way they raise their kids
Joshua Stewart
Lurk 2 years OP.
It's best to treat any kind of non-heterosexual sexuality as a "mental illness." These people tend to be hedonists, suffered abuse and I bet some are just psychopaths larping because they want absolute control over others, and how easy are these targets? Just because you're heterosexual doesn't mean you aren't mentally ill, but I have never met anyone who was not heterosexual and not deeply troubled.
A lot of this also stems from effects of clown world. The way things are nowadays are not natural. Ideas such as "Healthy at any size!" and the bullying of white men has normalized all this behavior even though the justifications are blatantly untrue or retarded. The leaders of society encourage lying and deceit, and so the masses do it as well. It should be no surprise that these degenerates start doing mental gymnastics or call you names when you ask simple questions or they refuse to acknowledge that they were deeply harmed mentally in the past and their current behavior could be, and probably is, an expression of unaddressed issues.
I honestly wonder how much this behavior would "fix" itself if we all were truthful, honest, compassionate and punish deceit. Subhumans who bugchase are likely to be a lost cause, but to all those idiot girls and guys who aren't promiscuous but are sexually retarded, I don't want to give up on them. Unfortunately, for the normies among them (most of them), they WILL turn to authority, and said authority currently feeds them feel good lies and a sense of belonging while using them to push commie agendas. Going to those snakes is way more acceptable and palatable than some not "mainstream" science approved method of facing yourself and addressing these uncomfortable feelings within you. No pain, no gain. Not always true, but here it is.
Create a society which rewards and incentivizes hard work and struggle for the future and you might actually solve this problem and any related problems while solving other major problems. I can see it happening. I also would love to study how nature/nurture affects these things, but I don't think we'll be able to get there until we fix the main (((problem))).
Levi Hughes
That is a very small sample size and even though it is small, the results aren't anything really interesting. The biggest correlation I see with faggot men is question 11. Question 4 seems more correlated with bi women. Also a study like this should separate by race. I'm pretty sure abuse and mistreatment by parents are more common the browner you get.
Blake Foster
africa has rates at 20% for both genders, it's bleak
Eli Butler
Stop calling them Homosexuals, Call them Homophiles.
They're Reprobates - like Pedophiles and Necrophiliacs, just not as far along the spectrum.
Lincoln Harris
Mods are confirmed faggots
William Jackson
Solon invented Democracy in Athens. Solon was a childless faggot who only fucked boys and he even wrote poems glorifying pederasty.
unintended consequences of completely purging the faggots is a big enough problem that i'd probably be fine with encouraging the absolute social shaming and discrimination and forbidding any public promotion of faggotry and censoring anyone praising homosexual and other mentally ill deviancy.
as long as faggotry is contained to an individual cell level, it doesn't threaten to undermine the entire superstructure of healthy society, like we see today in Weimerica, while at the same time society can benefit from the creative innovations contributed by faggots.
if someone likes putting their dick in shit in the privacy of their home and they don't mass infect everyone around them and nobody knows they pack fudge and they make other social contributions and even have a wife and kids as cover, then i'm fine with that.
we're talking a tiny minoritu of 1% of the population, so as long as they are kept in check, we don't have to divert finite resources from the RWDS to hunt cocksuckers so the RWDS can focus 100% on gassing every last kike.
Yes, the sooner this platform collapses the better, people shouldn't be wasting their effort on this corrupt platform.
Xavier Stewart
Gavin Ward
You are completely wrong. They never keep it private. They ALWAYS interfere in politics and they have no children so it isn't like they give one fuick what happens to you or to your children. They MUST, and I can't emphasize this enough, MUST be exterminated and then eugenically bred out of the population.