Final Solution of the NPC Question



This means that the average person only thinks in speech about 25% of the time.

Link to actual paper cited in Psychology Today

Link to other paper by same authors describing their methodology for testing introspective “Descriptive Experiences”

Other related links

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Other urls found in this thread:

[spoiler]Maybe the inner voice, is the false conciousness implanted into you by media, education and religious indoctrinaton? You guys confuse the two. You and Voice. Or inner monologue. Stand up straight, walk a straight line and say out loud repeatedly "I am not walking". Sit down and oh please, please tell me again what is >>you

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Go back to leddit, faggot.

What does this even prove, that it's possible to lie to yourself?
At any point I could decide that what I'm thinking is glaringly false and stop walking to make it true.

I could do the same 'experiment', but using nigger tier thought and just imagining myself visually staying in place, and it'd have the same meaning as me lying to myself with my voice.

Your inner voice isn't you. You are not lying to yourself. You are observing a thought which is passing by. Go stand up and do the exercise. Experience it. Sit down and think about what just happend. Are you, your thought you, or not? Fear, Happyness, Anger, Sadness are tools for surrivel, they ain't you. All your rational thought are also always charges by those emotions without really noticing it. Look at them, your thoughts, like you would look at a hammer. How to do think you gonna defeat the jew if you are clinging to emotions? I am not saying don't think, but don't confuse yourself as a beeing with your thoughts.

Stop smoking weed you nigger holy shit. I can think whatever sentence I want to think, even shit like "I'm a fish" it doesn't matter since I know its not true. If you believe every thought you conjure verbatim you wouldn't be able to plan anything. If thoughts just force themselves into your thinking, it's called intrusive thoughts, a mental illness.

If it's true that most people are tumbleweeds between the ears, why is pic related such a big deal?
My mom does yoga, meditates, I hear a lot about "stilling the chattering mind" from her.
Seems dubious, like some kind of "we give you goyim of your own to despise and blame and resent."
One report on a site little better than is sure getting talked about a lot.

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They are me. Thoughts are expressions of the mind, the highest function of the mind that draws from all the rest. Unless you have a brain fucked by memetics, one will always have complete control of anything that they think.
How can you say that they aren't part of you?

Inner-voice = Logos = Logic = self.

Inner-dialoge = rationalizations and empathy = considerations = strategy and adaptations

I saw some pathetic larping alt-right youtube douchebags who can't even comprehend this. NPCs are doing everything they can to justify the fact that they have no inner-voice btut behave like trained dogs.
See this poor zombie:

Absolute confusion in every sentance. Mixed ideas, emotional appeals, "your survival isn't you". It's sad really.

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They adapt by consensus and their strategies are also "hive-minded".

It is scary that we are governed, managed and "protected" by these people. They shouldn't even vote.

-no inner voice
Do animals seem like NPCs to you?

-no free will
-no autonomy
-no decision-making
-no self-awareness
-no consciousness
Does any human you consider NPC really have none of the above?

Use the right term. Mindlessly following in using the NPC term when an NPC is not what you are describing makes you an NPC by your erroneous definition.

What other Thread?
You Kikes invented "Incel" considering Your IQ is 95 You probably stole NPC.
Wait… The Jews would never be this stupid… Bucktooth nigger is that You?

Yeah, that's the definition of one. I think maybe you're confusing the actual real world science with the faggy little video games you play. It's not suppose to be a perfect example of your faggy little boy video games. It's a joke about something that's real.

Free will is a NPC christcuck diatribe. Free from what? From (((YHWH))) or (((satans)))?
yes, they're programmed from birth. They're barely real. Even dogs have more autonomy than normies.
limited: consumer choices, yes/no, instincts… ect. Like a dog with language.
yes, they're have very little self-awareness outside of their physical body or other people's reactions to them. Like a dog
limited to body and how others respond to them, like a dog

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It's cringe as fuck watching someone force a meme.

But the kikes obviously want us to blame other slaves for the state of the world, and push their elitist thinking on the people that are dangerous to them. Next they'll probably say we're all kikes just like them.
It's not going to work. If we wanted to be like you, we would've taken any of the thousands of opportunities already presented for easy gain at the cost of someone else.
Your time is up, kike. The war is not coming, it's already begun. You're the only walking dead here.

Remember this all started when the mainstream media published that disgustingly self-congratulatory article.

Sure, but we are above them and that's fine. Human NPC's though are pure waste.

ITT NPCs don't know they're NPCs and call others NPCs whilst misusing the acronym.

Another pseudo-scientific "study" which skews the worldview of even many "awakened" people.

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what a shock

this tbh
It's mostly self congratulatory nonsense

Western yoga is cringe tier. Meditation is intended to speed up thought. To bring one thing into focus during stressful situations. In our day to day lives we experience sensory overload. People lose the ability to maintain focus on a specific task. Look at the infographic of the ooda loop I posted. Meditation is intended to enhance your senses. Martial Art users spend years perfecting this ability. Warriors through all the centuries have practiced it. Average people like NPCs fall to pieces. They cannot see through the chaos. Just observe humans during mass panic. Self preservation is one of our strongest instincts. Watch the video and try to pick out the 3 types of people involved.

Odda loop

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Their religion says there's slavery in heaven, these are not sane people.
Even the Muslim's houris in paradise LIKE the d and enjoy their work.

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Beep! How fast can you condition a NPC? Watch this video. Beep!

Hivemind + herdmind, of course we can predict how she'd behave.

Glad you picked up on that meme. Dude you seriously can't make this up. And don't think for a second research such as this is not being used for insidious purposes. It is. Marketing spends billions in researching. Social media has been a huge experiment. Once you become aware of your cage the cage no longer can imprison you.

Zig Forums in a nutshell

Beep! Sure is, thats why A person who thinks independently needs to stand tall in the sea of piss or drown. Beep!

Meanwhile Zig Forums cities the current year to shame sheep into their cult.

I've finally realized what meditation is for. Meditation establishes a balance and link between the intestines and the mind. The intestines have an wide network of neural tissue called the enteric nervous system. This is sometimes called the second brain. It can operate autonomously from the brain and neurotransmitters are closeley linked. There are more serotonin receptors in your enteric system than your brain. 90% more. The parasympathetic link, the vagus nerve can be stimulated and resolve depression. I believe meditation synchronizes and calms the link between the too. It's not to fucking quiet chatter. It's to guide you and work as a whole. This is where the chakra bullshit comes from. It's just nerves and organs, stress and cohesion.

Jewish neuroticism and vices lead me to beleive that they have large amounts of intrusive thoughts. This means that to them, they want to quiet their conciousness. This spills over into caucasians who think they need to do the same thing. If jews have a predilection to alter reality to fit their inconsistencies, then this carrys a moral price. this wears on them (even though they are better at ignoring it) and they meditate to silence their voice instead of synchronize and still it.

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Gustave Le Bon wrote about this subject in 1895. The Crowd by Gustave Le Bon (1841 - 1931) Audiobook. Yes it is close to 6 hours long. This requires some dedication. If you do so, you're likely not a NPC.

Quieting your mind IS meditation. It puts you in touch with your subconscious, which may come from your "second brain".
The subconscious knows the truth. It collects basic information and unlike the mind it can't lie to itself. I think the kikes are not in touch with it, hence their neuroses.
It's the thing that makes them act out in weird ways by whispering to them that they're going to get gassed, while their mind says they have more money and power than god. They may lie to themselves and say they will never be found out, but the subconscious knows that sooner or later the truth always comes out.

Reciting mantras is a form of self brain washing. Just so there is no confusion. Kikes have infiltrated the new age movement long ago.

You want to find out about this for yourself instead of listening to these brain dead idiots. Their job is to lie to you.
Read the Gnostic texts, it's where most of this stuff sources from anyways.

People are better off reading this themselves.


You want to know the true reason for "NPCs"?

Intake of books being replaced by excessive intake of movies, music and video games.

I agree, I guess the emphasis was poorly worded. I mean to say, I don't think we should silence our mind. Some people meditate to shut off their mind, but it should be to quiet, organize, and synchronize.

Good point

For those who prefer to read this on their own. Here is a link to a pdf


Portnoy's Complaint, Philip Roth, I read this a few years ago.
It's the diseased chatter of a mind that won't shut up and feels like the protagonists worst enemy. Thanks for the puzzle piece.

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There was a great thread on halfcuck's /fit/ about one aspect of it

about how to be more practical about this knowledge. We are already adapting to the lore lol. But it makes me wonder, why are we always in such stages?

This process has been true for jew hate, nigger hate, lots of things about the world. But some people stay in this first reactionary stage, often just at the second one. I wonder why.

The CIA's findings on unconsciousness and the Gateway Experience are a must read for anyone serious about searching for the truth:


While it's a pretty nice study, the sample size is a bit too small. How would one go about expanding this kind of research?

Missed that first post, huh Chaim?>>12217550
Citation needed.

Many anons posted links to similar research. You should really read the thread instead of being a lazy fuck.

I wonder though, what could tertiary sources of evidence being for it? Could npcdom explain the 60% obesity/overweight ratio's? I mean, in order not to be fat, you just need to know how to count calories. Thats about it really. Is "counting calories" part of an inner monologue type of skill?

Junk DNA is likely functional, but partitioned by skynigger archontic merchants. There exists persons, 'NPCs' disproportionately affected by this in a sort of phenomenological autism: these are your Christine Blasey Ford idolators and CNN regulars. And in a limited sense, no polfag wasn't one in a meaningful way before becoming a polfag.

Really is the end of days when TOR niggers speak undissimulating plain sense

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Thread wasn't updating for me at the time, my bad

To accept this requires the swallowing of several black pills. This is why many people have a hard time accepting it. Because, simply it destroys everything they have ever been taught/brain washed into believing since the age of 5. The creation of social media just strengthens these paradigms. So outside their group think subs they feel vulnerable and force society to accept what ever delusions that makes them feel comfortable.

This is what happens when you get to close to a Nigger NPC mob.

what in the actual fuck is this garbage
imagine being this depersonalized

The shit he is spewing is possibly misdirection or he/she is mentally ill. I noticed these threads bring the certified crazies out.

Banned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye

Kanye will expose the Jew

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Semi related to this thread, but since didn't want to start my own, I write this here:
Society seem to be unsalvagable by now, and humanity needs a hard reset. By this I mean, society is broken in so many ways, that it's is way harder to try to fix it, than to rewrite the rules of human engagement from the start, with an apocalyptic scenario.

Easiest way for a hard reset, is to start a massive plague, that wipes out most of the city dwelling population around the globe, and only lets rural people stay alive, in small isolated communities. Those communities, without global oversight, could make up their own rules, without hitting obstructions (regulations) everywhere in the way that keeps the current scam together. (noone would bother you for killing any darkies on sight, growing your own crops, having weapons, collecting rainwater, hunting, fishing, collecting firewood, you could claim your own land etc…)

Now the easiest way to kickstart a global plague, is to infect passengers at a western airport, Paris, London, or New York, all of those check the entering passengers for sickness, with heat cams, etc, but none of those check the outgoing passangers, and the third world shitholes where they go from these cities won't check arrivals either. So if you could infect significant number of passengers in Paris airport, with a virus that can infect quickly, leave the infected functional for a couple of days, with mild enough symptoms for them not to panic, but gets deadly in a week or so, you could infect most mayor cities earlier than they could shut down global air traffic, then most people would be wiped out.

Could I do this? No, I lack access to the virus, or funds for the plan. Why do I write this here? Because if anyone could carry this out, they should. Why? Because there is no time to wait, the internet is getting censored everywhere, the elites (kikes) want to exterminate whites, and "NPC"s won't even notice it because of propaganda until it's too late, while the first world is getting flooded with infinity niggers. By now even those who are not NPC's shown they don't have the means to prevent this, or even if they do, they won't because of apathy, seeing how shitty NPC's (normies) are. The few white kids, who by a rare chance being born, instead of aborted, are propagandised from kindergarden to grave, being drugged and sedated by pills & goy feed, and harvested for organs or used as slave labor for kikes. There is no saving of current society, hard reset is a must for the white race to survive.

Ding ding ding we have a winner!
Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
- Talmudic hate literature


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There is a thing such as doing too much shrooms and LSD, user. Lay off for a while. I mean, I get what you are trying to convey; the idea (from Buddhism and meditation) that your ego is not defined by your thoughts and feelings. But in the garbled schizotypal way you phrase it, you'll never convince anyone.

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Dude his brain is fried, tripping on acid more than 6 times, he is mentally ill. He is never coming back. Kikes love pushing LSD on undeveloped brains.

Every other race are NPCs.

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This could be true. The only real entity in your universe may very well be you. It's one of the punishments laid out in the Gnostic texts. Read Pistis Sophia. It explains everything about NPCs and what they are. Read the Book of Enoch, too. There are other texts, but these are a good start.

To be fair, the setting can have an effect. She's in an already controlled environment. They should do that experiment out in the open. Like a crowd of people on a busy high street. That would weed out the real sheep.


Captain Obvious

As is a lot of reference material, user.

In college we conducted a similar experiment with similar results. You can see this effect in social media. If you follow my chain of posts in this thread you can see I have presented multiple examples. When we achieved this I was always taken back how easily it was done. By no means am I an expert. But there are people who are, now imagine what they are capable of with a billion dollar budget.

The iron in hemoglobin is not ferromagnetic retard.

I was just pointing out that doing that type of experiment in that type of environment isn't the best example. Even the most non-conformist of people would probably stand up just because they would think that the waiting room wants them to stand up for some reason. They're not just "copying the other people" to conform.

The Asch conformity experiment is a better example.

Possibly, whenever I eat I always ask myself how many calories I've already had, how much more can I intake, and if I decide to succumb to extra calories I plan to eat less the next day. I can imagine the mindless drones just grab whatever food they've been wired to consume.

So, you mean, just let the kikes win? Bravo user you pieced together an extremely poignant solution, giving up. But no really you just stated exactly what the kikes plan to do according to their (((guidestones))) but then said "durr but we do it insted of dem but iunno how me make superflu" "also everything is fucked and you should give up and just expect death go- guys!" Brilliant.

Don't poison your mind with evil levantine myth.

For what? The toilet?
The bottom and the right part are obvious bullshit.

For what? The toilet?
The bottom and the right part are obvious bullshit which also contradict each other since the right side doesn't even list the US while it says 25% were Amerigaaaan.

*innovating the toilet

Checked. I get what you're saying. The money was already spent on research and the outcome became classified. Unless it is low level research. Academia is not about revealing truths. What ever research becomes the property of whom ever paid for it. Darpa, DOD, etc.

Which part of quieting your mind sounds like reciting mantras to you? Or are you just repeating what you are told?

Then the kikes who released the plague (typical kike, can't do anything out in the open), would send their zogbots to destroy those communities one by one. They'll keep a few sanctuary cities for slaves obviously.

I propose an experiment. Gas the jews and see if people still behave like slaves too tired to think.

Most of that new-age shit is like that. You ever look into their eyes and see the glassy stare? California is loaded with these fruitcakes. You must get out and experience every aspect of this freak show. What you consider to be meditation and what these freaks considered meditation are 2 different things. You thinking from the classical sense. These retards jam a quartz dildo up their ass and do mantras to cleanse their spiritual colon.

If you have to resort to calling people NPCs than you have already lost the argument. While I believe that NPCs are a real thing, it doesn't matter if they exist since calling people NPCs is not a winning strategy. The Dems will win this November. FACE it LOSERS!!!!


You're an NPC and it's not worth having arguments with NPCs because they can't comprehend the world in a logical way. Like you, they just shout out slogans and buzzwords which they have been trained to emit. They're barely conscious, and not sentient.

No one was talking about the election idiot, BTW You're the only one to mention it. FYI Republitards are much of the problem as their counterparts the Libtards.

Face it the NPCs are going to wreck you unless there is some kind of anti-NPC hate brigade dedicated to lynching them. Why do you think that college professors and academica use the word conscious over and over again and have even used the same exact dialogue as the communist factions in Wiemer Germany. It is because the marxists know how to control people very well and have actual power.

NPC detected

Republitards have control of both the house and the sentate and yet they still do nothing but scream at the Dems for their failures. John McCain is dead so there is no reason for obstructionists to exist. This just proves my point that Republitards are spineless wimps that love pozzholes and drinking soylent like a true beta male.

2 sides of the same coin.

All it takes is googling Know Your Cocksucker to know that you have already lost the culture war.

NPC thinks it won

You may enjoy this Anons long winded but accurate post.

Fucking NPCs

NPC thinks its on a team

NPC thinks it can be redpilled.
doesn't know what that means

The internet isn't just being censored, it is getting outright replaced. I hope you enjoy your Solid pods. It is like Tide Pods but even better.

Fucking kek. user why you no want to participate in the quartz dildo ritual?

Okay, go on then. What timetable did they give you to push this before they're fucked? Looks like half a week by the way you're posting.

Nah they're mostly droids, they can't do anything serious.


NPC thinks 'they'
NPC thinks its funny
NPC think 'they' are fucked
NPC thinks mantras didn't silence his inner-voice
NPC thinks ancient matrna and ego-death wasn't a cult of comfy Aryan men who couldn't deal with so much success and Logos stimuli but still no answers to the mysteries of life… so they wanted to become like NPC South Indian tiny niggers that were fucking their Aryan sisters in ancient India

NPC thinks Bhuddism isn't NPC training for non-NPCs who are troubled.

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how do you cure yourself of npcism

Start thinking with words.

Stop seeking the approval of others

Just finished looking at "Solid" seriously wtf

And do you have a lot of "jewish art"?