i don't care if you don't believe me. I work for an intelligence agency of one of the most powerful governments in the world. Don't bother tracing me, I'm behind a hundred firewalls.
I'm here to educate you as quickly as i can so you can discuss some high level intelligence decisions with me.
real history is a separate subject. you need to understand creative history.
___I am not proof reading anything of this FYI, beware typos.
creative history is the creation of your own opposite viewpoints and mind controlling large majorities of common folk to choose sides. For every view point you stand for, you must create a controlled opposition, and create entertaining storylines in order to draw in large numbers of participants. You must, sadly, create a front group that supports violent actions, and wait like catching snakes from the common folk; and prepare for the possibility the common folk will be driven mad to kill each other, and use your creative genious to create storylines to allow the common folk to vent out their rage before it ever reaches the levels of them wanting to tear each other to pieces.
But we take over from previous wars and administrations, that leave the common folk in chaotic disorder, and which becomes like a fire that is dificult to put out.
A perfect example of this today would be the common folk wars in the points of view of the israel palestinian problem. You always notice elaborate propaganda pieces for both sides, relentless, like setting the stage for WHAT SHOULD BE a very careful script that all the major powers agree on, and send in elaborate actors playing the parts of the characters of your interesting war charade. In the old days these characters were generals, and leaders of the smaller divisions of the various soldiers. So that if need be, you can train a special squad of thesbians to act out carefully crafted situations that result in the dramatized fake deaths of soldiers in battle. Since these operations waste resources of expensive thespian agents wasting their identities in fake deaths, since you remove your fake died agents from the field in order to seem realistic obviously and give the common folk that sense of awe and dramatic effect to draw their minds further into the trance of your entertaining storyline. And if done correctly with enough agents and infowar news media protection, should be easy to engineer toward peace with minimum fake violent storylines to vent the frustration of the common folk and create a fertile ground to advance culture to its fullest potential of learning and creating.
but we're disorganized and dont have any public discourse about what the agreed upon storyline should be. that's what this threat is about having public discourse of a proposition for the storyline of our fake world events stage for the next 100 years. Nearly everyone agrees settlement on mars elaborately faked by tricking real common folks living in bubbles in Western Australia thinking they're actually on mars. These people will be filmed for use in the propaganda media. If you don't do this, you must assume your enemy will, and so this all must be done, though it is dirty work. I just want the storylines to be better. they are so lame right now. no common folk even thinks about going near it with any real passion. we need some real dramatic thespians like some realistic version of The Rock, the peoples champ.. Really we need creative people. Good people. Patriots. Idiots. Everyone. Except for the people uncommon enough to understand and be able to have a CIVILIZED DISCUSSION.
OF COURSE THE SHILLS ALL NEED TO HAVE THEIR SYMBOLIC PERSON IN THE COMMENTS. So just assume there will be one person who wants to kill every single jew in the world. and another controlled shill for a person who wants to to kill all of them except one. and then have these two controlled shills go AT IT with each other one on one dirty in the comments section threatening and accusing each other of all the most vile names because they can't agree on which of the two most evil versions of hating jews is the best course for our storyline.
everything inside the **** is a joke if you didnt catch the sarcasm. so shills just shut the fuck up for just one thread, and let the common folk speak you idiots. We need to learn what excites their minds. like scripting a real life movie, but its a theater production, but its not a stage it's real life. get it?
I'm going to sleep. I'll read all the replies in the morning. thanks pol.