Semi related to this thread, but since didn't want to start my own, I write this here:
Society seem to be unsalvagable by now, and humanity needs a hard reset. By this I mean, society is broken in so many ways, that it's is way harder to try to fix it, than to rewrite the rules of human engagement from the start, with an apocalyptic scenario.
Easiest way for a hard reset, is to start a massive plague, that wipes out most of the city dwelling population around the globe, and only lets rural people stay alive, in small isolated communities. Those communities, without global oversight, could make up their own rules, without hitting obstructions (regulations) everywhere in the way that keeps the current scam together. (noone would bother you for killing any darkies on sight, growing your own crops, having weapons, collecting rainwater, hunting, fishing, collecting firewood, you could claim your own land etc…)
Now the easiest way to kickstart a global plague, is to infect passengers at a western airport, Paris, London, or New York, all of those check the entering passengers for sickness, with heat cams, etc, but none of those check the outgoing passangers, and the third world shitholes where they go from these cities won't check arrivals either. So if you could infect significant number of passengers in Paris airport, with a virus that can infect quickly, leave the infected functional for a couple of days, with mild enough symptoms for them not to panic, but gets deadly in a week or so, you could infect most mayor cities earlier than they could shut down global air traffic, then most people would be wiped out.
Could I do this? No, I lack access to the virus, or funds for the plan. Why do I write this here? Because if anyone could carry this out, they should. Why? Because there is no time to wait, the internet is getting censored everywhere, the elites (kikes) want to exterminate whites, and "NPC"s won't even notice it because of propaganda until it's too late, while the first world is getting flooded with infinity niggers. By now even those who are not NPC's shown they don't have the means to prevent this, or even if they do, they won't because of apathy, seeing how shitty NPC's (normies) are. The few white kids, who by a rare chance being born, instead of aborted, are propagandised from kindergarden to grave, being drugged and sedated by pills & goy feed, and harvested for organs or used as slave labor for kikes. There is no saving of current society, hard reset is a must for the white race to survive.