Corcept, the company that markets mifepristone (RU486) for purposes other than abortion, is owned and operated by Jews. The Kavanaugh obstruction is owned and operated by Jews Feinstein and Schumer. Abortion drugs and pathways to obtaining them, then, are also owned and operated by Jews.
This is about removing a whole industry from their control. This is about preventing RU486 to become another drug that's widely available on the street, which would obviate the necessity for Planned Parenthood or Roe vs. Wade.
Are abortion drugs bought by United States from taxpayers money and handed out for free?
Christian Jackson
Yes, it's called Planned Parenthood, Medicare, and Medicaid.
That's just your local niggers. They can still be imported. Babies are not the only way you get niggers.
Brody Cox
You wouldn't want the precious niggers to have to spend their welfare checks on abortions, would you user?
Dylan Sullivan
Yeah but we don't want any of them. No imported niggers, no domestic niggers, no niggers on my lawn and no niggers at dawn! No user-I-am I don't want niggers to have a lifespan!
Eli Wood
Nope, you have to pay for the pill, sometimes defrayed by health insurance. So if you pay for health insurance, you're probably paying for abortions.
Ryder Hill
Niggers will still get abortions. Back alley ones they are more likely to die from. Then we get even less niggers, not more.
Aiden Garcia
What does mean? Put a little more background into your posts. What does this have to do with Kavanaugh?
Samuel Ross
Fucking lul'd, goddamn kikes can't help but keep spreading their hall of cost victim story.
Christian Richardson
Nigger, it's all spelled out there. Mifepristone basically only does one thing, kill your baby. They are trying to market it for other shit, like weight gain due to antidepressants or Cushing's.
John Anderson
Owen Long
Nah. He's just a shill. This is what somebody said to me on another site.
I>t doesn't even matter if she's the CEO of the company itself. What does her connection with an abortion drug have to do with Kavanaugh? Absolutely nothing. But let's put this into perspective anyway.
They're trying to memory hole how they were afraid of abortion being made illegal.
Juan Baker
I'm not a shill dumbass, I just had no idea what he was talking about. Not everyone is familiar with abortion drugs. Is mifepristone currently being sold in the US, and would it be under thread of being declared illegal if Kavanaugh is confirmed? The OP assumes we are familiar with the company and this drug already.
Kevin Roberts
So one way or another taxpayer money are spent on abortion pills. These abortion pills are made by a company owned by jews. These jews are friends with the politicians that support taxpayer's money being spent on abortion pills.
So, why are these politicians not in jail?
David Cook
The U.S. Congress is filled with 'Dually' kikes. -They likely have dirt on any goyim Congressional members; so, don't expect anything from Congress in de-jewifying the US. Every goy member of Congress has about as much fang as Trey Gowdy; meaning stronk-words followed by crickets chirping - the Senate is fully kike'd - and the SCOTUS has 3-4 kike-members which is why Kavanaugh is being drug thru burning embers. He's too goy We can either grab a comfty chair and watch this mf'r burn or get creative
- would overturning Roe v. Wade change nigger FuckAnythingOnTwoLegsPlusTheFamilyPet- behavior? - would it change the dynamics of low birthrates for Whites? - and what would be the result(s) of the mere threat of the SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade?
Owen Evans
Why don't I want Kavanaugh again? Oh right because hes a zionist pawn and will never actually do anything with regard to abortion, especially after this whole travesty.
No, it would exacerbate it. And the system couldnt support this increase of niggers, barely being able to support the current level of niggerdom, because of low white birthrate.
No, it would change White perception of niggers though. White birthrates will not increase until incentivized to do so, and getting whites more angry at more niggers increases the probability of someone coming to power who would incentivize whites thusly.
Never going to happen, but twats and jews would freak the fuck out. It'd be great.
Cooper Morales
I don't know. What do the laws say about plastic surgery and dentistry, you fucktard brainlet? hurr durr I'm going to keep pretending niggers will follow abortion laws because I have the IQ of a dead jew duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Nope, but it would change white behavior. Niggers and wetbacks will immediately switch to back alley abortions, but only the lowest trash whites will. All those prissy white college sluts and suburban wives would be terrified of a janky basement or gross trailer park.
Not a Christian, so I'm not concerned with the notion of Satanic Evil.
I believe that Margaret Sanger was clearly racial aware and was striving for clean blood.
I'll count all the Unborn Whites as 1st class soldiers in the race war. We should hail them as well simultaneously mourn their absence in our lives.
Dead nigger babies are worth rejoicing over.
I think abortion is net good.
White above a certain tier should obviously be ashamed of an abortion.
Ian Harris
It gets better. They are fighting Teva, another Israel company, for the patent protection which expires in Feb. 2019. If they can find something else to use this on they can claim prior art and extend the patent. Jews are grafted in everywhere.
They are not in jail for the same reason HRC is not in jail.
The Jews know that niggers will still get abortions with a coathanger. The idea here is to get mifepristone to be a common drug so Tyrone can sell it on the street with his other wares and the legality doesn't matter. Right now this drug is super rare outside abortion clinics and is given out for free. Tyrone can't compete with free.
Owen Perry
It doesn't matter how tyrona the sheboon kills her gibslets, but denying the pills to white women is job #1. Making abortions or abortion drugs difficult to get only saves white babies. Niggers will murder their offspring with rocks and sticks if that's all whites leave them, and then they will post it on worldstar hiphop.