Ok this is bad

ok this is bad

Attached: Hy56aFQ[1].png (882x1537, 267.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


0 context low effort OP


Ok now this is Epic

You beat me to it.

What are you sliding, schlomo?

sage goes in every field

Attached: 1aad41263eabcf5b53aa1dc3f2c37d671e841a335240044b59cdf0d8f7d6264c.webm (224x400, 1.69M)

Not sending the best. I'm not even going to point out anything as not even a normalfag is going to poke through that besides it being a color movement that affects only kikes pulling hasbara upon themselves.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (616x468, 489.41K)

rather watch lefties shit on paper

OP, have you ever got so blackout drunk you don't remember sucking dicks that night?

Attached: question time.jpg (1600x1067, 143.92K)

Imagine being this. I heard leddit was pulling some quarantine. Curious how it's happening around midterms. It's almost like they have something besides their own blood and land to protect. Still pushing for globalism, while children and teens even faun over the cold war days.

Attached: itsafraid.webm (352x640, 1.37M)

I'm not reading all that


there's literally less than ten words in that image you brainlet

No reason for any globalist to piss on nor worry on American intervention.

Hi /tv/!

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1570x3898, 6.21M)

Guess I'll post a good film then

Attached: The_Fool_(2014_film).png (259x362, 130.03K)

Completely meaningless. These two people aren't even in equal positions. Maybe if you were comparing two of the accusers it could mean something, but this is nothing.

There is no /mu/.



/mu/ has no nothing. No need to even say.

This is the most transparent insecure italian cop-out I've ever seen. To unironically believe that modern italians are genetically identical to the romans is funny enough but this is a whole new level

Attached: 34b7756f356bc918d118eb1e24251d495c5a6e2d1199366def99a60cd0c4df22.jpeg (1000x964, 91.85K)

I dont even know how to feel.

Was coached through the proceedings via documents given to her attorney by Lynch.
Wasn't coached and didn't dignify his "testimony" in a non court environment, over allegations of a felony, rape, during a job interview.
Fixed it for you.


fixed and removed insecure mud-babies posting Scottish actors as Roman.

Attached: 1fdfdacbb5a42948f106121048a0192f7be7a5d1d5c4769bf0dc1fff9a56643e.jpg (1178x1739, 243.83K)

Imaging how afraid they are of us.

I don't like when leftist dipshits cry
Why? It's a well known rhetorical tactic that you never talk about something you don't want to talk about, no matter what the question is. Actors do it, politicians do it, anybody trying to win a high stakes argument does it. See Strozk testimony, Clinton testimony, B. Clinton testimony, etc. etc. Democrats do it too, and what "answering the question" is, exactly, is a matter of opinion. Doesn't admit to being a dirty gang-rapist?
Doesn't accept your poisoned-well argumentative frame and instead emphasizes his stellar record?
It's like that black who asks Jared Taylor at one of his college talks if "as a white supremacist" he supports yada yada yada and taylor was like "well I can't answer that because I'm not a white supremacist". Know what the whole crowd said?
no, faggot dems, we're not answering your questions anymore

You're convincing no-one, faggot.
Ford is a lying sack of shit who isn't a psychologist.

I don't understand what this is trying to convey? Its almost as if people don't know about the HRE.
Also I don't understand the anti-German + anti-Italian crap being pushed. Northern Europeans are great as our south both need some cleaning due to post war jew imposed immigration practices.


Spell it out then lazy millenial texting douchebag.
It's the Jews. But Rome was white. Italy is mixed. We still support their Nationalism though.

Its obvious what those letters mean user.
I don't want to spoon feed low IQ shills craft a new narrative.

With non-whites I suppose but how much of that is due to modern politics?