I've been reading some books on Taiwanese history and wanted to interpret some of this for you guys. For everyone that doesn't know: Modern Taiwan was originally formed by Chinese nationalists that fled Mainland China after being defeated by the communists. The leader was Chang Kai Shek. He created a party called the Kuomintang. They were a nationalist "dictatorship" that was in power for most of Taiwan's history. They identified as Chinese and believed that they would return to China and reunite China and Taiwan as a unified nationalist country, but as Taiwan democratized, the power started to shift to other parties like the current ruling party: the Democratic People's Party (this is the ZOG POZ party).
Basically, the DPP is all about keeping Taiwan separated from China, brainwashing people that the Chinese are spreading fake news and trying to meddle in their affairs, and doing everything possible to break down Chinese culture in Taiwan so that people don't feel a shared kinship with China.
Anyway, since there are lots of opportunities in China and Taiwan is beginning to stagnate, lots of Taiwanese poeple are going to the mainland for work. The DPP is using this as an opportunity to say "since we're losing lots of people to China, we should open our doors to immigrants and rapefugees". If the DPP can hold onto power (and fully delegitimize the Kuomintang and other opposition parties) - Taiwan WILL get flooded with every type of scum. IMO Taiwan is getting close to that point and you can hear the tectonic plates shifting if you know where to listen.
Lol, not the Taiwanese. They are opening thier doors to "medium skilled workers", foreign professionals, and skilled foreign students. This is THE entry point for POZ. Once a few waves come, they can start pushing for lower tier scum and rapefugees. Just give it a couple of years.
Posting this just in case, don't want no filthy subhuman mainlanders shitting up this thread.
Gavin Young
Stay strong Taiwan. You're the true China.
Dylan Myers
Are you serious? Did you read OP?
Cooper Collins
Gavin Roberts
Because the Japs are the only race outside of Europe that show creativity and can make civilization. Whites have a kinship with them. Chinks, gooks, and the rest of the shit asians are just bugmen.
Aaron Watson
Probably the braindead retard who thinks spamming Chinese F2P/MMO chatrooms is a good hobby to have when Whites are facing a genocide.
Nolan Thomas
I fail to see a problem here. Swarming millions of 70 IQ, ant-like, dog-eating subhuman slants bred by Mao have nothing in common with the Han ethnicity and no claim to Chinese heritage. Are you implying it isn't so? Commies have been trying to subvert and destroy Taiwan since the moment of its creation. Even now, occupation of the island remains their #1 military goal. Look at what these animals are doing in Hong Kong. Now that's just plain bullshit. Taiwan is the last bastion of actual Chinese culture, which has nothing in common with what red-assed insects across the Formosa are trying to pass off as culture.
You guys are all a bunch of Autistic neckbeards. Japanese have nothing in common with western neckbeard whites. They are very similar to Chinese and Japanese. Japs and Gooks are just as Jewy as Chinese people are. China just has the added pressure of having a MASSIVE population to deal with. Imagine living in a country filled with 1.4 billion chinks that you hae to compete with, without becoming a soulless bug.
Jose Cox
Are you Taiwanese?
Lucas Parker
Yeah I feel like a Jew saying this but the weaker Asian countries are, the better off we will be.
Liam Jenkins
Samuel Watson
I agree, because they're the only peoples with an inkling of challenging whites for supremacy of the planet.
Parker Clark
Japan was a primitive backwater before contact with Europeans.
Jackson Hall
uh, Jews are doing a good job of challenging both whites and Asians. Jews have already subjugated whites and are looking at Asia next.
Brody Lewis
Because Japan is a great, clean, safe, "first world" nation. Taiwan is fine, but it doesn't have enough money or a good enough economy to attract millions of migrants to travel millions of miles. Something to keep an eye on, but luckily I think they'll be ok.
Brody Watson
do it, that will weaken china when they try to absorb the island.
Juan Stewart
1. spread taiwan propaganda among expatriated/1st world 2nd, 3rd, etc. gen taiwanese immigrants 2. they converge from all over the world on the internet and make memes 3.??? 4. china becomes the next japan easy
Adrian Jones
Maybe if China had not been aren't over by communists and all their history, tradition, religion, and old beliefs torn down, but modern day Chinese are nothing like Japanese in terms of culture. Genetically they may not be that dissimilar, but the Chinese are victims of very unfortunate circumstances.
Fortunately China and India are in a mini Cold War so I hope to God that they just eradicate each other of the face of the planet.
Levi Miller
They're doing this right now in Australia. Australian professors are afraid to criticize China - especially professors of politics and history - because Chinese students will retaliate. China got Australian universities addicted to easy money from China in the form of bankrolling international students, and now our universities are shit scared to pull the plug. China has also been using debt-trap diplomacy all over the Pacific and the Indian oceans and tried to do the same here. Fortunately we woke up, but half our businesses will do the bidding of China (e.g. not referring to Taiwan as a separate destination, you now have to go China and then pick Taiwan in a dropdown menu). Don't let your nations' institutions get addicted to easy Chinese money, bar it at all costs. Once they're in the back pocket of the Chinese you will have lost them.
Asher Parker
Please don't think on the effect of three and a half decades of one-child policy on China in terms of dysgenics theory that Zig Forums is so fond of.
Landon Hill
Related article: unz.com/article/dysgenics-and-low-creativity-why-china-cant-save-civilization/ You should however bear in mind that Lynn and Vanhanen used un-standardized, self-reported IQ data. So the 105 IQ figure is bullshit. Also for IQ and other academic tests, China is known to only test cities like Shanghai and Beijing and report these numbers as estimates for the nation, ignoring all the dumbfuck chink farmers.
Also in the article something quite funny which proves the meme that chinks are collectivist, low-creativity drones.
Eli Miller
Decades of the mainland being eternally obsessed and enraged at taiwan's success and civilization, and subversion at every level getting exponentially worse, doesn't paint a pretty picture for taiwan's future.
Wyatt Hall
Oh no, free flow of capital destroys again. Imagine all the profits not you will get.
David Reyes
we should never have abandoned these poor chinkies
Brayden Robinson
Wouldn't be a good thing if China got crammed full of niggers and rapefugees? That way it will become even harder to hide how bad an idea it is.
Elijah Martin
Shouldn't you be boiling a puppy or boot partying a toddler right now, Yang?
Fucking soulless ant people get completely shitter shattered when some ant people try to act like they have souls.
Ethan Adams
Seems normal. Thats why chinka does and why the taiwanese shouldn't buy into their communist bug bullshit. taiwan is a japanese colony anyway.
Zachary Ward
Island chinks are fine in my book, it is the mainland chinks who are a disgrace to all mankind.
Christopher Bell
Oy vey my fellow yellow people, we must have immigrants or Taiwan will not survive
Oliver Long
"Taiwanese" are just chinks. It's not a different nation.
Jacob Brown
I find peculiar that all countries have brain drain. Where do they all go if everyone is going away?
Adrian Rogers
because kikes promote America as some sort of haven. If the immigrants who are skilled can go back, they can lift their own people out of trouble.
Lincoln Parker
Translation: I was watching anime before I took the redpill therefore I feel bad about being mean to the Japs specifically
I went to Taiwan recently and there was a gigantic group of kikes on my flight. Easily 100 people. They must be up to something there.
Either way, I don't think Taiwanese will be easily swayed by emotions like western Europeans, but in the end any pozzed government can force things down people's throat.
Levi Phillips
OP here. I live in Vancouver, a city that is 75% Chinese (regardless of official statistics). They are not creative because all of their energy is spent trying to understand status heirarchies. They all dress nive, have nice things, and in general act like movie stars, but they dont really think about anything else. They dont have the drive to understand the world that europeans do. Asians will only learn something if it will help them make money and gain status. They're not stupid, but they're just kind of the opposite of western white austists.
Communist bugman detected. Communists have no culture, they pretty much eradicated it. Republic of China is the only one carrying on the Mandate of Heaven. The CCP are pretty much composed of power hungry psychopaths and don't care for the people.