Doxxer of Repubs linked to IP adress of Maxine Waters Staffer

This is the woman who was live doxing Republicans during the Kavanaugh Hearing
Kathleen Mary Sengstock
(301) 649-3917
Current address
1114 Dennis Ct
Silver Spring MD 20901-2172

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Other urls found in this thread:


the term was used very loosely

Nobody cares, fuck Republicans. Sage.

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Nice attempt to slide.

No slide needed its just a fact, shady shit is shady shit regardless how you spin it

Have you niggers sent this info to anyone? Daily Caller, Breitbart?

If you don't send this shit to someone with a big audience or anyone at all then nothing will come out of it.

they already have her name, they just wont realease yet, but since she likes doxxing so much I figured she would appreciate a good doxxing back

Since you like reddit so much, why aren't you there instead of here?

This thread will naturally slide itself because nobody fucking cares about some cat lady doxing Republikikes.

kinda like nobody cares about you, yet you still felt compelled to post another response

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Can you at least try to fit in?

dont worry though, Im still here for ya if you need hug

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So… the tweet that exposed her was deleted and the account responsible was suspended….. "Richard Anderson @Deplor4ble"

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How do you know she did it?

who gives a shit. the purpose of doxing republitards is because you know some unhinged leftists will throw molotovs threw their windows. none of you cowards will do anything to her.

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I’ll post all the responses I want, you kike nigger. Lurk 2 years and stop worshipping Republikikes.

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Karma's a bitch.

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Now that's the spirit! right on :)

It's possible to do both. And to be honest, this place really isn't any better.

IP addressed was traced to coming from inside house of reps after she live posted dox during Kavanaugh hearing, it was furthered traced to an IP assigned to her device during that time period

Fuck off nigger.


Hi, Joan. Be advised I'll rip the skin from your face and force you to stare at it for hours before you die from blood loss, you disgusting fat sack of jewish shit.

It is semi understandable when normies conflate IP and identity, but having that happen here? Where every other thread accuses posters of VPN hopping to feign different identities thanks to alternate IPs? Where the ban page explicitly talks about how bans might not be targeted to you, but rather another person sharing your IP?

So, yeah, apparently this woman used a computer that at one time had an IP that was used a long fucking time later to post the dox to kikepedia. Yep, zero uncertainty there. It's a total lock that she's the culprit. Good work, retards.

Now, if you want to say she should be shoah'd on principle for helping that cunt, Maxine Waters, I would agree.


Drink Bleach you schizophrenic kike.

A few IP addresses from Russia posting maga memes on fakebook apparently was enough evidence for the retarded half of America to conclude that Putin directly interfered with the US election and that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Putin.

insert the photo about leftists eyes here

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From the previous thread:

>Your IP address,, is registered to the United States House of Representatives and may be shared by multiple users of a government agency or facility
>If you are an unregistered user operating from this address, note that it may be possible for your agency or facility's administration to determine who was making contributions from this address at any given time and abuse reports may be sent to its network administrator for further investigation

Meaning this isn't like the free wireless at McDonald's where any nigger can stroll in, hop on, and post anonymously, plus, iirc from the Imran Aman and Debbie Wasserman Schultz threads, all those devices are registered.

Also, a brief history of their activity:

Have a coke, you nice gentleman.

Lol no surprise its a jealous femcel cat lady

Just stop digging the hole.

You're presuming a static IP. You're presuming no NAT. You're presuming no interval reassignment of IPs/netblocks. Finally, even if all those presumptions held, you're presuming only a single person uses that device.

This kind of flawed reasoning reminds me of the time anons were looking at photos of the Boston Marathon crowd and identified "prime suspects" that had oddly shaped backpacks… and subsequently it was found that none of those "suspects" were at all involved.

Like I said, shoah her on principle for being a Maxine Waters collaborator, but don't chain together tenuous presumptions and expect to be correct.

except it was in the timeframe of a month. and you can sure as hell bet your ass that they assign specific IPs to specific devices in that network.

There's no way that a congressional network isn't behind NAT though.

the house/congress owns that entire /16. it's internet-facing

Has anyone tried calling her and asking if she did it?

Looks like the kikes are deploying countermeasures at a high intensity. Go fuck yourself, Yeshua. Your kike smiegal-goblin looking creature is doxed. The oven's preheating.


Gofundme in 3… 2…

H helloo
If you are looking for harassment, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you kill yourself now, that'll be the end of it.

Is this also the same person who wrote Graham phone numbers and home addresses at wikipedia?

just pose as a journalist following up on rumors. a single phonecall in no universe could be construed as harassment

Good find, user!
She also has an e-mail.

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And it really is one hell of a coincidence that out of those thousands and thousands of possible IPs it leads right to a person who would be singularly motivated to post that info

I've never understood why normalfags put so much info about themselves on the internet

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Who got this dox first?

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The apparent source of the info:

It's to make it look like an open CV. Possibly due to laziness that you don't have to write every time a CV.

her personal cell number is (240) 381-7189

Got any recordings yet?

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this, someone call her and spoof your CID as coming from maxine waters office so she'll pick it up

You missed the first post, moshe. No shekels for you.

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How do people do to keep jobs for that long? Don't they get bored? Or am I the only one who's like that?

Does she look like a very exciting person?

No, she looks pretty bland, but I'm starting to pay attention to it a lot, everyone seems happy with their jobs and I can't seem to be able to give a fuck about mine.

That pic is a tranny right?

Just an old cat lady, just look at amanda marcotte, this woman is her future.

Jewish women are so fucking hideous it's hard to tell

anons keep saying "she" but that thing isn't a she…

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I don't wonder about that as much as I wonder why they dox the enemy from work.

nice using the term "slide" improperly. gb2reddit dumbass

the people pulling stunts like these are triggly-puff tier morons. i'm not surprised by it at all and it is exactly what I would expect a leftist to do

None of that matters. Optics matter to normalfags, and the optics of this situation say that somebody under Low IQ Maxine put this information out there for the supposed purpose of threatening these high-ranking Republicans. Possibly with the approval or knowledge of Waters.

They can claim fake, but given recent statements, it's more than likely that what this user says is the case; remember, overwhelmingly so, these people are fucking idiots who can't into technology.

Come on, man. Think about who you're up against here.

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bc there are tons of people that use that network, and anyone telling you they've narrowed it down to a particular office is a liar

In that case, there actually is a pretty good chance that the IP belongs to one of Sengstock's devices.

This is one of those people who you really don't want to think about too much. I'm guessing her life and character are beyond creepy. I bet she tortures cats and pees while in the tub.

ill bet everything i have that her bush is unbelievably hairy and stinky

That's a fucking dude.

Grosse Pointe is one of the whitest richest places in MI


Jew mad, bro?

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So send it an email that seems legit, and analyze the headers for originating IP address.

It is very cohencidental that the IP would belong to a staffer whose boss has already called for the real-life harassment of conservatives. And considering that the network very likely assigns static IPs to specific devices, isn't behind a NAT, and Sengstock's forum post was made a month prior to the Wikipedia edits, it is a very reasonable guess that it was her–or as was pointed out, at least done from a device she used to post on the forum.

At the very least, it was hilarious seeing Waters chimp out about it.
…we need evidence for accusations now?
…you mean like the harassment you advocate against Republicans?

Why are they so ugly, lel

Dox her parents. Orin hatch is the same age her parents would be.

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Surely this warrants an investigation?

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How do you know? Why wouldn't they release the story then?

That's the thing. Ricin is so easy to make that even though the stuff sent to the WH and Pentagon ended up being just crushed castor beans, someone is going to get inspired and start sending actual ricin to politicians' homes.

She has this look that just screams 'Soviet Communist'.

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The leaker got arrested, his name is Jackson Costco.

Attached: Capitol staffer arrested for leaking GOP Senators' info (360p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC)

More info about Dox arrest

Staff to the same lady passing notes to Ford and her jew cronies, yes?

Just noticed that a NYT article titled 'Christine Blasey Ford’s Credibility Under New Attack by Senate Republicans' doxxed the boyfriend who revealed information proving she lied under oath.

Maxine Waters is the one who said leftard should raid restaurants and harass people, the fat nigra who gave a letter to the lawyer is another one.

Not at all. I am able to recognize when people are repeating the same mistakes in this regard, though.

That's not a given. Regardless, erstwhile developments have borne out my call for caution.

Now go shoah all those staffers and interns for participating in genocide against us. We don't need "doxing" as an excuse.

the very same

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Pic of Cosko, first page of a search.

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cute dude