It's all so tiresome.
The New Upcoming Kavanaugh Delay Tactic: "The FBI Investigation Wasn't Good Enough!"
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Knowing that there already was an investigation pointing out that it wasn't Kavanaugh, having another one won't change the outcome.
Ford might have been raped, but then it would have been with someone else.
Also wasn't there something about repeating the same thing while expecting a different result?
She's too ugly to have been raped. Case closed.
Brett 'the Threat' Kavanaugh
He should stop tweeting and start actually doing something for non-Israelis.
For putting him through this he should give them their worst night mare and make abortion illegal
And repeal the wife-beater laws.
They know they created a monster.
What's next private jew courts? kek
Time for a military coup and purge already.
Why don't you cucks take back your government already, this is beyond ridiculous. There's a reason you're allowed to bear arms.
Instead of having the Sturgis motorcycle rally how about having the biggest motorcycle rally in the world and Trump lets them camp out on the mall. And they all show up packing AR 15's and 9mms on their bikes. And the whole pack of them spend a week just driving in huge swarms around the capitol with no mufflers on their Harleys, all day long and most of the night.
Kind of like a 21st century blackshirts march on Rome only American style; BIG AND LOUD AND FUCK YOU.
Consider the following:
Donald Trump has deliberately and knowingly nominated to the Supreme Court someone who has numerous suspicions regarding his sexual morality. The accusations range from boorish behavior to out right gang rape. In this process, a mantra, both of the Left (to what extent you admit the Sierra Club and brethren are Left) and the Right has been "Women are respectable".
Women are Respectable
We will hear this repeated. This is the thesis. We cannot challenge this belief. It's a truth.
However, problems emerge, one after another, which are juxtaposed "coincidentally" with the notion, such as the existence of quite partisan lawyers (who will not harm their career by potentially taking a shamefully disreputable client, so long as they tow the party line). The list is considerable, things which don't quite add up, or at least SEEM to not add up, SEEM to place the victim in a bad light.
And now Trump extends the deadline, for even more of this.
Women Are Respectable
Nobody can really corroborate
Women Are Respectable
She saved the charges for so late in the game
Women Are Respectable
She didn't apologize to the wife or the children
Women Are Respectable
Other accusers have suddenly appeared, with even more outlandish complaints, but not one has a police report
Women Are Respectable
Women senators tainted the questioning of the accused with tales of actual convicted persons having literally nothing to do with the case
Women Are Respectable
Throughout the process not one woman in the senate, or throughout the left, expressed irritation over how the wife and children of the accused have been abused by the willful actions of the left, in the "process"
And we can imagine that the next events might be:
Women Are Respectable
< The FBI found numerous inconsistencies with the victim's testimony and the factual situation in the town, socially, physically
Women Are Respectable
< The FBI found that the polygraph was not conducted in accord with protocol, at the insistence of the victim
Women Are Respectable
< The FBI found multiple elements of the accused's calendar checked out, and found many witnesses to attest to his character, including an 80 year old woman named Olivia
Women Are REspectable
< The FBI found that the victim had, numerous times, in the past, accused men of similar actions, including prominent individuals
!!! This concludes speculation/imaginary events !!!
If Trump is indeed in charge of the US government, who would be surprised if he used his CIA contacts to find out if it was actually the case that the victim lied or not? As I see it, Trump is utilizing the Hegelian Dialectic to shape mass consciousness away from a belief in women, presumably to assure victory in 2020.
But there could be consequences far beyond 2020.
176 get. Breddy close to 1776 lads.
Nobody touched that girl. She's fucking disgusting. Case closed.
Checked. This is so incredibly hilarious. I hope it goes on and on and on and one. These democrats are so getting shamed by a big league miss.
Interesting. Her mouth is exactly the same as (((Faceberg's))).
Oh. That truly looks totally less 'Stalkery' tho. No really!
Believe it or not, that's Zuckerberg's mouth pasted in, it's not faceapp.
I stopped believing in the boogeyman beneath my bed when I was 6.
At 28, I start believing in him again, holy shit.
Facts are facts. She was utterly unrapeable. Literally that dog in your picture is a preferable option. Sorry dog.
Holy shit bwhahhahahah
The one and only thing she claims to remember is that Kavanaugh done it and everyone she claimed was there, says they weren't if it happened, even her own friend. She just lied, accept it.
Everyone with a brain knows that hideous beast was a virgin for life.
Good post, user.
So this pretty much confirms the whole Amy Shumer thing was a smokescreen psyop?
Let the kikes scream, who gives a fuck about them any more? Just spit in their faces and do what needs to be done.
I dunno guys, she seems a trustworthy and upright individual. I believe her and I think everyone should believe everything she says.
they are already changing the narrative, now he is a drunk with anger issues because he got ass blasted drunk, like everyone else, on high school
Why are they so incredibly scared of Kavanaugh?
Because he tips the balance of the SC.
Because Donald Trump picked him and he's relatively conservative. These fuckwits will do anything and everything they can to avoid letting him have his way, even if giving him a little bit of leeway would ultimately stall out their demise and give them even more time and room to ruin the country.
Things are accelerating because they refuse to cooperate or negotiate. Their insistence on trying to maintain the status quo at all costs is only going to make it worse for them, because all they know how to do is double-down. They think they're right and anybody else is wrong.
Because they're not. Because this is theater. Because both parties are entirely owned by jews. Because you're a fucking lunatic who has fallen for jewish brainwashing and propaganda yet again.
In no way, shape, or form is that true. The SCOTUS hasn't ruled in favor of the Constitution in decades.
We should try to get the ACLU to declare "Hello!" is antisemitic hate speech.
All the blackpill shills who are suspiciously scared of starting the dotr they claim they're all for, what is their primary talking point? That Trump didn't get as much shit done as he should be. But why is that? Because his bills and EOs are being shut down by activist courts. But the SC is the highest instance. The democrats are able to go full obstructionist, because all the lower instances of the court system are biased and anti-Trump, as is the SC. And with kavanaugh as mentions, he tips the balance of the SC in a conservative direction for the first time in a long, long time. Maybe ever. Suddenly, 2 things change. A: If either side of a court case was wronged by a court in a lower instance, it can be pushed up to a higher one, all the way to the SC. So the real, game-changing precedents in law are all decided in the SC and that is what suddenly is conservative (I'll get back to that). B: Bills and motions that the court system previously struck down for the sake of obstructionism, can now be brought further up all the way to the SC, so once the SC is tipped in a conservative direction, if Trump wants something to get done, the court system can't just shut him down any more.
More important for this year: A case is going on within which it will be decided whether NGOs (like the open society foundation aka Soros) are granted the same immunity to class action law suits as national governments. Once that precedent is set in with a conservative SC, imagine class action lawsuits against OSF being a perfectly settled possibility. Imagine how much you could destabilize the financial system by launching class action lawsuits against OSF again and again to force George's masters to hand him more and more fiat money. Those 'rape survivors' who went after Flake turned out to be OSF, I'm willing to bet all the 'women' protestors are OSF, I highly doubt there is no OSF money involved in the democratic and fence-sitting members of the senate, there is a reason OSF is pouring so much money in this.
Being this obvious of a blackpill shill in the current year
best idea I've seen in a while.
I guess the black pill is unstoppable.
the thing is, user, lefties only believe a woman to be automatically right no questions asked if its a rape accusation
Your point might mean something if lower courts didn't delay decisions upheld from the Supreme Court, such as the travel ban
A mix of what >>12218576 and say along with a psyop to get your average right winger on board with defending a Bush-era golden boy who supports the Patriot Act and hires only women
DRINKING is all over MSM, several stories suggesting heavy drinking, surely to be followed by black out drunk, did not know he was gang raping…
Then how do you explain her many cat children?!
It's over for the DNC. Just wait 48 hours.
If anyone was raping anyone, it was pic related.
It's Shareblue up to their tricks. Mods don't seem to care either.
This. While the press is crying about 'muh drinker', and further alienating people from the 'listen and believe' mantra, the accusers are being looked into under the guise of 'investigating' Kavanaugh.
I believe it.
Better to let the shareniggers out themselves because it makes for good redpilling for newfags. If your argument is strong in stance, their niggetry won't be able to stand up to it.
She isn't even claiming she was raped. Have you been listening at all?
Looks like the prosecutor, who questioned Ford and Kavanaugh during the hearing, released a report which she called out for Ford's testimony and her answers bullshit.
What did she say?
Fuck off moshe.
So she wasn't even raped? Then what is the big fucking problem? What is all this kvetching about if nothing even happened?
She's claiming he groped her and that she thought he might try to. She's got no evidence and no witnesses, but listen and believe the woman, goy.
he just eye raped me
If kavanaugh had any faith in being a middle man before, he sure as fuck doesn't now.
You mean the same (((FBI))) that investigated Clinton's email server and determined—against all plain and obvious fact—that no crime was committed? That FBI is going to use this opportunity to completely disassemble the Democrats? Are you huffing benzene again?
The real red-pill is that this isn't simply about the courts. Its to get you to forget about building the wall(which isn't being built) and getting you "woke whites" to support another Zionist on the supreme court. Demographic replacement is happening every minute we are not actively fighting it. Every single minute we are worry about bullshit political theatre instead of building the wall we are losing the battle just a little bit more.
I was thinking this exact thing earlier today. Kavanaugh is pretty much inevitably going to get into the Court, and he's going to be PISSED. The Democrats are really shooting themselves in the feet here, they've created a monster and they're also pretty much ensuring a red wave will hit in November because middle-of-the-road voters hate this kind of seditious bullshit. The best thing the Democrats could have done would have been to just fast-track Kavanaugh through to the Court so that he stays a milquetoast, but they drew blood.
I hope to god he becomes judge dredd over this.
Hey remember that whole thing a few weeks back about deposing Strzok and his ilk, who obstructed those investigations?
Stay black, shillpill
If this bullshit works they'll simply unleash full-tilt personal attacks on every other candidate, & repeat this same bullshit line.
Useless. Why the fuck would you waste your time building a fence like that? The wall isnt some impossible thing to be built once its done. Where the hell is the "How to?"
What the fuck does this celebrity gossip have to do with anything? Both parties are the same people. You both worship pieces of paper printed at will by slimey KIKES. You are both golems. Time for something new because this entire board is just bots KIKES and good goys.
Ford is spectacularly stupid. I'm just going to put this here:
You can’t be on the SCOTUS after the way we have treated you. We are already hearing them say it.
Agreed. I bet he never lets a female anywhere near him ever again. Serves the bitches right. They turned “the biggest champion of opportunities for women” into a bitch hating rage machine.>>12221227
This is as nuts as anything coming from the left. Blasey is a fucking rat trollop, but she just ran into the garage and then made a stupid joke about it moving.
Sadly, on this, we agree.
A rapist has his choice of victim. With freedom of choice, why choose someone who looks like Garth from Wayne's World, when you could rape literally any other woman, any age, size, shape, nationality? Why choose to force your dick into that?