They've successfully killed off mosquitoes by gene manipulation

Reading between the lines says they could "genocide" all mosquitoes on the planet right now but aren't only from reasons outside of being capable of doing so. It didn't take them that long to work out a mosquito marker, how long before they work out race markers, and what are the odds that jews don't get their hands on this first seeing as how they're the ones currently in control of everything and with all the money. Who are jews going to kill first? Seems Whites are target #1.

Attached: jew says what.jpg (444x296, 43.1K)

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I could see them running genocide trials on the those who did DNA tests.

We need to exterminate the roughly 17 species of mosquitoes that annoy us.

If jews were in a position to do this, I don't see why they would, because nearly all prominent jews are prominent for one reason–European admixture. They look like us, and they have an elevated intelligence due to ancestral whoredom, and thus their genes are very similar to ours. They'd be killing themselves. Now if chinks got their hands on this, of course they'd want to use it against us. Same with any other race of shit-skin. There's jews, and there's prominent jews, and nearly all prominent jews have one thing in common, and that's European admixture. They couldn't possibly do this to us without doing it to themselves. Also this is good news, to an extent. Has it been shown that they can single out one specific group within a single species? If so, it could be our future salvation from niggers and other shit-skins. If not, it's absolutely worthless.

As for your question OP, gene driving is in no way a threat to anyone. These mosquitoes are exterminated by causing the offspring of female mosquitoes who mated with the genetically modified male mosquitoes to produce 90% male offspring. Thus you get population collapse after just a few generations.
You can't really do that to humans.

But we seriously need to spread the word about gene driving because the world would be a much better place if we exterminated the roughly 17 mosquitoes that plague us.
They eat up my poor gf every time she goes outside and they all deserve to die.

Never underestimate their cult inbred psychopathy. I'm sure they'd already have a cure for themselves if this happens. That's why the celebs and politicians kiss their ass so hard. They know it's coming.

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If on the off chance it did, I just can't see it working to any extent. Every single person on the planet would immediately be against them, because they'd all know they'd be next, and jews, absent us, are in no position to defend themselves from anyone, let alone everyone. People on here really overestimate the ability of jews. Everything they have comes through their ability to blend in with our population. All of their success is, in actuality, our success. Everything they have we made possible. If they tried this against us, they'd be totally exterminated. Maybe save for a few ultra rich few hiding in bunkers (which would be swept up by chinks in the future in the off chance we no longer existed). The rest would be completely annihilated in a month. We'd survive, I'm sure. Even if it happened, we're the ones who'd have the capacity to make it happen, and thus we'd have the capacity to stop it, or at the very least deter it until it kills itself out. I don't see it though. They'd kill well over 50% of their own population in the act. As a matter of fact, their population, being almost entirely urban, would go first. Most of their population does not have access to great wealth or inside information. It makes no logical sense. It'd be suicide on their part. Those who are completely unrelated to us are the ones I'd worry about, and jews, through centuries of whoredom, are very genetically similar to us. Well, all prominent jews, anyway, which are the ones in our countries. Israel is filled with low IQ brown jews; hence why its national IQ is like 94 or some shit.

Jews don't want to genocide us, would a tape worm want to kill it's host? They can't live without us, if they kill us all they have left is a planet full of blacks, Arabs, and Hispanics too stupid to profit off of. Their goal is a mongrel race of brown people that are dumb enough to not be a threat to them, but smart enough to still sustain themselves and make the Jews some money. Just look at how only white people have a net positive contribution through taxes.

I'll clarify that they DO want to genocide us, but they still want our genes to be bastardized with brown people.

Most of them have European admixture, so if this happened, then it would be safe to assume a few hundred million of them would go too.

Wouldn't work. Read the article. The time it would take for this to permeate through a human population and have long term effects would be measured in centuries, and it would be discovered long before it could wipe a population out.

Settle down you alarmist faggot.

What they did is analogous to writing hack code in programming instead of finding a real neat solution.

This shit is impossible on humans, the jews have already investigated this type of warfare and turned up empty handed when they found out that they're too genetically similar to the Palestinians, meaning that they would collateral themselves.

Yeah we can figure out an individual's race by genetic markers. It's impossible to build a viral agent or a bacterium that can identify a host's signature and then act on it.

They are more akin to termites and do not have this sort of foresight you are projecting onto them.

It's structurally impossible in humans. We have an entire standalone chromosome that determines our sex. In mosquitos (like a lot of bugs), it's a poorly understood mechanism that more or less acts like blue eye genes act in humans (from a purely structural, genetic perspective).

To make the sex of hominids lopsided, you'd need to figure out a way to kill off X carrying sperms in the late stages of meiosis.

The Rothschilds would probably put their minds into machines and kill all life on this planet. That is what they believe, after all the void–Saturn.

Israelis where talking about having race specific bioweapons in the mid-90's OP.

Just because it's possible to eliminate a small population in a lab, does not mean that it would be possible to eliminate the entire species.

They do warn against altering the species, not removing it.

The lab mosquitoes are most likely genetically very similar compared to wild mosquitoes around the world, thus while many may get killed it doesn't mean all will.

Think of how some percentage of whites are completely immune to HIV. If, hypothetically, HIV were to become airborne and kill everyone who was not immune, then there would still be people alive who would then breed and the resulting population of humans would be 100% immune to HIV, altering humans forever.

and this is where the 20 jew and you forms and agreements to sign over the rights of your DNA come in, for those saps and suckers that bought into the "fun" idea of "being able to tell where your heritage is from".

(((you))) are the ((voice))) of reason in this hysterical thread. of course human are a lot more complicated than mosquitos, so the same basic patterns of reproduction common to all life forms
simply don't transfer. if the fundamental building blocks driving our instinctual reproduction were
as easy to sabotage to begin White Genocide sometime in the distant future, well, such an act would be so obvious and too enormous to hide.

i mean, it's not like such a process could have already started decades ago, and in hindsight we will only realize that we had it backwards–we didn't extinct the mosquitos and then the kikes foolishly applied the same scientific mechanisms to suicide all of humanity–it happened the other way around.

the first species we extincted simply because we acquired the technologic capability to do so was ourselves, and then we killed all the mosquitos too.

as an aside, i am 100% against extincting the mosquitos. just because i hate the bugs and i hate getting bit by them all the time, i am not so stupid and consumed by hubris to believe this is a smart idea that won't backfire big time and probably extinct us in some unforeseen way in the mother of all unintended consequences.

i absolutely guarantee you the mosquitos serve some hidden purpose in nature, otherwise they wouldn't exist, and we have no idea the doomsday fire we're playing with.

who knows, perhaps some worse species than the mosquitos are suppressed by them, and so after we eliminate the mosquitos, that species will reproduce on an exponential scale, and kick off a cascade of non-linear side effects which we could never have predicted because our idiot scientists are too stupid at math to understand that humanity can barely solve any non-linear math, so nobody can know what the fuck this is going to cause.

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Gotcha, user.

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Good, that would also kill all the ashkenazim, freeing the world from the jew scourge while also drawing huge attention from the nonwhite, gentile world.

Will we die out? Nah. Maybe us on earth, but, see you again in a few million years when the next batch arrives from whichever nook of space our race has originated from.

Also, our species has survived the black death. Bring it on, you hooknose faggots. You already have the most genetic diseases and the least physical prowess, go, attack some white trait marker that your gene stealer kin already incorporated into itself to become the mockery of the human form you foreskin slurping jew faggots are, lelelelelelekekekekekekekeee.

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In all fairness Africa is a massive continent but even still projections can easily be inaccurate and we have no idea where they are basing their projections off of

I can think of one.

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Mosquito should be genocided.
So should ticks, fleas, etc.

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Whites are already cucked beyond repair as Trump, Trudeau, Macron, May and Merkel prove over and over again. The Chinese, Iranians and North Koreans are all much higher on the list than what's left of the european races.

They've done all this work it takes to get this far only to stop short? There can only be one outcome from the work they've done, that is to use it. Expect to see a repeat of monsanto and mad cow "unintended" consequences.

>Mosquitoes' Role in the Ecosystem - They provide food and pollination, but spread diseases

>Mosquitoes can have both positive and negative impacts on the ecosystem. As part of their useful role, the larvae of mosquitoes live in water and provide food for fish and other wildlife, including larger larvae of other species such as dragonflies. The larvae themselves eat microscopic organic matter in the water, helping to recycle it. Adult mosquitoes make up part of the diet of some insect-eating animals, such as birds, bats, adult dragonflies and spiders. They also help pollinate some flowers, when they consume nectar.

>As annoying and dangerous as mosquitoes are, scientists don't want to recommend exerminating all of them, or any other species, unless they're sure there won't be any unintended bad consequences. Thirty years ago, people understood that eradicating one species might affect others, but they looked more for large, obvious changes. Today, scientists examine the ecosystem more closely, since even small changes can produce large alterations over time. Bugs, in general, have a long history of both helping and hurting human life, and interacting with people and the ecosystem in ways one might not expect. A humorous, scientifically accurate book about them, by a professor of entomology is Bugs in the System: Insects And Their Impact On Human Affairs.


2012 Article (?)


Mosquitoes are just beta testing. Invasive fish populations are next, followed by heterosexual (i.e. normal) whites. Watch for mysterious gender imbalances in white families over the next 20 years. They'll go from denying it to blaming mysterious chemicals in the water to gloating when it's too late.

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It wasn't even that high; they revised it online to reflect better on their people, I literally watched them hunt every webpage that listed their IQ (when I started mocking them) and either update it to reflect the new figure of 94 or they closed the page down. In actual texts and book on the topic their average IQ is the exact same as all their 'semitic neighbors' a strong 84 IQ points. So smack dab in the middle of the IQ of Europeans and niggers, which is exactly where it belongs after their love of beasitality and rapemixing with niggers.

Jesus you seem angry. Or maybe just not a native English speaker.

Then you are a faggot. Mosquitoes are useless to everything. Nothing eats them but they parasite off of us and cause us great harm and annoyance. Get rid of them.

Sure, and jews serve a hidden purpose in nature too so let's not get rid of them either. In fact, why get rid of anything? Why drain swamps? Why even brush your teeth and kill the bacteria in your mouth,
You're an idiot.
We need to exterminate the 17 out of 2000 species of mosquitoes that harm us.
17 out of 2000 is nothing. They'll be plenty of mosquitoes left, they just won't suck our blood.

Nothing is being suppressed by mosquitoes. They have the power only to annoy. But they NEED to be erradicated because they're disgusting parasites and they plague me and my gf every time we go outside.

What a great idea, user!

Just keep doing those 23&Me goyim :^)

Literally impossible. Thats not how crspr works. More jewish science fiction larp

T. Biochemfag

Fortunately humans are not an egg laying species and can reproduce multiple and a single altered male won't be able to create tens of thousands of sterile offspring in a single generation. If such a thing does happen and manages to persist for generations it will undoubtedly find its way right back to the kikes themselves first.

this x 10 million. The ecosystem is extremely sensitive to these kinds of changes. It would be the epitome of arrogance to think we can delete species for being annoying.

mosquitoes have killed more people than pretty much every war combined

Blood is more important to these filth (type, and RH factor.) The question then is, which ones, and positive or negative.

can you even think of a single way that mosquito genocide (of the few species that are annoying) could possibly have a negative effect?

Kill yourself faggot, stream it back on half.

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What a fucking waste of didgets.
Only about 17 species out of 2000 fucking mosquitoes harm us. And roughly HALF of the dangerous ones in America are invasive.
So you sit there claiming that exterminating 17 out of 2000 will have disastrous consequences yet we are all trapped in a sea of invasive species and things are fine.
At least kill off the invasive ones. Jesus Christ you people are so timid.
Research just how useless mosquitoes are for godsake. NOTHING eats them. Not birds, not spiders, not even bats. They're useless.


When it's done, let get rid of ticks, fleas and head louses !
Then who's next ?

The truth is in a hostile environment all you can do is be bitter to the point of poison. Trying to eradicate pests is pointless and will likely have unforeseen consequences, like the carrier virus mutates and destroys unintended targets or the extinction of the pests causes a new pests to rise in prominence amplified by the void, etc.

I think you know (((who))).

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OP's point is well taken. The jews have been reported to be working on ethnic specific bio-weapons for decades. And the jews have pretty much taken over our top universities and medical institutions - White Goyim are surprisingly under-represented in Ivy League schools.

The PNAC Zionist jews who were happy to murder so many Goyim on 9/11 are on record as being particularly interested in making an ethnic bio-weapon. (pic related)

That's the bad news.

The good news is that an user can learn the kind of biotech that's necessary for them to engineer a biological 'device' in any university and even some community colleges. (Disclaimer - I'm certainly not suggesting anyone make a weapon - let's presume the goal is to make a "shield" vaccine)

Caucasians have always the most inventive of people.

We need to protect ourselves in this new World of Biological Warcraft… not simply "hope for the best" or rely on the "good intentions" of our enemy.

Whoever makes the first move may indeed win the game completely.

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Whites are the only thing they fear. Japs are a close second but they are tiny in number.

Im afraid we are the last line of defence.

As much as we hate these bugs they are crucial to the ecosystem. There is not a single animal that exists that doesnt benefit another in some way or another. Fucking christ.

Oh for fuck sake man, it's not a carrier virus you imbecile. Read the fucking article. Learn what gene driving is.

Dude, I am with you about biological warfare being dangerous. I would never support using an artificial virus to wipe out an insect because you're right, it could mutate. But gene driving has nothing to do with viruses.

Doubt they will use this to eradicate white people who would work for the jew?
blacks? Spics? Asians? no whites are the most productive members on this earth
they would be sooner to breed us to make half cast mutts
Plus the idea of eliminating mosquito's or "specfic types" need to be throughly reserched b4 pulling the trigger last thing we want is another earth altering move that could set the world back to the stone age "cough Monsantos" Plus why so much hate for the Mosquitos its the most biologically effective tool for controlling populations of blacks we have to date supplied by nature it self
alot of u cunts are quick to jump full 0-100 real quick

This, keep in mind that a parasite should never kill its host, if it wants to survive and thrive. A total extermination of whites is not and probably never will be (((their))) end goal, just breaking their wills and spirit and turning them into near-mindless automaton footsoldiers and servants for their bidding, or breeding them with other races to create a mostly placid, easy to control genetic slop underclass with an IQ somewhere around 90. Or most likely both, with the latter following the former.

They were blaming chemicals in the water 10 years ago, I remember watching a documentary in high school about the population of Sarnia and gender birth ratio shifting

As soon as they can alter your DNA through vaccines, whole swathes of the population are going to become sterile.

Anecdotal, but all summer I've left numerous spider webs up around my house and I've been watching them to see what they catch. They never get mosquitos. I've watched countless mosquitos fly directly into webs and not get tangled at all.


What do you think the mass migration in europe is about?

Didn't Zika come from some released GMO mosquito from some bill gates foundation?

I've noticed this too. I don't know why they don't get caught but I do know why nothing eats the little bastards; except when they're full of your blood, they don't give any neutrients. Catching mosquitoes costs more energy than they're worth.
This is why wiping them out woudn't change anything (except for the better)

Gods, they're such a worthless species. They're like jews.

Didn't Zika come from some released GMO mosquito from some bill gates foundation?

Only the dead have seen the end of this

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Mosquitoes play a vital role in the pollination of plant life. Exterminating them is a dreadful idea that would bring catastrophic repercussions.

arabs, kikes and africans should be worried

This was exactly the premise to a scifi dystopia anime I just watched.

The question is: Why would you want to eradicate pests like this? It largely affects Africans, which in turn would only lead to even more of them surviving to breeding age.


Male mosquitoes live on pollen while the females suck blood.

I wasn't aware. Interesting, thanks.

They already have.
And the "problem Jews" are the Ashkenazim, they are so white that any disease targeting whites would kill them, too (your typical Yemeni Jew has pretty much kept to himself in the middle east, and not become bankers, and not fucked people over).

You should be more afraid of the Chinese engaging in massive genocide. They could easily target everyone but themselves.

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We will win.
Wait and see.


Op, you need to get up to date in your DoD public research records. They already have achieved that. The tech exists in some bio weapons lab just waiting. Its not that hard. They tested it in active war zones by spraying aerosolized common cold that only effects a specifictype of person. Brown hair, skin tone, etc. its already too late. Lol.

You have a copy of that book?

as do kikes so in the end they'll end up holohoaxing themselves.

Here you go

They feed fish and birds you absolute mongoloid

And bats.

In a sense, but this was sterilization, which I'm a proponent of.
What I have a problem with is weak-gene monetarily abundant people deciding what genes are strong and which are weak. Many of them have no idea what strength is and feel that their status in a manipulated environment makes them strong. Those same humans will go forward, hit a roadblock that alters the manipulation and be defenseless against an unknown future, then the entire human race is gone because a handful of weak faggots were born with a silver spoon.

Coupling the above with the fact that the overwhelming majority of the people are self-interested in place of species interested, there will always be bias in what is strong and what is weak. So, how do you determine which genes get to carry forward?

The funniest fake-strong people are those nihilistic sociopaths, who fail at life because they are unable to work together in a team with other people.

Perhaps, so long as the counter to that is a person that can't work alone due to his/her dependence upon others.
I've seen a lot of highly intelligent people unable to make a decision in pressing times, but the moment you tell them what to do, they perform with ease.
Many people can't be self-employed and will go their entire life being the best employee of a company, even though they have the book of business and the know-how to work from home and make 10x's the amount of money.

That is mostly a myth. While birds and bats do occasionally eat mosquitoes, they prefer almost anything else because mosquitoes are not nutritious.
The only thing that actually consumes mosquitoes is small fish. But they're only after the larva.

And by the way, if we exterminate the roughly 17 mosquito species that are awful, there are still another 2000 other species that fish and even birds can eat.
So that is not a good argument to keep these disgusting, annoying, useless parasites.